Traitor's Masque (58 page)

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Authors: Kenley Davidson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Fairy Tales & Folklore, #Adaptations, #Fairy Tales

BOOK: Traitor's Masque
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This book, like many others, is not simply the product of a writer working in isolation. From its inauspicious beginnings as a spur-of-the-moment NaNoWriMo project, this story has become what it is because of people who love stories and refused to let me give up on this one. After all of the time and the work that have gone into making a long-held dream a reality, I feel it is entirely necessary to point out some of the people without whom Traitor’s Masque would be nothing but the name of a file on my computer.

First and foremost, I would express my love and appreciation for the fantastic guy who did the design and layout for the book, and who also happens to be a pretty amazing husband. He refused to stop asking me when I was going to write a book, and when I agreed to try, he wouldn't let me quit, even when I was sure no one would ever want to read what I had written.

Likewise, my family are at least partially responsible for this moment. They read my first draft a chapter at a time, and loved it enough to beg for the next chapter, and the next, until I realized it was time to write “The End.” To Mom, Dad, Tiffany and Chandra—thanks for being my first and most demanding fans!

After the first draft was completed, I might then have never let it see the light of day, except for the encouragement of my first beta readers, who happen to be some of my favorite people in the world. To Kylie, Janie, Mary, Wanda, Carol, and David—just remember, this is all your fault! You made me do it!

To my last-minute proofreaders, Chandra and Chris—I am profoundly grateful both for your skills and your willingness to wade through the minutiae in order to make this the best book possible.

And last but not at all least important, I offer up deepest thanks to my editor, Janie Dullard at Lector’s Books, who is not only my favorite editor but a fantastic friend who I can’t believe I haven’t actually known forever.

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