Traveler (25 page)

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Authors: Ashley Bourgeois

BOOK: Traveler
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A dark brow arched as Alex watched her, a part of him wanting to stop her and the other, much bigger part wanting her to continue.  He chuckled lowly, climbing onto the bed in front of her.  Blue eyes met hers, a predatory glint in their depths as he moved closer to her.  His fingers slid over her back, knocking her hand away from the clasp of her bra.  “Allow me...” He murmured in her ear before undoing the clasp, letting the tips of his fingers trail slowly over her shoulders to push down the straps.

Aislin watched his fingers move to her back, her green eyes darkening a little as he undid the bra.  She moved her arms just slightly to let the garment slide the rest of the way off.  Her heart was pounding in her chest.  She didn’t think it was going to come to this...not this fast.  She needed to show him, though, how much he meant to her.  Even with everything that had happened, he needed to know.  She swallowed softly and moved back a little, to rest on the pillows and look up at him.  “And now we’re even, I suppose,” she murmured in amusement.  “Both of us topless.  Though if I would have known it was going in this direction, I would have worn that matching red set you like...” her eyes glinted, a soft shiver going through her as she looked at him.

“Mm...if I had known it was going in this direction, I would have joined you in the shower this morning.” He replied with a playful wink as he stretched out beside her, deliberately resting his head on her chest. Idly he wrapped a lock of her hair around a finger.  “I could have dealt with smelling like lilacs for the day...”

It felt odd to have a man just resting on her chest.  But with Alex, it felt natural.  She stroked the top of his head, the other hand wrapping around his back to rest on the muscles there.  “Well, if I had known you were such a fan of lilacs, I would have invited you to join me in the shower this morning!” she teased, laughing a little, trying not to dislodge his comfortable resting place so close to her heart.

Alex laughed softly, reaching up to caress her cheek.  “I am a fan of lilacs when they are on you, silly girl.” Then he pulled her closer, stealing her breath away with a deep kiss.  

Aislin wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer, kissing him back.  Her lips were soft beneath his, and though she didn’t want to rush anything, she didn’t want this contact to be broken.  So she laid next to him and kissed him like he was her only connection to this world.  Which, in a scary reality, it was.  An otherworldly being was her only connection to this world...ironic.

His lips were still brushing against hers when he broke the kiss for a desperately needed breath of air.  Fingers slid into her hair as he mumbled breathlessly against her lips.  “ are so beautiful...that it’s difficult to stop right now...even though I know we should.  I want this to be right...perfect...and not rushed...”

Her breath came fast and ragged, her lips swollen from his kiss.  She nodded her head.  “I understand,” she whispered, her voice hoarse.  “I want it to be right too...but I can’t think of anything that would possibly be wrong with you...” She leaned in and kissed him softly.  “But I do you want me to put a shirt on to make it less tempting for you...?”

“Light no!” He blurted out before blushing at his own silliness.  “It has nothing to do with you tempting me. Although gods know that you do.  You were injured yesterday...and before you protest about it just being bruises, I did see the blood.”  He gave her a pointed look before continuing.  “I would never forgive myself if I hurt you more than you already have been.”

A blush stained her cheeks.  “I didn’t think you’d see the blood,” she whispered shamefully.  “I’m sorry again about that, Alex...” she sighed softly and rested against him.  “Well, I am your prisoner after I need to do as you say.”  Her eyes glinted as she glanced at him.  “Whether I like it or not.”

His blue eyes darkened slightly as he stared at her, one of his hands sliding slowly down her side.  “Why are subject to my every whim, aren’t you?  Shall I be a benevolent captor and allow you your freedom?”

A shiver passed through her body as his hand slid down her side, biting down softly into her bottom lip.  “I’d heard that the assassin Ghost didn’t show any mercy,” she teased, her voice soft.

Alex laughed softly in her ear, his hand now resting on her abdomen. “Ah...but that is because all his mercy is reserved for one person alone, Traveler.” The tip of a finger circled her belly button slowly.

Her breath escaped in a gasp, her eyes widening as he circled her belly button, shivering a little.  “And who would that be?” she asked softly, aching to press against him. He was going to send her to the edge of oblivion with his teasing.  And he was enjoying it!

His lips pressed a soft kiss just behind her ear as he idly toyed with the waistband of her panties.  “You can’t guess? Who else could it possibly be besides yourself, my dear?”

Uncontrollable, a soft whimper passed her lips as he played with the waistband of her panties, her hips lifting ever so slightly towards his hand.  “Me?  I’m the one you reserve your mercy for?” she asked him, looking at him with her now desire-darkened green eyes.  “And if I don’t want your mercy?” she asked, her voice a little husky.

“Well, then I will just have to...change your mind...” Alex murmured before bending his head down to claim her lips in a deep kiss.  He pressed closer to her, making it impossible for her not to know how she affected him.  His hand slid further down, strong fingers finding tender flesh to tease.

She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck as she kissed him again, pressing her hips up against the hardness she felt.  As his fingers found tender flesh, her eyes flew open and she let out a whimper against Alex’s mouth, kissing him more fiercely, her legs parting a little as her hips pressed against his hand.

He smiled against her mouth, the fierce kisses drowning out the whimpers his fingers drew from her.  Grinding against her side, he whispered breathlessly against her lips.  “I want to hear you...moan for me, Aislin...”

She wanted to feel him closer to her, pressed so hard against her that they were one organism. She arched her hips harder against his fingers and moaned softly, her face turned towards him, neck arched against the pillow, licking her lips softly as he ground against her side.  “Alex...” she whispered, her whisper half a moan, half a plea to continue his exquisite torture.

He playfully nipped her throat, blue eyes lingering on her face.  He wanted to see her every reaction to his touch...her every moan and whimper.  His fingers danced and teased her, seeking out every spot that brought yet another gasp of pleasure from her.  He wanted to see her come undone in his arms.

As he nipped her throat, for the briefest of moments the harbormaster’s face flew before her vision before she brutally beat that down, not wanting the memory of him to ruin her moment with Alex.  She needed to cope with that, but not now.  Instead, she let out another whimper, arching towards him a little harder, her fingers trailing across his chiseled chest.  The longer his fingers worked, though, the less she was able to think, and the louder and more frequently her little sounds escaped her, his name becoming like a prayer on her lips, begging for release and to keep going at the same time.

Alex shuddered lightly at the sound of her moans, loving the way she said his name.  His breath was warm against her neck as he held her close, ignoring his own arousal as he continued to stroke and tease her, seeking to give her the release she needed.  “Let go, Aislin...let the pleasure overwhelm you...”

At his words Aislin did let herself go, her hips pressing against his fingers one last time as she let the pleasure crash around her, a shuddery cry escaping her, his name riding the cry as it slipped from her lips, trembling violently as it did so.  Her hand clawed at the bedsheets, and she collapsed back onto them, a soft whimper as an aftereffect escaping her, her breath hard and fast, a light sheen of sweat covering her forehead.  

He held her close as she came undone, her cries of pleasure making his own arousal almost painful.  Gently he placed a kiss on her forehead, carefully moving his hand from her panties.  He was rather proud of the way this had ended.  Seeing her as he had was more than he could have hoped for.  He smiled, giving her a fond look as he tucked the blanket around her.  He would let her rest for now;  later they would have to actually do some work.















Chapter 15



Sleep had been an eventful experience; her dreams had been filled with Alex, and of the things he had done to her.  God help her but that man was was with a smile that she woke up in his bed some time later, stretching out underneath his blankets.  When had she gone under the covers?  Alex must have taken care of her, ensured she was safe and warm.  She felt a warm, dull ache in the same deepness in her belly, replacing the pain from her ordeal with the harbormaster.  He had made her feel wanted...made her forget.  

Aislin stood, finding her bra where it had fallen from their adventure earlier, and put it back on.  With a grin, she had an idea; walking into Alex’s closet she took a button up shirt from his array of button up shirts, putting it on over her bra, leaving the top two buttons undone.  She wondered idly what he was up to as she walked out of his bedroom, Alex’s shirt falling to a little less than halfway down her thigh.  “Alex?” she asked softly, peering around for him.

When his roommate had fallen into a restful sleep after their adventures, Alex had been unable to sleep and had carefully disentangled himself from her, leaving her tucked beneath the blankets.  He had taken a much needed cold shower, alleviating some of the pressure her moans and writhing created.  Afterwards, he had retreated to the living room, wearing a tee shirt and a pair of sleep pants.

Sitting indian-style on the floor, the tall man was in a state of meditation.  His eyes were closed as he took deep, slow breaths, his mind clear as he recentered himself.  Reaching such a state was like second nature to him, something he had learned almost as soon as he could walk.  He had gone so deep into his inner core that he did not notice when Aislin awakened and came into the room.

Aislin couldn't help smiling and pausing for a moment to watch him in his state of meditation.  It seemed so peaceful to be sitting there...doing whatever it was he was doing. Aislin perched on one of the chairs and curled up with a book glancing up at him only occasionally to study his handsome features.  When he was ready to come out of his trance she would greet him properly.

The faintest scent of lilacs caught his attention, even as deep into the trance as he was.  A shudder coursed through his body before his eyelashes lifted, revealing bright blue eyes.  He let out a deep breath before looking up to catch sight of his red-haired protege.  All thoughts of calmness fled when he caught sight of how she was dressed, a smile instantly curving his lips.  “Good afternoon, sleepyhead...”

Lin looked up from her book in surprise not expecting to see him snap out of his trance so soon.  She smiled at him, looking down from her perch in the arm chair.  " Afternoon,"she murmured. "Did you get any sleep while I was out?  Or have you stayed in this one spot?  Were you in a trance just now?" She asked, cocking her head at him curiously.

Alex climbed to his feet, stretching a bit.  “Not really.  I took a shower and then spent some time meditating.  It does wonders for one’s disposition.  So yes...I was in a bit of trance before you came in.”  He leaned to give her a light kiss, his eyes dancing with amusement.  “I can see that you’ve been raiding my closet while I was meditating.  Looks good on you...”

Aislin stayed where she was, content and unwilling to move. She kissed him back when he leaned down, smiling right back at him. " Well I needed something to wear, didn't I? Or we’re going to end up right back in bed, especially if I came out here in just my panties and bra.  So I grabbed one of your shirts.  I have every intention of giving it back when you ask for it."  She winked at him.  " And why was your disposition soured?"

“Oh?  You’re not going to make me take it off you to get it back?  Pity...”  He laughed softly, giving her a playful wink.  “My disposition wasn’t soured...I simply needed to re-center myself, especially since my new roommate likes to unsettle me with all her wild escapades.  I’m sure that she has something else planned for I wanted to be ready.

 " Your roommate sounds like a bitch," Aislin commented with a mischievous grin.  " Remind me to never meet her."  She shifted a little on the chair before standing she she was nearly pressed against him, trailing one fingernail in patterns over his chest.  "But....I do have something to ask you...a favor....and in thanks you can take the shirt off me..." She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him through her eyelashes.

“I will make certain to cover up all of the mirrors then...” He murmured teasingly, his eyes darkening slightly as he stared down at her.  “What would that be, Aislin? Hm?”  His voice was deep as he slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her against him.  Light, this girl was going to be the death of him! Well...if one could die from being too would certainly happen to him with her around, and yet he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Both of her hands slid across his pectoral muscles as she was pulled against him, leaning up so she could see his face, his strong arm supporting her.  He was always so sexy when he let Aislin affect him...she loved it.  "I need..we go back.  Willingly.  I need to make sure the Captain has apologized properly," she murmured.  The last thing he wanted to do was let her go back there, she knew, but she felt like she had no choice.

“Hm...”  Alex was quiet for a moment, his blue eyes searching her face.  Granted, he didn’t want to expose her to that place so soon...but he could understand the need to check on things.  He was admittedly curious to see if his warning to Dragon was as effective as he hoped.  “We can go back, if that’s what you really want.  But...I would prefer if we kept our presence...hidden until absolutely necessary.”

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