Read Training Amy Online

Authors: Anne O'Connell

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

Training Amy (13 page)

BOOK: Training Amy
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            Doing as instructed she felt her face flush because the position exposed her fully for him. Eric came back around the cage with a dildo on a rod and pushed it through the bars and into her still moist hole. She whimpered.

            "Don't move," he instructed. His forearm flexed as he worked the dildo in and out of her in long, slow strokes, pulling the head all the way out, then plunging it all the way in. Her clit began to ache and swell, but he didn’t give her the attention she craved, instead he took his time, teasing her to where she almost couldn’t stand it anymore.

            She cried out in frustration. Why wouldn’t he just pull her out of the cage already? She thought about asking and wondered if she should chance it.  “Master, please let me out of the cage.”

            He narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

            “I want to please you,” she whispered, gasping slightly as the dildo filled her again.

            “Ah, but I am content to watch you helpless in the cage taking every inch of this rubber cock into your tight pussy as it pleases me.” He laughed slightly and shook his head. “How very manipulative of you, Amy. And very bad.”

            He pulled the pole and dildo from the cage and carefully put them in the utility sink. Walking back over to the cage he rubbed his hands together, again wearing a look that suggested he was debating what to do with her. With a lifted eyebrow he went over to the wall of whips and took down a flogger. From the corner he produced what Amy had learned was called a spreader bar. Tucking the whip in the waistband of his black pants he took a few other items she couldn’t see and situated all the acquired items next to a bench, the approached the cage.

            The cage door swung open. “Get out,” he ordered.

            She crawled out of the cage and stood up.

            “Turn around, hands behind your back,” he said in that same detached tone.

            Doing as instructed, she felt him tug at the leather cuffs around her wrists and attach them together.

            He pulled her wrists apart as if checking to make sure she couldn’t get free. Then with a gentle yet firm grasp his large hand closed over her upper arm and he directed her to the bench. Eric’s hand loosened its grip and he reached over and grabbed the spreader bar, pushing her feet apart and attaching the bar to her ankles.

            She understood now why it was called a spreader bar; she couldn’t close her legs even if she tried. Taking a deep breath she waited anxiously, wondering what Eric would do next. It wasn’t a long wait.

            “Open your mouth.”

            Opening her mouth to ask why, she found it immediately filled with a ball gag which he secured carefully behind her head.

            He came around to the front of her so he could speak to her directly. “Since you can’t speak and can’t use a safe word, we’re going to talk about using some signs to indicate everything’s okay, or to stop. Do you understand?”

            She nodded.

            “To indicate you’re okay, I want you to make the okay sign like this.” He held up his hand, showing her. “For stop, two fingers like this. Do you understand?”

            She nodded again looking into his eyes, which were much softer than the tone of his voice. He was clearly turned on (the hard-on in his pants was a clear indicator) and it surprised her that she was, too.  He disappeared behind her.

            “Now give me the sign for okay,” he said.

            She did.

            “Good, now the sign for stop.”

            Again, she made the sign with her bound hands.

            “Very good,” he said, then he helped her forward a few steps and leaned her over the bench.

It wasn’t comfortable, but it wasn’t painful either. The top of the bench was padded, but it was still cold and somewhat unyielding.  Her stance left her behind and the flesh between her legs exposed.  She felt something cold and hard press against the tight pucker of her ass. Panicking, she pushed it out only to discover it slid deeper into her. Pushing out again, she couldn’t dislodge it. Whimpering, she tried again. It went even deeper.

            “Good girl. Now relax. Remember what I said about letting go?”

            Amy closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose. She felt the rubber penis in her anus slowly start moving in and out. Eric pulled it all the way out, then put it all the way in. He moved it slowly. Finally, he pushed it all the way in again and left it.

            “I know you’re uncomfortable,” he told her. “But I think it’s a good starting point for us to work through your obvious discomfort with certain aspects your sexuality. Don’t you?”
He gently rubbed the small of her back, and then dragged the flogger lightly over her arms, back, and buttocks.

More than anything Amy wanted him inside her.

            That thought was only amplified when she felt the flogger smack her across the ass. Then again, and again. Eric wasn’t hitting her gently either. It stung and it hurt and she loved it. She felt herself shoving her ass up to meet the flogger each time it struck her.

He finally stopped and ran his hand over her ass. “Mmm. Nice color. I’m not happy with it though. I think maybe you need a good caning.”

            She moaned and collapsed into her restraints, completely helpless and so turned on. When he finally brought the cane across her ass with tight, quick smacks she screamed in surprise at the pain. The cane hurt like hell and yet she shoved her ass toward it, wanting it. Even with the tears streaking down her face she felt her pussy lubricate again, the wetness dripping from her hole. He worked the cane over her ass cheeks and down the backs of her thighs and finally stopped after the second pass. She breathed a sigh of contented relief. All the anxiety and emotional stress that had been walled up inside her was released and she felt great.

            “You’re not going to use your safe signal, are you?” His hand rubbed her inner thighs and over her sore ass. “Look at those beautiful welts.”

            Feeling herself being lifted she relaxed. He pulled the dildo from her ass, undid the ball gag and gently pulled her against him. She wanted him so bad.

            “I think that’s enough for tonight. Just let me clean up a little and then we’ll clean you up. Keep the wrist cuffs on.”  His eyes slid over her.
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            She watched as he took all the toys to the sink, sprayed them with something then ran hot water over them. Then he motioned for her to come over.

            “Back in the shower.”

            Stepping into the shower obediently she relaxed and let him deal with the soap and water and washing. She merely closed her eyes and enjoyed it. Admittedly the water against her ass stung at first, but then it felt better. He was very careful to be gentle. Finally, the water turned off and she was wrapped in a towel. Her feet came out from underneath her and she realized he’d picked her up and started toward the stairs. Once out of the basement he put her on her feet.

            “Upstairs gorgeous. To bed with you.” He paused, turning lights on as they headed up the stairs to the upper level.

            She had grabbed her clothes on the way upstairs and lingered in front of him, waiting for him to follow. It wasn’t that she wanted to be underfoot, but she didn’t know which room he wanted her in. Finally she bit her lip and gave him her best come hither look. “Which room do you want me in, Master?”

            He caught up with her in the upstairs hallway and directed her to the master bedroom.  “Mine.”

            Smiling at him, she took his hand and pulled him into the room.

            Laughing, he playfully picked her up and tossed her on the bed causing the bath towel to fall off.  “Get under the blanket and get some sleep, no funny business,” he said with a grin, then went into the bathroom and closed the door.

            She tossed her clothes on a chair next to the bed, threw her towel over the chair, and climbed beneath the blankets, inhaling the scent of the sheets. They smelled like him. She closed her eyes and relaxed against the pillows. With a yawn, the world went a little hazy and she drifted off to sleep.




Chapter Seven


            “Amy, time to wake up,” he whispered in her ear.

            She felt a gentle kiss on her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open and she remembered where she was. Looking around she saw Eric, his rock hard chest, chiseled like a Greek God, bare and right next to her.  “What time is it?”

            “Seven-thirty. There’s still some coffee in the pot from last night.”

            They’d gotten so distracted by each other that by her recollection the coffee had been forgotten. “That works. Can I use the bathroom first?”

            “I insist.” He stayed in bed and watched her get up and walk into the bathroom. “How are those welts feeling?”

            Her hand instinctively went back to her ass. She pressed. “Ah! As long as I don’t sit or touch them, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

            “Ha! There are extra toothbrushes under the sink if you want. I’m going to go grab some coffee; I’ll bring you a cup.”

            “Thank you!” She looked at herself in the mirror, and then looked around the massive bathroom. Her new boyfriend had one hell of a house.
If he even wants you anymore now that he’s had his way with you in his dungeon, you whore
, her mind told her. She shoved the voice to the back of her head and turned around to inspect the welts. They were deep and red. “Damn,” she whispered.

            After brushing her teeth and cleaning herself up, she went back into the bedroom to find her bag sitting next to the chair as well. Eric must have brought it up from the kitchen. She had a fresh shirt and a fresh pair of panties in her bag. It was something she always did, carried extra clothes. You just never knew when you were going to need a change of clothing and she was glad she had them. By the time she was dressed, Eric was back with a steaming mug of coffee for her. It had cream and sugar in it, just how she liked it. It was surprising all the things he’d picked up about her in the three weeks they’d known each other. He kissed her and disappeared into the bathroom. The shower turned on.

            She brushed her hair, pulling it into a ponytail on the back of her head. Then, using her compact she did her makeup. The area where Emily had hit her the night before was completely unaffected though it was slightly tender to the touch. She finished putting her makeup on and grabbed her bag. The shower turned off.

            “Eric, I’m going downstairs.”

            “Okay, there’s more coffee but you’ll have to nuke it. Newspaper’s on the kitchen table.”

            She chuckled to herself and carefully wandered back downstairs. The house looked different in the daylight. Brighter, more airy. Bigger. Finding her way to the kitchen didn’t prove too difficult. On the way she discovered the laundry room. The light also gave her a better view of the backyard which was large and set up for entertaining. She must have been standing there for a while because Eric came in behind her.

            “Do you entertain a lot?” she asked, motioning to the patio with furniture and a large outdoor barbeque pit.

“In the summer, yeah. We have a lot of private parties here and Brad and some of the guys come over a lot. Poker night is always here.” He poured himself another cup of coffee.

            “Cool.” She smiled at him, wondering if she was just his first one night stand since Emily.  But technically they hadn’t had sex, she reminded herself. Maybe he decided he didn’t want to, her insecurity screamed.

            “Uh oh, what’s the pensive look for?” Eric had a raised eyebrow and he actually looked concerned.

            “Just thinking.”

            The doorbell rang. He gave her a look that said the conversation wasn’t over and disappeared to answer it. There was a commotion and laughter in the other room and Eric came back to the kitchen with Brad and Kali in tow. Today Kali was wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

            “We brought breakfast. Thought you two might need food since Eric’s house is often lacking food unless he’s having a party,” Kali announced with a smile.

            Amy could have died. She thought she’d be able to pull it off. No walk of shame wearing the same exact outfit from the night before. No one would have known that she’d stayed the night at Eric’s, and Brad and Kali most certainly knew what they’d been doing.

            “Amy, sit, eat,” Brad said.

            Eric nodded.

            As if in response, her ass throbbed. The wooden chairs would not be kind to her welt laden rear.  With a cringe she sat. The pain was immediate and then it began to throb some more.

            Her reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Brad and Kali.

            Kali literally leaned over and pulled at the waistband of Amy’s jeans. “Stand up.”

            Amy found herself shuffled to her feet and before she knew what was happening Kali had Amy’s jeans undone and pulled halfway down.

            “Eric, good God! A little rough for a first play date, don’t you think? Look!” Kali turned Amy, showing Brad her ass, covered with the welts from the cane.

            Brad just smiled and gave Eric a slight nod.

            He just smiled. “Relax, Kali, she’s fine.”

            Amy pulled her pants back up, acutely aware that her face was deep crimson. “I’m fine,” she whispered. She felt outnumbered again. She didn’t know any other subs. She only knew Doms and now she was stuck between them having breakfast.

            This thought, of course, brought up a different question. What the hell were Brad and Kali doing together?  When the question hit her, she literally cocked her head and gave Eric a look. She glanced at Brad, then at Kali, and then back to Eric with a shrug.

            He started laughing.

            Brad and Kali both looked up from their breakfast sandwiches.

            Amy’s hand went over her mouth to cover the huge grin there. There was no way she was laughing in a room full of Doms.

            Brad lifted an eyebrow. "What the hell is with you two?"

            Eric shook his head. "Nothing. Private joke between Amy and me."

            Amy sat quietly, eating, trying to become as small as possible. 

            "Kali is going to help us with the inventory tonight," Brad said.

            "Oh good. I have to run Amy home after closing first, she has some coursework to get done," he said, glancing at her.

            Amy kept her head down, not sure if she should say anything.  Instead she finished her breakfast and hid for a few minutes in the downstairs bathroom. The only chance she’d really be able to talk to Eric would be in the car before work, and maybe at the store. Regardless, they had to talk. She was starting to feel a bit uncertain about things. After all, she’d only known Eric for a couple of weeks and here they were, having some sort of whirlwind romance. She laughed. Was that what it was? Romance? Or just kinky sex?

            With a groan, she finally emerged from the bathroom to find Eric, Brad and Kali throwing the last of the breakfast trash away and heading toward the door. It was eight fifteen and the store opened at nine.

            Once in Eric’s car she tried to think of a way to start the conversation, but it wasn’t coming to her.

            Eric broke the silence first. “Sorry about the Brad and Kali takeover this morning. They sometimes show up for breakfast.”

            “Are they…?”

            Eric laughed. “I sometimes wonder, but that would mean one of them is a switch and to be honest I don’t want to know. I just know that sometimes they’ll both stop by before work for breakfast. It’s sporadic.”

            Amy shrugged. “They’d make a cute couple, aesthetic-wise.”

            He smiled. “Yeah? And what about us?”

            It was the perfect opportunity. “Oh, I think we’re a good match aesthetically speaking.”

            “And beyond the aesthetics?” he asked; only briefly taking his eyes off the road.

            “You mean, are we a couple?” A lump formed in her throat. It was the moment of truth. She was going to find out if she was just a one-night-stand.

            “Well yeah. Are we a good match?”

            “Well, we’re obviously physically attracted to one another. We get along well. We enjoy each other’s company,” she started. “I think we could be a good match…”


            Sighing, she decided honesty was the best route. “But we haven’t even known each other for very long and I’ve already been in your bed. What does that say about me?”

            He snorted. “If it says something about you it says something about me, too. Are you having a Catholic guilt moment?”

            Her brows furrowed. “What’s a Catholic guilt moment?”

            “That moment when, after you’ve had what society deems inappropriate sexual contact with someone you’ve only recently met, you feel a tremendous amount of guilt and regret and begin questioning your morality and what kind of person you are.”

            “Yeah, I suppose. But I’m not Catholic,” she told him.

            Laughing, he looked over at her, “So you’re regretting last night?”

            “No,” she started. “It’s not that, it’s just that I’ve just always believed in waiting at least a few months before jumping into bed with a guy.”

            “And you’ve believed this because?” He frowned when another car cut in front of him, causing him to tap the brakes. “Because our Judeo Christian society preaches no sex until marriage and women who aren’t virgins are evil? Or because narrow-minded people would think you were a slut because you went out with a guy only a few weeks after you met him, then had a sexual encounter and slept in the same bed with him?”

            “Exactly,” she agreed.

            “One of the hardest lessons to learn in life is that you can’t spend your entire life worrying about what everyone else is going to think or you’ll end up not doing anything out of fear of someone else disapproving of your choices. So I have a few questions for you.” He paused.

            Amy held her breath.

            “Do you enjoy hanging out with me outside of work?”

            “Yes,” she said, and it was true. She really did like Eric and they got along famously. He was funny, interesting and intelligent. Not to mention built and extremely attractive.

            “Did you enjoy our sexual encounter last night?”

            Her heart almost stopped. “Yes.”

            “I noticed with the cane you really let go of all those pent up emotions. I think it might be a good alternative to hurting yourself,” he said quietly.

            Another moment of panic ran through her. He was bringing up
uncomfortable subject again. She thought about it. He was right, of course. She had released emotionally. The pain was precisely what she needed so she could cry. She’d actually enjoyed the pain; even got turned on by it. “You have a point.”

            “Some subs can’t properly release emotions without a little help. I’m more than willing to take care of that need whenever you need it,” he told her. His eyes held a great deal of concern and warmth.

            She nodded. “Okay.”

            “So you really enjoyed last night then?”

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