Read Triple Threat Online

Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

Triple Threat (3 page)

BOOK: Triple Threat
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Through his pants, I could feel that he did. There was nothing he could say to convince me, though. “No, I’m sorry.”

Then he started to grind his rock-hard cock against me. “Please…” he badgered. “I won’t tell anyone we did it. I need you so much.”

“Chad, don’t,” I plead.

He knew if he wheedled long enough, I would usually give in. But sex was way too big of a thing to do with a friend, at least in my eyes. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him. I just knew how much things would change afterwards.

At that moment, I was craving him. I loved feeling his erection between my legs. But I couldn’t allow myself to just go with it. “Please stop asking.” An image of Giovanni holding that girl came to mind.
That bitch
. Maybe Chad could help me forget about Giovanni and her, but that would be wrong.

He sighed. “OK.” Then he started kissing my neck. “Can I just look at your boobs, then?”

“Come on, Chad.” I was starting to cave. Would it be so bad to let Chad get what he wanted?

“How about just your shirt?” He ripped open my blouse, popping all the buttons off.

“Chad!” I yelled.

“I love your tits, baby.”

“Get off of me! How the fuck could you tear my clothes?”

I shoved him off. Then I stormed out of the room, holding my blouse closed. I stomped down the hall, snarling, “That stupid son of a bitch! I hate when he get trashed!”

Then I heard the stupid bitch from earlier laughing again. I walked towards the stairs. She was on the first landing, up against the wall and topless. “That slut!” I growled. She was messing with more than one guy, huh?

He was obviously drunk and had his back to me. As I stared, not knowing why, I recognized the shirt on the guy sucking her tits. My heart sank. It was worse than I thought.

I heard, “Baby, I’m sorry.” I looked back at Chad, who was stumbling down the hall, holding onto the wall. “I got excited. Please come back to my room. Please.”

I was holding back tears by then. I glanced back at the couple below. Then Giovanni turned his head and looked at us. Anger filled me quickly. How could he not know I liked him? How could he do this to me?

Chad pulled me into his arms, mumbling, “I won’t tear anything else off. I promise.”

I looked at Giovanni again. He was sitting on the stairs now and had stopped touching her, but the whore was on top of him kissing him. I looked up at Chad. Then I muttered, “Fuck this! I'll show him!” I pulled away from Chad and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go make this a happy birthday for you!” I almost shouted. I was furious. I was so angry with Giovanni, I figured I might as well let Chad fuck me.

Once I was lying on Chad’s bed again, my blouse off, he looked down at me. Then he took his pants off, having to grab the bed more than once. “This is in my way,” he said and yanked my skirt off.

Chad lay down with me and ran his hands all over my body as he kissed my lips. After a few minutes, his mouth moved to my neck, down my throat and to my chest. When his mouth got down to my bra, he quickly popped the front clasp open. Then he kissed my breasts and sucked on each of my nipples, biting occasionally. I moaned softly, enjoying his unnatural roughness with me.

His lips soon brushed across my skin down to my panties. I gasped and lifted my hips a bit.

“God, I love you.” He bit my panties and pulled on them a little with his teeth. Then he slowly spread my legs open and kissed my inner thighs.

I gasped. I never knew Chad was so eager to please. I had never been with someone like that. Most guys I had been with were all about themselves. The sex was usually fast and not so great.

“Chad, this is just a birthday present. You know that, right?”

He looked up at me. “Yeah, baby. I love you.”

His lips went further down but paused at my knee. I tensed as his tongue darted behind it. I wasn’t sure I could resist him if he kept it up much longer.

He carefully laid down on me again, lining his hips up with mine. I closed my eyes and tried not to moan from the feeling of his stiff cock pushing into the crotch of my panties. Slowly, he started to rub it against me. I had to let out a moan.

“Baby, can I make love to you?”

Suddenly, I realized I couldn’t let him do that. Being angry with Giovanni was not the right reason to go all the way. But I wanted Chad so badly.

He leaned down and kissed my lips again and again. His love was so overpowering and it fueled my desire even more. My panties were coming down, but I was distracted. When I felt his cock against my pussy, I panicked.

“Chad, please—we can’t.”

“But you’re so wet down here. You want me.”

“No, Chad. Get your dick out of there.”

He sighed and pulled away a little, then rubbed his throbbing cock against my clit.

“Don’t, Chad!” I cried out.

He smiled at me and moved his erection faster against me. I soon pushed my hips into him. I felt completely out of control. I gasped as an orgasm started to build. I reached up and dug my nails into his shoulders. Tears fell from my eyes.

“Ah!” My eyes squeezed shut. I clung to him while I trembled inside and out. I was shocked at myself. “Stop, Chad! Please!”

“I made you come.” He laughed softly in my ear.

Then he pulled away from me. I pulled my panties back up with shaking hands. Soon he went back to kissing me and I could feel his boxers were up again.

Minutes later, he passed out. It was difficult, but I got him off me and under a blanket. I decided I would give Chad one more gift. I knew he would be happy to wake up next to me in bed. I got up, took off my bra and donned one of his T-shirts.

When I climbed back on Chad’s bed, I looked at him. He was on his back. He looked adorable. I moved closer to him, ran my hand through his hair and smiled. If I was going to sleep next to a guy all night, I was strangely happy that it was him. Chad would make me feel safe. Like always.

Chad let out a sigh as I played with his hair. I moved up a bit and kissed his lips. Then he turned and put his arms around me. I couldn’t get out of his grasp, so I just lay my head on his pillow and put my arm around him too.

I woke up to the feeling of a hand caressing the skin of my back, under my shirt. As I became more aware, I felt an arm around me. It took me only seconds to remember it was Chad.

I smiled when I thought about the dream I’d been having right before awakening. In it, I had let Chad make love to me. He was an amazing lover. I was startled by Chad kissing me.

“This is the best birthday present you could’ve given me,” he whispered as he pulled me closer to him.

My head was on his arm. “Please tell me you understand I only did this for your birthday. My feelings for you didn’t change.”

“Did we… do it last night?” Chad asked.

I looked up at him. “No. I said I wouldn’t.”

“I asked you to?”

“More like you begged me.”

“I’m so sorry.” He sounded very angry at himself. “I don’t remember anything. Did you at least have a good time at the party? I’m sorry I got so drunk.”

I took a deep breath. I was glad he didn’t remember seeing me kiss Derek. Then I realized he didn’t remember seeing or touching most of my body either. I was relieved by that as well. “We both had fun, don’t worry.”

Chad loosened his grip on me. I saw him look down my body. Then he lifted his shirt that I was wearing. “You still wear pretty panties.” His hand slid under my shirt and went up.

I quickly grabbed his hand. “No. Please don’t touch me under my clothes.”

“Can I feel them over the shirt?”

I closed my eyes and leaned my head on him. He never touched my breasts without at least a bra over them. I wasn’t sure if I could handle it. “OK. But if I ask you to stop, please listen.”

“You know I will, baby.”

I looked up at him again. He kissed me. It took merely seconds for us to be kissing with so much passion; I wanted to sleep with him. Then I felt his hand over my breast. His heart began to beat a bit faster as he caressed me over my clothes.

“I love you so much,” he softly said as his mouth moved to my neck and his fingers were slowly running over my hard nipple.

I felt my need for him building and I fought it hard. The lust developing inside was stronger than ever before. I involuntarily let out a sigh, loving his touch. It felt so good. I wanted his hand under my top. Then his hand moved to my back and our kissing got to the point of urgency.

While we still kissed hungrily, he pulled my leg up over his hip. He caressed my thigh then pushed his hard cock against my panties. When he started touching my ass, I wanted to just give into him. Then I felt his hand inching under my panties, at the crotch. Soon, he started massaging my clit with his fingers. I moaned with delight. By then, I was dying for him to fuck me, but my fear of losing him returned.

“I wanna make you cum,” he growled.

I clung to him, not understanding how it felt so good. My foot hooked onto his leg, as his fingers brought me closer. He moved his hand around, making me sigh then went back to my clit again.

“You’re close. I feel it,” he whispered. “Let it out, baby.”

I was almost there, but then he slipped a finger into my pussy. I instantly pushed against his chest. “Stop, please.”

Chad quickly complied, then hugged me. “I’m sorry. Did I go too far?”

I could feel my body shaking, and I was not able to let him go. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. His hard long shaft pressing against me was calling to me. I couldn’t control my breathing and I yearned for release.

“I’m sorry, baby.” He held me close to him.

My deep desire for Chad scared me sometimes. He was my best friend, not my boyfriend. He couldn’t turn into my lover. That wouldn’t make sense, would it?

“Baby, you mad at me? Did I touch you somewhere you didn’t want me to?”

I knew I had to respond, but I was afraid my tone would relay how badly I wanted him. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply for a few seconds. Then I replied, “No. It’s fine. I just can’t let you do any more. I’m sorry if I made you think I would let you go all the way. I don’t wanna lose what we have. You’re too important to me.”

“It’s OK,” he assured me. “I understand. I didn’t expect anything at all. I was just reacting to how I felt. I’m sorry I got in your panties. I just want you so bad right now. I wish I could remember that time when…”

“Stop.” I pushed him away, not wanting anything else to happen between us. “No. No more, OK?” Then I got off the bed.

“I’m sorry. Whatever you want, baby.” He sat up. “How far did we get last night? I know I was drunk. Was I too aggressive or something? I just feel like you’re upset with me.”

I turned away from him. I knew he was feeling what I did towards myself. He really only did what I let him. I was angry with myself for wanting him so much. But I guess I couldn’t help how I felt.

I explained, “I’m not upset with you. Last night was fine. You touched a lot of me.”

“I wish I could remember.” He put a hand on his head. “Why am I always plastered when you take your clothes off? Will you let me look at you again?”

I looked back at him. “I can’t do anything else today, please.”

“OK. Again, I’m sorry.” He got up, grabbed my clothes off the floor and handed them to me.

I sighed and tossed out my blouse.

“What’s wrong with your shirt?”

“It accidentally got ripped.”

“Oh.” Then he took off his shirt.

My mouth opened a bit. I loved his biceps. I watched him stretch a little. Then I turned away from him, needing to quell my urges. But damn he looked good.

“I have to go home,” I said as I walked towards his door. “I got a paper due on Monday.”

Suddenly, Chad’s arms were around me from behind. “My baby girl, this was the best birthday I ever got. I’ll never forget waking up to you in my arms. I love you so much.” Then he kissed my cheek.

“You’re welcome, it was nice.” I admitted.

He hugged me a bit tighter. “Let me get pants on and I’ll take you home.”


The week before graduation, Chad and I moved back home to live until we were able to get jobs. That Saturday night, Derek and I, who I had continued to date, had a huge fight over Chad and I spending so much time together. I left him in the middle of our date. I could not put up with jealousy.

When I got home, I saw Chad sitting on his porch. Before going in my house, I went to see if he was OK. “Chad, what’s wrong?”

He looked up at me. “You,” was his angry reply.

“What do you mean

He closed his eyes. “I can’t handle you and Derek. Can’t you go out with somebody I don’t know? Every time I see him, it kills me.”

I decided to lift his spirits a bit. “We had a fight over you tonight.”

“Really? Did you break up?”

“I don’t know. I just left him at the movie theater. He can’t handle us either.”

“Baby, it’s gonna take a special guy to get what we got,” he explained. “I couldn’t deal with it, either.”

I smiled then picked up his hand. “Let’s go somewhere and forget about him for a while.”

“So that’s how it is?”

I turned around. Derek was leaning on his car in front of Chad’s house. “What are you talking about?”

“We have a fight and you turn to him. That’s why I was pissed off. It’s always, Chad, Chad, Chad!” Derek shouted. “So, were you guys about to go fuck? I see the way he looks at you. A guy can’t be just friends with a girl.”

I was so angry by then, I yelled, “You know what. I don’t need this. If you don’t like me having Chad for a best friend, then we’re through!”

Derek looked surprised. “Fine, don’t expect me to take you back when you calm down.”

“Ha! Fat chance that’ll happen!” I yelled. I hated when guys couldn’t handle my relationship with Chad.

Derek got in his car and took off fast. I was glad he did, but tears were threatening to come anyway. Chad pulled me into his arms as soon as I started to cry. I had really liked Derek, so I was upset it was over. I put my head on Chad’s shoulder and clung to him.

He held me close and rubbed my back. “It’s OK, baby. You’ll find someone else. Someone who’ll be OK with me and you being so close. He’s out there. I promise you.”

BOOK: Triple Threat
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