Travis (42 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary

BOOK: Travis
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Chapter Forty Five



listened to the familiar creaks and groans of the old house now that the rooms
were empty. Aside from the intermittent whoosh of Travis’ paint roller going
across the wall or the random creak of the ladder as Gage moved up or down,
everything else was silent. After being thrust into the chaos for the last
several hours, Kylie welcomed the quiet. Although she’d enjoyed herself
immensely, it would take her some time to get used to so many people gathered

being thrust into the melee of Travis’ brothers’ interactions, which were more
than a little amusing, Kylie hadn't known what a big family did when they got
together. Her family gatherings were small, intimate, but fun all the same. Just
not quite to the extent of what she’d just witnessed. Even Jessie seemed a
little overwhelmed, which explained why she asked Brendon to take her back to
the hotel she was currently staying in – despite Kylie’s begging for her to
stay at Gage’s for the time being. Although, at that moment, she was relieved
that the three of them were the only ones in the house.

disrupting Travis and Gage now that they were back to work after seeing
everyone off, Kylie headed for the main staircase. As she moved slowly up the
stairs, she admired the fresh coat of paint that had brought the house back to
life almost instantly. No longer were there yellowed walls or jagged cracks
where the house had settled over the years. In their place, a clean, delicate
ivory gleamed on the walls.

was soothing and peaceful, sort of like the aroma of fresh cut grass and
honeysuckle that drifted in the slight breeze upstairs. In order to ventilate
and push out the sweet smell of paint, it looked as though the guys had opened
windows in all of the rooms. As she moved through them, admiring all of the
hard work that’d been done, Kylie breathed in deep.

really could get used to this. Both the day spent with friends and family, as
well as the peaceful night that was descending upon them, Gage and Travis’ presence
a vivid reminder that she wasn’t alone.

Kylie reached the master bedroom they’d been sleeping in, she noticed that the
bed was made, but there weren’t any tarps laying over it. No one had painted in
there, and she was happy to see that it was left untouched. Kylie wanted to
work on that room herself. She wanted to put her own unique touch on the room
that Gage would sleep in night after night even when she was back home in her
own bed.

turning off the lights that weren’t needed, Kylie made her way back down the
stairs, but before she made it all the way to the bottom, she stopped suddenly,
nearly stumbling down the last couple of steps.


was not what they looked like when Kylie went up the stairs just a few minutes

Travis and Gage were still working in the same position they’d been in when she
ventured through the first time, but now they were shirtless. She was overcome
by the sight of ropy muscle, hard angles and planes and tan skin that glistened
in the light coating of perspiration covering their upper bodies. She could
imagine they smelled of clean male sweat.

could also imagine they were up to something.

it was only fair that she put forth just a little effort to help before she
indulged in what would hopefully come next, Kylie turned on the sound system,
switching to a country station, and found a spare paint brush. After checking
to see what was left, she decided to start on the wall closest to Travis and
just below Gage, pretending that their half-naked bodies had no effect on her

down at her from his perch on the ladder, Gage smiled. As though it were just a
normal day in the neighborhood, and he went around painting houses without a
shirt on, he asked, “What are you doing?”

What does it look like I’m doing?” she answered as she slapped a coat of paint
on the wall, ignoring the way her body heat was sky rocketing.

time,” Gage replied with a laugh before turning his attention back to the

three of them worked in unison for a while, the music from the sound system
keeping them from chatting, but not helping at all in keeping Kylie from
sneaking a peek at the sensational male flesh on full display.

was doing a damn good job pretending. She had to be.

her brush was dry, Kylie dipped it in the paint can before slapping it against
the wall a little harder than she meant to. She was forcing herself to pay
attention because dry brushing paint on the wall was just a waste of time and
it seemed she’d been doing it for a while now. She was finally making progress
when she felt something drip onto her head. Sliding her fingers up to see what
it was, they came back sticky with ivory paint, which meant…

drop splattered on top of her head.

up, she choked on a laugh. “You’re getting paint in my hair!” She had to dodge
another paint drop to keep it from landing on her face.

standing under me. Not my fault.” Gage said as he continued to focus on the
ceiling as though it were a mere hazard of the job.

went back to the paint can and once again dipped her brush in. On her way over
to the wall, she lifted her arm and “accidentally” wiped the brush along Gage’s
pant leg.

the hell?” he asked with a booming laugh. “That was not an accident.”

laughed. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

out of the corner of her eye, she saw Travis move and Kylie knew it was on. The
mischievous grin said he was about to join in the fun.

out his roller like he was going to run it down the wall, he turned and ran it
right down the front of her shirt, directly over her boob.

can’t believe you did that!” she squealed, running over to the paint can,
hoping to get more ammunition before he did the same. She heard the sound of
paint rollers hitting the ground and knew she was running out of time.

quick dip and then a flick of her wrist and Kylie sent speckles and drips of
paint right down the front of their bare chests. She couldn’t stifle the giggle
that erupted inside of her. She was laughing so hard, Kylie couldn’t even hold
the paint brush, and when Travis grabbed her, she kept on laughing.

got paint on you,” Travis told her in as serious a voice as he could muster,
which wasn’t much.

must be talking about the paint right there,” Gage said as he grabbed the same
paintbrush she had dropped and proceeded to brush more paint across her chest.

Kylie couldn’t stop laughing as Travis held her in place from behind while Gage
stared at the masterpiece he’d just created. Before she could try to get away,
her shirt was lifted in one smooth rush and pulled right over her head.

was still laughing as she stared up at Gage. “That’s not fair,” she said
between giggles, “you’ve got paint on you too.” She pointed to his leg.

Gage said, staring down at his jeans before quickly ridding himself of them and
his boots. He was now standing in a pair of black boxer briefs, and Kylie’s
laughter died somewhat.

he was beautiful.

this wasn’t over. As soon as Travis let down his guard just a little, Kylie
escaped from his arms and ran around the couch that had been pushed to the far
corner of the room.

when Gage dove for one of the paint rollers and they both successfully trapped
her by blocking her only escape routes. She was laughing so hard, she couldn’t run
so when Gage stalked her with the roller, she could only watch to see what he
was doing. Tears were streaming down her face from laughing so hard, and that’s
when Travis grabbed her again, lifting her totally off of her feet.

like you’ve got paint on your bra,” he said and when she looked down to see, he
ran the paint roller over her right breast. “Time to take it off.” A quick
flick of his fingers on the front clasp and Kylie’s bra was falling down her

just like that, the laughter died and in its place a turbulent whirlwind of passion
and desire as the three of them came together. Travis lifted her and deposited
her on the couch in front of them, his hulking body coming down on top of her.

are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, you know that?”

head dipped down to her chest, and Kylie moaned as Travis took one of her
nipples in his mouth, sucking firmly as she writhed beneath him, grinding
against his hard, ungiving thigh.

Gage was perched beside them, his mouth latching onto her other breast and
Kylie was in heaven. Two mouths, four hands, the pleasure was all-consuming,
and she didn’t think she’d make it until they got the rest of her clothes off.

though they read her mind, they started pulling at her clothes and then Travis
was removing his jeans until all three of them were naked and in a heap on the

know, we should take this upstairs,” Kylie told them as they continued to press
hot, wet kisses against her skin.

that?” Travis asked, impatiently sucking her skin.

couple of reasons,” she said breathlessly as Travis’ fingers slipped between
her legs.

are they?”

man seemed at all interested in having to relocate, but Kylie did think they
were good reasons.

of all, there aren’t any window coverings so anyone could see us.”

‘em watch,” Travis groaned and then sucked her nipple into his mouth.

idea of someone peering through the windows was kind of hot, so Kylie let that
excuse drop. Could’ve also been that she forgot it when Gage slid his hand
between her legs alongside Travis’.

the other reason?” Gage asked.

squirmed against their invading fingers.

she didn’t remember. Her back bowed as two fingers speared her, the exquisite
pleasure taking over. She was writhing and moaning until the other reason hit

she managed to get the words out. “Because that’s where the lube is and if you
plan to take me at the same time, we’re gonna need it.”

had never seen two men move quite so fast.

hey guys,” she called out to them as they moved across the room with purpose.
They both stopped suddenly and turned to face her. “Yeah, I’m thinking you
might want to take me with you.” Kylie started laughing and didn’t stop until
Travis had carried her all the way up the stairs, following a few feet behind

her surprise, they didn’t go to the master bedroom. They chose the only other room
with a bed in it, one that was covered with a large cloth tarp.

nice thinking. They did have speckles of paint on them, and this would keep
them from ruining the big bed they slept in at night. Gage disappeared from the
room as Travis dropped her to the mattress and resumed the position he’d been
in downstairs on the couch. Kylie put her arms around his neck and held him to

want both of us at the same time?” he asked as he placed open mouthed kisses
along her neck.

tilted her head, giving him better access as she moaned her agreement. The sexy
rasp of his tongue against her skin made her body succumb to the onslaught of

the time Gage was back a few minutes later, Travis had reversed their
positions, and Kylie was straddling his hips. He went to work distracting her
by latching onto her right nipple, sucking, licking, and nipping the
hypersensitive flesh.

she moaned.

you even know how sexy you are?” he asked as he released her breast. Kylie
didn’t answer. The question was probably rhetorical, and right now, she felt
sexy as hell just by the way they both reacted to her, as though she were the
only woman on the planet that had the ability to heat them up like this.

me, Kylie.”

both make me feel sexy,” she replied as she pressed her breast against his
mouth, urging him to go back to what he was doing. Never had she considered
herself much of a sexual being, but things were different with them. Sure, she
found pleasure in the act, but with Gage and Travis, the intensity was on an
entirely different level.

could do this for hours.” His mouth moved to attend to her other nipple while
Kylie slid her fingers into his soft, silky hair, pressing her chest to his

might want to hurry up,” she said to Gage who was standing beside the bed
staring down at them. “I’m not sure how much longer I can wait to have you both
inside of me.”

mattress dipped, and Gage was kneeling behind her, his body covering her as he
put his mouth on her neck.

time I’m going to be on the bottom,” Travis said a minute later. “And you’re
going to ride me, cowgirl.”

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