Treasured Dreams (32 page)

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Authors: Kendall Talbot

BOOK: Treasured Dreams
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Archer blinked at her. His eyes dazzled in the light.

‘Go on, mate.' Jimmy slapped him on the shoulder.

‘Are you sure?'

‘Of course. I got this.'

‘Thanks, Jimmy.' Archer reached for Rosalina's hand and she led him out the door. ‘What brought this on?'

‘I figured tonight was probably our last lazy night before the craziness began again, so I thought we should enjoy it.'

He let go of her hand, slid it down to her hip and tugged her to his side. ‘Great idea. I'll get changed and meet you up top.' Archer left her side, and as she strolled through the yacht, for the first time ever she hoped she didn't run into any of the others. All she wanted was some quiet time with Archer. She felt like she was running the gauntlet as she strode the length of the yacht and climbed the stairs to the sun deck.

She sighed with relief when she discovered the teak-lined area vacant. On the way to the spa, she tugged a couple of towels from the linen cupboard and placed them on a deck chair along with her sarong. The sun was still an enormous fireball in the sky, casting its intense heat rays across the deck. Fortunately, half the spa was bathed in the shadows from the helipad.

She climbed the three steps to the spa and pushed the start button, and as the warm water bubbled to life she eased into it. A sigh released from her throat as she found a curved seat below the waterline where her body was in the shade and her legs could bask in the sun. She rolled her head from side to side and realised just how tense she was. Her first thoughts were that it was her worry over Filippo that was causing the knot in her stomach. But she quickly conceded she had so much more on her mind.

‘Want a drink, babe?' Archer called to her from behind the bar.

Her instant reaction was to say yes, but she forced herself to be cautious. ‘Just a water, please.'

‘Oh, are you sure? I'm having a beer.'

‘Yes, I'm sure.'

Archer grinned as he strode towards her with the drinks in his hands, and Rosalina admired every delectable inch of his skin. He was ruggedly sexy with muscles in all the right places—not too big to throw his body out of proportion, but just enough muscle to ensure she felt safe in his arms.

He slipped in beside her and when he leant over to share a kiss she inhaled the scent of his freshly applied cologne. It was all tropical sunsets on secluded beaches, and exactly how she liked her fiancé.

‘This is the life, hey?' He said it like it was something new, and she chuckled.

That was another thing she adored about Archer. Despite his abundant wealth, he was still very grounded.

‘Sure is, babe.' This was how life was meant to be. Enjoyed. She placed her hand on Archer's leg and glided her fingers over the jagged scar below his knee. The scar was a terrible reminder of how Archer's father had died. Archer was just lucky the shark hadn't killed him too.

He sipped his beer, then leant his head against the soft cushion, and when he swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. His wavy hair tussled in the breeze, dancing about his ears. It was a bit longer now, curling at the base of his neck and flopping down over his brows. It complemented his carefree personality.

Rosalina twisted her engagement ring around her finger. She was still getting accustomed to wearing it. Ever since Archer had proposed, their life had been anything but normal. And now, as they cruised towards yet another potential treasure hunt, she wondered if their life would ever be normal again.

‘What're you thinking about?' Archer opened his coffee-coloured eyes and turned to her.

She shrugged. ‘Nothing?'

‘I can feel you thinking. You're not relaxing.'

‘Oh.' She hadn't realised she was emitting those vibes. ‘It's nothing.'

‘It's not nothing. We're alone together in the best place in the world, and you're as stiff as a surfboard.'

‘No, I'm not.' She forced her shoulders to relax.

Archer glided his hand along her thigh, and when their hands met he weaved his fingers into hers. ‘Tell me.'

She let out a slow breath, trying to form the words in her brain. ‘I was just thinking how ever since we became engaged, nothing has been normal.'

He lifted her hand from the water and kissed her engagement ring. ‘Normal is a difficult thing to define. One couple's idea of normal is nothing like another's.'

‘Okay, I agree with that. What I mean is, before we started chasing after this treasure we had jobs and lives where we went to work during the day and came home to relax each night. Now we seem to bounce from crazy times where people are trying to kill us, to days on end where we float at sea doing nothing.'

‘What would you like to do?'

She huffed out a breath. ‘That's just it. I don't know. I just wonder if we're ever going to settle down.'

‘Settle down?' He frowned. ‘What, and have a family or something? Is that what you mean?' He chuckled.

Rosalina's answer trapped in her throat. His flippant response may have been expected. But now, she couldn't decide if it was the answer she wanted.


Less than twenty-four hours later, the
was anchored just off the wreck of the Kawasaki Ki-56 plane that they hoped belonged to Hiro Yukimura. Rosalina looked down at the plane from the dive platform. It was clearly visible about fifteen metres below. The plane sat upright. The wings were still intact, as was the tail, and two blades of the propeller were still fixed to the nose of the plane. She found it hard to believe that the plane had crashed. It looked more like it'd been carefully lowered into position on purpose.

‘Looks fantastic,' Archer said. ‘Can't wait to get down there and check it out.'

‘It doesn't look like it crashed at all.'

‘I agree. It's looks weird sitting upright like that. Ready for your gear?'

She nodded and as Archer lifted it with ease, she leant forward, ready to counteract the weight of her air tank. Shouts in the distance made her look out across the water. Three children paddled towards them in a small wooden canoe. Their golden curly hair was a dramatic contrast to their dark chocolate-coloured skin. Their broad smiles captured her interest the most though. Each of them looked blissfully happy.

‘Hey fellas,' Archer called out to them as he helped Rosalina clip her buoyancy vest into place.

‘Hey mister. You diving down to the plane?'

Archer winked at Rosalina as he did the last clip, then he turned and smiled at the boys. ‘Sure am.'

The kids paddled right up to the yacht, and all three of them reached out and clung onto the dive deck. ‘Need some help?' The boy who spoke had a wild frizzy mop of blond curls.

‘No thanks, buddy, we'll be fine.'

Archer turned his attention back to her. ‘You ready?'

She inflated her buoyancy vest and put her regulator into her mouth. She inhaled, ensuring her air was working. ‘I'm good.'

He glanced over her shoulder. ‘Ginger, are you ready?'

Ginger's fins slapped onto the deck as she waddled up to them with gangling strides. ‘Sure am.'

Archer kissed Rosalina on the cheek. ‘Look out, boys,' Archer said to the kids, ‘the ladies are about to jump in.'

The boys pushed their canoe back as far as they could without releasing their hold on the yacht.

Rosalina nodded at Ginger and the two of them jumped off the deck into the water. They promptly bobbed to the surface, and as she gave the ‘all clear' signal to Archer, Helen made her way down the steps to the dive platform. This was the first time Rosalina had seen her down here.

Rosalina had thought Helen wouldn't want to see them scuba dive. Surely it'd remind her of how her husband had died. But Helen didn't look distressed at all; she actually looked thrilled to be there. Archer jumped when he saw his mother beside him.

‘Hey Mum, you're awake. We're about to dive down to that plane; here, have a look.' Archer hooked his arm beneath his mother's elbow, guided her to the edge of the dive platform and pointed into the water.

‘Oh.' Rosalina barely heard Helen's voice.

‘Will you be okay here with Alessandro?'

Alessandro stepped up. ‘Of course she will be.'

The three boys started singing and tapping out a rhythm on the side of their canoe. To Rosalina's amazement, Helen clapped along with them. Her hips moved too. Archer turned to Rosalina and thumbed at his mother; the grin on his face was pure elation.

Archer kissed his mum on her forehead. ‘See you in about forty minutes, Mum.'

‘Be careful,' Helen said.

Archer and Jimmy jumped in together and then the four of them glided beneath the surface. The water was crystal clear, blue as far as Rosalina could see. Archer's bubbles drifted up over her as he led the way to the plane. The wreck had turned into a beautiful underwater museum. Every part of the metal was covered in colourful coral and plant life. Green, yellow and purple dominated. Small blue and black fish darted in and out of the metal garden.

Rosalina lowered to the sand at the front of the plane while the men swam straight to the tail fin. Using her beloved underwater camera, she took a series of photos, ensuring she captured the length of the plane in the shot. Only two blades remained on the propeller; the third had most likely snapped off in the crash. Nestled at the centre of the two blades was a clam, and she giggled when the shell snapped shut at her slight touch.

Ginger, hovering over the centre of the plane, waved Rosalina over, and when she began removing her fins Rosalina knew what she was planning to do. As Rosalina clung onto Ginger fins, Ginger eased herself into the plane's cockpit. It was a bit of a wriggle with the tank on her back but she made it, and then she grinned at Rosalina like a little kid. Rosalina took several photographs and after a series of hand signals, Rosalina realised Ginger wanted her to get the men. She did, and soon they all chuckled as they watched Ginger pretend to drive the plane as if it were a car.

After a few more photos, Rosalina turned her attention to the back of the plane. Every inch of the metal was covered in coral, and it was immediately apparent that it'd be impossible to find any identifying marks on the tail fin. Without that, she had no idea where they were going to go from here.

Rosalina jabbed at a few more clams and watched them snap shut at her touch. Archer arrived at her side and gave her the thumbs down signal, confirming her assumption. She shrugged in response, and then took a photo of Archer. He removed his regulator to poke his tongue at her, and she photographed that too.

He indicated ‘boat' with his hands and she agreed. They swam over to Jimmy and Ginger and then the four of them pushed off the sand and rose to five metres below the surface. As fish of all colours and sizes dodged around them, Rosalina glanced down at the wreck and snapped a few more photos. She wondered if the pilot had survived the crash. The wreck seemed intact enough for that to be possible. The surface was only fifteen metres away, and in addition, land also was within swimming distance. The nearest island was only one hundred or so metres from the wreck. Not too far for someone to swim, provided they didn't have any injuries, that was.

As a group, they glided to the surface, and the instant Rosalina was in the fresh air she heard children laughing. She looked over at the yacht and saw Alessandro and the kids all glistening wet.

‘There they are.' Helen pointed at them.

‘Watch this.' One of the boys yelled out and then all four of them, including Alessandro, ran across the dive deck and jumped into the water.

‘Looks like you've been having fun, Mum,' Archer said as he tossed his fins onto the deck.

‘These boys are delightful. So much energy.' She beamed.

Rosalina removed her buoyancy vest and floated it to Archer. He then pushed it up onto the deck. She unclipped her fins and climbed up the ladder. The kids and Alessandro swam around to join them.

‘Did you find anything?' Alessandro said, as he waited for his turn to climb up out of the water.

‘No, it's covered in coral.'

‘What you looking for?' The same boy who'd spoken earlier asked the question. His wet curls dangled in his face and he brushed them from his eyes.

Archer lowered onto one knee so he was eye level with the kid. ‘We were hoping to find some writing on the plane, so we could identify it.'


Archer stood and ruffled the boy's curls. ‘It's a long story, buddy.'

‘You should ask Barney.'

Archer lowered down again and cocked his head at the boy. ‘Who's Barney?'

‘He collects things. He knows everything about the stuff that went on in the war. We'll take you to him.'

‘Yeah, we'll take you.' The other two boys joined in.

Archer looked at Rosalina and she shrugged. ‘Might as well.'

‘Let's go now, boss.' Jimmy scratched at his greying chest hairs.

‘Alright boys, how about you tie your boat to us and we'll get down our boat.' Archer pointed up at the crane on the sun deck.

‘Yeah, yeah.' The boys jumped up and down with abundant energy.

Within twenty minutes, Rosalina, Archer, Jimmy and the three boys were cramped into the tender and heading towards a jetty jutting out from the shore. The boys chatted the whole way, and it was obvious they'd never been taught stranger-danger warnings. The outspoken boy was Abraham, the other two were George and Samson.

At the jetty, Jimmy tied up the boat and then the smallest of the three boys, Samson, grabbed Rosalina's hand. ‘Come on,' he said, as he tugged her along the rickety planks. She glanced behind her and just about burst out laughing at both Archer and Jimmy being dragged along by a boy each too. They stepped onto the sand and walked past several thatched huts on stilts. The thatch work was held together by strips of wood, giving the walls a pillowed effect. Rosalina couldn't see any windows or doors and assumed they were on the other side.

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