Tritium Gambit (Max and Miranda Book 1) (34 page)

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Authors: Erik Hyrkas

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: Tritium Gambit (Max and Miranda Book 1)
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I shook my head. “It all seems so senseless—the pain, the suffering—and even if you win, it has a cost.”

He nodded. “I know you want to give up. Nobody will think less of you if you do. This line of work is for the foolish and the romantic, but anybody with two brain cells to rub together isn’t fighting for this lost cause.” He gestured toward Riley. “Consider what your partner might have said.”

Now I smiled. “Riley jumped into a swarm Mortalis Wasps, why on Earth would I trust his judgment?” I asked.

Fair point. Well, you ought to get back to bed. In the morning, you’ll have to decide whether you’ll be going with Max on the next mission.”

He’s going to get himself killed, and I don’t think I can bear to watch,” I said.

It’s possible. Likely, even. However, if he does get himself annihilated, you may feel much worse knowing you could have been there.”

If I go far enough away, I won’t know what happened,” I said.

Very true.” His eyes closed momentarily. “I’m on some hefty painkillers and am going to fall asleep on you any moment. Don’t decide tonight, though. Get some rest first.”

Good night,” I whispered.

He didn’t answer. He was already asleep. I closed the curtains and headed back to my room.


Chapter 43. Max


I was awakened by a gentle nudge. I rolled over and opened one eye part way. Miranda was standing over me wearing a white dress, and her hair looked fabulous.

Is it breakfast time?” I said.

It’s afternoon, and it’s time to go,” she said. “We’re going to be late! I have breakfast for you in the plane. You need to shower and get dressed.”

I closed my eyes, and she shook me again. I sighed. “Fine. It’s days like these that I wish caffeine had some effect on me.”

Caffeine doesn’t do anything for you?” she asked in surprise.

I shook my head. “Very few drugs or chemicals have any effect on me.”

Most chemicals affect me normally.” She ran her hand down my chest. “Even you affect me. You’re like my own personal brand of LSD.” She smirked and walked to the door. “Meet me in the hangar in thirty minutes. We’re going flying.”

I watched her go. Moments after she walked out, the phone on my dresser rang. I got up and answered it.

Is this Agent Maximus?” a familiar female voice asked.


I wanted you to know that I haven’t forgotten about you,” she said. “I wish I had time to talk, but unfortunately, I don’t. Keep an eye out for me. I’ll definitely be watching you.”

Why don’t you tell me where you are and we’ll settle this now?”

Where’s the fun in that? You’re not going to know what hit you when I come for you. See you soon, Maximus.” The line went dead.

I held the phone for a little bit and wondered if it would be worth getting a trace, but she was too clever for that. She’d be long gone before I could track her down.

I showered, dressed, and put a fresh microfiber towel in my back pocket before walking out the door.

I knew Miranda said she had breakfast for me, but two breakfasts are always better than one, and I had time if I was fast enough. The dining hall was empty when I walked in, and I loaded up a tray with fruit, two bowls of oatmeal, two dozen slices of bacon, and a gallon jug of milk. I glanced at the clock on the wall. I had fifteen minutes, just enough time for a light breakfast. I sat alone and wolfed down my food while pondering what Wendy had in mind.

When I finally walked into the hangar, I was a few minutes late and Miranda was standing next to a plane talking to a guy. He looked like a familiar Native American I knew. I realized the guy was John as I made my way toward them.

Sheriff!” I said.

Call me John,” he said. “I’m not the sheriff anymore. I’ve taken a new job.”

Really?” I asked.

I’m your new mission coordinator,” he said. “And I’m here to brief you on your next flight.” He pulled out two envelopes and handed one to me and one to Miranda.

I smiled. “It looks like we’re getting the band back together.”








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Tritium Gambit
. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please consider writing a review online to let other readers know how you felt about this story. Your effort will help them decide whether the story is right for them. Every review matters and plays a role in the future success or failure of the series.

You can find more information about my work and a link to the Max and Miranda Facebook page at I can be found on Twitter @ErikHyrkas.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts. Your time is valuable and your feedback is appreciated.



Erik Hyrkas


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