Read Train Man Online

Authors: Nakano Hitori

Train Man (75 page)

BOOK: Train Man
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297 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:25

>And finally, she said

>Why are these wonderful men Geeks?

('A `)

318 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:27

ah yeah

357 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:31

>‘But really, I’m so happy it turned out this way,’ she said and squeezed my hand. >And then as if signalling a kiss . . . the vibe shifted suddenly and . . .

Train. Train.

You is far ahead . . . so far ahead . . . I can barely see you any more . . . . . .

359 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:31

comin right atcha

366 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:32

Train, you’re a bullet train

367 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:32


I imagined a Geek running for dear life after Train . . . lol

387 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:35

409 Name: Train Man ♦ 4aPOTtW4HU Post Date: 16/05/04 19:37

She really gave me a hard time about my anime obsession and porn mags.

‘Sailor Moon . . . wow, it’s been so long since I saw it . . . ’

‘Why do you need those magazines?’

‘Well, I’m just a healthy male’ I said, skirting the issue, to which she replied

‘I see . . .’

and then came this hot-hot line

‘But with me around, you don’t need those magazines anymore, right?’

She hit the nail right on the head

Before I knew it, I said

‘I won’t buy them anymore’

And that shouldn’t be a problem.

But that was the first time I was scared of her.

And then she got into a huff about what I quoted as being spoken by her. Maybe I misheard but at a few points she said

‘I didn’t say that’

Or about her boobs

‘They may not look like much, but they are a C (said while sticking chest out)’

Or about my catching a glimpse of her underwear


She also said ‘I don’t look like Miki Nakatani’

She was, of course, just being modest.

414 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:38


>‘But with me around, you don’t need those magazines anymore, right?’


419 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:38

>‘They may not look like much, but they are a C (said while sticking chest out)’

she’s too cute

432 Name: ♦ N/WAG/OOnQ Post Date: 16/05/04 19:39


God has spoken . . .

449 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:39

>‘They may not look like much, but they are a C (said while sticking chest out)’

I can’t take it . . . can’t take it any more . . .

450 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:39


that kind of dialogue

gets me all hot and bothered

452 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:40

> ‘Perv’

Can’t take it no more . . . . . . more than all the bombings this very banal word is stabbing me deep in the heart, non-stop . . .

466 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:41

Diggin the C-cup puts us in a very warm place and comes dangerously close to hotness. But remember that there are many women out there who are not close to being Cs so don’t put down your weapons yet.

476 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:41

>‘I won’t buy them anymore’

Did you keep what you had?

490 Name: Train Man ♦ 4aPOTtW4HU Post Date: 16/05/04 19:41

‘But with me around, you don’t need those magazines anymore, right?’

This is a great hint-hint nudge-nudge line but at the same time, she’s putting on the pressure.

Not that I was pressured into giving up my porn mags . . .

495 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:42

doesn’t matter dude, just give up the mags

and give me what you got

506 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:43

504 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:43


hey, couldn’t you have given her some line like

but sex and wanking are two different things, right?

516 Name: Train Man ♦ 4aPOTtW4HU Post Date: 16/05/04 19:43


Um, yeah, well, ah, yeah, um, I . . .

525 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:44


huh? wha wha wha what’s up?

526 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:44


what is that mumbling stumbling . . .

cou . . . could it be . . . . . .

579 Name: Train Man ♦ 4aPOTtW4HU Post Date: 16/05/04 19:47

I haven’t done it yet. What can I say, I’ll be showing her this site too so . . .

591 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:47


you serious?

Lady Hermesalicious, wanna go out with moi?

593 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:47

she’s gonna be checkin us out

600 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:48

What?! You’re gonna show her this site?!

Well, er, Train Boy, everybody else may be posting their dirty little thoughts here but I will continue to cheer you on . . . ha!ha!ha!

607 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:48

hmm . . . as we thought . . . Hermes will be visiting this site . . . hold on, I’m gonna go get changed

609 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:48

pleased to meet you sweet Hermes girl

611 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:49

As soon as Train posted that he’ll be showing the site to Hermes, the number of posts drastically decreased! lol

614 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:49

checkin us out here!

would you like some curry?

621 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:49

What? Showing this site too?

ar . . . rr . . . take good care of Train Boy, please.

627 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:49

The moment I read that Hermes would be visiting the site, I got down on the floor and sat with my legs tucked under me like a good Japanese boy for some reason

634 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:50

Hey Train, don’t lose sight of that happiness

you finally got in your hands

and don’t make any mistakes you can’t take back

650 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/05/04 19:50

BOOK: Train Man
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