Trial and Glory (36 page)

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Authors: Joshua P. Simon

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Epic, #Historical, #Sword & Sorcery

BOOK: Trial and Glory
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Krytien approached, his new black robes absent of blood or pieces of flesh.

“I didn’t realize there was a cleaning spell,” Raker quipped.

“There isn’t really,” shrugged the mage. “I just managed to be more careful than you.”

“Do you feel better about Asantia now?”

“Not unless you know a way to bring people back from the dead. However, there is a bit more closure for me.”

“Me too.”

“I heard something that might brighten your mood.”

“What’s that?”

“Cassus is alive.”

Raker’s eyes widened. “What? How do you know?”

“Well, while you and I were reminiscing about the hell we went through when getting through Asantia the last time, others had their ears open to the latest gossip. Crusher just told me a story about a man who managed to persuade the Byzernian slaves to revolt. He’s become their hero. They even call him the Hero of Slaves. Sound familiar?”

Raker grunted. “I didn’t think he had it in him. And to think we all thought him crazy.”

“No kidding.”

Raker shook his head. “I wish he were here. I’d like to know how the man with the softest soft spot I’ve ever met managed to lead a revolt with a people known to be pacifists. I don’t think even Jonrell could have done that.”

“Jonrell always said he was the best of the group.”

“And we used to laugh about that too.”

“Yeah. Who’s laughing now?”

* * *

Kaz watched the thin line of Thurum’s shoreline fade from sight. Leaving the land behind had a more profound effect on him than his departure from Cadonia. While marching to Asantia, a part of him knew that should the thought move him, he could turn around and forget all about Hesh.

Though he could never do such a thing, not as long as Lucia lived, knowing that an ocean separated him from the land he had spent the last two years in, where he forged relationships that would never leave him, left a hole in his stomach.

It’s strange that leaving Cadonia feels like leaving home. Yet, returning home feels like visiting a strange land.

A throat cleared. “Warleader. Do you have a few moments? I’d like to speak with you about Hezen.”

Kaz inclined his head toward Itken. “You aren’t upset by his fate I hope?”

“No. No one would argue that the man didn’t deserve to die. I saw how much he was spreading discord among Guwan, Colan, and Nareash, even if they didn’t. Everyone underestimated him. When he received his peace treaty, it was a victory for him because he ended stronger than he began.”

“Then what is it?”

“It’s the way he died. You tolerated him far longer than you once would have. I understand why, but when the time came, I’m surprised you let another exact judgment. As warleader, you wouldn’t have done that.”

Kaz shrugged. “Any dislike I had for the man was overshadowed by Raker and Krytien’s hate. Hezen had done the Hell Patrol wrong long ago. Nearly wiped them out. They deserved the chance to exact justice.”

“It was . . . thorough.”

He thought of the wet puddle of bloody flesh left behind on Asantia’s docks. Gulls would be tearing it to pieces. “Yes, it was.”

“And you gave them plenty of time to do it in, despite our rush to return home . . . despite your desire to return to Lucia.”

“I did.”


“Because it was the right thing to do.”

Itken stood silent next to Kaz, then finally nodded. “Thank you, Warleader.”

“For what?”

“For answering my questions.”

Kaz cocked his head. “Were they the answers you were looking for?”

“They were ones I needed to hear.” He paused. “I’m beginning to understand some of what you spoke of before. You have changed more than I thought.”

Kaz grunted. “Will others see that?”

Itken clicked his tongue. “I don’t know.”

Still the uncertainty. I hope I can change that.

Kaz took a deep breath. The last thing he needed to do was dwell on the negative. With weeks of travel on the open waters ahead of him, he realized that now was the perfect time to learn more about the changes in Hesh since his disappearance.

A part of him wanted to ask Itken more about his brother. However, he had already pestered the Kifzo several times about Tobin in their travels to Asantia. Kaz thought it best to address other curiosities he had before revisiting that subject.

“At the High Pass when we spoke in one of the dungeon’s cells, you mentioned that Tobin made Walor his second.”


“You seemed pleased with the decision.”

Itken shrugged. “He was always a good warrior. Well liked. Never got caught up in the nonsense and backstabbing so common amongst the Kifzo. And he proved himself more than a capable commander with the responsibility Tobin gave him. I’d say making Walor his second might have been your brother’s wisest decision.”

Kaz grunted. He had always respected Walor but never spoke to him much on account of the relationship he had with Tobin. “Tell me more about him.”

“What do you want to know? His tactics? His relationship with the men?”

“Tell me everything.” He stared out at the rolling water. “We have more than enough time.”

Chapter 25


An overcast sky added to Elyse’s sour mood.

Traveling through Tomalt’s land for the first time since the war had begun, she took in the damage with a furrowed brow.

“I don’t recall Kaz taking this path south,” she said.

“He didn’t, Your Majesty,” Yanasi said. “Most of this occurred after the battle near the Ascyium River. Jeldor pursued the remainder of Tomalt’s forces while Kaz took down Bronn.”

“I did not realize the fighting affected so many this far east.”

“It took some time for Jeldor to bring Tomalt down.”

Though she knew of the battles fought against Tomalt and Bronn, she had not fully understood the damage incurred until riding past the trampled earth, scorched fields, and newly-erected mounds of soil covering massive graves.

Even in death, Tomalt’s treasonous actions grated her.

Just like Conroy. Both tried to seize power thinking themselves the better ruler. Yet, if they truly sought to do right by Cadonia, they would have worked with me.

She frowned as farmers in the distance shielded their eyes and looked toward her advancing columns. They sprinted toward a small shack farther away.

“They’re scared of us.”

“The response is not uncommon,” offered Yanasi.

“It doesn’t make it easier to swallow.” Elyse shook her head. “This land lived in relative peace for hundreds of years. And then for over two years, the people tried to tear each other apart. We can call ourselves the victors, but that means little to the commoner. Victory won’t bring them back their loved ones, just as it won’t put money in their pockets, or food on their tables.” She clenched her reins, thinking of the obstacles that still lay ahead. “We need more men. The sooner we wrest control of Lyrosene from Gauge, the sooner the kingdom can begin to heal.”

“We’ve increased our numbers by five hundred since leaving the High Pass, Your Majesty.”

Yanasi had tried to emphasize the positive. However, Elyse dwelled on the negative. “And how many in the last two weeks?”


“Precisely. The closer we get to the capital, the greater we see Gauge’s influence. As it is, our supply line is stretched dangerously thin to pull in resources from Conroy’s and Olasi’s old lands. I don’t trust the goods from anyone else. Isolated for months at the High Pass hurt me in more ways than I ever imagined.”

“Jeldor is supposed to meet with us by the time we reach Namaris. There’s still time to increase our strength.”

“I pray you’re right. I had hoped to field more than twice our current number by now.”

* * *

Cassus pressed on with the army for several more days. Remnants of Tomalt’s forces, likely acting under orders from Gauge, tried to raid their baggage train. However, Yanasi secured the ranks before the attacks became a problem. Her archers killed several dumb enough to get within range. The attacks stopped.

But they’re out there

Rygar spotted several sneaking through underbrush in the distance. Yanasi had him scouting with Lufflin in case the raiders tried to duplicate’s Tomalt’s previous tactics when a small force pestered Kaz’s march south. Lufflin kept them from getting too close, but he could not deter their efforts completely.

Growing frustrated, Lufflin tried to run off in pursuit against Yanasi’s orders. Rygar managed to pull the mage back to camp before he fell into their trap.

Cassus watched Yanasi chew into Lufflin. He thought the mage might puff up, shamed at having a woman berate him. However, Lufflin acknowledged fault, and swore it wouldn’t happen again. Yanasi barked at him once more, then let the matter drop. She reminded Cassus of Jonrell in the way she encouraged Lufflin to use his zealousness to do something more useful after making him realize his error.

The girl’s definitely got her new role down.

Cassus felt a bit out of sorts while trying to find his role among the soldiers. He had never been a person with much of a specialty, alright at many things, great at none. He wasn’t sure why he had expected things to be different upon his return, but after his adventures with the Byzernians, he thought he might be able to contribute in a greater capacity.

He turned his gaze from Yanasi, to Rygar, their best scout. He looked over his shoulder where Kroke rode next to Elyse, eyes flicking about, conscious of every small detail. Cassus knew nothing would get by the assassin while he still breathed. Elyse sat tall in the saddle, stern, regal.

Everyone knows their place. Where does that leave me?

He chuckled to himself, realizing that with Hag gone, and Raker off on some foreign continent fighting a war he knew nothing about, there wasn’t anyone around to lighten the dark cloud that hung over the army as they marched toward none knew precisely what.

That doesn’t say much if I have to take over those responsibilities. What would someone like Hag do to bring a little levity? Probably lift up her shirt and shake her teats.

Cassus started laughing, uncaring about the stares cast his way.

One Above, I miss that old woman.

* * *

Soldiers dressed, tents came down, and dirt snuffed out the dying coals of the previous night’s fires. With the sun cresting the horizon, Elyse watched her army break camp. She broke her fast on cold sausage and hard cheese as the army prepped for the day’s march. She had grown accustomed to the simple fare and would not allow anyone to go through more trouble by providing her something different.

The previous night had been the first she had spent on lands under direct control of the crown. Each day brought her closer to Lyrosene, and yet so much uncertainty hung over her.

Plodding hoof beats erupted over the clamor. “Your Majesty!” a voice shouted.

Rygar came galloping up, a man gagged and bound at the ankles and wrists lay across the saddle in front of him. She stepped forward, guards at her side.

“We found this man sneaking toward camp. He claims to have news for you, but refused to tell anyone but you the details.”

“Niken, help Rygar get the man down.”

Her guard stepped forward and they lowered the man to the ground, placing him on his knees. Though the man’s clothes bore fresh tears, they still appeared too fine for a commoner. His face seemed familiar to Elyse, but she couldn’t place it. Rygar removed the man’s gag.

“Your Majesty,” the man huffed in a raspy voice. “Please, you must listen to me.”

The man’s name came to her. “Lord Gershel, what are you doing sneaking into camp? Your last letter stated you’d be bringing nearly five hundred men to join me. Where are they?” She gestured to Niken. “Remove his binds and help him to his feet.”

He hung his head. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty. One of my lieutenants seized control of my lands and my men.”


“Apparently, Lord Gauge contacted him after he failed to persuade me to grant him my loyalty. He made him quite an offer.”

“I don’t understand. That explains the behavior of your lieutenant, but what about the rest of your men. Do they not have any love for you?”

“At one time, yes. However, the rumors about your condition have caused many to question who they should support. I beg your pardon for saying so, but many feel they must choose between the lesser of two evils.”

Elyse shouted. “The lesser of two evils? Rumors? What are you talking about?”

Gershel flinched at her tone, blinking. “I’m sorry Your Majesty, I thought you knew. Gauge has made a strong case that you are no longer of sound mind, that you are afflicted by the same thing to that brought your father low in his later years.”

“That’s ridiculous. My father suffered from a broken heart after losing my mother and his eldest son. And then later that was heightened by High Mage Nareash’s control over him.”

“Gauge has cast those events in a new light, Your Majesty. He says that it was you who manipulated your father with Sacrynon’s Scepter, and that Nareash tried to stop you.”

“If Nareash tried to stop me, then why did he kill so many in the castle, including the other High Mages? Why didn’t they all work together? And why wouldn’t I still be wielding such immense power now?”

“Gauge claims that you manipulated the High Mages into believing Nareash was at fault. The deaths at your castle were simply the results of their battle. Amcaro cast some spell before his death that negated your ability to use the scepter.”

“And people believe this?”

“Not all, but enough. Even those who managed to flee from Nareash that day are no longer sure of what they saw in the confusion.”

“So, my word against Gauge’s. And people believe him. Why?”

“He claims that you lied about the scepter. That Amcaro didn’t destroy it. That you hid the scepter and played the fool to deflect the attention of those who might be able to stop you. However, he said that your true colors are beginning to show, allowing foreigners to gain notable positions.” His eyes flicked to Yanasi who had come up. “He says that no one but him can prevent you from ruining Cadonia.”

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