Read Tough as Nails: The Complete Cases of Donahue From the Pages of Black Mask Online

Authors: Frederick Nebel

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #Collections & Anthologies, #Private Investigators

Tough as Nails: The Complete Cases of Donahue From the Pages of Black Mask (75 page)

BOOK: Tough as Nails: The Complete Cases of Donahue From the Pages of Black Mask
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Black Mask (Canada), incomplete listing: “Song and Dance,” 7-33; “Fan Dance,” 1-36.

Blood ’n’ Thunder: “Death Alley,” Spr. 2011 rpt. Dime Detective Magazine, 11-31.

Boston Post Sunday Magazine, The: “Remember the Music,” 8-27-39 rpt. Collier’s 5-13-39.

Collier’s: “Dance No More,” 9-23-33; “Scoundrel’s Choice,” 12-23-33; “The Man Who Couldn’t Spell,” 6-30-34; “Unfriendly Call,” 4-7-34; “Protecting Monica,” 10-5-35; “The Grand Manner,” 3-6-37; “Woman at Bay,” 3-13-37; “The Real Thing,” 5-8-37; “Never Sing Again,” 6-5-37; “Reprieve at Eleven,” 6-26-37; “Case Against Women,” 7-17-37; “The Human Side,” 8-7-37; “Dreams Are Real,” 9-4-37; “The Bars Between,” 10-2-37; “The Hard Way,” 4-2-38; “Accidental Night,” 10-22-38; “Chance is an Enemy,” 3-11-39; “Remember the Music,” 5-13-39; “The Simple Life,” 1-6-40; “One Cold Night,” 2-17-40; “A Girl Must Be Sure,” 8-17-40; “The Man Who Lost Everything,” 10-12-40; “The Girl With the Blonde,” 11-16-40; “Something to Remember,” 11-30-40; “Best of Luck,” 4-5-41; “When the Time Comes,” 6-7-41; “Case for Innocence,” 11-1-41; “The Great Big Hearted People,” 1-31-42; “No Shadow of Doubt,” 8-22-42; “Wait Till I’m on My Feet,” 12-26-42; “Give Me This,” 4-17-43; “Scandal in St. Louis,” 2-18-55.

Columbia: “The Secret Vanity,” 4-29; “Behind the Shield,” 8-29.

Complete Adventure Novelettes: “Passage to Macassar,” 5-32; “Malayan Peril,” 11-32 rpt. Five Novels Monthly, 12-28.

Complete Mystery Novelettes: “Forbidden River,” 4-33 rpt. Five Novels Monthly 6-30.

Complete Stories: “Hands,” 3-15-33; “The Command to Kill,” 5-36.

Coronet: “Rendezvous With Treason,” 2-42.

Cosmopolitan: “Nothing to Lose,” 1-37; “Moment in the Dark,” 1-44; “You Haven’t Changed a Bit,” 5-45; “You Can’t Have Everything,” 7-45; “Roses in the Rain,” 11-45; “The Woman Who Changed Her Mind,” 1-47; “The Web,” 6-47; “The Bribe,” 9-47; “Nightfall,” 12-47; “White Villa in Rio,” 4-55.

Cowboy Story Magazine: “Soda-Pop Mary,” 9-26 rpt. Lariat Story Magazine 1-26; “High Jinks at Sky High,” 6-27 rpt. Lariat Story Magazine 11-26; “The Drifting Kid,” 7-27 rpt. Lariat Story Magazine 12-26.

Daily Mail Sunday Magazine, The (West Virginia): “The Human Side,” 1-23-38, rpt. Collier’s 8-7-37.

The Danger Trail: “Doom Drums,” 10-27; “Pound for Pound,” 11-28.

Detective Action Stories: “The Mystery at Pier 7,” 9-31; “The Crooked Spot,” 10-31; “Whispers of Death,” 12-31; “The X Circle,” 1-32; “The Crimson Fist,” 3-32; “Murder by Ballot,” 4-32.

Detective Fiction Weekly: “Call It Justice,” 2-15-30; “Muscle Man,” 6-10-31; “Nobody’s Fall Guy,” 8-8-31; “The Pinch,” 9-17-32; “The Devil’s Slouch,” 12-10-32; “The Green Widow,” 2-11-33; “The Lemon,” 5-6-33; “Strangle Hold,” 7-29-33.

Detective Tales (UK): “Hell’s Pay-Check,” 1-62, rpt. Dime Detective 12-31; “Death Alley,” 2-62 rpt. Dime Detective 11-31; “Tailormade Clue” 3-62, rpt. Dime Detective 6-32; “Rogues’ Ransom,” 4-62 rpt. Dime Detective 8-32.

Dime Detective Magazine: “Death Alley,” 11-31; “Hell’s Pay Check,” 12-31; “Author Profile,” 12-31; “Six Diamonds and a Dick,” 1-32; “And There Was Murder,” 2-32; “Phantom Fingers,” 3-32; “Murder on the Loose,” 4-32; “Tailormade Clue,” 6-32; “Rogues’ Ransom,” 8-32; “Lead Pearls,” 9-32; “The Dead Don’t Die,” 10-32; “The Candy Killer,” 11-32; “A Truck Load of Diamonds,” 12-32; “The Murder Cure,” 1-33; “Me—Cardigan,” 2-33; “Doorway to Danger,” 3-1-33; “Heir to Murder,” 4-1-33; “Dead Man’s Folly,” 5-1-33; “Murder Won’t Wait,” 5-15-33; “Chains of Darkness,” 7-1-33; “Scrambled Murder,” 7-15-33; “Death After Murder,” 8-15-33; “Murder and Co.,” 9-15-33; “Murder à la Carte,” 11-15-33; “Spades Are Spades,” 1-1-34; “Hot Spot,” 3-1-34; “Kick Back,” 4-1-34; “Read ’Em and Weep,” 5-1-34; “Red Hot,” 7-1-34; “Not So Tough,” 8-15-34; “Too Hot to Handle,” 9-15-34; “Pardon My Murder,” 11-15-34; “Leave It to Cardigan,” 12-15-34; “Hell on Wheels,” 2-1-35; “Hell Couldn’t Stop Him,” 4-15-35; “A Couple of Quick Ones,” 6-1-35; “The Dead Die Twice,” 8-35; “Death in the Raw,” 10-35; “The Curse of Cardigan,” 12-35; “Blood in the Dark,” 1-36; “The Sign of Murder,” 3-36; “Lead Poison,” 4-36; “Murder By Mail,” 6-36; “Make Mine Murder,” 11-36; “Behind the 8 Ball,” 3-37; “No Time to Kill,” 5-37.

Elks Magazine, The: “The Brave Tradition,” 11-27; “Proud Youth,” 12-28; “The Makings of Command,” 10-29; “Ask Me No Questions,” 9-38; “Welcome Home, Soldier,” 1-44.

Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine: “Too Young to Die,” 11-42 rpt. Black Mask 2-34; “Dead Date,” 4-46 rpt. Black Mask 8-32; “Chance is Sometimes an Enemy,” 4-56 rpt. Collier’s 3-11-39; “Try It My Way,” 6-56; “You Can Take So Much,” 10-56 rpt. Women’s Home Companion 12-40; “The Man Who Knew,” 12-56 rpt. Liberty 3-9-40; “That’s Just Too Bad,” 5-57 rpt. Collier’s 11-30-40; “No Kid Stuff,” 4-58; “Wanted: An Accomplice,” 7-58; “Pity the Poor Underdog,” 8-58; “The Fifth Question,” 1-59; “Killer at Large,” 9-61; “Needle in a Haystack,” 8-62.

Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: “Overseas Edition for the Armed Forces: Dead Date,” 4-46 rpt. Black Mask, 8-32.

Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK): “Chance is Sometimes an Enemy,” 4-56 rpt. Collier’s 3-11-39; “Try It My Way,” 6-56; “You Can Take So Much,” 10-56 rpt. Women’s Home Companion 12-40; “The Man Who Knew,” 12-56 rpt. Liberty 3-9-40; “That’s Just Too Bad,” 5-57 rpt. Collier’s 11-30-40; “The Fifth Question,” 3-59; “Needle in a Haystack,” 12-62.

Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (Australia): “Too Young to Die,” 5-49 rpt. Black Mask 2-34; “Dead Date,” 7-49; “Chance is Sometimes an Enemy,” 6-56 rpt. Collier’s 3-11-39; “Try It My Way,” 8-56; “You Can Take So Much,” 12-56 rpt. Women’s Home Companion 12-40; “The Man Who Knew,” 2-57 rpt. Liberty 3-9-40; “That’s Just Too Bad,” 7-57 rpt. Collier’s 11-30-40; “No Kid Stuff,” 6-58; “Wanted: An Accomplice,” 9-58; “Pity the Poor Underdog,” 10-58; “The Fifth Question,” 3-59; “Killer at Large,” 11-61; “Needle in a Haystack,” 2-63.

Esquire: “Night Shift on the Lunchwagon,” 11-37.

Family Circle: “The Man You Love,” 4-58.

Far East Adventure Stories: “The Devil’s Souvenir,” 11-30; “Hell’s Back Door,” 2-31.

Five Novels Monthly: “Malayan Peril,” 12-28; “In a Blue Moon,” 3-29; “A Gambler Passes,” 1-30; “Forbidden River,” 6-30; “The Roaring Horde,” 4-32.

Flying Stories: “Scourge of the South Sea Skies pt. 1,” 9-29; “Scourge of the South Sea Skies pt. 2,” 10-29; “Scourge of the South Sea Skies pt. 3,” 11-29.

Ford Times: “Old Put’s Camp Ground,” 12-53; “The Island Nobody Knows,” 2-58; “Israel Putnam Camp Grounds, Ford Times Special Edition” #2, n.d.

Frontier Stories: “Empire of the Devil,” 3-30.

Good Housekeeping: “The Man Who Promised Not to Tell,” 11-40; “Something Like a Dream,” 2-43; “You Know How Women Are,” 1-44; “Just Leave Everything to Me,” 5-44; “Round Trip,” 12-45; “You Owe It to Yourself,” 2-46; “Wayward Journey,” 5-46; “Rebound,” 10-48.

Ladies’ Home Journal: “Not a Care in the World,” 9-50.

Lariat Story Magazine: “White Evidence,” 11-25; “Soda Pop Mary,” 1-26; “High Jinks at Sky High,” 11-26; “The Drifting Kid,” 12-26; “The Come Back,” 2-27; “Leave it to Loppy,” 3-27; “The Hell Bender,” 4-27; “The Drifting Kid Strikes,” 5-27.

Liberty Magazine: “Shanghai Stopover,” 1-18-36; “All the Answers,” 10-29-38; “You Go Your Way,” 9-23-39; “Man-Crazy,” 12-30-39; “Bet Your Life,” 3-9-40; “Any Boy Can Be President,” 8-23-41; “Grampa and the Spirit of ’76,” 9-6-41; “You Got to Think of the Kids,” 8-22-42; “The Woman in Shadow,” 3-31-45; “Your Face Looks Familiar,” 6-16-45; “Back in Town,” 10-48.

Life’s Romances: “If You Can Take It,” 6-41, rpt. Woman’s Home Companion 12-40.

Maclean’s Magazine (Canada): “The Thing to Do,” 3-15-36.

McCall’s: “Week End to Kill,” 6-38; “Guess Again, Lady,” 2-51.

Mike Shayne’s Mystery Magazine: “Sudden Life,” 8-58.

Mystery: “Murder Off Stage,” 2-34; “Killer After 10P.M.,” 8-34; “At the End of the Alley Was a Door,” 11-34.

Mystery Stories: “Law Alone,” 11-28.

North West Romances: “Chechako Plunder,” Fall-37; “Black Fury,” Win-37; “Builders of Empire,” Spr-38; “Voyageur of the Wasteland,” Sum-38; “Tundra Gold,” Fall-38; “Code of the Iron Fist,” Spr-39; “Lair of the Gun Wolf,” Sum-39; “The Hell Drivers,” Fall-39; “The Tenderfoot Girl of the Yukon Trail,” Win-39/40; “The Valley of Wanted Men,” Spr-40; “Whelp of the Timber Wolf,” Fall-40; “Girl of the Golden Snows,” Win-40; “The Girl From Golden River,” Sum-41; “White Woman,” Spr-41; “The Outcast Breed,” Sum-42; “Boomerang Bonanza,” 2-43; “The Tundra Tamer,” 4-43; “The Tundra Tamer,” Win-49 rpt. North West Romances 4-43.

North-West Stories: “Trade Law,” 7-25; “The Firelight Patrol,” 9-25; “Stuart of the City Patrol,” 12-25; “The White Peril,” 1-8-26; “Eskimo Sorcery on Baffin Island,” (misc.) 2-22-26; “Defiance Valley pt. 1,” 3-8-26; “Defiance Valley pt. 2,” 3-22-26; “The Freight of Honor,” (true story) 3-22-26; “Defiance Valley pt. 3,” 4-8-26; “The Black Fox Skin,” 4-22-26; “Trail Tales of the North: Law of the Trapline,” (true story) 4-22-26; “Trail Tales of the North: Patrol of Courage,” (true story) 5-8-26; “The Big Moon Lake Patrol,” 6-22-26; “Trail Tales of the North: Alone,” (true story) 8-22-26; “Trail Tales of the North: Cache Law,” (true story) 9-22-26; “East of Big Moon,” 11-8-26; “The Frontier of Vengeance pt. 1,” 12-8-26; “The Frontier of Vengeance pt. 2,” 12-22-26; “Tell It to the Mounted” (as by Eric Lewis), 12-22-26; “The Lovable Tramp” (true story) 12-22-26; “The Frontier of Vengeance pt. 3,” 1-8-27; “The Frontier of Vengeance pt. 4,” 1-22-27; “Courage of the Strong,” 3-22-27; “A Man Must Fight,” 4-22-27; “Return of the Exile,” 7-8-27; “Red Night,” 8-8-27; “The Raw White Edge,” 10-8-27; “It Takes a Man,” 10-22-27; “Sun Dog Gold,” 1-22-28; “Red Coat of Tradition,” 6-22-28; “Far North of Chilkoot,” 9-22-28; “Die Hard Donovan,” 8-29; “The Yukon Trail, pt. ? of ?,” 8-29; “The Trail to Caribou,” 12-29; “Chechako Trail,” 4-30; “King of the Yukon,” 8-30; “The Law Dies Hard,” 2-31; “Yukon Wings,” Spr-36; Valley of Greed,” Wtr-36.

North-West Stories (UK), incomplete listing, all reprints are for the matching exact US edition: “Trail Tales of the North: Alone,” 2-late-27 (true story); “Trail Tales of the North: Cache Law,” 3-late-27 (true story); “Trail Tales of the North: Law of the Trapline,” 10-late-26 (true story); “The Black Fox Skin,” 10-late-26; “Defiance Valley pt. 3,” 10-early-26; “Trail Tales of the North: Patrol of Courage,” 11-early-26 (true story); “Eskimo Sorcery on Baffin Island,” 8-early-26 (misc.); “The Big Moon Lake Patrol,” 12-late-26; “The Frontier of Vengeance pt. 1,” 6-early-27; “The Frontier of Vengeance Part 2, 6-late-27; Tell It to the Mounted (as by Eric Lewis,) 6-late-27; The Lovable Tramp, 6-late-27(true story); The Frontier of Vengeance Part 3, 7-early-27; The Frontier of Vengeance Part 4, 7-late-27; Courage of the Strong, 9-late-27.

Quick Trigger Stories of the West: The Driftin’ Kid Draws Fire, 6/7-30.

Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories: Cops Are Dumb, 10-29.

Redbook Magazine: The Best with the Worst, 6-35; Magnificent Gesture, 12-36; Change of Heart 4-37; All the Way Back, 10-51.

The Saint Detective Magazine: Reprieve At Eleven, 6-55 rpt Collier’s 6-26-37; Ghost of a Chance, 4-56 rpt Black Mask 3-35.

The Saint Detective Magazine (UK): Reprieve at Eleven, 10-55 rpt Collier’s 6-26-37; Ghost of a Chance, 7-59 rpt Black Mask 3-35.

The Saturday Evening Post: The Wheel, 4-9-32; The Things You Say, 2-3-45; Forbidden Affair, 1-10-53; Mask of Murder, 10-8-55.

Sea Stories: The Seed of Caution, 6-29.

Short Stories: Stand Up and Fight, 9-10-28; Fly By Night, 8-10-31; The Easy Mark, 12-57.

Short Stories (UK): Stand Up and Fight, 1-mid-29 rpt Short Stories 9-10-28; Fly By Night, 12-mid-31 rpt Short Stories 8-10-31.

This Week: Last Question, 4-22-45; The Girl on the Big Drum, 1-10-54; Money, Money, 2-14-54.

Today’s Woman: Appointment in Rio, 1-49.

Toronto Star Weekly: Proud Youth, 6-22-29, rpt The Elks Magazine 12-28.

Triple X Magazine: The Devil’s Double Cross, 3-28.

War Stories: A Knight of the Bath, 12-8-27.

Wide World Adventures: Wolves of Dismay, 2-30.

Wings: Skyrocket Scott, 3-28; Wolves of the Wind, 8-28; Wind Patrol, 11-29; Isle of Lost Wings pt 1, 3-30; Isle of Lost Wings pt 2, 4-30; Isle of Lost Wings pt 3, 5-30; Isle of Lost Wings pt 4, 6-30; Flying Freebooters, 9-30; Brood of the Wind, 11-30; Bloodhounds of the Sky pt. 1,” 12-30; “Bloodhounds of the Sky pt. 2,” 1-31; “Bloodhounds of the Sky pt. 3,” 2-31; “Bloodhounds of the Sky pt. 4, 3-31.”

Women’s Home Companion: “The Legend,” 12-39; “If You Can Take It,” 12-40; “The Big World,” 10-44.

Young’s Magazine: “Out of Stir,” 11-29.


The Adventures of Cardigan: A Dime Detective Book, The Mysterious Press, NY, 1988, tp. “Murder à la Carte,” Dime Detective 11-15-33; “Spades Are Spades,” Dime Detective 1-1-34; “Hot Spot,” Dime Detective 3-1-34; “Kick Back,” Dime Detective 4-1-34; “Hell Couldn’t Stop Him,” Dime Detective 4-15-35; “The Dead Die Twice,” Dime Detective 8-35.

But Not the End, Little, Brown, Boston, 1934.

The Complete Casebook of Cardigan, Volume 1: 1931-32, Altus Press, 2012. “Death Alley,” Dime Detective 11-31; “Hell’s Pay Check,” Dime Detective 12-31; “Six Diamonds and a Dick,” Dime Detective 1-32; “And There Was Murder,” Dime Detective 2-32; “Phantom Fingers,” Dime Detective 3-32; “Murder on the Loose,” Dime Detective 4-32; “Rogues’ Ransom,” Dime Detective 8-32; “Lead Pearls,” Dime Detective 9-32; “The Dead Don’t Die,” Dime Detective 10-32; “The Candy Killer,” Dime Detective 11-32; “A Truck Load of Diamonds,” Dime Detective 12-32.

The Complete Casebook of Cardigan, Volume 2: 1933, Altus Press, 2012. “The Murder Cure,” Dime Detective 1-33; “Me—Cardigan,” Dime Detective 2-33; “Doorway to Danger,” Dime Detective 3-1-33; “Heir to Murder,” Dime Detective 4-1-33; “Dead Man’s Folly,” Dime Detective 5-1-33; “Murder Won’t Wait,” Dime Detective 5-15-33; “Chains of Darkness,” Dime Detective 7-1-33; “Scrambled Murder,” Dime Detective 7-15-33; “Death After Murder,” Dime Detective 8-15-33; “Murder and Co.,” Dime Detective 9-15-33; “Murder à la Carte,” Dime Detective 11-15-33.

The Complete Casebook of Cardigan, Volume 3: 1934-35, Altus Press, 2012. “Spades Are Spades,” Dime Detective 1-1-34; “Hot Spot,” Dime Detective 3-1-34; “Kick Back,” Dime Detective 4-1-34; “Read ’Em and Weep,” Dime Detective 5-1-34; “Red Hot,” Dime Detective 7-1-34; “Not So Tough,” Dime Detective 8-15-34; “Too Hot to Handle,” Dime Detective 9-15-34; “Pardon My Murder,” Dime Detective 11-15-34; “Leave It to Cardigan,” Dime Detective 12-15-34; “Hell on Wheels,” Dime Detective 2-1-35; “Hell Couldn’t Stop Him,” Dime Detective 4-15-35.

BOOK: Tough as Nails: The Complete Cases of Donahue From the Pages of Black Mask
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