Trace: Follow His Destiny (22 page)

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Blaine nodded and pulled her between them and kissed her, teasing her lips until she opened them for him and then he deepened the kiss. She was amazing, his savior.

Dalton and he had talked many times about their bond and how special Kira was. Her parents had been right when they said she loves with everything in her when she finds someone worthy. He and Dalton would try to continue to be worthy of her.

Kira moaned and wrapped her arms around her mate. Dalton slid in from behind and wrapped his hands around both of them, caressing each of them in turn while kissing Kira’s neck and back. She pulled back and smiled when she felt him kissing the tattoo she had gotten. It was so special to her. A circle with each of their symbols in the center a heart.

“So what do we have over there?” Blaine said and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

They joined hands and pulled Kira between them to the bed. She smiled when she saw what food and wine they had gathered for their claiming. It truly was going to be special.

Blaine crawled on the bed and held out his arms and Dalton swung her off the floor into his arms and kissed her, before gently setting her between Blaine’s legs so her back was leaning against his chest. Dalton crawled up, lay next to them, and smiled. He pulled grapes from the tray, held up the small bunch, and allowed both Blaine and Kira to take one from them between their teeth. He did the same and then smiled as he saw the passion in both of his mate’s eyes.

Dalton set the fruit back down and turned and pulled Kira’s nightgown up a little, caressing her gently as he did, allowing the silky feel of the gown to run over her legs and thighs. Kira leaned back and closed her eyes allowing herself to feel. Blaine wrapped his hands around her and cupped her breasts in his hands. He rubbed the fabric over her nipples causing them to peak and then he grabbed the edge of her gown and lifted it over her head.

Dalton smiled and her and with the flat of his tongue he lapped at her nipple, then flicking the tip with the end of his tongue. Kira shivered a little and Blaine pulled one of her legs over his large thigh and opened her up to him while he kissed her neck.

Running his tongue over the shell of her ear and then nipping the lobe, he slid his hand down to her mound and parted her pussy lips with his finger moving slowly up and down, brushing up against her already engorged clit.

Dalton sat up, pulled his robe off, and threw it on the ground, then he helped Blaine undress without disturbing his mission of driving Kira crazy. Blaine pulled her fully back against him and lifted her a little when his pants came off. That is when he pushed a finger inside her and turned her around so she was facing him.

She straddled him, leaned forward, kissed him, and said, “This is all about you, so how do you want this?”

Blaine looked at her and smiled. He loved how they both cared about his feelings, he was the only one they had not claimed, and they worried about his feelings since it happened. He looked at Dalton and smiled. “It is a special night, so I thought I would be in the middle.” Dalton’s eyes widened and Kira nodded. He had never let Dalton take him from behind and both men knew it was because Blaine was so dominate.

Suggesting this meant so much to Dalton, he felt the tears gather in his eyes. Shit, he was gonna ruin the moment.

Blaine reached up, cupped his cheek, and pulled him in close. “I love you.” Dalton rested his forehead on Blaine’s and said, “I love you too.”

“Me too.” Kira frowned and crossed her arms, causing her breasts to push up.

“Don’t worry, baby, we love you too,” Blaine said and pulled her to them. They kissed each other and ran their hands over each of them, building the connection. Blaine could feel the tingling beginning.

Blaine rolled Kira beneath him, lay between her legs, and looked down. He bent and sucked in her nipples and she moaned. Dalton reached for a pillow and pushed it under Kira’s hips so they were raised a little and then grabbed the lube and smiled down at his mate’s ass. It was perfect.

He covered his fingers good and then began to stretch Blaine out a little at a time, preparing him for his cock. It would be magical; both of them claiming Blaine at the same time in this way. He would be the center of their world.

Blaine groaned when he felt Dalton’s fingers brush against his prostate. “Found your sweet spot, Blaine?” And he flicked his finger over it again then added a second finger while kissing his back. He teased his back entrance and then moved a little to give him more room. Kira wrapped her legs around Blaine and pushed herself against him, grinding her mound against his cock.

Blaine nipped her nipple and then kissed his way back up her neck. “You want me, baby?”

“Oh Gods, yes, please,” she whimpered and he smiled.

Dalton finished and then positioned himself behind Blaine and held his hips as he eased into Kira. She hissed and grabbed his shoulders and dug her nails in. “Too slow, damnit.”

He chuckled and kissed her. Dalton eased into Blaine’s back entrance just as slowly and Blaine repeated what Kira had said making Kira chuckle.

Finally, they were all joined as one and Blaine closed his eyes for a moment so he could savor the feeling of completeness.

Dalton began to move first, pulling out slowly and it caused Blaine to move slowly out of Kira also. It seemed Dalton was in control and loved it. He set a slow pace at first until they were all panting.

Kira reached between then and rubbed her clit a little until Blaine pulled her hand out and then moved in a way that he was hitting her clit with each pass. Dalton began to move faster and they were all gasping. Kira looked above them and saw the small lights dancing around them again. It was like they knew what was coming. She smiled and watched them become more frantic when their passion built.

She felt the tingle of her climax building and she called to her mates and said, “It’s time.”

They both grunted and moved faster. She leaned up and licked her mate’s throat, she felt her teeth come out and then she heard Dalton begin to chant his mating ritual.

Blaine felt the magic swirling around them, it was intense.

Kira bit down, Blaine cried out his release, and he felt Dalton climax at the same time.

The powerful magic that swirled around them moved faster and the lights became hurried as they circled the three of them and Blaine leaned over and bit Kira again in the neck where he had claimed her before sending them both into another orgasm. He felt Dalton pull out of him and he grabbed the man around the shoulders, pulled him over, and claimed him again.

Dalton gasped and emptied another release on his mates. They collapsed in a pile and they felt the magic reach a frenzied state around them and then each of them felt it pierce into their skin from all around. Kira yelled at the sudden onslaught of sensations.

Everything became fuzzy and the three passed out from the power they had just taken in.


Trace and Shane walked out into the front of the court yard. Bama stood staring at the sky. Both of them in awe of her beauty. She was gorgeous. She was their mate. And they needed to do this right. She had asked for formal courting. This was an awkward time to try and do it, but they had no choice.

“How do you like Colorado?” Shane said softly.

Bama turned and smiled. “I was just getting a look at the mountains. They are so calming. I needed some air. Much has happened in the last few days, it’s a lot to take in.”

“If we want to make it back and forth to Denver in a reasonable time. I don’t want you tired out. We have a few plans to make. Dinner, spa, maybe a few walks around the compound,” Trace drawled.

Bama smiled at him again. “I am very attracted to your voice. Yours too, Shane. I think I will find you very pleasant to be around in the years to come.” Shane and Trace laughed at her bluntness. They should have known when they heard her speak in front of the Council. This was going to be fun. Shane stepped forward and held out his hand. “May I?”

Chapter 15

Quin stood before his Council and the elders who were there and said, “We know what we have to do. With Bama’s information and the help of the cats and eagles, we're going to attack the Rogues tomorrow night. They are feeling confident that they have injured me enough that I will be unable to plan anything. Devon is planning the attack and so I will turn it over to him.”

Devon stood up and went to the board. “This is who we have; it has taken the last few days to get everyone we asked in place. I have drawn the building that we are going to.

It is in the warehouse district, so we will have a little leeway in shifting. There will not be many people around other than other shifters. There are four entrances. The main entrance, Quin and Jaden will lead the breech inside with Tey, Blaine, and Dalton. This side I will go in with Sid, Levi, Argus, and Jacob. The back will belong to Shawn and Sevi with the help of Darien and Teagan. Finally, the last side will be Trace, Shane, Reggie, and Blaze. Lagon will remain with the children and the eagles that will fly them out at first threat to Lagon’s cave.”

Cami raised her hand and stood up. She walked to the board and looked at it closely squinting and making a big production and counting the names on the board. “Looks like you are a few short,” she said sarcastically.

Jaden rolled his eyes and put his head in his hand. “Cami,” he groaned and sat back.

She turned on her mate, her eyes flashing and said, “Don’t you Cami me, mister. We talked about this. I am the Alpha female who had her cub kidnapped and family threatened. I will not be patted on the head and told to stay at home while the big boys go and save the day. That is not how this shit is gonna work. I think we have all proved we can handle situations like this. I know you manly men don’t think a woman should put herself in the line of fire, but let me tell you, we already are. So we had a little conference last night. This is how this is gonna go. Obviously pregnant women have to stay behind, and I might throw in that Teagan and Darien, you need to get her a new present for agreeing to this. A nice new Sig Sauer would go a long way. Anyway, Trinity and Jordan will remain here with the radios and they will work on tracking movement through the cameras that Bama put into place. Bama will monitor the cameras and let us know what is going on. I will go with Quin and Jo with Tey, Casey with Devon and Sid, Lacy with Shawn and Sevi, I might add she has the potions so it would be stupid to leave her. Let’s see, then we have Sky with Argus and although Ruby put up a good argument she will remain behind and help Lagon with protecting the children. Kira will be with Blaine, Dalton, Trace, and Shane on the outside taking prisoners to the trucks.” Cami pulled out a permanent marker, drew lines, and added names to Devon’s nice and neat board. He growled and they all laughed because everyone knew how anal the Beta was about his strategic boards. Cami stepped back, put her hand on her hips, and nodded satisfied.

“So, there you go, now we are all in agreement. Any questions people?” She said and went back to her seat.

Oliver stood and looked to his daughter then to Quin. "I am requesting to come along with you for the attack. I know that you are going to refuse at first, but let me speak my peace. I have recovered, Cloe has checked me out, and I feel one hundred percent. This whole thing came about because I was weak. I let my Pack members down all those years ago and every day since by believing everything that came out of Braden’s mouth.

I have to do this. I have to face him, if I don’t, I will not be able to live with myself.” Quin stood and frowned. “Alpha, you have nothing to prove at all. I think you will make up to everyone in time. You were a victim like the rest of us were.” Oliver smiled and shook his head. “No son, I was not a victim, I was a doormat. I should have stood taller. Paid attention, but I wallowed. Please allow me to do this.” Oliver asked.

Quin looked at Devon who shrugged, Jo sat with her head down, and Quin said, “Jo?” She looked up with tears rolling down her cheek and nodded. She would never try and tell her father that he couldn’t redeem himself in the eyes of his members. She knew it had weighed on him the last few weeks. Through all of the healing, his mental state of mind had worried her. He had been depressed and finally looking at him standing straight and tall, she saw the Alpha shifter he once was. She could not take that away from him.

“Okay Oliver, you will go in with Tey and Jo. Now, we are looking for several things while we are in there. First, there will be a large room with files; we need those if they are still there. I would guess Braden, although crazy, would have moved them. In those, is information on who has and is belonged to the Rogues? Next, their army will be in this large room on the back. When we come into the back there is this small corridor that the people breeching through the back will be in and wait for everyone to get into place,” Devon said and then looked around so that everyone agreed.

“Good, and last, Braden, Roarke, Barbara, and Lola. We need to cut the head off this snake and they are at the top, they have to be taken out. If you can capture them, fine, but I would bet none of them will go quietly. So be ready.” Devon said and then continued to point out places of weakness and strengths.

By the time, it was all over they agreed that they would attack the next night and left to spend time with each other and the children. They needed to connect again. The Seer said that they are at their strongest when they have reclaimed each other, which is what they were all intending to do.


Oliver held his hand out to his daughter, then waited while she whispered to Tey, and then came over to him. She smiled sadly at him, “Daddy?” Oliver smiled at the endearment she used. She had just begun calling him that again a few months ago. The first time he heard it pass her lips, he had almost cried. He loved her so much and hoped she understood why he had to go.

“Sweetheart, I just want to talk to you briefly before we go. I know that it has been a hard few months here. And any other time I would listen and agree with any of your suggestions, but not this. I have to do this.”

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