Read Treasured Submission Online

Authors: Maggie Ryan

Treasured Submission (21 page)

BOOK: Treasured Submission
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"Abby? This is important, don't close down on me. You know the rule, answer my question."

, she thought. Now there were going to be rules she had to obey as if she were a child! Not only was she a grown woman, she had managed just fine on her own for years. Adulthood gave her the right to make her own decisions, to decide for herself what she wanted to do—what she wanted to share. She felt herself becoming agitated and a little angry, because the guilt and confusion about her feelings continued to swirl inside her.

Dean sensed the change in her and knew that something needed to be done before the entire day turned into a catastrophe instead of the loving advances in the relationship that he thought they had made. He said once again, "Abigail, this is your last chance. Answer my question, honey. Can you say you didn't deserve your punishment? Sweetheart, can you explain to me why you refuse to accept my forgiveness?" Still she remained silent. Dean stepped closer again and said firmly, yet never raising his voice, "Okay, young lady. Unzip your jeans and pull them down."

Abby snapped out of her stillness and said, "What?"

He shook his head. "I know you heard me. Get those jeans down. You obviously need to be reminded that you aren't to shut down. I won't allow you to shut me out."

Abby shook her head violently, not trusting herself to turn and face him. She suddenly remembered what a 'reminder' meant in this lifestyle and her hands flew behind her to cup and protect her bottom.

"Wrong part of your jeans, my dear," Dean said, at the childish gesture. "The zipper is in the front. Unzip your jeans and pull them down, or do I need to do it for you? I'll warn you though, if I have to take them down, it won't be for just a reminder."

Abby's head was spinning. Not even conscious of the fact, her hands moved to the zipper of her jeans and lowered it. Whimpering low in her throat, she slowly pushed her jeans down to her knees.

Dean nodded his approval and said, "Panties now, push them down."

"Please, Sir."

At her words, Dean knew she was going to be fine. She might be feeling confused or even embarrassed about what had happened on the boulder, but her choice of address told him that some deep, secret part of her needed this.

"Panties down, sweetheart," he repeated softly.

With a little sob, Abby lowered her underwear to her knees as well. She looked up and gasped. With the darkening of the world outside, the huge sheet of glass had become a mirror. They were easily visible, a woman standing half-naked, looking like a naughty girl and very, very small compared to the man standing behind her. Abby couldn't bring herself to lift her eyes to his face, trembling as he stepped forward and wrapped one arm around her waist. He pushed her slightly forward with his free arm until she was bent over.

"Put your hands on the glass and spread your legs."

Shaking her head, moans of refusal issuing from her, she obeyed. Bracing herself against the cool glass, she shifted her feet as far apart as the clothing around her knees would allow. She felt his arm leave her waist, only to feel both hands cupping her bottom cheeks. His touch immediately brought back the pain of her spanking, the reasoning for it, and the shame and guilt she was feeling that had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she had scared him.

"Wait! I know, I know why…"

Dean bent over her, his lips at her ear. He felt her tremble as he whispered softly into her ear, "I know you do."

Chapter 17


Abby thought that with her confession he was content because she had finally answered verbally; she thought wrong. She felt him pull her cheeks apart with one hand and then felt his finger on her anus. "No! Please, don't...please—"

"Shh," he whispered, close to her ear. He pressed the pad of his finger against her intimate orifice and felt her entire body clench. "Relax, Abby, just relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

She sobbed, pressing her cheek onto the cool glass between her spread hands. She had never felt more vulnerable than she did at that moment. She braced herself, but then he removed his fingertip, and with the relief she felt, she would have sunk to the floor without the support of his arm.

Dean moved his fingers to her sex. He was happy to feel that, though she might not be want to admit it, she was aroused, and he could feel the moisture from her own body as he coated his finger. Hearing her whimper as he returned the finger to her anus, he knew she was frightened, but was once again choosing to trust him. He pressed the tiny pucker gently, then more firmly. When his finger began to penetrate her, she rose up as high as she could onto her tiptoes.

"Noo, nooo, nooo, ohhh" Abby whispered, the feeling too intense, the implications of what he was doing flooding her brain.

"Feet down flat, Abigail, I'm going to put my finger all the way up into your little rosebud. Get those feet down."

Abby sobbed, and it took him pressing harder into her bottom for her to obey. She lowered her feet, which, in effect, helped him to penetrate her back passage even deeper. She fisted her hands on the glass. This was humiliating, and felt far more intimate than being placed across his knees, presenting her bare ass for his hand or switch.

"Hold still," he ordered, and began to slowly pump his thick finger in and out of her. He saw tears well in her eyes and roll down her cheeks within the reflective surface of the glass. Dean pumped a few more times, making her rock a bit back and forth from the strength of his thrusts. "Where is my finger, Abigail? What is it doing?"

She gasped and begged, "Oh, God, ple–please don't…don't ask me that."

He knew he needed to help her move past the strangling embarrassment of having her anus invaded, to the reason why he was doing such a thing to her. This was not to get his jollies—this was to help her focus her mind on what needed to be discussed. If it took having his finger deep inside her to teach her the importance of open and honest communication, he'd stand there all night with his finger buried in her hot little ass.

"I will ask and you will answer." She continued to shake her head, until he pressed into her so hard that she gave a small shriek, and went back up onto her toes, trying to dislodge him from her body. Dean simply put his free arm around her waist and drew her back down onto his invading digit. "Feet on the floor, don't make me tell you again. Now, answer the question. Where is my finger and what is it doing?"

Pressing her face harder onto the window, she finally answered, so softly that it was barely audible. "It's–it's inside bottom."

Dean nodded and stroked out, then in again. "Good girl. Yes, my finger is deep inside your rosebud. Why is it in your ass, Abby?"

She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and felt him withdraw and then advance again, stretching her, controlling her, owning her. She moaned and answered, " are rem–reminding me… reminding me, Sir."

Dean was proud of her response. She was almost there. He withdrew his finger almost completely, and saw her press back a bit as if seeking him. He grinned, then got serious again, pushing his finger back into her tight anal canal. She felt absolutely marvelous to him, tight, hot and like velvet. Suppressing his own moan, he continued her lesson. "Why did I need to give you a reminder, honey?"

She finally felt herself relaxing, her hands unclenching and her cheek coming up off the glass. "I didn't answer you, Sir. I'm supposed to answer you."

Dean stepped even closer and said, "Look at me, look at me in the window." She obeyed, her eyes were filled with tears, but as they gazed at each other, the remaining tension seeped from her. He gave her a gentle smile and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "You are never to shut down on me, never to try to close me out. We will always talk to each other, Abby. We won't keep secrets that grow between us, twisting our insides until we feel sick. We won't attempt to carry the entire burden by ourselves. I'll always be here, Abby. I won't ever turn away. I'm here to guide you, to remind you, to punish you. Abby, I will always be here to forgive you and, sweetheart, I will always love you."

At her gasp, seeing the tears slide down her cheeks, he asked his final questions. "Are you ready to talk about your true feelings about your spanking today? Are you ready to be truthful? Do you feel you've been reminded enough?"

Abby felt as if he knew every single thought in her head—especially the one thing that continued to make her feel guilty. She managed to squeak out, "I'm ready, Sir. You can, um, you can take it out now."

Dean pressed just a little deeper and she moaned. He slowly, very slowly withdrew his finger until it popped free. He watched as she took a few deep breaths, then turned around and reached for her panties. He was proud when she froze, as if remembering his earlier words.

"Good girl, let me." With that he bent down and pulled her panties up, pausing only long enough to press a kiss to her mons before drawing her panties up over her bottom.

She felt her legs quiver and her sex flood with her arousal at his kiss. As he moved his hands to her jeans, she shocked both herself and him. "No—wait!" Stepping back, she shoved her panties down again, causing him to straighten slowly, his eyes meeting hers, one eyebrow lifting in question.

"I lied," she blurted. "I didn't, didn't jump to surprise you. I–I jumped because…because I wanted to see—wanted to know what—I knew you'd be pissed but–but I…I jumped on purpose!" Collapsing into tears, she was unable to continue but had said enough.

Dean nodded, her words confirming his earlier suspicions. "You wanted to see if I was serious. You wanted to know if I'd really spank you," he said softly. At her nod, he shook his head. "Oh, Abs, sweetheart, why didn't you just tell me? Why didn't you just ask?"

"I don't know," she wailed, and he instantly stepped forward and drew her into his arms. "I—it was a horrible thing to do. I didn't think, I didn't think about how much it would scare you. I'm an awful person…I don't deserve forgiveness."

"Baby, shh," Dean said softly, his hand pressing her head to his chest, her tears soaking his shirt. "It's okay, Abs, everything is going to be fine. You aren't an awful person and, sweetheart, I've already forgiven you."

"No…no, not…not yet," she stammered, pushing away from his embrace. "You can't—I can't…"

"I already have," he assured her, but when she kicked off her shoes and pulled off her jeans and panties, he knew what she needed. Once she was bared, he took her hand and led her to a chair. Taking a seat, he pulled her to stand between his knees. "Tell me why I'm going to spank you," he said gently, and watched as she swiped her cheeks with her fingers to clear them of tears.

Abby met his eyes and her heart opened. The physical pain of a spanking, and even a switching, would fade quickly. She understood that the pain of believing that someone you loved could possibly be horribly injured or even dead would always remain somewhere in a heart. The knowledge that she had frightened him so deeply, because of her foolish refusal to simply ask him for what she craved to experience, would remain with her until this was done.

"Because instead of trusting you, instead of being brave enough to ask you to spank me so I'd know….know what it felt like, I did something horrible. I–I disobeyed you on purpose. God, Dean, please believe me—I never meant to scare you so badly. Please, please spank me and, and if you can, please forgive me."

Though she'd had his forgiveness for hours, Dean did as she asked. He guided her across both of his knees, knowing she wouldn't struggle, wouldn't kick up or reach back. She needed this, needed it to clear her heart and her soul. His hand lifted and she got her wish.

Abby sobbed as the spanking renewed the throbbing of earlier. She cried as swat after swat covered every inch of her already tender bottom, and wailed as his hand moved down the backs of her thighs. With each fresh burst of pain, her guilt left her, until she was drained and limp across his knees.

Once it was over, her entire backside red and pulsing, Dean helped her off his lap. She clung to his hand as he led her to a corner opposite the window and turned her into it. As she settled into position, nose to the wall, hands at her sides, her well-punished ass on display, a sense of peace flowed through her.

"I believe you'll understand the benefits of reflection time far better now," Dean said softly, bending to kiss her cheek as his hand gave her hot bottom a gentle pat. "I'll be back in a half-hour."

"Yes, Sir," Abby said softly, and as he moved away, she added, "Thank you, Dean."

His heart filling, he nodded. "You're welcome, sweetheart."

Abby had no difficulty during her corner time. She once again replayed the entire day in her mind, and freely admitted every detail of her disobedience. The euphoria of total forgiveness wrapped her in its warm embrace and she accepted it with grace. It seemed like only moments before she felt Dean's presence in the room.

"Come here, baby," he said softly. She turned and flew into his open arms, clinging to him as if she'd never let him go. "Ready for aftercare?" he asked softly, and at her enthusiastic nod, grinned, lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

He made love to her slowly and gently, loving her moans when he held her bottom in his hands as he lifted her to sink deep into her welcoming warmth. He cupped her striped cheeks and kneaded them with his fingers, feeling her surge up to him, taking him deeper. He wanted her to experience how discipline could also cause a deeper physical response when the discipline was done and intimacy took its place. He continued kneading her aching buttocks, raking his fingernails across the thin welts the switch had raised against her skin, thrusting and withdrawing until she screamed her release, her entire body shaking as he held her. He decided to push her a bit further. Continuing to slowly pump in and out of her, he gave her an order.

"Turn over, Abby, I want to take you from behind."

Her eyes widened and she looked up at him timidly. Dean didn't repeat his words, he simply gave her time to obey. Abby realized he wasn't asking permission, he was informing her of what was going to happen. He alone was in control. Her whimper was soft as he withdrew from her, leaving her feeling empty and desperately wanting him to fill her again. She offered no resistance as he reached down to help her to turn over, moaning in pleasure when he slid back into her.

Dean smiled as he stroked her back, cupping first one hot, striped buttock and then the other as he pushed inside her. "Get up on your knees, put your head down. I want to go as deeply inside your pussy as possible."

Abby blushed, realizing he was looking at her ravished bottom, seeing the physical result of her disobedience. Feeling the evidence of his continued desire as he continued to slowly pump in and out of her, she felt her own arousal ratchet up several notches. This man didn't care that her bottom was marked. His hands continued to stroke the welts, and she felt a sudden, crazy feeling of pride that she had been able to accept his discipline and wear the marks he had determined she deserved. She stopped thinking and pushed herself to her knees, slowly lowering her shoulders down until her head was on the pillow.

"Good girl, now give me your arms, put them behind your back."

Abby hesitated, the position awkward for her, but obeyed, feeling him take her wrists in his hands. Holding her tightly, he pulled her back against his crotch. She gasped as this drove him even deeper inside her, touching places she had never felt touched before. He filled her completely as he began to ride her, no longer going slow. His hips pounded against her upturned bottom as he drove into her, his speed increasing, his thrusts causing her to yelp occasionally. She felt like she had no control, and realized she didn't. Her hands were in his, her torso pressed down onto the mattress, his much larger body covering hers, her knees spread obscenely wide. He was taking her, possessing her as he desired, as he commanded. Abby finally allowed herself to let go, surrendering to the intensity of what she was feeling. With her surrender, she felt her desire increase, feeling everything, each sensation magnified, aware of every inch of him withdrawing and advancing deep within her as he claimed her completely.

Dean used his free hand to roam across the bottom he had punished, and grinned. She had no idea how absolutely beautiful she was in her total submission. He ran his fingers over a vivid welt and then pinched it hard. His heart stuttered as Abby arched her head back and screamed her orgasm to the heavens. Dean groaned, buried deep inside, her body convulsing with amazing strength along the length of his cock. He exploded into her, pumping hard again and again until he was empty, his heart hammering inside his chest.

Abby felt the world explode into colors of every hue as the intensity of it took her to a level she'd never experienced. This wasn't the black and white world of sex as she had known it. This took her almost outside her physical body, as her heart and soul were freed and consumed by this man's love. She was only dimly aware that Dean continued to hold her securely, his body pressed tightly into her as he gradually softened. When he withdrew, her arms were not released until he had sat back and drawn her onto his lap.

BOOK: Treasured Submission
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