Transcendence (10 page)

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Authors: Michelle Madow

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Children's eBooks, #Science Fiction; Fantasy & Scary Stories, #Fantasy & Magic, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romance, #Friendship, #Reincarnation, #England, #love story, #Young Adult, #Witchcraft, #past lives, #teen, #high school, #Time Travel, #curse, #YA, #Regency, #spells, #regression, #New Hampshire, #past life, #regency era, #travel abroad, #regression past life, #regression past lives, #taylor swift, #england 1800s

BOOK: Transcendence
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Tiffany: There is a scene in
where Lizzie describes why you mean so
much to her and recounts a memory from when the two of you were
younger. I know you and Lizzie have been through a lot, but what is
your favorite memory of her?


Chelsea: All seventh grade students at Beech
Tree go on a weekend field trip to Salem, MA. (We have a big unit
on the witch trials in seventh grade.) The hotel we stayed in was
supposedly haunted by witches who were killed in the trials, and
Lizzie was so scared that she couldn’t fall asleep. Every time we
heard a noise in the hall, or a creaking in the room, one of us
would scream, and then we would start laughing. Once we realized it
was going to be impossible to sleep, we went to the lobby and got
snacks, did some hotel exploring, and talked all night. We even
invented a “mini tour” of the hotel, talking about the ghosts and
their stories. We were exhausted the next day, but at least we
survived the night in the haunted hotel!


Tiffany: What are your future plans? Where
do you see yourself after graduating college?


Chelsea: I want to go to college someplace
warm and near a real city—my top schools are UCLA and University of
Miami. Since I’ll be pre-law, I plan on going to law school after
graduating college. My dad went to George Washington University for
law school, so that’s on my list. But I’m trying not to worry too
much about where I want to go to law school until I figure out
where I’m going to college. I’m not sure what type of law I want to
practice yet, but I am interested in law that has to do with


Tiffany: Do you have a mantra or are they
any key principles you live by?


Laboris gloria Ludi
, which is
Latin for “Work hard, play hard.” I have the phrase inscribed on my


Tiffany: What is the most valuable piece of
advice you've ever received?


Chelsea: “If you put your mind to it, you can
accomplish anything.” This is my dad’s favorite quote—from a movie
he likes, I think. Whenever I feel like I can’t do something, he
says it to me.


Tiffany: Is there anything else you would
like to share with us?


Chelsea: I hope this gives you more insight
into who I am! In times when my emotions are heightened (like after
I found out about Lizzie and Drew going behind my back), I lash out
without thinking. But I swear I’m not like that most of the time.
When we got back from England, I realized I was over Drew, and now
I’m focusing on doing the best I can in school to make sure I get
into the college I want. I also decided that high school boys are
immature, so I’m going to wait until college to find the right guy
for me.

Chelsea’s Top Ten Makeup Products


If you’ve read the books in the Transcend
Time Series, then you know that Chelsea loves getting dressed up
and doing her makeup whenever she can. She doesn’t even go to
school without putting on makeup in the morning! Here is a list of
her top ten products that she can’t live without:


1) Dior Night Butterfly Eyeshadow


This is Chelsea’s favorite palette, because
she loves wearing smoky purple shadows—the colors go great with her
green eyes.


2) RMS Beauty Cream Eyeshadow in


This purple cream eyeshadow is the perfect
base for purple smoky eyes.


3) MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack


This is Chelsea’s favorite eyeliner. It’s
gel, which is easy to apply. It’s also a deep black, so it gives a
dramatic look. For night time, you can wing it out for extra


4) MAC Bronzer in Refined Golden


Chelsea loves looking tan all year round. Put
this bronzer on the cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead for an all
over glow. Remember to put some on your neck, too, so there’s not a
line where the bronzer ends!


5) YSL Faux Cils Mascara


This mascara is thick without being clumpy,
and makes the lashes look incredible. It gives a false lash effect.
Chelsea uses this mascara every day.


6) The Balm Stainiac in Beauty Queen


Chelsea uses this lip stain to make sure her
lips stay red all day. This stays in place for hours, so even if
lip gloss comes off, the lips will still be red.


7) MAC Eyeliner Pencil in Engraved


Chelsea uses this pencil to line her lower
waterline, since it can get messy to use gel in the waterline.


8) YSL Anti-Cernes Multi-Action


Chelsea uses this concealer under her eyes to
cover circles and on any red spots on her face. She takes school
seriously, and stays up late on weeknights doing her homework, so
this concealer is necessary to make her look awake in the


9) Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush in


This beautiful color blush stays on all


10) MAC Lipglass in Russian Red


, Lizzie mentions Chelsea’s
“red lip gloss that makes her look like a vixen.” This is what
Chelsea was wearing!

Chelsea’s Junior Year Class Schedule


A: AP European History (8:30-9:25)

Class shared with: Lizzie, Drew

Teacher: Mrs. Wilder


B: Spanish (9:30-10:25)

Class shared with: Hannah


C: AP English (10:30-11:25)

Class shared with: Drew


D: Photography (11:30-12:25)

Class shared with: None of the main


LUNCH (12:30-1:15)


E: Chemistry (1:20-2:15)

Class shared with: Drew

Teacher: Mrs. Baker


F: Trigonometry

Class shared with: Lizzie

Teacher: Mr. Barton



Jeremy’s Character Biography


Full Name:
Jeremy Michael Williams




March 14, 1994


Place of Birth:
Pembrooke, NH


Harvest Road in Pemrbooke,




Alexander Williams (father) --
general surgeon. Madeline Williams (mother) -- nurse. Bryan
Williams (younger brother; 14).


Soccer. Parties. Watching
sports. His Jeep. Teaching Bryan how to be a good soccer player.
Being a good role model for Bryan.


People who he feels threatened


Not being noticed.


Junior in high school.


Views on Love/Death:
He didn't see
himself with anyone but Lizzie until Drew came along and she broke
up with him. Now he's devastated, although he tries not to be
obvious about it. Hasn't really thought much about death, except
when Chelsea's mom died. He felt bad and didn't really know what to
say. He believes in a heaven-like place because that's what he's
been taught, but hasn't thought much about it.


Favorite Place in the World
: On the
soccer field.


Least Favorite Place in the World:
Cities. Feels too cooped up.


Soccer. Anything




General Viewpoints of Importance:
Soccer. Doing decently in school. Lizzie.


What makes the character tick:
someone stands up to him or says he's wrong.


What makes the character likable:

What makes the character detestable:
Tries to be too controlling of Lizzie.


Favorite ice cream flavor:
“You are lively, dramatic and flirtatious. You thrive on the
passion of the moment. You are easily bored and start new projects
without finishing old ones. You are most compatible with those who
prefer strawberry.”


Eye Color:


Hair Color:
Medium blonde.


Body Type:




Apparent Age:


Skin Tone:
Lightly tanned.


Physical activities:
Soccer. Gym

This or That with Jeremy


Here is a collection of “This or That”
questions I’ve answered from Jeremy’s point of view for


Chocolate or vanilla?



Coke or Pepsi?

Doesn’t make too much of a difference, but I
guess Coke.


iPhone or Droid?

iPhone all the way! They’re cooler looking
than Droid, and easier to use.


Read the book or watch the movie?

Watch the movie! I barely do my reading for
school—why bother reading a book when you can just watch it?


Captain Crunch or Fruity Pebbles?

If I had to choose it would be Captain
Crunch, but my favorite cereal is Frosted Flakes.


Redbox or Netflix?

Netflix, but I usually just use my DVR On


Night owl or morning person?

Night owl. I hate waking up early.


Horror movie or action flick?

Tough choice, but I’m gonna go with action.
The plots are usually cool, and they have good fight and chase


Vampires or werewolves?

Werewolf, because I would rather turn into a
wolf than a bat. But I don’t get this whole vampire/werewolf thing
going on recently. Amber made me watch an episode of The Vampire
Diaries the other day, and I could barely sit through it.


Blondes or brunettes?

Blondes. Although there is a certain brunette
I have my eye on right now.


History or Math?

Neither? But I guess if I had to pick one, it
would be history.


Xbox or PS3?

I’ve got a Wii. If I was going to get another
system too, it would be Xbox.

Jeremy’s Junior Year Class Schedule


A: Gym

Class shared with: None of the main


B: AP French

Class shared with: Lizzie, Drew

Teacher: Mrs. Evans


C: English (10:30-11:25)

Class shared with: None of the main


D: Physics

Class shared with: Hannah


LUNCH (12:30-1:15)


E: European History (1:20-2:15)

Class shared with: None of the main

Teacher: Mrs. Wilder


F: Calculus

Class shared with: Drew, Hannah



Hannah’s Character Biography


Full Name:
Hannah Rachel Goldberg




October 23, 1994


Place of Birth:
Pembrooke, NH


Pembrooke, NH




Lives with her parents and has
a younger sister who's in middle school.


Drawing (she's better than
Lizzie.) Spending time with her family. Helping others through
problems. Playing Tennis.


When people take advantage of


Not having a group of friends
like she did in middle school, since everyone is going their
separate ways. She kind of got left behind.


Junior in high school.


Views on Love/Death:
Believed Sheldon
was her true love, but is starting to doubt the existence of it.
She's reform Jewish, and believes people's souls go to one common
place after they die (this is slightly similar to the beginning
idea of reincarnation!)


Favorite Place in the World:


Least Favorite Place in the World:
Anywhere that's over-crowded. She likes her space.


Drawing. Listening to music.
Tennis. (She's on the JV team, but she's not very good. The team is
mostly sophomores and freshmen.)


Being quiet. Not many
people know her very well.


General Viewpoints of Importance:
relationship with Sheldon until he dumped her. Being nice and kind
to everyone. (Although the one thing that bothers her is when
people take advantage, and then she backs away.)


What makes the character tick:
who use her just when they're upset.


What makes the character likable:
honestly wants to help other people, and tries to give the best
advice possible.


What makes the character detestable:
She can be extremely meek at times and doesn't stand up for


Eye Color:


Hair Color:


Body Type:
5'3". Not totally skinny,
but has a little extra flab. No one would call her fat though.

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