Read Triage: A Thriller (Shell Series) Online

Authors: Phillip Thomas Duck

Triage: A Thriller (Shell Series) (26 page)

BOOK: Triage: A Thriller (Shell Series)
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I nodded, refilled her glass with wine.
Barbeito Bual Madeira
from Portugal. “
Flygande Jakob

She took another bite. “Peanuts, bananas…”

“Chicken breasts, bacon, sour cream, onion, and a few other things I won’t divulge.”

“You didn’t have to go through all of this trouble,” she said, taking another bite before she finished the words.

I smiled. “You were going to loan me flour, it was no trouble.”

“And eggs,” she noted. “So you’re right, my goodwill deserved this reward.”

Instead of borrowing the items, I’d invited her to dinner, ran to the grocery store and picked up what I needed, cooked it. A little over an hour from thought to conception.

“So I take it you haven’t been able to track down Darren?” she asked.

This wasn’t where I wanted to take the conversation. I wasn’t sure what I could tell her and what I needed to keep to myself. Despite that, I quickly made a decision. I’d like to say it was the wine that loosened my inhibitions, but beauty is ten times more intoxicating.

“Nicholas is the owner of the bistro,” I said.

“Old guy with an accent? Yeah, I’ve spoken with him.”

“Nicholas knew who Sweet was the minute I mentioned his name, but he thinks he’s running a hospital and privacy should be protected like medical info.”

Siobhan’s eyes really came alive when she smiled. “I’ve heard and seen for myself how persuasive you can be. I can’t imagine it ended there.”

“It didn’t.”

“You’re going to make me work to get the full story?”

“How badly do you want to hear it all?”

“You’re not nice.”

Maybe the playful milieu would soften the blow of the story’s violent end. Then again, maybe nothing could.

“Nicholas has a son,” I went on. “Nicky. He was a lot more forthcoming than his old man.”

“I know him, too,” she said, nodding. “And something just flashed in your eyes. Nicky had some promising information?”

“He sent me to a senior living complex where I met a fetching older woman named Mrs. Lippman.”

“Nicholas. Nicky. Mrs. Lippman.” Siobhan shook her head. “This is beginning to sound like a crime novel. Too many names for me to keep track of.”

“You sure it isn’t the wine?”

She looked at me in disbelief, her mouth agape, eyes alive in a way the boy on the street’s eyes weren’t. “Is that what’s happening here? You’re quietly getting me drunk?”

“Not at all.”

“You’re lying to me, Shell.”

Her beauty was free of any discernible blemish. It was hard to imagine her anywhere but against a breathtaking backdrop. “Why were you in Edge, Siobhan?” I asked her. “I knew your grandfather well, and your grandmother just in passing. But neither of them strikes me as the type to allow that to happen to one of their own.”

Her smile vanished and I knew I’d crossed a line.

We ate in silence for awhile. Finally I said, “There was a boy outside earlier, hanging around the street. Did you happen to notice him?”

She shook her head without looking at me.

“I followed him, confronted him. He looked like the boy I caught selling drugs to Renny that time. I was set to roust him, see if I could get some info about your cousin.”

She looked up at me, but didn’t speak.

“It wasn’t him,” I said. “I was mistaken.”

Her gaze dropped from my face again. She’d stopped eating. The wine no longer held any sway over her.

“Alright, the mood has changed. I don’t like this, so let me explain. You know some things about me,” I said as tenderly as I could. “I was just trying to know you a little better when I asked about Edge.”

“I know nothing, Shell. You’re still an enigma.”

“That’s not entirely true.”

“Tell me about your family,” she said. “Brothers? Sisters? What of your parents? Nevada said you had a friend you were close to and that he killed himself. She said you wouldn’t share much beyond that, but that it was obviously a situation that darkened your soul. Tell me about this friend.”

I swallowed. Didn’t respond.

“Some things are best left unspoken. Let’s leave it at that, okay, Shell?”

“Hard for me to argue with that logic.”

“I’m glad we agree.”

She resumed eating her meal, but gone were the gestures of approval after each bite, the murmurs of delight. It had taken me less than an hour to destroy something precious between us. I’d learned nothing from the experiences with Taj or Nevada.

“You stopped your story at Mrs. Lippman,” she said a beat later.

“You remembered,” I said, impressed. “You’d do fine with just about any crime novel.”

She nodded. “Mrs. Lippman…”

“Impressive old lady. She admitted knowing Sweet but told me she had no way of contacting him, but she must’ve because he called me last night.”

“Wait”—she dropped her fork on her plate—“Darren called you?”

I nodded.

“What did he say?”

“He was angry and scared. He threatened me. Then he realized who I was—Nevada must’ve mentioned me—and he changed course. He wanted to meet.”

“Meet? This is great, Shell. When?”

“Last night,” I said.

“You met?” She was ready to burst or jump from her seat. “You’ve been holding out on me. What did he say?”

“Nothing,” I whispered.

“I don’t understand.”

“He asked me to meet him at the same motel where Nevada went missing from.”



“Sounds like a trap.”

“Not for me,” I said.

“What does that mean?”

“He was dead when I arrived there.”

“Dead like…” She shook her head. “This is a mistake. Dead how?”

“A couple in the head judging by what I walked in on. I didn’t stay to verify.”

“A couple… You mean, like, shot?”

shot. Shot.”

Her shoulders slumped. She bit her lip. A slight tremble worked its way through her. “This is something bad, Shell.”


“Oh, Jesus.”

“I’ve been replaying the conversation over in my head, trying to figure it out. Find some meaningful thread that will lead me to Nevada. Nothing.”

“Oh, Jesus.”

“Sweet was running scared. It might be a family issue of some kind. He thought I was with his uncle.”

“His uncle?”

I nodded. “His Uncle John.”

“Uncle John?”

“That’s what he said.”


I frowned. “You know his uncle?”

“Not his uncle, Shell. Uncle John.”

“That’s what I said.”

“Uncle John,” she repeated.

“I’m lost.”

She took a deep breath. “Uncle John is this so-called community activist. He involves himself in everything. Police brutality issues, drug and gang issues, anything happens around here, Uncle John makes sure he’s a part of it.”

“You think that’s who Sweet was afraid of?”

“It makes sense.”

“Scared of a community activist?” I said, skeptical.

“Most people are afraid to say so, but the prevailing thought is that Uncle John is just a common street thug.”

“A street thug? Why would anyone think that?”

She looked at me. “Probably because he is.”




I FOUND HIM WITH a crack whore the very next day, eating fried chicken and French fries slathered in ketchup in a small too-bright soul food restaurant whose retail neighbors on both sides were shuttered, gray security gates covered with graffiti sheathing their storefronts. He hadn’t proved very difficult to find. I’d simply mentioned his name to several anonymous people on the street. By the fourth person, I had complete knowledge of his lunch habits. “Pinky’s,” the unintentional snitch told me. She had hair the color of dirty mop water and an odor like a burned boiled egg. Not surprisingly, when I offered her a twenty-dollar-bill she snatched it away, an animal intensity in her eyes, and disappeared without so much as a “thanks”. I stood there and considered the road I was traveling. Darren Sweet had been scared to death of Uncle John, and, considering the disbarred lawyer’s ignominious end, the fear seemed rightly justified. Yet this Uncle John was a man I actually wanted to confront? Unsolicited? The
smooth edges
of my thought process reminded me of my commitment to avoid any and all violence, the futility of a missing person’s search beyond the first seventy-two hours, and the already damaged and weakened state of my physical condition.

Unfortunately or fortunately—depending on your perspective—I’m mostly rough edges.

Pinky’s was not crowded, but their sit-down lunch business far surpassed Picaso’s. Two young black thugs sat at the first table by the door. They were dark, muscular and—judging by the swell of discarded chicken bones gathered in front of them—
. Darren Sweet’s word.

A second seating had two lovers sitting and holding hands across the empty table, engaging one another in a silent conversation, their shy smiles the only words they needed.

Four late-teen girls occupied a third table. Their conversation could not seem to stretch more than a few seconds without peals of jarring laughter.

A man staining the pages of his paperback novel with fried fish batter grease sat at the fourth table. I narrowed my eyes to absorb the author and title on the cover: Walter Mosley’s
Black Betty

Uncle John was the final patron, seated at the table closest to the order counter, facing the door. He was sitting back comfortably in the booth seat, his long legs stretched out under the table, his full attention devoted to the crack whore. I noticed the ripple of muscle in his forearms. The slightest movement and they gave the impression of a small animal scurrying under a rug. He wore a dyed black beard and sideburns that ended a half inch above his ears. His head was shaved bald and both ears were pierced and filled with studs too large to be actual diamonds. His clothes were khaki shorts and a burgundy T-shirt, brown leather sandals. I could smell his cologne from the curb outside. My best guess was that he was in his fifties, and I had no doubt he had started flirting with trouble early in life and the love affair had yet to end.

The crack whore wasn’t actually eating with him, but rather standing over his table while he spoke softly to her. She wore too-short shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt that did little to flatter her small but sagging breasts. Her sandals were plastic and filthy. She punctuated every word with some form of fidgety movement. The lopsided bandanna tied around her hair desperately needed to be straightened.

She stopped mid-sentence when I slid into the booth across from Uncle John. He reached forward, secured a plastic cup of crushed ice and grape soda, and took a healthy sip. He set the cup down carefully on the table. Not once did his eyes look my way.

“Excuse you,” the crack whore said, looking at me with eyes rimmed by red.

I smirked at her.

Uncle John said, “Juanita excuse us for a moment. I’ll talk to some people over at Faith Tabernacle and see if there’s anything can be done for your problem. Meantime, you keep your head up.”

“Promise you’ll talk to somebody?”

“I ever told a lie?” he asked her.

She smiled and walked away.

“I notice she didn’t answer,” I said.

Uncle John reached for the
Daily News
folded and resting by the table’s edge. I had it in my grasp before he could secure it.

That got him to look at me.

He smirked in a similar fashion as I’d done with Juanita. Smirked and went back to eating his food. I sat silently as he worked the meat off the bone, and then started to work on the bone itself.

“You know Darren Sweet?” I asked.

I thought he wasn’t going to answer, but he said, “A man shouldn’t be interrupted during a meal.”

“Two hundred and above.”

He frowned. “How’s that?”

“Your LDL cholesterol, if you keep eating that shit. Consider my interruption a favor.”

“You calling this good food shit? Pinky’s my sister-in-law, boy.”

I smiled. “I’m aware.”

He matched my smile. Then he said, “I see. Well, you’ll have to excuse me, boy. Stupidity has never suited me. And I don’t dumb down to make my company feel comfortable.”

“Is that an insult?”

“It was intended as such.”

“I’ve hurt men for less,” I told him.

He nodded. “I have as well.”

“Darren Sweet…”

“What about him?”

“You know him?”

“I know everyone, boy,” he said, and smiled.

“He seems to believe you mean him harm.”

“That’s funny.”

“Is it?”

“Sure,” he said. “Because, quiet as kept, I hear Darren is among those resting in peace.”

I had been checking the papers and the television news. There had been no mention of the motel murder.

“I notice you don’t seem surprised,” Uncle John said.

“Did you kill him?”

“That’s like asking a woman if her pussy smells like flounder.”

“Did you?”

“I rather cultivate than kill, boy.”

“I’ve heard different.”



“I’m in the trenches, boy. Reverence and fear are more related than most realize. I need both in order to help the people.”

“I’ve heard you’re nothing but a street thug.”

“Nevada’s pussy walls must be lined with silk, boy, because you’re sitting here talking real thoughtless.”


My heartbeat ratcheted up.

“What do you know about Nevada?” I barked at him.

He laughed.

I rose to my feet.

“Careful,” he cautioned me.

The young thugs at the first table were on me in an eye blink.

He told them, “It’s okay. Shell isn’t as foolish as he looks. In fact, he’s about to leave.”

They hesitated.

“Go on now,” Uncle John said.

They took a seat, but not at their original table. They hustled the man reading the Walter Mosley novel from the table directly across from us and sat there. I’d never had anyone blatantly glare at me as they did. Never had witnessed so many flared nostrils.

“Now I’m gonna have to get out the hose and go Montgomery, Alabama on them,” Uncle John said. “You got ‘em all riled up, Shell. I truly appreciate this.”

BOOK: Triage: A Thriller (Shell Series)
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