Tristan's Loins (26 page)

Read Tristan's Loins Online

Authors: Karolyn Cairns

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #chick lit, #contemporary

BOOK: Tristan's Loins
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Selene was not too pleased with Axel's
perception of Tristan and wondered if Maggie helped him reach that
conclusion on the way up. Maggie avoided her gaze and rushed off
the deck to go check out the pontoon.

"Axel, I appreciate your concern, but it
isn't necessary here. Please, just enjoy the holiday, ok?"

Tristan's dark look when he returned sent
Axel to join Maggie. The pair were talking quietly and Selene knew
she was the topic. Axel's gaze kept sliding back to her and Tristan
where they sat under the umbrella-covered table on the deck.

"If he persists in making himself a nuisance,
I’ll deal with him," Tristan informed her with a menacing gleam in
his eyes.

"No you won't!" Selene said warningly, her
golden eyes narrowed. "He's a friend, Tristan, nothing more. He's
concerned. It's not my style to run off with a guy with immigration
problems. We knew they would have questions."

"He wants you still," Tristan grumbled. "That
is the only reason he showed up with the dark-haired wench."

"Easy, and her name is Maggie," Selene
reminded him shaking her head. "I’m here with you, Tristan. Why do
you worry over it?"

He looked miserable as his eyes skidded away.
"I leave soon."

"I thought we weren't going to do this!"

"I can't stand the thought of him waiting
there when I leave," he said through clenched teeth. "It is obvious
what his intentions are. You do not see it."

Selene had enough. He was not the only one
who suffered. "You don't have to write my story with another man,
Tristan! While you sulk and feel sorry for yourself; think of how
I’ll feel to write your happy ending with Rhiannon?"

Tristan went silent. "I could not do it. How
could you?"

"It is not something I look forward to. It
hurts more than anything else. I committed to doing it because that
is where you belong."

"My heart says I belong here," he argued,
blue eyes darkening.


Selene looked away from his angry gaze,
knowing the last thing she wanted to do was bicker over this today.
She refused to discuss it. Darcy and Sal returned. The four of them
sat under the umbrella. Maggie and Axel took a walk on the beach.
The children had since returned to the beach in their

"I love your new house, Selene," Darcy was
saying to break the uncomfortable silence. "We took the bike by
there the other night. It's beautiful. Did not I tell you Tess was
great at matching people to houses?"

"It's a little big for my taste. I have to
admit; I was sold on the den. As soon as I walked in; I saw myself
writing there."

Darcy looked like she wanted to say
something. Sal offered the show Tristan his motorcycle they
trailered up, and the two men left.

"I sense a little friction between you and
Tristan, Selene. What's going on?"

"Tristan has to go back," Selene mumbled and
looked away from her perceptive gaze. "He can't stay."

"Oh honey, I’m so sorry. Why don't you just
go with him?"

Selene was prepared for these questions. "My
life is here, Darcy. He can't stay, and I can't go. It is the way
it is. Seeing Axel here just rubbed his nose in it."

"I told Maggie not to ask him to come, but
she never listens."

"It's fine. If I wanted Axel, I'd be with

"Speaking of Axel." Darcy wore an amused
look. "His ex-girlfriend was back in the picture about one month
before she took off again. He said his kids did not get along with
her. What's his story?"

"His daughters pretty much run his life,
Darcy. If they don't like who he's with; they run the woman off. He
allows it out of guilt. It's too bad, because he's a great

"Yeah, he's no Tristan, that's for sure."

"No, there aren't any like Tristan," Selene

"Are you going to be ok?"

"No, I'm pregnant, Darcy," she disclosed.

Darcy's eyes grew sad. "Does he know? "

"No, I can't do that to him," Selene
whispered and looked down at her hands. "He has to leave. It would
only make it harder for us both."

"I'll be there for you, honey," Darcy
promised. "When does he leave?"

"After we get back. Don't say anything to
Maggie. I don't need her telling Axel my business. He already
thinks Tristan is a spy!"

"She really did not bring him up to cause
drama, Selene." Darcy defended their friend. "Axel has been a good
friend to the both of us."

"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you guys
lately," Selene said and felt horrible to know she had been so
involved once more in her own matters.

"Selene, you just got divorced, your Mom
died, your Dad ran off to China and may not come back. The man you
love has to leave you, and now the baby," Darcy pointed out with a
pained look. "I would say you have been entitled to a little
self-absorption lately."

Selene was relieved when Tristan came back
with a bag of charcoal. He and Sal handled the barbequing and she
and Darcy retired to the kitchen to get things ready for dinner.
Maggie and Axel returned. Axel hung out in the kitchen with the
three of them. Selene knew he avoided Tristan. Her lover would take
that as a very clear sign he was the weakling he accused him of

Dinner came and went. Sal and Tristan were
getting along quite well and the beer was disappearing quickly. She
was a bit concerned when the pair left to go get more. Darcy was
busy getting her kids out of the lake and ready to watch the
fireworks. Axel had insisted on driving the pair as they were both
drunk. The three men had been gone for some time.

"Male bonding, I hope?" Darcy queried as she
joined her and Maggie on the deck.

"Axel is jealous, Selene," Maggie reported
softly and grimaced. "He doesn't get this thing with you and
Tristan. I hope it's not causing a problem."

"I love Tristan, Maggie," Selene snapped and
glared at her friend. "Did you think this was just some rebound
fling? I can't help how Axel feels. He has no right to come up here
acting like a jealous boyfriend. We went out on two dates!"

"Selene, before Tristan came into the
picture; you really seemed to hit it off with Axel," Maggie
remarked and looked away. "I'm just saying; that's why the guy's
acting this way. Then you up and dropped him without a word. He
cares for you."

Yes, she had just dropped Axel. Selene had
not even considered Axel when she brushed him off in favor of her
English hero. Tristan had taken over her life. He consumed her. She
knew it was not healthy, but considering he was leaving, she would
not apologies for centering her life around him now. A lifetime
without him seemed a depressing contemplation.


Sal glared at Axel as he set the shot glasses
down on the bar. They found the rattrap bar off the beaten path.
Axel insisted on stopping. Now he goaded the Englishman to drink
shots of tequila.

Tristan raised an eyebrow as he grabbed the
shot and tossed it back, grimacing slightly. "What is this foul

"Have a couple more and you'll be hugging the
porcelain God later," Sal warned as Axel left and ordered more
shots. "Don't pay any mind to him. He's just sucking sour grapes
Selene went off with you. I been listening to him belly ache over
it for months."

Tristan said nothing. He liked the longhaired
man. He reminded him of Gideon. He offered to teach him how to ride
his steel horse before he left. The man was no weakling either.
Tristan glowered at Axel when he returned to the bar, two shots in
his hand.

Tristan abstained the slice of lemon and
offer of salt and downed the shot, his blue eyes filled with
challenge. The weakling smiled condescendingly.

"So, what are your intentions towards Selene,

"That is not your business!"

"I make it my business!" Axel growled and
raised his hand to get the waitress's attention. "You show up here
and she runs off with you, leaving her job and her friends in a
lurch. I have every right to ask where you plan on going with

"She is my woman! I do not have to answer to

"Ok guys, gettin' loud!" Sal came to stand
between them. "We’re gonna get kicked out of here if you two keep
it up."

Axel grudgingly took his shot and backed
down. Tristan glowered at him. The two men squared off once a few
more shots went down.

"I care for her!" Axel exclaimed harshly. "I
only want the best for Selene. If it is with you, I’ll say no

Tristan smiled as he saw how the man
struggled with those words. The weakling became a mighty warrior
when Selene was involved. Perhaps there was hope for him after

"Selene has a mind of her own." Tristan
slurred his words and started feeling the effects of the tequila.
"She will need her friends soon enough. My leaving will be hard on

Axel looked like he would fall off the bar
stool at that. "Your leaving? But I thought? The papers she
bought..." he trailed off as he saw the sad look in Tristan's

"I cannot stay." Tristan saw the grim look
the other man gave at the news. "I wish it were otherwise, but I
have no control over it."

Axel took the news Tristan was leaving with a
hopeful expression now. Tristan looked away from him, unwilling to
face his own defeat. The weakling would no doubt be there to
comfort Selene after he left. The thought of them two together made
him feel like breaking something.

Sal grinned and clapped Tristan on the back.
"Then we need to teach you how to ride my bike before you take

Tristan grinned and another round was
ordered. All three men were lit up when they left the bar. It was
going on dark. Sal commented the women would be getting worried.
When they pulled into the beach house driveway all three were
waiting there, shaking their heads as the men staggered inside.

Selene gazed at Tristan with a glower. "This
doesn't get you off firework patrol, even if you’re as drunk as a

Tristan grinned and his arms slid around her
waist, twirling her around and bringing her against his hard chest
in the dark kitchen. The others were out on the deck waiting for
the fireworks to start.

"Your weakling had to challenge me to tequila
shots instead of swords." He nibbled her neck, chuckling. "I think
it was a draw."

"Axel is a good guy, Tristan. Go easy on him.
We have three days left until they all leave. Try to get along,

Tristan lifted his head, smiling. "For you, I
would embrace a dragon, my love."

Selene rolled her eyes and pushed away from
him. "Just light the fireworks for the kids and try not to blow
yourself up."


Tristan was not quite prepared for the
fireworks. Selene held his arm as they started, seeing he looked
like he would hit the deck. Then his expression filled with
amazement. He looked down at her, smiling as the sky lit up. She
held his arm as they stood on the deck, her head against his

"Sal said he has some more in the trunk of
Darcy's van," Tristan informed her with a smile.

"We can save them for tomorrow," Selene said
and smiled as the kids made oohing noises. "The big ones are for
the finale."

Tristan had no clue what a finale was, so he
assumed there would be more than what they saw that night. After
thirty minutes, the fireworks were over. Selene assured him they
would pick up the next night until the last on Sunday.

That night when they went to bed, he reached
for her with a determined look she knew.

"Everyone will hear us!" she protested as his
lips found her neck.

"Only the weakling will be listening,"
Tristan predicted and nibbled at her ear. "We have such little time
left, Selene. Do not push me away the next three days."

Selene did not push him away. She pulled him
closer, realizing every second was precious now. She forgot her
friends all slept upstairs, or that they risked anyone hearing them
through the walls.


Selene was the first up and got bacon
started. She let Daisy out and made coffee as people started moving
around upstairs. Darcy came into the kitchen yawning and grateful
for a cup, followed by Maggie and Paige. Everyone else was still

"It looks like a great day to lay out in the
sun," Maggie noted as she sipped her coffee.

"Sal and me are going for a ride on the bike
today," Darcy said and eyed Selene hopefully. "Keep an eye on the

"Sure, no problem," Selene said and poured
herself another cup of coffee. "Tristan's taking us out on the

"We won't be but a few hours," her friend
assured her. "Sal isn't happy unless he is on the back of his

Selene smiled, having observed how much the
two liked each other. It was obvious the relationship was getting
serious. She never quite saw Darcy as a biker babe, but she was
tickled with her new boyfriend.

"I'm going to pass on the boat ride," Maggie
told them. "I'm going to stay and work on my tan. Axel might

Selene was a bit miffed how Maggie had
brought Axel and saw fit to leave her to entertain him. She could
just imagine how much fun it would be having both men and the kids
out on the lake.

Axel and Sal looked hung over as they entered
to the smells of bacon and the promise of eggs. Selene and Darcy
got busy cooking breakfast and both men retreated to sit on the
deck. Maggie left to go get her suit on, leaving her and Darcy
alone. Her kids had not yet risen. She seemed to treasure these

"Do you plan on telling Tristan about the

Selene knew the question was coming. Her
answer was swift. "No, what would be the point? He can't stay. It
would only hurt him to know."

"Are you ready to have a kid by yourself,
honey?" Darcy asked with a sympathetic look. "I have three and I
make it look easy, but it's damn hard without John. Are you sure
about this?"

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