Toy Boy (8 page)

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Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Toy Boy
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“Hey,” I said, laughing and placing the shell aside.

He grinned and pushed his hand through his fringe, making it stick up wildly. “Towels, in there, under the bench.” He pointed to the next level of the boat.

I stepped up, moved the faded navy seat cushion, then flipped the lid. Sure enough, several brightly colored beach towels were neatly folded.

I grabbed two, turned, then tossed one his way.

He was staring at me, his mouth slightly open and his eyes narrow. “Fuck,” he muttered, absently catching the towel and letting it hang in his hand. The end dragged on the deck.


“Er, next time a proper bikini would be a good idea.” He nodded at my chest then his gaze roamed downward.

I looked at my breasts then lower.
My underwear was transparent. It was as if I had nothing on. I quickly held my towel in front of my torso.

“I’m not complaining,” he said, swiping at a drip of water running down his cheek. “But as you’re off limits, that outfit is likely to make me damn uncomfortable real quick.”

I shook the towel out, and without revealing myself again, wrapped it around my body.

He watched me closely then shifted from one foot to the other.

‘We’ll shower together. Think of it, Kay. Me and you, naked, water, steam. I’ll soap you up, cover you in suds, then rinse them off. But don’t think you’ll be getting clean, because that’s when we’ll start to get dirty, real dirty. Maybe I’ll tell you to get to your knees and suck my cock.’

I glanced at his groin.

‘The water will slide down your face and over my dick as I glide in and out of your mouth. I’d love to see that, Kay, you adoring my cock, taking me deep, sucking just a little and making me feel like I’ve died and gone to Heaven.’

There was a definite bulge going on behind his swim shorts.


I shut my eyes. “Er, I’ll go get dressed.”

“Do you remember?” he asked. “All the things we used to talk about on the phone? When you were in bed, late at night and feeling lonely. When it was dark and quiet and it felt like we were the only people in the world.”

“Yes.” I nodded, opened my eyes and glanced at the doorway to the lower deck. “I do.”

“I was lonely in my life, too, but not when I was talking to you. Then, I wasn’t lonely at all, I was with you.” He paused. “Is that how you felt?”

I nodded, just a little, and stared into the distance at the flat horizon.

“God, I want you.” He took a step closer, looming over me. “Do you understand how much?”

“Yes, I know. And I…”

“You want me, too?”

“No, yes, bloody hell. I can’t do this.” I rubbed my temple and gripped the towel tighter. “You should have just taken me to the airport, Sullivan. It would have been for the best.”

I turned away then dashed below deck. My body was threatening to betray me. My nipples were tight, little peaks, and a needy pressure was growing in my lower abdomen. Images of kissing him, more than kissing him, running my mouth over his strong, young body, exploring those damn fine muscles, sucking his cock, having his cock in me, were dominating my thoughts.

Maybe I should give him what he wants?

Just once.


Oh, he was good. Using his gorgeousness to try to turn me into a cougar. Seduce me with his big, athletic body and sexy smile. Well, I wouldn’t fall for it. I wouldn’t sleep with him, fuck him, have my way with him…whatever it was he wanted. That just wouldn’t work for either of us. It would only leave me more empty and lonely than before.

But maybe it would get rid of this longing in my chest and satisfy the hunger in the pit of my belly. And wow, an orgasm by something other than my own hand was well overdue.


Chapter Seven




After donning my black swimsuit—by far the most conservative of my bathing costumes—I then threw on a baggy, sleeveless T-shirt and scraped my hair back into a ponytail.

This should put him off, I thought, rubbing sun protection onto my face and spreading the greasy, oil-based cream around—I looked like I’d dipped my cheeks in butter.

My stomach gave a loud rumble, and I pressed it, I needed to eat.

When I emerged on deck, Sullivan had gone.

A flutter of panic washed through me. Surely he wouldn’t abandon me. But then I saw him, sitting at the front of the boat with his legs dangling over the side.

“You mentioned food,” I called.

He turned, his usual chilled-out smile back in place and the tension of the previous conversation gone. “Sure, I’ll get to it now.”

He stood and walked toward me.

As he ducked beneath a rope, I couldn’t help but glance at his swim shorts again. I wondered if his hard-on had gone—if he’d relieved himself or if it had subsided on its own.

A shiver of desire went through me. The thought of him masturbating, out here in the open, was seriously erotic. I knew what he sounded like when he came. I’d heard him on the phone, pressed the earpiece as close to my head as I could and memorized every grunt and gasp.

“Bread,” he said, brushing past me, “and cheese. Nothing fancy, I’m afraid.”

Our arms skimmed against each other’s. “That’s fine. I wasn’t expecting fancy food.”

“Good.” He pointed at the bench. “Sit and enjoy the view, and I’ll make your tea.”

“Are you sure? Do you want me to help?”

“No. Please. Sit.” His jawline tensed and he pressed his lips together.

I guessed he really didn’t want me below deck. Perhaps it wasn’t safe for me to be in a confined space with him in case he lost control of his passion.

A shiver of excitement went through me.

Imagine it!

But I listened to my common sense and didn’t follow him. Instead, I did as he’d asked, sat and again studied the pale cliffs that surrounded our own private bay. I wondered how many other people, over the centuries, had enjoyed the seclusion and privacy of this tiny corner of the world. Friends, family, lovers? Had anyone else ever been here with a gorgeous man but not made the most of the privacy, not indulged in pleasure and sex and orgasms the way I was denying myself?

Denying him.

I sighed and listened to a few gulls calling and Sullivan clattering in the galley. If he’d been right for me, what would we be doing now? Would we still be naked after skinny dipping? Would we be in the small cabin making love, me tied up with some of the rope from the rigging? Or perhaps I’d be giving him that blow job he’d talked about, but not in the shower—out here, under the Bimini, enjoying the fact that no one could see us or disturb us.

I squirmed on the seat. Thinking about sex was turning me on. The way it did when Sullivan used that low, husky voice when indulging in dirty talk.

Damn it, I missed sex. I missed being naked with another person, seeking pleasure, giving pleasure.

“Here,” Sullivan said, appearing with a tray. “I hope I made it right.”

“I’m sure you did.” I looked up at him and smiled.

He didn’t look at me. “No sugar, milk in last.”

“That’s right.” I reached for the tea then took a sip. “Perfect.”

He sat opposite me then tore off a hunk of bread. He put it in his mouth, chewing industriously as he cut a wedge of cheese from a block of cheddar.

“This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever had breakfast,” I said.

He looked out at the horizon. “It sure is special.”

“Amazing.” I reached for a piece of bread and took a bite.

“Look,” he said, suddenly standing.

“What?” I followed his line of sight.


“Really? Where?”

“About a hundred yards out.”

I set down my tea and stood. Sure enough, a shiny gray sliver of fin had broken the surface of the water. “Wow, I’ve never seen one before.”

“Odd that it’s on its own. They’re usually in pods.”

“It isn’t. Look,” I said, pointing excitedly. Several other dolphins were milling about, just outside our bay.

“I see them.” Sullivan moved down to the swim platform. “Come here.” He held out his hand.

I took it and stood next to him. My heart was thumping with excitement. Seeing wild dolphins was on my bucket list. “Do you think they’ll come over?”

“They might. They’re inquisitive.”

I nibbled my bottom lip, and hope burst within me as the first one we’d seen slid through the water toward us. It came right up close and circled at the end of the boat. Its tail broke the surface of the water in a delicate wave.

“He looks like he’s smiling,” I whispered. I could make out its face, its glossy skin, its curious eyes.

“Beautiful,” Sullivan said, releasing my hand and winding his arm around my waist. He tugged me close and my body came into alignment with his.

I pressed my hand to my mouth, almost too scared to breathe in case I scared the creature away.

“He’s looking at us,” Sullivan said quietly.

Sure enough, the dolphin had his head just out of the water, tipped slightly, and was studying us the way we were him.

“I wonder what he’s thinking,” I said.

“That I’m one hell of a lucky guy to have such a gorgeous woman in my arms.”

I dragged my attention from the dolphin and twisted within Sullivan’s embrace.

His gaze was on me, not the dolphin. His eyes were full of adoration, desire, need…love.

I pulled in a deep breath. Everything seemed to have stilled, the rocking of the boat, the birds, the slight breeze.

His mouth was parted a fraction, and I thought of his soft lips on my cheek the night before. His pecs had been so hard beneath my hands, and the feel of his breaths at my ear had sent a tingle whispering over my scalp.

“Kay,” he murmured, slipping his other arm around me and pulling me close. “Please…” There was a desperate, anxious note in his voice.

I reached up and pressed my palms against the sides of his face, gently flattening the fuzz of pale stubble. I pushed my body into his. I needed this. I needed him. It was what we both wanted, so why resist?

I pushed all the nagging doubts, the shock, the hurt at his omission, from my mind, went onto my toes, my breasts dragging against his chest, and drew his face closer to mine.

Shutting my eyes, I kissed him softly, a closed-mouth peck that lingered.

He groaned.

The sound filled my ears and sent blood rushing to the juncture of my thighs. I kissed him harder.

Suddenly, he took control. He opened his mouth, slanted his head and delved his tongue between my lips. His arms tightened around me, and he dragged me closer, squeezing me up against his body.

I felt so small wrapped up in him. His strength surrounded me, and his sun-hot skin heated me. I felt heady with it, turned on. I was a woman who needed a man.

This man.

His tongue tangled with mine, warm and wet, and I tasted coffee and maybe a hint of mint. It was a luscious, dark, masculine flavor that was rich and sexy. I didn’t realize how much I’d been missing the taste of a man until this moment.

I slid my hands behind his neck and drew his face nearer. My heart was clattering, and a tug of longing was pulling at the muscles between my legs.

A length of flesh was hardening against my abdomen. Through Sullivan’s swim shorts and my clothing, his erection was growing.

Fuck, it felt amazing.

I wanted him. I really did. I wanted to experience all of the filthy, fun things we’d talked about, that he’d described in detail. I wanted our ages not to be an issue. I was free—free to love and have sex and take what I wanted.

Wasn’t I?

He pressed his hands over my buttocks and squeezed. A moan filtered up from his chest, out of his throat and into my mouth.

“Sullivan,” I gasped, breaking the kiss. “Wait.”

He looked a little drugged, his eyelids droopy and his lips damp. I could make out his pulse, thumping to a fast tempo in a vein in his neck.

“Oh, Jesus,” he said, “as far as first kisses go, that was off the scale.”

I smiled. It was, but this was running away with me. It was too much, too fast.

He moved his hips a little and rubbed his cock against me. He ducked his head, lips parting for another kiss.

“Wait,” I said again. I removed my hands from his neck and set them over his collarbones, stroking that little patch of freckles. “I’m sorry,” I said.

“God, but I want you so badly. Waited so damn long.” His voice was almost a growl.

“Please, give me time.”

“Time. If only I had control of time. I’d wind the clock back to last week when you were mine. When you told me you couldn’t wait to join me in bed.”

“I’m sorry, but…”

“Please don’t say sorry or but, not now. Not now I have you in my arms.”

“But…” I said, firmer.

He pulled away, his hard-on moving from my belly. “Don’t tease.” He smiled, but it was strained.

“I’m not, really…” That was the last thing I wanted to do, but I was so confused. I wanted him more than anything. But what he wanted from me in the long term… I wasn’t sure I could give him that. And if I couldn’t, would I be able to have just one romp between the sheets then walk away? Would that be worse for both of us?

“Kay.” He slid his hands from my back to my waist, almost circling me entirely. “Talk to me.”

“I don’t want to go,” I said, the words rushing from my mouth. “I want to stay here with you. On the boat. For the week.”

He narrowed his eyes a little and sucked in a breath. “Okay…” He drew the last syllable out long and slow, as if a million thoughts were rushing through his brain.

“But other than that, I don’t know,” I said. “Please, this has all been a shock. It’s taking me a while to get used to it. I never thought I’d be with a younger man. What is it called, a cougar?”

He raised his eyebrows as if surprised by the word.

“Is it okay?” I asked. “If I stay?”

“Of course.” He released me and turned away. He gripped the rail and looked out at sea, his body bent at a slight angle.

“Thank you.”

His back was so broad and strong, golden-colored with defined muscles running down either side of his spine.

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