Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances (42 page)

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Authors: Neil Gaiman

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And then he saw the body, and he stopped. “Holy fucking mother of all fucking bastards,” he said.

“Her name was Cassie Burglass,” said Shadow.

“Moira’s old girlfriend?” said the man. Shadow knew him as the landlord of the pub, could not remember whether he had ever known the man’s name. “Bloody Nora. I thought she went to London.”

Shadow felt sick.

The landlord was kneeling beside Oliver. “His heart’s still beating,” he said. “What happened to him?”

“I’m not sure,” said Shadow. “He screamed when he saw the body—you must have heard him. Then he just went down. And your dog came in.”

The man looked at Shadow, worried. “And you? Look at you! What happened to you, man?”

“Oliver asked me to come up here with him. Said he had something awful he had to get off his chest.” Shadow looked at the wall on each side of the corridor. There were other bricked-in nooks there. Shadow had a good idea of what would be found behind them if any of them were opened. “He asked me to help him open the wall. I did. He knocked me over as he went down. Took me by surprise.”

“Did he tell you why he had done it?”

“Jealousy,” said Shadow. “Just jealous of Moira and Cassie, even after Moira had left Cassie for him.”

The man exhaled, shook his head. “Bloody hell,” he said. “Last bugger I’d expect to do anything like this. Needles! Leave it!” He pulled a cell phone from his pocket, and called the police. Then he excused himself. “I’ve got a bag of game to put aside until the police have cleared out,” he explained.

Shadow got to his feet, and inspected his arms. His sweater and coat were both ripped in the left arm, as if by huge teeth, but his skin was unbroken beneath it. There was no blood on his clothes, no blood on his hands.

He wondered what his corpse would have looked like, if the black dog had killed him.

Cassie’s ghost stood beside him, and looked down at her body, half-fallen from the hole in the wall. The corpse’s fingertips and the fingernails were wrecked, Shadow observed, as if she had tried, in the hours or the days before she died, to dislodge the rocks of the wall.

“Look at that,” she said, staring at herself. “Poor thing. Like a cat in a glass box.” Then she turned to Shadow. “I didn’t actually fancy you,” she said. “Not even a little bit. I’m not sorry. I just needed to get your attention.”

“I know,” said Shadow. “I just wish I’d met you when you were alive. We could have been friends.”

“I bet we would have been. It was hard in there. It’s good to be done with all of this. And I’m sorry, Mr. American. Try not to hate me.”

Shadow’s eyes were watering. He wiped his eyes on his shirt. When he looked again, he was alone in the passageway.

“I don’t hate you,” he told her.

He felt a hand squeeze his hand. He walked outside, into the morning sunlight, and he breathed and shivered, and listened to the distant sirens.

Two men arrived and carried Oliver off on a stretcher, down the hill to the road where an ambulance took him away, siren screaming to alert any sheep on the lanes that they should shuffle back to the grass verge.

A female police officer turned up as the ambulance disappeared, accompanied by a younger male officer. They knew the landlord, whom Shadow was not surprised to learn was also a Scathelocke, and were both impressed by Cassie’s remains, to the point that the young male officer left the passageway and vomited into the ferns.

If it occurred to either of them to inspect the other bricked-in cavities in the corridor, for evidence of centuries-old crimes, they managed to suppress the idea, and Shadow was not going to suggest it.

He gave them a brief statement, then rode with them to the local
police station, where he gave a fuller statement to a large police officer with a serious beard. The officer appeared mostly concerned that Shadow was provided with a mug of instant coffee, and that Shadow, as an American tourist, would not form a mistaken impression of rural England. “It’s not like this up here normally. It’s really quiet. Lovely place. I wouldn’t want you to think we were all like this.”

Shadow assured him that he didn’t think that at all.


Moira was waiting for him when he came out of the police station. She was standing with a woman in her early sixties, who looked comfortable and reassuring, the sort of person you would want at your side in a crisis.

“Shadow, this is Doreen. My sister.”

Doreen shook hands, explaining she was sorry she hadn’t been able to be there during the last week, but she had been moving house.

“Doreen’s a county court judge,” explained Moira.

Shadow could not easily imagine this woman as a judge.

“They are waiting for Ollie to come around,” said Moira. “Then they are going to charge him with murder.” She said it thoughtfully, but in the same way she would have asked Shadow where he thought she ought to plant some snapdragons.

“And what are you going to do?”

She scratched her nose. “I’m in shock. I have no idea what I’m doing anymore. I keep thinking about the last few years. Poor, poor Cassie. She never thought there was any malice in him.”

“I never liked him,” said Doreen, and she sniffed. “Too full of facts
for my liking, and he never knew when to stop talking. Just kept wittering on. Like he was trying to cover something up.”

“Your backpack and your laundry are in Doreen’s car,” said Moira. “I thought we could give you a lift somewhere, if you needed one. Or if you want to get back to rambling, you can walk.”

“Thank you,” said Shadow. He knew he would never be welcome in Moira’s little house, not anymore.

Moira said, urgently, angrily, as if it was all she wanted to know, “You said you saw Cassie. You
us, yesterday. That was what sent Ollie off the deep end. It hurt me so much. Why did you say you’d seen her, if she was dead? You
have seen her.”

Shadow had been wondering about that, while he had been giving his police statement. “Beats me,” he said. “I don’t believe in ghosts. Probably a local, playing some kind of game with the Yankee tourist.”

Moira looked at him with fierce hazel eyes, as if she was trying to believe him but was unable to make the final leap of faith. Her sister reached down and held her hand. “More things in heaven and earth, Horatio. I think we should just leave it at that.”

Moira looked at Shadow, unbelieving, angered, for a long time, before she took a deep breath and said, “Yes. Yes, I suppose we should.”

There was silence in the car. Shadow wanted to apologize to Moira, to say something that would make things better.

They drove past the gibbet tree.

There were ten tongues within one head,
” recited Doreen, in a voice slightly higher and more formal than the one in which she had previously spoken. “
And one went out to fetch some bread, to feed the living and the dead.
That was a riddle written about this corner, and that tree.”

“What does it mean?”

“A wren made a nest inside the skull of a gibbeted corpse, flying in
and out of the jaw to feed its young. In the midst of death, as it were, life just keeps on happening.”

Shadow thought about the matter for a little while, and told her that he guessed that it probably did.

October 2014

Florida/New York/Paris


Some of the pieces appearing in this collection were first published elsewhere, permission and copyright information as follows:


Introduction copyright © 2014 by Neil Gaiman.

“Making a Chair” copyright © 2011 by Neil Gaiman. First appeared on the CD
An Evening with Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer
. Biting Dog Press limited edition, Broadsheets, 2011.

“A Lunar Labyrinth”
opyright © 2013 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Shadows of the New Sun: Stories in Honor of Gene Wolfe

“The Thing About Cassandra” copyright © 2010 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Songs of Love and Death

“Down to a Sunless Sea” copyright © 2013 by Neil Gaiman. First published online at

“‘The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains . . .’” copyright © 2010 by Neil Gaiman. First published in

“My Last Landlady” copyright © 2010 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Off the Coastal Path: Dark Poems of the Seaside

“Adventure Story” copyright © 2012 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
McSweeney’s Issue #40

“Orange” copyright © 2008 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
The Starry Rift

“A Calendar of Tales” copyright © 2013 by Neil Gaiman. First published online as
A Calendar of Tales

“The Case of Death and Honey” copyright © 2011 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
A Study in Sherlock: Stories Inspired by the Holmes Canon

“The Man Who Forgot Ray Bradbury” copyright © 2012 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Shadow Show: All-New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury

“Jerusalem” copyright © 2007 by Neil Gaiman. First broadcast by BBC Radio 4. First published in
A Little Gold Book of Ghastly Stuff

“Click-Clack the Rattlebag” copyright © 2013 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Impossible Monsters

“An Invocation of Incuriosity” copyright © 2009 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Songs of the Dying Earth

“‘And Weep, Like Alexander’” copyright © 2011 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Fables of the Fountain

“Nothing O’Clock” copyright © 2013 by Neil Gaiman and BBC Worldwide Limited. First published in the collection
Doctor Who: 11 Doctors, 11 Stories
, published by Puffin. BBC, DOCTOR WHO (word marks, logos and devices), TARDIS, DALEKS, CYBERMAN and K-9 (word marks and devices) are trademarks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under license. BBC Logo © BBC, 1996. Doctor Who logo © BBC, 2012. Licensed by BBC Worldwide. All rights reserved.

“Diamonds and Pearls: A Fairy Tale” copyright © 2009 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Who Killed Amanda Palmer: A Collection of Photographic Evidence.

“The Return of the Thin White Duke” copyright © 2004 and 2014 by Neil Gaiman. A portion of the story first published in
V Magazine.

“Feminine Endings” copyright © 2007 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Four Letter Word: New Love Letters

“Observing the Formalities” copyright © 2009 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Troll’s Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales

“The Sleeper and the Spindle” copyright © 2013 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Rags and Bones: New Twists on Timeless Tales

“Witch Work” copyright © 2012 by Neil Gaiman. First published in
Under My Hat: Tales from the Cauldron.

Relig Odhráin
” copyright © 2011 by Neil Gaiman. First published as a limited edition print to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

“Black Dog” copyright © 2015 by Neil Gaiman.



is the number one
New York Times
bestselling author of more than twenty books for readers of all ages, and the recipient of numerous literary awards, including the Shirley Jackson Award and the Locus Award for Best Novelette for “‘The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains . . .’” Originally from England, he now lives in America.

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