Treasured Find (Royal Pride Book 1) (23 page)

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Jazz pinched the bridge of her nose. “Hold on a sec.”

She moved to the deck and braced her elbows on the railing.

“Okay. How did he find out?” Jazz wasn’t going to bother asking why. Nothing could make cheating acceptable in her mind.

“He showed up here! Can you believe it? While my kids were eating cereal and watching cartoons. Jack answered the door.”

Jazz frowned. “What did he want?”

Cindy’s bitter laugh sent a chill down Jazz’s spine.

“To see if I had some of our lover’s things. He was afraid they’d been lost in the fire.”

Jazz sucked in a rough breath. “Tony? You were sleeping with Tony? And…and this guy?”

Cindy sniffled. “Yeah. It wasn’t serious. Just sex. A little bondage. Some role-playing stuff.” She groaned. “I didn’t mean for it to go on as long as it did. I just…I couldn’t say no. What they did to me—”

“Stop. I don’t want to know.”

Was Tony’s choice in lovers what had upset Josh? Actually, it was probably knowing Tony had been sleeping with a married woman that had angered Josh more than Tony’s multiple partners. It certainly bothered Jazz. She banked her annoyance. Despite what Cindy had done, she was still Jazz’s friend.

“Who is this other guy? Didn’t he know you were married?”

“He was a friend of Tony’s, and yes, he knew.” Cindy sighed. “I think he wanted Jack to find out.”

“Why? So he’d leave?”

“Yes. Jonah texted me minutes after Jack drove away and told me to leave the door open for him tonight.”

“I hope you told him to forget it! I’m trying not to judge you, but if you want to keep your husband and kids, you need to end things with this guy and work things out with Jack.”

Silence stretched, and Jazz cursed. “You’re going to keep seeing him, aren’t you?”

“No. I’ll end things.”

Jazz snorted. “Just not today, right?”

“We’re going to talk. That’s all. I’m meeting him somewhere. I don’t want him here, Jazz. Not in my bed.”

Jazz bit back her curse. “Well, I don’t know what else you expect me to say. I refuse to tell you that what you’re doing is okay. It’s not. If you and Jack have problems, you need to either work it out or get separated.”

“I knew you’d say that.”

“Then why did you call me?”

“To…talk to you about Megan. This thing with Jonah has just added to my guilt.”

Jazz straightened. “What about Megan?”

“She has a twin. Molly. I promised Tony not to tell anyone until he had all the details worked out, not even Jonah, and—”

“Wait a minute. A twin? Megan never mentioned having a twin. Why would the adoption agency separate them?”

“He didn’t adopt Megan legally, Jazz. I don’t know everything or why Megan never mentioned her sister to you, but I do know Tony was desperate to get Molly. Somebody from Europe was going to adopt her. He said he’d slit their damn throats before he let that happen. He meant it too. He was afraid for her. Said if he couldn’t scrounge up the money to adopt Molly, he’d go kidnap her himself. He promised Megan he’d save her sister. She’s…she’s special, Jazz. Both girls are.”

Jazz pressed her hand to her mouth. Cindy knew Megan was a shifter. “Where is Molly, Cindy? Please tell me. I know Megan’s secret too, and yes, Tony was right. Molly is in danger.”

Cindy choked on a sob. “I don’t know where she is. That’s the god-honest truth. Tony did give me a packet of letters from the lawyer arranging Molly’s adoption, though. He didn’t want Megan to see her sister’s picture and start crying. He was trying to get Molly back, Jazz. He was trying.”

Jazz scrubbed at her eyes. “Okay. I believe you, but I need those papers. I have friends that can help.”

“Oh, thank goodness. That’s why I wanted to see you. To see if you could help me somehow get Molly because I don’t have that kind of money.”

“I don’t have much money either, but we’ll figure out a way. I won’t let Molly down.”

“I wished I’d known that you were keeping Megan’s secret too.”

And that meant Cindy didn’t know Jazz’s secret. Tony had kept his word. Jazz breathed a sigh of relief. “Yes. I found out and was helping Tony deal with it. Megan’s a beautiful, sweet little girl.”

“I was hoping that was the reason you were over there so much and not because you were involved with him too. I was getting a little jealous.” Cindy choked on a sob. “Crazy right? I couldn’t help it.”

The conversation they’d had in the bar made sense in light of Cindy’s confession. Jazz softened her voice. “We were friends, Cindy. Only.”

“I guess it doesn’t much matter now. He’s gone.”

Jazz sighed. “I’m really sorry this is happening to you, Cindy, but I’m glad you decided to reach out to me about Molly. You made the right choice. I promise, we’ll do everything we can to get her back. So this is what I need you to do. Take pictures of those papers, then text them to my friend’s phone. I really can’t come over now, but I will, and then we can talk more.” Jazz rattled off Rafe’s number. At least with a snapshot of the papers the shifter agents could get to work locating Molly.

“Yes, I can do that right now. Let me grab them.”


A sick feeling settled in Jazz’s gut while she waited for Cindy to snap the photos. Something wasn’t right. Why would Jonah show up at Cindy’s place? If he’d meant to break up her marriage, why not announce he was her lover when Jack opened the door, not ask Cindy about Tony’s belongings?

Unless…unless getting his hands on Tony’s stuff
the reason Jonah showed up, and it didn’t have anything to do with Cindy.

“Okay. They’re sent. I even included the envelope.” Cindy finally announced. Her voice was stronger, more sure of herself.

“Great. Now tell me—”

“Tony had a box in the storage unit I have for my mom’s stuff when we moved her into the nursing home. Do you want me to get it? I don’t know what’s in it. Probably—”

“Cindy?” Jazz hated cutting Cindy off but the unease churning her belly hadn’t lessened.


“Jonah. Tell me about him. What does he look like?”

“He’s tall. A little older than me. Late forties? But he’s fit, Jazz. Really fit.”

“Brown eyes?”

“Yes and brown hair. It has some gray in it, but I think it looks nice, especially with the highlights in it from being out in the sun. He’s got an amazing tan too.”

Jazz bit her lip and conjured Jon’s image from when he’d cornered her in the hotel lobby. The man Cindy described could be him or any number of guys.

“Does he ever go by a nickname? Jon, maybe?”

“No.” The confusion was clear in Cindy’s voice.

It was possible Jazz was reading into the situation, but she couldn’t ignore it, not if there was a chance Cindy might be in danger.

“Cindy, can you…” Jazz glanced at the kitchen door. She really should get Kade or someone’s permission to invite Cindy over, but after Jazz explained her worry, they’d understand. Besides, it wasn’t as if Cindy was going to walk in on a houseful of big cats. She’d only see men. Drop-dead gorgeous men, but still men.

“Can you come over here? Bring those papers too?”

“Yes. I could really use a friend right about now.”

“You got it.” Jazz didn’t know what else she could do for Cindy’s personal life, but Jazz could be there for her. A good talk might help Cindy find her own way.

Cindy sniffled. “I’m going to stop by the storage unit and grab the box Tony left there, then I’ll be over.”

The line went dead. Jazz dropped her head into her hands. A twin. Megan had a twin named Molly. And she was in danger.

Please. Let us find her.

Jazz dragged in a steadying breath, then dialed Rafe’s number. He needed to know what Jazz had learned and that Cindy would be visiting. An animal’s whining stopped her from hitting send. She scanned the backyard for the source, but didn’t see one.

Another whimper, louder than before came from the woods. She leaned over the rail of the deck to get a better look.

Then screamed.

Chapter Thirty-Two

Rafe had wasted the entire morning. Sure, he’d gotten in to see an agent immediately. It hadn’t been Ella, Zach’s beloved human, though. She was working exclusively on another case—a missing wolf shifter.

Instead of the female Rafe knew to be sympathetic toward shifters, he’d gotten some older human who was riding his way into retirement and wasn’t about to get worked up over a lost shifter child.

“Your lion cub is not the only person missing. Her information will be entered into our database, and when we have a lead, we’ll be in touch.”

The human’s blasé response had been Rafe’s tipping point. He’d flipped the guy’s desk and threatened to destroy his office if the agents didn’t act. Rafe had been escorted out with an order not to return unless he could control himself.

Well, Zach’s just going to have to get over his stubbornness and talk to Ella.

Finding Molly was more important than whatever had happened between Zach and Ella to leave him sulking in the shadows.

Rafe parked in the grass, then got out. His cats stirred, warning him something wasn’t quite right. He gripped the doorframe and opened himself to them. The noises around him grew in volume, along with a rush of sensory information only an animal would notice, but the one clue that stopped his heart was that of a woman crying.


He took off and circled the house, following the sound of her sobs. He found her near the edge of the woods in Mira’s arms. Devin stood protectively near them.

The sight of Jasmine, alive and safe, eased Rafe some, but not completely. The stench of death hung in the air. An animal had died, not a human or shifter. The distinctive scent of blood told him that, and it was the only thing stopping him from losing control.

He met Devin’s gaze. “What happened? Is everyone okay?”

“Kids are fine. So are we, but—”

“Rafe.” Jasmine reached for him.

He pulled her into his embrace. She buried her face against his chest and cried harder. He soothed her with caresses along her back until the sobs shaking her body slowed.

“Talk to me. What’s happened?”

“Bobby Rae is dead.”

“Mr. Wilkins’ dog.” Devin motioned toward where the stench of death drifted. “It was…left there. It didn’t walk.” He worked his jaw back and forth. “No scent of whoever did it.”

In other words, somebody had killed the poor animal and dropped it there as a warning. Rafe could guess who had committed the horrid act—Jon.

Rafe had been right. Jon hadn’t slunk away. He was going to come after Rafe’s new family. Take them from him. Destroy his future.

No. The male will die. I won’t let him get away with his crimes.

The vow strengthened him. “Who was watching Mr. Wilkins?”

“Not sure.” Devin met Rafe’s gaze. An equal share of disgust and embarrassment showed in his expression. “I was out of it for a while this time.”

Lost in his cats’ world.

No doubt the fight with Josh had sent Devin to his animals’ mystical field in an effort to put his crazed cats in their place. Sometimes, he had trouble reconnecting to the human world after an extended stay there. That was the danger Rafe had tried to warn Seth and Levi about.

Devin didn’t exactly have a choice, though. His cats needed him more than many other shifters’ animals. The years of torture he’d endured while serving Mira’s murder sentence had broken him.

Rafe dipped his chin in understanding.

“Evan was over at the older human’s place.” Mira supplied the answer Rafe sought. “I tried calling him. No answer.”

“Where are the others? Someone needs to go check on them.”

“I’ll go.” Devin stepped forward.

Rafe shook his head. No way was he letting Devin wander off on his own. After an extended stay in his cats’ realm, his view of reality was often skewed. Rafe didn’t need Devin blacking out or confusing his cats’ world with his.

“Stay close. Help protect Jasmine, Mira and the kids while I run the grounds.”

Devin stared at him for a long moment. “You sure that’s a good idea?”

“You’d never hurt a kid or a female.”

For all of Devin’s issues, Rafe didn’t doubt that. Devin’s cats would protect his pride mates at all costs, and Jasmine, along with the kids, were theirs.

When Devin didn’t respond, Rafe added, “Jasmine is my true mate, Devin.”

And if Rafe lost her, his life was worthless. Devin would understand the significance of Rafe’s confession.

Devin glanced at Jasmine, then raised his chin. “Then I would give my life for her.”

The sight of Kade jogging toward them stopped Rafe from thanking Devin for his vow.

“Evan took three gunshots to the gut.” Kade focused on Rafe. “Another dead center in his chest. While he…”

Jasmine tensed. “Dead. He’s dead?”

Kade shook his head. “No. They’re both alive. Royals don’t die easily, but while he was down, the older human was attacked. Evan managed to crawl into the house and saved him. Mr. Wilkins is on his way to the hospital.”

Jasmine buried her face into the crook of Rafe’s neck and choked back a cry. He held her tighter and met Kade’s gaze. “It was Jon, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. Evan was hurt. Bad. He couldn’t take Jon down. Evan’s angry about it too. He couldn’t leave the human, though.”

“Evan did the right thing.”

“I know that. So does he. It doesn’t make him feel better, especially since he had to involve the humans.”

Rafe cursed. “Get Zach to call Ella. We’re going to have to control this before it gets out of control.”

“It’s contained. Evan made up a story about there being a cougar, and how he scared it off. The humans believed him. The cop who’d responded said there’d been quite a few sightings of something big moving through the woods at night.” Kade ran a hand over his skull. “Actually, the human seemed eager to go on a hunt for it.”

“Just great.” That was all they needed. Have one of Rafe’s pride members get shot while they were here to protect Rafe’s new family.

“It’s not the first time we’ve had to tell an impromptu story to protect our kind. It won’t be the last. We’ll deal with it.”

“We have no choice but to deal with it. Jon can’t be allowed to get away with his crimes.” Rafe scanned the woods. “We need to search for him, but I doubt he’s still here. That dog was left as a warning.”

“Of what?” Jasmine asked.

“That he can get close to us,” Mira said. “It’s a psychological move. He could’ve shot you while you were out on the deck, just as he did Evan, but Jon didn’t. He wants more than your death.”

Of course. Killing Jasmine would hurt Rafe, but Jon wouldn’t benefit personally from it. And if Jon had wanted to hurt Rafe or the Alexander pride, more than he already had, Jon could’ve done so over the century since he’d killed Rafe’s father.

Rafe met Kade’s gaze. “Jon wants the kids.”

“No. Jon wants the same privileges Royals have. He told you that.”


“And there are some who believe scientists are close to extending a Royal’s gifts to the single shifters,” Devin added.

Yes, Rafe had heard of the stories from more people than Jon. That was why the medical facilities that experimented on shifters continued to pop up across the country despite the efforts of the shifters and the human government to eliminate them. There were some people who wanted to live forever and would go after that desire at the cost of the Royals. Rafe couldn’t see the allure of immortality, not unless you had a true mate to share the endless years with.

“Scientists?” Jasmine tipped her head to look into Rafe’s face.

He wanted to shield her from the ugliness of his life and the threats to them, but she needed to understand just how much some people resented the Royals. Once Rafe mated her, she’d be just as despised, maybe more. There’d be other women asking—why her, why not me?

He glanced at Kade. “Ask Xander to search the woods for Jon. I need to explain some things to Jasmine.”

“Already done. We’ll move into the house and help Zach keep an eye on the kids.”

“Wait.” The mention of Zach reminded Rafe of his unsuccessful trip into Virginia. “Zach needs to call Ella. We need her help. I got nowhere with my visit this morning.”

“He won’t like it, but I’ll make it an order.”

“Good.” It might be the push Zach needed too. He had to spend time with his female if he expected to figure out if it was the need to protect her that made him claim her as his beloved human or if the reason was the same one that drove Rafe to be with Jasmine—that Ella was Zach’s true mate.

“Rafe.” Jasmine rested her hands on his chest. “I need to talk to you.”

“Okay, but this isn’t the best place for it. Just hang on a minute until we’re alone.”

Rafe tucked Jasmine into his side and headed toward the garage. They’d need privacy for the details he’d deliver. He didn’t want his brothers to see Rafe begging her to trust him. He would too. Hell, he’d get down on his knees. As long as he got Jasmine’s willingness to put her life in his hands, he’d do anything.

The only problem was—he didn’t expect to get it. He had a feeling she wouldn’t be too happy with him, especially when she learned the details about what loving him meant.

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