Trapped in Time-Extinction (8 page)

Read Trapped in Time-Extinction Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #Hard Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Time Travel, #Teen & Young Adult, #General

BOOK: Trapped in Time-Extinction
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“He deserved it!”

John stared at Olivia and shook his head, “I heard your sister say that he never beat her. Our leader was going to execute him because we do not keep slaves but your sister begged him not to do it. She wailed that he didn’t deserve it.”

“That’s a lie!”

John’s expression turned hard, “One thing you are going to need to learn; lying is not something we do. You should have been left behind, you ungrateful brat!”

John slammed the door and Olivia stared at the closed door. She threw herself on the bed and knew she had made a mistake in coming with Tyler. These people were no better than the Destroyers. An hour later, a young woman knocked on the door and entered with a tray of food, “You should eat.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“The trip home is going to take several weeks and not eating will only make things worse. I’m sure your sister is going to be excited to see you.”

“Do you know her?” The young woman nodded. “What can you tell me about her?”

The young woman tilted her head and then sighed, “Our community has accepted her but many have issues with the way she treated Zeck.”

“He abused her!”

“And he admitted that he did.” Olivia looked at her shaking her head and she said, “He told her in front of all of us that he thought she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen and he couldn’t allow her to be sent to the pens. He told us about how he was raised to treat people and he was beaten whenever he showed any softness toward anyone. He didn’t know any other way to live. He told your sister when our leader pulled his gun to kill him that he deserved it. Ophelia stood between Zeck and our leader screaming that he didn’t deserve it.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“We found your sister’s cruelty toward him hard to believe as well.”

Olivia stared at the woman for a moment and said, “What changed her mind?”

“She almost killed him by beating him half to death with a wooden pole. She beat him because he told her he was sorry for what he had done.”

“That sounds like my sister.”

“He told her as he lay in the dirt in the field that he had never beat her. He had treated her as well as he knew how.” The young woman stared at Olivia for a moment and said, “Ophelia realized he was right. She had done things to him that he had never done to her and she felt ashamed by her actions.”

She turned to go and stopped before she opened the door, “I think you should know that he didn’t tell your sister that he was making this voyage in an effort to save you.”

“Tyler told me he came here for other reasons.”

“He’s right…and wrong. Zeck sold the mission on the idea that the Destroyers needed to be scouted to see what defenses we would have to face. He volunteered to sail the ship if he would be allowed to try and save you. Our council agreed. Ophelia found out about it at the last minute and screamed at him that he was throwing the lives away of those on the ship, as well as his own to make the effort. She told him it was a suicide mission.” Olivia lowered her head and the woman softly said, “He told her that he was going to do it, not just for her, but to try and bring balance for all he has done in the past. She pleaded with him not to go but he had her taken to shore and he set sail. One last thing.” Olivia looked at her. “All of us know that he loves your sister deeply. Even after all she’s done to him…” The woman shook her head. She looked at Olivia and said, “The disrespect you’ve shown him today is unforgivable. However, I know Zeck doesn’t blame you for it. He’s a better person than you…or your sister.”

The woman walked out the door and closed it quietly behind her. Olivia stared at the door and looked at the floor. She shook her head and wondered what kind of world it was when a Destroyer was more respected that those he enslaved. She ate the meal and fell back on the bed. Sleep didn’t come quickly but it did eventually come. She decided that she had to talk to Tyler. He could help her understand this new world she had entered.

• • •

She stayed in her room the next day until the midday heat became too much. She saw a blue uniform on the foot of her bed and she took off the camouflage suit and put it on. She stepped out of her room and went to the steps leading to the main deck. She encountered several members of the crew and they stepped out of her way. She could tell by their expressions that they didn’t like her. She stepped out on deck and felt the cool sea breeze blowing over her. She sighed and looked around. Most of the crew was on the main deck escaping the heat of the day. She walked over to a man tugging on a rope to tighten a sail and said, “Do you know where I can find Tyler?”

The man smiled and pointed toward the front of the ship, “He’s at the bow.”

“Thank you.” The man nodded and she started walking toward the front of the ship. She noticed that everyone was staring at her and their expressions weren’t friendly. She arrived at the bow and saw Tyler lying against the bow with his eyes closed. There were several people around him who stood up and walked away as she approached. “Do you have a minute?”

Tyler opened his eyes and smiled, “Sure, sit down.”

“You’re the only one that seems to want to have anything to do with me.”

Tyler shook his head, “From what I hear you did to Zeck yesterday, I can understand their feelings.”

“Don’t tell me you like him!”

“I won’t.”


“Actually, I love him and he’s the reason I volunteered to go in for you.”

Olivia shook her head, “Tyler, this doesn’t make sense. He’s a Destroyer.”

“No, he
a Destroyer.” Olivia stared at him and Tyler blew out a breath, “Olivia, there are several members of my community whom we captured and have become important members. Zeck is probably the most important, next to the Admiral who was named Slayer.”


“He managed to take a ship and escape. He brought his family and warriors who wanted to join us in our fight against the Commandant.”

“Why do you say you love Zeck?”

“My father was killed in an early fight against the Destroyers. I was overcome by my grief; no one could console me. I l would leave the community and go out and hide in the fields just to be left alone. I encountered Zeck while he was picking corn. Your sister was close by but she left him alone as long as he worked.” Tyler paused for a moment and shook his head, “I must say that initially I wanted to kill him and I pretty much told him so as he worked.”


“He begged me to do it. He said he deserved to die for all the evil things he had done in his life. I told him that my father had been killed by a Destroyer. He could see my grief, there was no way I could hide it. He looked at me and said, ‘what do you think you father is thinking at this moment?’”

“What did you say?”

“I was speechless. Zeck told me that my father’s sacrifice was wasted unless I became a better man for it. He said that my father would have no patience for being lost in my pain but would love me to make something of my life and maybe one day make his death count for something.” Tyler slowly shook his head. “I hated him for saying that but from that moment on, my weeping ended. Several weeks later, I brought him some water and talked with him some more.” Tyler looked at Olivia, “He helped me grow up and become someone my father would be proud of. He’s much more than you think he is. After he was freed, I spend a lot of my free time with him.”

“I’ve been told he loves my sister.”

“Who told you that?”

“That’s not important. Is it true?”

“It is.”

“And how does she feel about him?”

“She will never feel close to him and will never return his feelings.” Olivia stared at him and he shrugged, “She bears too much hatred.”

“Then why did he want to come save me?”

“You do many things that don’t make sense when you really love someone. He doesn’t expect her to change her feelings but he hoped saving you would make her life happier.”

“You say you volunteered to save me?”

“I did.”


“Because I love him and I’m hoping that by saving you, he can finally forgive himself for all he’s done.”

Olivia looked toward the rear of the ship and saw Zeck manning the wheel. He didn’t have a shirt on she was surprised that he no longer looked like the fat Destroyer Captain she had seen years ago. He turned to a sailor that came up to him and Olivia saw a thick red scar running across his back. Her eyes widened and Tyler said, “Your sister gave him that scar.”

Olivia jerked her head around and Tyler nodded. “And he still loves her?”

Tyler looked at Zeck and shook his head, “I must confess that I wouldn’t have it in me if that happened to me but he’s a much better man than I am.”

Olivia turned to Tyler and smiled, “I am going to have to disagree with you on that. Excuse me.”

Tyler turned red and nodded. Olivia stood up and walked toward the rear of the ship. Everyone on the main deck watched her and it soon became clear that she was going back to the stern deck where Zeck was standing. Zeck finished talking with the sailor just in time to see Olivia coming up the steps. He blew out a breath. Rory met Olivia at the top of the steps and said, “I think you’ve gone far enough.”

Olivia looked him in the eye and said, “This doesn’t concern you. This is between the Captain and me.”

Rory stared in her eyes and Olivia didn’t flinch. He looked at Zeck who said, “Step aside, Rory.”

Olivia moved on the stern deck and walked over to Zeck. She stared at him in silence and he returned her stare. “I’m sorry for the disrespect I showed you yesterday.” Zeck’s eyes went wide. “It has been explained to me what has happened and you don’t deserve what I did. Thank you for saving my sister’s life. She would have died in the pens if you hadn’t taken her. I don’t know if I can accept how you treated her…but I’m thankful for what you did. I also want to thank you for saving me.” Olivia walked forward and hugged Zeck. She felt the ridges of the scar on his back and knew the force of the blow that caused it. She released him, turned, and walked off the deck.

Zeck’s eyes were moist and he looked out to sea. The crew saw what happened and after a moment one of them started clapping. Soon, the entire crew was applauding what she did. They gathered around her and began questioning her about being a slave among the Destroyers.

Tyler watched what happened from the bow and, though he couldn’t hear what was said, he knew what was communicated. This young woman was so much more than he thought. He shook his head and remembered how she had been belted to him as they flew. The feeling was something he couldn’t get out of his mind.

• • •

Ophelia pulled an ear of corn off the plant and threw it in the basket beside her. It was a hot day and she straightened up to wipe her brow and stretch her arms above her head. She turned to the left and back to the right and glanced at the cliff; there was a white flag flying on the mast. She leaned forward and saw the flag was halfway up the pole. She dropped the basket and sprinted out of the field. The workers around her stared at her then looked in the direction she was running. A ship had been spotted by the lookout. Ophelia was sprinting at her best speed and they knew why.

Ophelia arrived at the edge of the giant field and was nearly out of breath. She saw Melody come riding up on that giant dinosaur of hers and she came to a stop. Melody smiled and held out her hand, “Can I give you a ride?”

Ophelia looked at the giant Cursor shaking her head and then said, “What the hell!” She grabbed Melody’s hand and was pulled up behind her. The cursor took off and Ophelia closed her eyes and hung on to Melody with both hands. The speed they were moving was incredible and they arrived inside the walls in less than five minutes. Melody helped Ophelia slide off and watched her sprint toward the steps leading to the top of the cut in the cliff wall. Melody smiled and took Destiny back to the pens.

Ophelia rushed up the steps and stared at the horizon searching for sails. She remained there for several minutes and saw the flag moving up the tall mast. Melody walked up behind her and took her arm, “Come with me.”

Many members of the community had also seen the flag and were gathering at the pier. A line of Warriors were standing there preventing anyone from moving out on the pier other than the Community’s leaders and the landing crew. Melody moved through the crowd and Ophelia saw the many smiles that greeted her. When the people in the crowd saw her, the smiles disappeared. She had been accepted into the community but they weren’t comfortable around someone who had demonstrated so much cruelty. She honestly couldn’t blame them. Melody arrived at the guards and they parted to allow her through. They stopped Ophelia. Melody turned and said, “She’s with me!” The guards allowed her to pass and closed in behind her.

They walked toward the end of the pier four hundred yards away and Melody said, “They don’t know what to think about you Opie.”

“I know. I don’t blame them. He didn’t deserve what I did to him.”

“What did he deserve?”

Ophelia looked at Melody and saw her staring into her eyes as they walked. Ophelia sighed and shook her head, “He prevented me from being killed in the slave pens. I guess that in his own way he tried to show me affection and I just didn’t see it. He forced himself on me.”

“He never saw anything else.”

“I know, I know. It’s just…”

“Hard to accept.” Ophelia nodded. “What about since you’ve come here?”

“I’m not sure what you’re asking?”

“How has he acted toward you since both of you came here?”

Ophelia shook her head, “I see him staring at me when he doesn’t think I see him. He quickly looks away if I look in his direction.”


“I can tell he’s still attracted to me.”

“Even after the beating you gave him?”

“I don’t understand how he could. It’s just…it doesn’t make sense.”

Melody nodded, “Love is like that. It doesn’t make sense a lot of times.” Ophelia jerked her head toward Melody but they had arrived at the end of the pier and she had turned to Annelise and was hugging Derek. Ophelia looked out to sea but still didn’t see a ship. She looked up at the mast and saw the white flag had moved to more than two thirds off the ground. When it reached the top, a ship should be clearly visible. She looked back out to sea and still didn’t see anything.

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