Tracie Peterson - [Desert Roses 01] (3 page)

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Authors: Shadows of the Canyon

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“Or you could have locked them in the refrigerator.” He grinned at her and waited for her reaction. She looked up and smiled. “I see the thought crossed your mind,” he added.

“Anyway, thanks for understanding. You’re good at knowing what to say to me and just how to help me through a tough moment.”

Luke wondered if this wasn’t just as good a time as any to share how he’d been feeling. He started to comment, then held back. If she wasn’t of a mind to see their relationship head toward courtship and marriage, it would ruin the best friendship he’d ever had. Was he willing to let that happen?

“Oh, look,” Alex said excitedly, “the entire canyon looks like it’s on fire.”

Luke turned from Alex and studied the horizon. “I knew
you’d like it. See the way the shadows turn all purple and gray?”

“Almost the color of lilacs in spring,” she murmured. Luke nodded. The last bit of golden sun trailed out across the landscape, touching the rocky towers and outcroppings with a light that seemed to shimmer and glow. Orange-and-red rock below transformed to hues of muted brown, while farther in the canyon the shadows grew dark, swallowing up the last bits of color.

Glancing back at Alex, Luke felt himself mesmerized by her intent study of the canyon. Her dark brown curls rippled gently in the breeze. Her turquoise eyes seemed to search for some missing piece—some subtle clue as to how it all began, how this canyon should find itself in this place, at this time. Luke leaned closer. Perhaps he’d simply kiss her and let his actions speak for his heart. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves.

She broke the spell of the moment. “I almost forgot the lemonade. Are you thirsty?”

“Huh?” He’d barely heard her words.

“I asked if you were thirsty. Do you want some lemonade?”

“Sure.” Luke straightened and tried not to appear flustered. “That’d be nice.”

Alex handed him a Mason jar. “Be warned, it’s a bit sour.”

“I like it that way,” Luke said, taking a drink.

Alex picked up the conversation again. “Poor Melina was still crying when I left for the day. I don’t know why women like that get caught up in the actions of men like my father. Mrs. Godfrey was clearly as uncomfortable as I was; yet she handled the matter with such grace and refinement. I guess that’s what I wish I could do. Control my temper and keep a ladylike comportment about me.”

“I don’t see anything unladylike about the way you reacted. You were acting on your feelings and the love you have for your mother.”

Alex turned to face Luke. “I feel particularly bad for the
way Father treated you.” She paused as her cheeks reddened. “Those lewd comments about . . . well, I won’t repeat them,” Alex said, paying strict attention to her sandwich. “I’m sorry he made suggestions about you and me.”

Luke nearly choked. He didn’t know what to say. Clearly he couldn’t speak of his love for her on the tail of her father’s obviously inappropriate comments. She might get the wrong idea. Worse yet, she might think Luke felt sorry for her and was only trying to make her feel better.

“Father can’t understand what you and I have together.”

What do we have?
Luke wanted so much to voice the question aloud. Instead, he turned his attention to the food and let Alex do the talking.

“I was serious about wanting to take mother away from here. I’ve been saving my money. The wages, the tips . . . all of it. Tips are always good at the canyon, so I’ve got a good bit set aside. Even so, it wouldn’t take us far. I can transfer anywhere on the Santa Fe line. The Harvey Company would find a dozen girls happy to come to the Grand Canyon and work in my place. But . . .”

“But?” Luke questioned.

“But my father would take everything from her. He’d never allow her a single dime. I could never hope to support us both,” Alex said with a sigh. “There has to be an answer.”

“There always is.” Luke handed the jar of lemonade back to her.

“If she’d just go stay with Audra, at least it would put her out of the reach of the humiliating comments. She can’t even go to church without someone approaching her in regard to father’s behavior. I try my best to encourage her, but it’s just too much for her to bear. And now her health is diminishing. She’s lost so much weight that nothing fits her anymore.

“If Father only cared. If he cared about her and how she feels, he could never carry on with these affairs. I’ve tried to explain that to him, but he’s not concerned. Politics and money. That’s all he wants to focus on. Not my mother. And
certainly not God. He has his friends, and their political power often benefits him financially. He lies. He cheats. He destroys. It’s his legacy.”

“I guess just about anyone without God in his life would have a similar legacy,” Luke offered.

“He and his friends find cheating so completely acceptable. I’ve witnessed their tomfoolery with my own eyes. It’s the reason I came to the Grand Canyon from Williams. I’d worked as a Harvey Girl at the restaurant in Williams, but Father was always coming there causing problems for me. Worse yet, his friends started behaving improperly toward me.”

Luke hadn’t heard her talk about this before, and it angered him to think of other men treating her without the respect she deserved.

Alex shook her head. “That’s why I’ll never marry. I’ll never trust any man to be faithful and honest. I’m not sure it’s possible.”

“Whoa now,” Luke said, waggling his finger at her. “You can’t go throwing us all in the same pot.”

Alex seemed to consider his comment for a moment. “Well, I suppose present company is excluded. You’ll make someone a wonderful husband . . . at least I hope you will.”

“Why do you take that tone with me? Do you doubt my ability to be faithful?”

Alex shrugged and nibbled at a piece of the cheese. “I’m not doubting your ability so much as my own. I doubt my judgment of people. I’ve been hurt one too many times, believing someone to be genuine and honest only to find out that they’re self-serving and deceitful. I remember the first time a man actually asked to court me. He was all sweet talk and flowers. He doted on me like nothing you’ve ever seen. Then I found out he was far more interested in doting on Father’s ledgers. He figured to marry their fortunes together through me. He admitted that he didn’t really love me, but rather knew it would be a beneficial union. He’d lied to me, and I caught him red-handed.”

“And you think I would lie to you?”

“I don’t know what to think,” Alex said, her voice full of irritation. “That’s the problem. That’s why I’ll never let my heart get caught up in such matters. I’m a poor judge of such things. Given the past, if I gave in to my heart, I’d probably end up with a man no better in his actions than my father.”

“Too bad God isn’t powerful enough to protect you from such a thing,” Luke said sarcastically. He didn’t like her attitude or the way it defeated his plans to offer her courtship and marriage.

Alex frowned and began gathering up her things. “He didn’t protect my mother, so why should I think I deserve any different? It isn’t that I think God incapable—it’s simply that sinful man will do sinful things and good people will suffer. My desire is to help my mother—to see her through this matter. She may not be willing to impose herself in the life of my married sister, but she doesn’t have that same excuse with me. I’ll make her see reason. We’ll go to Kansas City or Topeka or even California. We’ll go far enough away that we won’t have to witness my father’s escapades firsthand.”

She got to her feet and stared down at Luke with an expression that wavered between hurt and doubt. “I need to get back. Will you drive me or shall I walk?”

Luke got up and dusted off his jeans. “I’ll drive you—that is, if you can trust me to keep my word.”

“Luke, don’t be like that. I didn’t mean to include you. I was just talking about the men I’ve known in the past. I know you’re not like them. I don’t think of you like that.” She reached out and gently touched his shoulder. “I’ve never seen you be cruel to anyone. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. Please don’t be angry with me.”

Luke couldn’t stay mad. He smiled. “Come on. Let’s get you back before they send out a search party.”


“Senator Winthrop, how marvelous you could come to El Tovar!”

The stocky man smiled in greeting. “Chester Laird, as I live and breathe. If you aren’t a welcome sight for these old eyes.”

Alex took in the revelry with little interest as she poured glasses of ice water. She was used to parties of the rich and influential. El Tovar seemed the perfect place for their gatherings—a respite in a luxurious setting. Not only the grandeur of the canyon beyond the walls, but the hotel itself had been a masterpiece of design. Styled in the manner of a massive Swiss chalet, the Harvey Company had spared no expense to ensure its beauty and splendor.

“How do you like our little Waldorf of the west?” Laird questioned.

“I must say, this resort is far better equipped than I had figured. My aide mentioned it was quite the popular place, very European in nature. Still, when I mentioned to my daughter, Valerie, that we were spending a month in Arizona, you would have thought I’d suggested she sell her jewels and live on the street.”

“I was sorry to hear about your wife’s passing,” Laird said, sobering rather quickly.

“Thank you, Chester. The dear woman simply gave out. Life in the political arena was much too difficult. But Valerie does a good job—well, decidedly that! She does a superior job acting as my hostess. Speaking of which, here she comes now with my aide, Joel Harper.”

Alex didn’t know why, but she lifted her gaze to meet the approaching couple. Valerie Winthrop greatly resembled the actress Lillian Gish. She wore an iced blue satin gown that clung to her in a most revealing way. Typical of the elaborate evening gowns Alex had witnessed on other occasions, the
neckline plunged. A choker of diamonds and pearls graced her slender throat, while a feathered stole barely covered the bare skin above the décolletage.

“Hello, Daddy,” she said, leaning over to give the pretense of kissing her father’s cheek. Alex knew full well her lips hadn’t touched the man’s face because the woman’s bright red lipstick would have left its mark.

“My darling, do you remember Mr. Laird? He’s an attorney in California. A powerful ally, if I do say so myself.”

“Miss Winthrop, it’s a pleasure,” Laird said, taking hold of her extended hand. He bowed over her hand, again offering a pretense of a kiss. Alex was so mesmerized by the charade that she actually paused in her work to watch. The lengths to which the wealthy played their games never failed to amaze her. Everyone appeared to know their parts in this strange little play, yet no one was overly worried about appearing realistic or sincere.

“The pleasure is mine,” Valerie Winthrop said, dripping sweetness.

“And this is my aide, Joel Harper,” Winthrop announced, turning to give Harper a mighty pat on the back.

“Harper? That’s a name I know quite well,” Laird replied. “I once kept company with Barrington Harper of Boston.”

Alex lowered her gaze only momentarily to ensure that she’d properly tended to the table. At the rich baritone of Joel’s reply, she was again drawn into the lives of her wealthy charges.

“Mr. Laird, I’ve heard great things about you. In fact, we met once many years ago, but of course, I was just a boy. Barrington Harper is my uncle and you were a guest in his home. As I recall, you beat him quite soundly at an especially challenging game of chess.”

Laird laughed. “We’ve played many a challenging game over the years. Sometimes I win, sometimes he does, but always we enjoy the game. What of you, son? Do you play?”

Joel caught Alex watching him and winked before he replied. “Only to win.”

Alex felt her cheeks grow hot and quickly looked away. She turned abruptly and almost ran over Bernice King, her newest trainee. “Oh, sorry, Bernice. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“That’s all right, Miss Keegan.” The girl shook her head and gazed around the room. “There are so many beautiful people here, I’m not sure that I’m doing anything right.”

“You’ll get used to it,” Alex told her. “Sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming, but you have to keep your sights on what’s real and important. Focus your attention on being the best Harvey Girl in the room and you’ll benefit your customers as well as yourself. You might even make a tidy tip in the process.”

“Oh, I hope so, Miss Keegan. I have six brothers and four sisters at home. My ma and pa need me to send home as much money as possible.”

Alex’s heart went out to the younger woman. Bernice was barely eighteen and as green and inexperienced as any girl Alex had worked with. Six years Alex’s junior, the poor girl had never traveled out of Missouri before going to work for the Fred Harvey Company.

“Miss, might I trouble you for a moment?”

It was the same voice Alex had heard only minutes ago. Bernice hurried away, leaving Alex with the sensation of being deserted. She turned and found Joel Harper only inches away. He stood so close, in fact, that Alex felt the need to whisper, lest she shout directly in his face.


Joel smiled a very pleasant smile. He cut a dashing figure in his black tuxedo, even if his bow tie was a bit crooked. “I couldn’t help but notice you watching me,” he said, lowering his voice. “I believe destiny has brought us together tonight.”

Alex immediately grew uncomfortable. She took a step back. “I think you’re mistaken, sir. I’m the Harvey Girl who
will be seeing to your table. I was merely checking to see if your party was complete. I’ll be serving the salads momentarily.”
Keep it professional
, she told herself. Reserved formality did more to quench ardent fires among her customers than anything else.

“Ah, but you were particularly taken when I entered the room. I felt it.”

Alex had heard all she was going to take. “I thought your girlfriend looked like Lillian Gish. In fact, Miss Gish has been our guest here before, and I wasn’t certain but what she had returned. I assure you, I did not mean to stare, but it was for that reason and no other. Now, if you’ll excuse me . . .”

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