Trouble (12 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              “What is going on with you?” I stare at her in disbelief, I mean seriously she don’t know?

              “I cannot stand for him to be happy and moving on. I saw them when I was leaving the bathroom and it had me stopped dead in my tracks. I also saw Gage there he told me that Brandon loves me, but he can’t risk it. I know I do, but it doesn’t mean that it hurts any less. I am so screwed up. On a good note, I decided that you were right. I’m going to accept NYU and I’m going there in the fall and start my life with, oh so amazing college boys and live my next four years my way. No Brandon, no hurt, and I can see Mark whenever.” Ashley smiles at me as I come to my decision.

              “I am so glad, because I got my acceptance letter too. Bff’s till the end and Gage is going to graduate this year and move up there with us. I didn’t want to say anything, because I would stay here with you. I love you La and it’s you and me till the end. Chicks before Dicks, Hoes before Bros, and mainly Sisters for life.” I feel the tear slid down my face while she grabs me for a hug.

              “I am going to have a cigarette before bed. Tomorrow will be an interesting day.” She nods before heading upstairs. I walk in the back yard and wish I had a hammock. I sit on the patio chair propping my feet up on the table and think about where I am heading. It’s weird when you think of that one person and sharp pain comes through your heart. Why can’t I have it like in the movies? I am only allowed to be alone, because my parents signed a document stating I am my own adult. That was a mandatory thing before they left. If it wasn’t for that I am pretty sure I would be living with Ashley. I go inside, but I am not tired. I turn on the TV and surf through channels as I fall on The Secret Circle I push play. I am half way through it when I hear the phone start ringing making me jump. This show is really intense. I walk to the foyer table to answer it. I don’t even look at the name as I am still fully watching the show.

              “Hello.” I push pause not wanting to miss any more of it.

              “Hey you. What are you doing?” I pull the phone away from my ear and see Brandon’s name displayed across the screen.

              “Watching this show that is so good that I’m about to let you go so I can finish it.” He chuckles and I can’t help but smile. The sound of his voice and laughter intoxicates my brain.

              “Well I’m bored. This house is so boring it turns out. And there is nothing on TV.” Ugh men.

              “Well you could watch this show I am telling you it’s- pretty intense.” Did I just invite him over? I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.

              “Oh yeah? Well than I guess you better answer your door before I have to knock and wake people up.” I stand up and open the door and sure enough there he is. I hang up my phone holding open the door for him.

              “It’s rude to hang up on people.” I laugh at his remark. I go back to the couch and pat the seat. He sits down and stretches his arm across the back of it.

              “So where is Barbie?” He chuckles as he narrows his eyes at me.

              “She, I guess is home where I dropped her off at. She isn’t what I am looking for.” He shrugs his shoulders.

              “So who is you type?” I should learn about this thing called a filter for my mouth.

              “You.” I remain speechless, the only thing I can do is nod. I am sure my cheeks are every shade of red if not more. I pick up the remote and hit play. I glance out the corner of my eye and see Brandon staring at me. I try to focus on the remainder of the show, but I can’t he is staring at me.

              “What?” I say pausing the show. I am curious as to what he will say.

              “It really sucks you know?” I narrow my eyes not getting it. He scoots a little bit closer, leans towards me as he speaks.

              “Not being able to have the one thing that I crave, need, and want. To have to pretend day by day that the one thing I want is just like the others. What is really different now? Having friends tell you that it isn’t worth the risk .When in reality what good is it if you don’t take a little bit of a risk? Huh?” I scoot back a little swallowing the lump that has now formed in the back of throat. I know this feeling he is talking about.

              “Well I guess we’ll never know. Brandon...” I was about to finish when I hear my name.

              “Lan, can you get me some water?” I look behind me and see Mark standing sleepily on the stairs.

              “Yeah honey go back to bed I will be there in a minute.” I turn my focus back to Brandon.

              “I think you should leave. I will see you in the morning.” I get up and head to the kitchen. I hear the door shut and I break. I am not sure if I am crying over him in particular, but I cry so much that when I am done I’m more exhausted than ever. I crawl up with Mark and that is where I am when I am awoken by the doorbell going off ninety times in a minute. Time to get ready. I head down stairs and stop dead in my tracks to find my damn aunt and uncle here.

              “Well good morning sleepy head.” My aunt says. I narrow my eyes at her.

              “Carol don’t be nice to the little brat.” And it begins.

              “Hello, first off you can’t talk to me like that in my house or you can leave. Second off we are not due at the church for another hour, so why are you guys here?” My uncle makes his way towards me, his fist in a ball and I know what’s coming. Stupid ass should have never had a child of his own. Wonder if he hits his wife like this as well.

              “You listen here.” He grabs my arms so tight I can’t move. “This is my brother’s house not yours. I can come and go as I please and your sorry ass can’t do shit about it. Now next time I will slap you so hard you will be black and blue. You hear me?” I yank my arm from his grip. On the day of my parent’s funeral he wants to do this.

              “First off, this is MY house. It is in my name now. So no, it’s not your brother’s, it’s my house. Also go ahead and hit me and I will make sure it is the last thing that you ever do. Now excuse me while I go get ready to bury my parents.” I go to walk away, but before I can, his hand goes across my face harder than I have ever been hit. I knew it was going to bruise.

              “You have about five seconds to leave my house or I will call the cops for assault.” I look over at Caroline who is in shock, while my uncle just glares as he walks down the stairs and out the front door. Ashley comes running up the stairs just as shocked as I am.

              “La, how are you going to hide this from people?” I look at her more worried on how Brandon is going to react. Last time my uncle almost hit me he was about to kill him.

              “Ash, I am more worried about Brandon finding out. Please we need to cover this quick.” She nods her head as we run to the bathroom. I hear the ding of my phone and check it to see a text from Brandon.

Brandon: Lannie I will meet you at the church. I promise to be there on time.

              I couldn’t even respond as I stared at myself in the mirror. My cheek was starting to turn a slight purple I prayed that Ashley could work her magic. We were cutting it close when Mark informed me that we needed to go. We loaded up in the limo and rode in silence on the way to the church. I was afraid that the mark was visible. I look in mirror one more time before exiting the limo.

              “Ready Lan?” I glance down at my little brother who grabs my hand. I nod as we walk into the church and began the ceremony. During the whole entire ceremony I was distracted by the fact that Brandon wasn’t here. If he was than he was in the back, but I didn’t see him. Once it ended I made my way outside. I have so many people walk up telling me there sorry shaking my hand that I swear I lost count after about forty people and there were still more.

              “Lannie, how are you holding up?” I look into Traci’s eyes I know that my mom and her were good friends since Ashley and I were always together.

              “I have had better days. Thank you for coming and being so supportive. It means a lot to me. You are like the mother I never had.” She hugs me and then goes to talk to Ashley. I stood there watching my uncle glare at me from the sidewalk. At least he isn’t causing a scene here at the church.

              “I am sorry I ran a little late and ended up sitting in the back. How are you holding up?” I look next to me and was taken back. Damn Brandon looks sexy. He wore denim blue jeans with a black collared button up shirt. He wore dress shoes and his face was clean shaved. His hair was messy, but over the last few months I got to liking it. His dark brown eyes pierced my soul and in this moment I forgot everything that is going on.

              “It is okay. I am happy that you are here now. Ready to go to my house for the food part of this thing?” He nods and then he heads to the parking lot. I grab Mark’s hand and head for the limo waiting for Ashley to join. Moments later she gets in with Gage. I smile as he squeezes my hand. I am very thankful for waterproof mascara, because I would look like a raccoon if not for it.

              “La, what on are earth happened to your face?” I look up at Gage who is eyeing my cheek and then back to Ashley.

              “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” He gives me a puzzling look. The remainder of the drive was spent in silence. If Gage noticed. It would only be matter of time before Brandon did. All I needed to do was either avoid him or cover it up more. We arrive at the house and there were already people there. Thank goodness Brandon left early. I step out of the limo and walk into the house. The first thing I notice is my aunt and uncle are in the living room talking to that side of the family. When they notice me only my uncle glares at me. I shrug it off. I head into the kitchen to pour me a drink, before I head to the bathroom to cover this up. I look out the window to see Brandon and my cousin Ginger sitting there laughing and flirting. Ginger is a sweet gal. She is a sophomore at a University in California and she is only twenty one. She doesn’t look like me. She has red hair natural of course and green little eyes. But she is a ten in looks. Especially her dress how it flows to her knees with a slit on one side and her black pumps. I swear Ashley and I are the only ones who wore red pumps to the funeral and the reason behind that was my mom. I remember it like it was yesterday.

“Baby what are you wearing?” I glance down at my black tight short dress and black pumps. It was exciting to be able to go out and drink and not have a man on my arm for once.

              “It’s a cute dress mom. You said it made me look sexy and so we bought it for tonight remember? I even did a fishtail side braid and bright red lipstick. My eyes are the smoky eye look it took forever and now I don’t look good?” She smiled at me the warmest smile.

              “You look wonderful, but let me teach you a little something. When you wear black dresses, you always wear red pumps. It makes a statement. And plus black is depressing and we all know, I do not do depressing. Hold on I just bought a pair of Marc Jacob’s red glitter pumps that I think can be given to you for your first pair.” She went to her room and came back with the beautiful red pumps that sparkled just right like I have never seen. I slip them on and looked in the mirror and oh my god she was so right. It makes my dress pop even more. I look way better.

              “Thank you momma I love them.” She kissed and hugged me as I walked out of the house and she was so right. Got so many compliments on my heels and dress.

              I look down and see the sparkle shine off the red pumps. I feel the tears slide down my cheek. I cannot believe she is gone. I wish I had her back. I slid down to the floor leaning my back against the island. I welcome the tears.

              “La are you in here?” I hear Ashley say my name as I lift my hand up in view and hear her heels click on the ground before seeing her come into view.

              “I was just remembering how I got these heels. Ashley I can’t believe she is gone. I was so pissed at her and my dad. I was angry and I don’t even remembering saying I love you to them. Did I?” I broke down again as she sank to the ground and held me.

              “Oh Lannie, I don’t know honey. I don’t know. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I really am. But hey look at me. Your parents knew that you loved them. They knew that you were just upset about their decision and I bet that if they could go back they would have stayed. You hear me? They are up there now probably kicking themselves in the ass for leaving you. I love you and I know you love me even though we don’t say it enough.” I cry harder as she holds me on this kitchen floor that held so many memories. So many things that I now wish I could change. The yelling, the fighting, oh my god there really gone.

              “Okay, I am good I have people in there that I must entertain.” She hisses as I wipe my eyes.

              “Not before we go cover your face up. La, its freaking more purple than it was.” I nod as she grabs my hand and led me up stairs. She began applying the makeup, but of course Brandon comes in and see it.

              “What in the hell happened to your face. It was him wasn’t it?” I couldn’t say anything and neither could Ashley. Brandon was out of the room and down the stairs in record time. I was on the top stair when I saw Brandon dragging my uncle by his shirt outside. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could in heels. And made it outside just in time to see Brandon grabbing him by his collar and yelling at him all in between punches.

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