Tough Love (Hidden Secrets) (26 page)

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stood now about three feet from me. My body was rigid with tension and the need to kill the son of a bitch in front of me shot through me like a bullet through the air. Stepping forward, I would die to protect Shannon.

you want her let free,” Rachael said stepping in front of me. “Then you’ll come to me, be with me. Forget about
,” She sneered her name.

mind suddenly snapped into play. “You will release her? Never bother her again?”

nodded her head eagerly. I shrugged my shoulders tossing my hands in the air and looked longing at Shannon. My heart ached, but I’d do anything for her. Even if it meant breaking my own heart to keep her safe and happy, I’d do it.

smiles, clapping her hands excitedly just as the doors burst open and in storm the troops so to speak.  What shocked me the most was when I saw Kylee run in with them. When did she get here?

your girl man,” Danger said the minute he started in on Ceo.

hurried to her side and couldn’t see a way to get her down. My name was called and keys were tossed to me when I turned in the direction of the voice. Hurriedly, I started with her ankles first then her wrists. Once she was free, I cradled her in my arms. Honestly, I was afraid to touch her. She was cut up all over. The marks that covered her body were all similar, but the ones on her face were different. Reaching up carefully, I felt for a pulse. There was a weak one, but not enough to steady my racing heart and shaking hands. Laying her down, I saw her scraps of clothing lying around. Reaching over I grabbed some and began tying them around her wrists and ankles.

her in my arms, I stood. When I looked around the room, I was shocked to find Kylee beating the living shit out of Rachael. Rachael then fell to the ground in a bloodied heap. Kylee stood over her panting. That girl was going to get whatever she wanted for that. I’d give her the moon right now for doing the one thing that I couldn’t do. Thanking her as I ran past, I rushed her out to the awaiting ambulance. Police cars blocked exits. Lights flashed like a disco globe in a dance club.

heart raced as I boarded the back of the ambulance and started telling them everything. We were soon rushing down the streets back to the hospital. The EMTs were trying to assure me that the worst part of her condition would be the emotional state. Looking at her, I just couldn’t see that. The medical part of my brain was telling me that it was true, but the man that loved this woman with everything I had couldn’t believe it.

we arrived at the hospital they pulled her back into a room and made me wait outside. After a few crazy long minutes, a nurse comes out and tells me that I can do the stitches since I’m the best plastic surgeon in the surrounding area. I wanted to give this to her. As much as it will pain me to see her like that again, I know it will hurt her worse if she has that constant reminder every day.

lost count of how long I was in there or how many stitches I put in, but I was finally done. There were several moments that I had to wipe tears from my eyes to keep them clear so I could see what I was doing. Now they were taking her back for x-rays and scans to make sure there were no other damages. They suggested I go get some fresh air and they’d call me if anything came up.

outside, I saw Nate leaning against the wall putting his sunglasses on. Even though he put them on, I could still clearly see his tear stained cheeks. Walking over to him slowly, I placed my hand on his shoulder in silent support.

should be my son. That should be me in that hospital bed with her holding our baby,” he said quietly never looking up at me. “What have I done so wrong that I fall in love with an amazing woman and she only sees me as a friend?”

wish I had an answer for you, but I can say that I don’t think it’s something you’ve done wrong.”

as I was about to say more, I was interrupted. “Nate?”

head snaps up and he stared at Tobey. A bit of envy crossed his face before he blanked it.


Tobey steps closer. “I want to tell you that you don’t have to feel like you can’t be around Mary because of me.”

He said confused.

I know you love her,” when Nate’s eyes widened Tobey pushed forward. “I saw the way you were with her when we first met and the way you look at her now. I’m not a stupid man. She loves you too, Nate.”

scoffs, “Yeah, as a friend.”

isn’t that enough? To have any love from Mary would be enough for me. I’m lucky to have her love for the rest of my life and be able to show and express that love whenever I want, but Nate,” He steps closer putting his hand on Nate’s shoulder. “You’re pushing you chances away to be involved in her life. If you keep going you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life.”

stood tall, pulled his glasses off, and I could see the tears falling down his cheeks again. “I have never fallen in love with anyone before. I can’t eat, sleep, or even breathe without thinking of her. What is it that you have that I don’t? Why did she choose to fall in love with you over me?”

didn’t choose Nate. Everyone has the one person we are meant to be with either for a short time or the long haul. We all have someone’s. You see you played a big role in her life. You saved her when she needed it. You cared for her when she needed it. Hell, you were the one that started her believing she deserved more than what she was giving herself.”

so she could find you! She’s breaking my heart!” He yelled.

you’re breaking hers!” Tobey roared back in his face.

Nate asked leaning back some.

her best friend,” I said to Nate.

losing her best friend because you can’t love her enough to be her best friend and be happy for her happiness,” Tobey added.

she can’t handle the way I look at her and I can’t control that.”

she’s wanting some real food. I’m heading out to get her some. Why don’t you go up and visit with Mary and our son. She wants to ask you something,” Tobey said before walking away.

miss the chance. Wouldn’t you rather have her in your life a little than not have her there at all?”

shrugged, but still headed inside. My only guess was that he was going to go up and see Mary and my nephew.  I stood outside a minute longer before walking back in. It wasn’t like I had any other place to be. The only place I wanted to be was with Shannon, but she wasn’t…


around at whoever called me, “What? What’s wrong?”

awake and she’s asking for you,” the nurse smiled.

heart soared. I felt like I was floating as if wind could carry me away and I hurried behind the nurse, cursing her slow pace in my head. When we finally reached her room, my hands began to sweat and my pulse pounded rapidly in my neck. With a shaking and sweating hand, I reached up opening the door. The nurse smiled at me, then walked away.

I opened the door, I saw Shannon struggling with a couple nurses and a doctor.

need Jackson. I need to know he’s okay. He needs to know the truth.”

going to have to sedate her,” one nurse said.

hell you are,” I shouted.

immediately stopped fighting and turned her head in my direction. Tears filled her eyes as she sobbed out my name. Hurrying to her bed side, I gathered her in my arms, carefully. My own tears fell to her shoulder. To keep from hurting her, I tangled my hands at the back of her head and held her against me. She had her arms around me, running her hands up and down my back as if to comfort me. Pulling back, I look into her eyes. Her tears still fell, just as mine did. Leaning down, I kissed her lips softly. When I kissed her, I had only intended it to be a reassurance that she was still there and she didn’t hate me for what happened to her, but Shannon had other plans. She pulled me closer to her and kissed me deeply.

just come back in a few minutes. Give you guys time alone together.” Someone said behind me.

thing I heard was the door close. Cupping her face gently in my hands, she began to sob as she broke our kiss. I held her closely to my chest.

so sorry, Princess. I never intended for this to happen. If I would have known…”

sat up looking at me confused. “How are you even blaming yourself for this?”

I brought her to you. She only hurt you because she was coming for me. Her husband said…”

eyes widened. “She has a husband? Was he one of the men that took me? Oh the bald guy, his name is Ceo. I kept repeating his name over and over in my head so I remembered. Did you catch them or will they be coming after me again? Or worse coming after you?”

her neck, I ran my thumbs along her jaw line. “Calm down baby. We got them all. We’ll talk about all this later. Right now, I just want to hold you, fill myself with the warmth of you. Maybe then I can convince myself you are alive and with me.”

out on the bed next to her, I opened my arms for her. She was safe. I breathed a small sigh of relief as I wrapped my arms gently around her.

Chapter Thirty-Four






was safe.

I felt his arms wrap around me, a fresh bout of tears started to escape. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t stop them. The fear, the pain, the loss, it all overflowed at once. What hurt the most right now was the terror I saw on the girls’ faces and the injuries Colleen suffered. That thought caused me to sit up quickly and groan in pain.

Jackson asked confused.

girls are they okay?”

fine,” he said softly as he pulled me back into his arms.

sobs grew more intense. The danger I put them in. How were they ever going to forgive me? How could anyone forgive me? I’ve ruined everyone’s lives. Unknowingly, I brought danger to this family that has suffered far too much.

baby. They’re okay. I promise. Everyone’s worried about you. Maybe if you want we can go for a little walk later and go see them.”

in the hospital,” I shriek shocked. “Oh my God! I’m so sorry.” I swing my legs over the side of the bed, when Jackson’s arms come around me and pull me back into his chest.

is one of the reasons I love you so much. Always so concerned for others and never for yourself. I guess it’s a good thing that I’m here. I’m concerned about you and I want you to stay right here, just for a little bit. Please.”

I melted back into his arms, the doctor walked back in. Rolling over, I curled into Jackson, resting my head on his chest. The sound of his heart beat filled my ears. It was strong and steady. The rise and fall of his chest, slightly raising and lowering my head, lulled me to sleep.


Waking the next morning, I felt rested and the pain had decreased by a lot. Turning a bit, Jackson’s arms still circled around me. I needed his strength. It gave me strength to keep pushing. Trailing my fingers down his face lightly, I slightly ran my finger across his lower lip before lowering my head and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

he moaned half asleep.


love that sound. It’s like music to my ears especially now,” he whispered opening his eyes, meeting mine.

Morning,” I say with a shy smile.

Morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?” He asked as he stretched.

I did. You?”

better than I thought I would.  You missed what the doctor had to say yesterday,” he smiled at me.

wrong?” He shook his head. “Then I don’t care what he had to say. I am hungry though. I want real food. Can you get me some?” I smile bit at him.

course, anything for you. Do you want anything specific?”

me, you know what I like,” I grinned.

that I do, but it can’t be bought,” he said with a wink then climbed out of the hospital bed.

slipped on his shoes and walked toward the door. Looking back at me, he wore a look of apprehension on his face.

brightly, “I’ll be fine. Just hurry because I’m starved.”

stared at me a moment longer before finally walking out the door. Honestly, I knew how he felt. The minute he left the room, I got nervous. My heart beat away in my chest sending my blood roaring through my ears, effectively deafening me.

doctor came in and was talking to me. I listened but after a bit I zone out and my mind began to race for a whole new reason. It seemed like ages before Jackson came back. When he walked into the room, I ran into his arms and held him tightly. He walked us awkwardly to the little dinner tray setting everything down before wrapping his arms around me.

what’s wrong?” He asked as he lightly ran his hands up and down my back.

wasn’t ready for you to leave,” I whispered. “I’m sorry…”

apologize! I wasn’t ready to leave you either. Actually I think I should warn you, I just might be a bit clingy for a little while,” he whispered into my neck.

laugh. “We are quite the mess, aren’t we?”

hot breath danced against my skin as he laughed. “I think it’s to be expected. Now let’s eat before this food gets cold.”

sit next to each other on the edge of the bed. He pulls out a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit with hashbrowns and an orange juice. He pulled out the same for him only double sandwiches. We ate in peace for a bit. Both of us were just absorbing the fact that we were together, I think.

being released,” I say in between bites.

looks at me shocked. “Seriously with all your stitches?”

I assured them I’d be well cared for since I lived with a doctor and all. The very doctor that stitched me up no less,” I say looking at him.

looked shocked. “They told you huh?”

you Jackson. I know that couldn’t have been easy for you. The only ones that really bother me are the ones on my butt and back. Did she show you the pictures?” I ask quietly.

pictures?” He asked confused.

I was knocked out, he kissed me and she took pictures. Then she dressed up like me and took pictures of her having sex and other things with him, but made it look like it was me.”

of the corner of my eye, I see his fist clenched tightly into a ball. “I didn’t see them,” he said slowly.

was having sex with all three of them. Ceo talked about payment. I’m not sure if their payment was her body or what but that’s what it seemed like.”

couldn’t eat anymore. My appetite was gone because of the current conversation. My brain was torturing me with flashbacks. Would I ever stop thinking about that moment? God I hoped so.

they… I mean were you…”

I don’t think so. I’m sorry Jackson.”

that!” He pushed the tray away and stood up. “Come on, we need a reason to smile,” he said pulling me up to stand with him.

are we going?”

see.” He smiles.

start to walk out of the room, when the nurse came back in the room with my discharge papers. After a lengthy discussion about care, we were walking down the hall toward the elevators. I was vibrating with excitement for where he was taking me. He couldn’t quit smiling so it was good I just knew it.

stopped in front of a door, where he knocked before hollering in. “Hey, you up for visitors?”

couldn’t hear the reply but he smiled down at me and led me in the room. My breath caught in my throat when I saw Mary in the bed and Tobey lying next to her. What really caught my attention was the beautiful bundle in her arms. My hands flew to my mouth.

my God, I’m so sorry.” Tears started falling, I started to back away.

No, Shannon. Please…”  Mary pleaded.

as I turned to run out the door, Jackson grabbed me. He spun me in his arms just as I collapsed in tears. My heart was breaking for the little bundle that came far too early. The pain that Mary had to endure and the panic that Tobey must have been in, all because of me and I cried for all of it.

baby. It’s not your fault. Calm down,” he cooed in my ear.

all my fault. I’ve ruined all of your lives. I’m so sorry,” I sobbed into his chest.

Princess. You’ve only filled our lives never taken from it. Calm down. Shhh I love you, we all do. There’s nothing to be sorry for, baby.”

I look up and see Tobey standing there. “Come here.” He holds out his hand.

it, he pulls me gently into a hug. “I’m so sorry Tobey, for everything.”

her over here so I can beat her ass,” Mary teased from the bed.

at Mary’s smiling face, “I’m sorry.”

if you say I’m sorry one more time, I’ll rip every single one of those stitches out.”

made me laugh and I walked over and slowly sat in the chair near Mary’s bed. Playing with the bandages on my wrist, I asked quietly, scared for the answer. “Is the baby okay?”

is doing great,” she said softly.

head snapped up and I stared wide eyed at her. “Wh-what’s his name?”

his full name is Mitchell Elijah Young. We wanted to name him after the two people that were a model of strength to us. You, Sebastian, and Atreyu are so damn strong. We hope our son will be too. Would you like to hold him?”

handed him to me. I sucked in a bit of a breath as his head hit one of my sections of stitches. Looking down into his precious little face, my heart melted. He was so small, so tiny.

can’t get over his cute little button nose,” Jackson said beside me, leaning his chin on my shoulder.

laugh through my happy tears, “I hope ours has his nose.” Turning I smile at Jackson, then I looked up at Mary. “He is adorable. You must be so proud.”

are. He is damn cute, isn’t he?” Mary smiles, proudly.

sorry to tell ya Tobey, but he doesn’t look anything like you.”

know and I’m happy for that,” he jokes back.

arms started to shake a bit. “Can you take him please Tobey?”

took Mitchell from me and my arm shook a little more. Excusing myself in a hurry, I headed out of the room. Panic started to build from deep within my stomach, my chest constricted making breathing harder to do.

your fault they died!”

hate you!”

walking away yet?”

My hands shot up to my ears, covering them as I screamed loudly.

lost my daughter because of you!”

dare you come here, you murderer!”

didn’t do it!” I screamed, pain shot through me fiercely.

think he hurt you? You’re about to fill a whole lot worse!”

mine! I’m going to kill you slowly, bitch!”

It hurts!” I pull at my hair as I screamed.

have nice breasts.”

Look at your body.”

fucking touch me! Get your hands off me!”

around me registered. I couldn’t breathe. It began to feel like everything was closing in around me. Suddenly, I’m lost running through the woods, lost trying to find my way.


I could hear Jack yelling from deep within the woods. I ran toward the sound of his voice.

Jack, where are you?”

here. Can you see me?”

I spun in a circle, I could see nothing but trees. My heart began to race. Was he lost too? It began to get harder and harder to move. Each step was harder than the last. It was like I was being held back.

Something’s wrong, please help me!” I fall to my knees.

head pounded like a jackhammer to cement. Something touched my face causing me to scream. Quickly, I spun my head around and something hit my back, sending a mind numbing pain spreading through my whole body. The trees shifted above me.

me Jack. Please save me this time,” I sobbed, right before everything went black.

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