Read Travis Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary

Travis (32 page)

BOOK: Travis
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be downstairs. Join us when you’re ready,” Travis told him as he and Kylie left
the room.

went through the motions, pulling out clean clothes and then going into the
bathroom. The sight of the shower brought about a flood of memories from the
last time they were there and some of his exhaustion disappeared. That and the
fact there were toiletries, towels and even a small cabinet on the wall.

had they had time to do all of this?

the only way he would get any answers would be to ask them, Gage twisted on the
shower and stripped. As soon as the hot water pelted down on his tired, aching body
he relaxed. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t even heard the
bathroom door open. It wasn’t until Travis opened the shower door that he even
realized he wasn’t alone.

told me I stink,” Travis said deadpan.

Gage couldn’t tear his eyes off of Travis’ naked body as he stepped inside the
small shower stall with him.

not really, but that’s what she meant.”

laughed. A genuine laugh that started in his gut and lasted for at least ten
seconds. That was about ten times longer than anything he’d experienced in the
last few weeks. As soon as he stopped, Travis pushed him up against the tiled
wall and cupped his face, holding him gently as their mouths pressed together.

wasn’t the urgent, insistent kiss he was used to from Travis, but it was
exactly what Gage needed. He let his hands roam over Travis’ slippery skin,
trailing over his chest, his washboard stomach and then back up. His body was strong,
muscular and so damn hard that Gage wanted to keep moving so he could memorize
every contour.

around,” Travis pulled back, his arms still cupping his face briefly. There was
a moment of uncertainty, but then Gage turned, loving the way Travis slid his
palms over his skin, never breaking the contact until he reached for the soap
sitting on the small dish inset in the tiled wall.

next few minutes were spent with Travis soaping every inch of his skin.
Although there was an intimate vibe, Gage found it intriguing that Travis kept
things innocent. Well, that was until he used his soapy hands to stroke his
cock until it throbbed and begged for release.

didn’t get it though. And as soon as Gage was soaped and rinsed, he returned
the favor, ensuring he got every crevice. They let the shower rain down on
them, and Travis kissed him as though they had all the time in the world, never
leading on that they would be taking this any further. At least not in the

wouldn’t say he wasn’t disappointed, but he was looking forward to later. After
Travis and Kylie ate dinner.

they both dried themselves, side by side in the small bathroom, Gage turned to
Travis. “Thank you. You know, for everything.”

thanks necessary.” They shared another slow kiss before Travis left him alone
once again. Wiping the condensation that fogged the mirror, Gage stood there
and stared at his reflection.

was safe to say, Gage was in way over his head.

Chapter Thirty Five



all right?” Kylie asked as soon as Travis returned, freshly showered and
smiling. When he came up behind her and placed a soft kiss against her neck,
she nestled into him briefly as she stirred the chili on the stove.


you are,” she moaned as he continued to kiss her, heating up the kitchen more
than the stove had already. “You smell good too.”

That was the only response she received and then Travis stepped away, pulling
out plates and silverware and setting the small kitchen table like he was
intimately familiar with domestic chores. Kylie wasn’t sure why she found that
so damn sexy, but she did. He certainly didn’t seem like the type, but then
again, there were plenty of things she’d learned about him lately that she
never would’ve expected.

and chili?” Gage’s voice sounded over her shoulder and Kylie smiled over at
him. He too was fresh from the shower, his hair wet and sticking up in all
directions. A very sexy, unkempt look that made her want to run her fingers
through it just like he probably had.

she answered as he leaned over and kissed her in the same spot Travis had.

boys keep that up, and I’m going to put this meal on hold for a little while.”

laughed and pulled away, going to the refrigerator. “Holy shit, woman. How the
hell did you get all of this stuff here?”

remembered how much fun she and Jessie had at the grocery store shopping for
things for Gage’s kitchen and his bathrooms. Travis had called her as she was
exiting the toll road just outside of town and asked her to stop and get a few
things to put in the fridge and possibly a couple of towels. That had been her
original intention too. At least until she and Jessie walked into Walmart and
realized they were in a wonderland of everything one could possibly want for
their house.

an hour, they filled two carts and were still grabbing things on their way to
the checkout lane. The only thing that had stopped them from getting more was
the time limit Travis had put on them. They needed to have everything unloaded
and into the house before Gage got home.

least now she wouldn’t have to worry that he didn’t have anything to eat or
drink. She had picked up sheets and towels and bathroom necessities, loving
every second of buying things for him. She went way over any sort of budget she
might’ve set for herself, but she wasn’t upset in the least. The look on his
face when he walked in the door was worth it.

one of you drain the spaghetti for me, please?”

twisted the burners off and took the pan of chili over to the table, setting it
on a hot pad and sliding a big spoon inside. Travis was the first to the stove,
emptying the water by pouring the spaghetti into a colander and then returning
it to the pan like he was a regular in the kitchen. Maybe he was.

three of them sat down, and although Gage had insisted he’d already eaten
earlier, he dove right in when he realized she’d made more than enough for the
three of them. She intentionally made too much so that he would eat. Kylie had
a feeling he hadn’t eaten enough at Kaleb’s. And from the looks of it as he
shoveled food in his mouth, she was right.

you able to get your truck out of the ditch?” Gage asked between bites. “Wait,
where is your truck?”

the house. And yes, Dad drove me over there. Ethan and Blake met us, and we
pulled it out. There’s some front end damage, but nothing major.”

continued about what the three of them had done during the day, and Kylie
didn’t go into detail about her sister. She had seen how upset Travis had been
with his brothers when Jessie left with them, so she didn’t want to risk
getting him riled up again. When they finished eating, the three of them
cleaned up together. As soon as they were done, while Kylie was drying her
hands, she looked at both men.

guess I should be going.” She didn’t give them a chance to say anything because
she kept talking. “I’d like to start working on your house soon, and when
you’re ready, I’ve found a hotel about twenty minutes from here that’s nice and

not staying in a hotel,” Gage declared, his face changing from light hearted to
serious in an instant. “You can stay here with me, even if you just want to
stay in one of the extra bedrooms. Or you can stay with Travis.”

stared back at him, building her argument in her mind, but before she could say
anything, Travis moved in on her. “I don’t want you in a hotel,” he said
softly. “I agree with Gage. You stay here with him, or you stay with me. Or better
yet, we’ll alternate.”

slid his arms around her back, and Kylie thought he was going to pull her in
for a hug. He’d been a little subdued and gentle in his approach to both of
them for the last hour, so when he didn’t, she was surprised.

instantly turned on.

Travis didn’t wrap his arms around her and pull her close; instead he slid his
hands beneath the hem of her shorts. Warm hands cupped her bare butt. Her thong
offered absolutely no protection from the sensual abrasion, and she decided right
then to throw out all other panties as soon as possible.

for now, I’m not interested in talking about your sleeping arrangements because
I have no intention of sleeping.”

mouth came down on hers, his lips soft, yet insistent and her hunger
intensified. And then he pulled back, his hands disappeared from her backside
and he excused himself, walking right out of the kitchen and then the back

looked at Gage, and he returned her confusion. What just happened?

Travis’ voice came from the small utility room, “feel free to be naked by the
time I get back.”

laughed, and Gage cracked a panty melting smile.

that was the Travis she knew.




and sweet had its merits, but Travis had exhausted all that he had in him for
the day. Hell, maybe for the week. He vaulted down the back porch stairs and
jogged over to his truck. He’d packed a bag at his house because he hadn’t
known where this night would lead and right now, he was making the decision for
the three of them.

wasn’t going to let Kylie drive back to Killeen by herself, and he was too damn
tired to drive her there himself. And Gage clearly didn’t need to be alone, so
they’d be staying together. If he had his way, this would be the first of many
to come too.

it would have started last night at Kylie’s house. Travis smiled. Damn, he’d
been doing that a lot lately. He was sure he’d be getting a rash of shit from
his brothers sometime in the near future.

the time he got back inside the house, the downstairs was dark, which meant
only one thing. He heard Kylie’s sexy giggle coming from upstairs and he took
the back stairs up to the second floor. All of the rooms on that floor were
dark as well. Except for one.

he walked in, Travis found Kylie flat on her back, Gage hovering above her,
their mouths fused together and once again, Travis found himself the voyeur,
his body hardening.

were waiting for you,” Kylie laughed, pushing at Gage’s chest as though she
were actually trying to push him away.

hold off for my benefit,” he told them, sitting his gym bag on the floor by the
nightstand. “I don’t mind catching up.”

smiled up at him, the dark clouds that had been looming in his eyes earlier
were gone. The hard lines around his mouth from his worry had softened. He was
so fucking handsome, Travis was tempted to stand there and stare at him for a

he’d done enough of that last night. And this morning. There wouldn’t be any
hiccups tonight. He knew exactly what he wanted, knew Kylie and Gage were both
down with the idea, and he was more than ready to get his hands on them. Last
night had been the introduction, and tonight was all about exploration. The
connection was made, the only thing left to do was to escape from reality and
get lost in one another.

three of them seemed to do that last part well, and Travis was ready to get

are you doing?” Kylie questioned as she leaned up on one elbow, peering over
the side of the bed to the floor where Travis was digging through his bag.

came prepared.” His hand disappeared inside and then reappeared with a full box
of condoms and a tube of lubrication.

if that’s what we’re doing, then hold on,” Gage said as he jumped from the bed,
padding over to the dresser in bare feet as Travis tracked him across the room.
He pulled the same hide-and-seek inside his bag and pulled out…

shit,” Travis exclaimed.

thoughts exactly.” Gage turned to Kylie with a mischievous grin on his face.

that…?” she asked.


Lord,” she said with a giggle, her head falling back on the pillow.

you get that?” Travis asked, pushing to his feet and placing the condoms and
the lube on the bedside table closest to him.

place I got these,” Gage replied, digging in the bag once more.

he pulled out a set of lightweight restraints, Travis nearly fell over. Having
never fainted once in his entire life, he was wondering whether he might now.
Staring at the toys Gage had brought, his excitement reached astronomical

was where?” Travis repeated.

nightstand. Seems our girl has a very kinky side. And I snuck them out when she
wasn’t looking. Not an easy task, let me tell you.”

head jerked toward her, waiting for an explanation although he didn’t
necessarily need one. His jeans were too tight as it was, anything that came
out of her mouth at this point would put him close to strangulation in the
confining denim.

Kylie laughed, pushing up to a sitting position. “In my defense, the restraints
were one of those free gifts you get when you place a big order.”

don’t give a shit how much they cost,” Gage said with a devious gleam in his eye
as he stalked toward the bed like a panther on the prowl. “I’m going to test
them out to ensure they were worth the money.”

were free,” she laughed.

I said… Irrelevant.”

then what are you waiting for?”

head felt like it was being held on by a rubber band, he jerked back to look at
Kylie who’d just issued the most intriguing dare he’d ever heard.


one needed to tell him twice. In less than a minute, Travis was naked and
crawling on the bed with Kylie who was laughing still, rolling around and
pretending to try and get away from him.

stilled her, his body coming down atop hers as he clasped their hands together
and pressed hers into the mattress above her head, effectively holding her
down. “Damn, baby.” They were the only words that got out before she leaned up,
meeting his mouth half way and Travis came undone.

his mouth down on hers, he pressed his body into hers, letting his cock slide
between her bare thighs. She was still dressed, which he vowed to rectify in just
a minute, but for now he wanted to taste her sweetness. She was kissing him
like she didn’t have a care in the world, and he wasn’t ready to relinquish her
mouth at this point.

heard Gage as he moved around the room. He could only assume he was putting
those restraints in place, and the idea of Kylie tied to the bed ratcheted up
his hunger another notch. Delving into her mouth, they explored one another as
though they were making up for the years they’d lost along the way.

fully intended to make up for lost time for as long as she would let him. At
this point, he was thinking forever sounded pretty damn good to him, although
that might just freak her out a little. Hell, it should have freaked him out.


head spun from the lust this woman induced, and he closed his eyes. Shit, she
was like a drug. One he’d become addicted to and after ten years of rehab, he
found he still couldn’t deny the need.

broke the kiss and Travis pulled back a little, a surge of adrenaline flooding
his bloodstream when he saw Gage taking one of her hands and easily maneuvering
the novelty restraints around her wrist. She wasn’t pulling away. Quite the contrary,
actually. There was a brilliant sparkle in her baby blue eyes.

he told them, and they both abruptly turned to stare at him like he’d lost his

could assure them that he had. No doubt about it.

he had a reason for stopping them now, and it had nothing to do with the crazy
thoughts running through his head. “I need to get her naked first.”

BOOK: Travis
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