Treasure Hunt

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Authors: Sally Rippin

Tags: #ebook

BOOK: Treasure Hunt
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Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Copyright Page

Billie B Brown and the rest of the Secret Mystery Club huddle in their treehouse headquarters in Billie’s backyard. Outside it is raining but the four of them are cosy and warm, munching on banana muffins and sipping home-made lemonade.

Billie has her secret notebook open and her sparkly pens beside her, ready to take notes. The four of them chat
about the new mystery they have to solve.

‘A secret time capsule at school! So cool,’ Billie mumbles, her mouth full of muffin.

‘I know!’ says Jack. ‘Where do you think it’s hidden?’

‘I reckon it’s buried underground,’ Alex says. ‘They’re usually buried underground.’

‘It could be in the walls,’ says Mika, shrugging. ‘I saw a movie once like that.’

‘Nah,’ says Alex. ‘No-one would ever find it if it was in the walls.’

‘I can’t believe Mrs Singh has asked for our help to find it,’ Billie says proudly, brushing crumbs off her lap. ‘This has got to be our biggest mystery ever!’

It has been two whole days since Mrs Singh asked them to find the time capsule.

This is the first time they have all been free to come over to Billie’s house after school. Billie is bursting with excitement.

‘But remember, she said it was top secret!’ Jack reminds her. ‘We can’t let anyone else know. She wants it to be a surprise. And anyway, we don’t want other kids to start looking for it, too!’

Imagine if someone else found the time capsule before us,
she thinks.
That would be awful!

‘We all have to swear to keep this top secret!’ Billie says, sticking her hand out.

The other three slap their hands on top of Billie’s and shout, ‘Cock-a-doodle-dooooo!’ Then they laugh, like they do every time they shout their silly secret call.

Billie picks up her notebook and writes at the top of the page:

Secret Mystery Number Six: Where is the school’s time capsule hidden?

Then she decorates the page with lots of question marks.

‘So, what’s our plan?’ she asks the others.

The four of them sit silently for a while. Outside, the rain is starting to clear. They hear the
drip, drip, dripping
of the raindrops on the leaves.

‘I know!’ says Jack, sitting upright. ‘My uncle has a metal detector. We could ask to borrow it.

It might pick up something hidden underground.’

‘Great idea!’ says Billie.

‘Hold on,’ Alex frowns. ‘How do we explain why we are walking around with a metal detector?’

Mika grins. She reaches back and undoes the clasp of her silver necklace with a bird pendant hanging from it. It slithers into her palm. ‘I lost my most precious necklace at school!’ she says, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

‘It was given to me by my grandmother in Japan. I have to find it!’

Billie and the others giggle.

‘Perfect, Mika!’ Billie says. She can’t wait to get started.

That evening while Billie and her family are having dinner, there’s a knock on the back door.

‘I’ll go!’ says Billie. ‘It’ll be Jack.’

Billie’s mum nods. Jack is the only visitor who comes to the back door.

Billie opens the door and grins when she sees Jack standing on the back step.

‘Hi, Jack!’ Billie’s mum calls.

‘Hi!’ Jack calls back. Then he whispers to Billie, ‘Can you come outside for a second? I’ve got something to show you.’

‘Sure!’ says Billie, feeling her tummy
excitedly. ‘What is it?’

Jack leads Billie outside. It is already dark.

In the shadows, Billie sees something leaning against the back wall.

‘The metal detector!’ Billie squeals. ‘How did you get it so quickly?’

Jack grins. ‘I told my dad that Mika lost her necklace in the playground and needs to find it before her mum notices it’s gone. So Dad rang Uncle George, who brought it over just now.’

Billie sees Jack’s cheeks turn a little pink. ‘I hope it’s OK that I told them the made-up story?’ he asks.

‘Detectives have to do that sometimes,’ Billie assures him. ‘Especially when they’re working undercover. It’s not exactly lying. It’s just not telling the whole truth.’

Jack looks
‘Should we take it to school tomorrow? There won’t be anyone there on a Saturday.’

‘Good idea!’ says Billie. ‘I’ll call Alex and Mika after dinner and tell them to meet us there. Eet-may ou-yay at-ay ool-skay at-ay en-tay.’

Jack scrunches up his brow. ‘What?’

‘Meet you at school at ten!’ Billie giggles. ‘It’s Pig Latin. Dad taught it to me. He used to use it when he was a kid. I’ll teach you guys tomorrow. It’s perfect for detectives.’

‘Billie!’ calls her dad from inside. ‘Your dinner’s getting cold.’

‘Coming!’ Billie calls back. ‘See you tomorrow, Jack!’

She does an excited little skip to the back door.
This is the best mystery ever!
she thinks happily.

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