TouchofTopaz (9 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: TouchofTopaz
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She moaned when his fingers dug into a particularly stiff
shoulder muscle. “Babe, you need to relax.”

“I know,” she groaned. She fully realized she was a type A
personality, always needing to be in control of a situation. It was what made
her excel at business. It also led to the downfall of many relationships. Not
to mention the tension headaches and stress.

He lifted her off his lap. “How about we play a game?”

Her eyes widened and her interest grew. “What kind of game?”
Was that her own voice so low and husky? They’d only had sex an hour ago in the
woods, for crying out loud.

“How about Monopoly?” He grinned at her as if he knew where
her thoughts had gone. “I figure you’d like that game. You can try to whoop my
butt by stealing all my property.”

She picked up her mug and sipped at the cooling chocolate.
“You’re on. And I promise I won’t have any mercy.”

He gave a theatrical groan and clutched his heart. “Don’t be
too rough with me.”

She looked at his crotch and licked her lips. It was
gratifying to watch his cock flex and grow beneath his jeans. “I won’t be too
rough. Just rough enough.”

This time his groan was real. “You’re killing me, babe.”

“You’re the one who wanted to play games,” she pointed out.

He leaned down and dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “So I
did.” He straightened and went to the almost empty bookcase and pulled the game
off the bottom shelf. “Loser makes dinner.”

“You’re on.”

* * * * *

Hours later, John put a perfectly grilled cheese sandwich in
front of Topaz. “Hope you like it.” He’d already dished up the canned tomato
soup to give it time to cool.

“I’ll love it. Nothing tastes better than a winning bet.”
She lifted one golden triangle and bit into it. “Mmm, nice and gooey. Just the
way I like it.”

John was pleased that she appeared to be totally relaxed and
content, which had been his plan all along. She’d been so uptight when they’d
returned from their walk, he’d half expected her to pack her bags and demand to
be taken home. She needed some time and breathing space so he’d made a tactical
retreat. Now he was sneaking closer again and planned to catch her off guard.

“I should have known better than to play a game of business
against you.” She was as sharp at the game as she was in real life. And lucky
too. “Tactics are more my speed. That and strength. Maybe we’ll play touch
football next time.”

“Maybe we will,” she grinned. “I think I can take you.”

He wouldn’t mind her taking him. Not at all. His dick flexed
in agreement. He’d been hard all damn afternoon, ever since she’d looked at his
cock and licked her lips. The tease. She’d known darn well what she was doing
to him.

They’d skipped lunch and munched on chips instead. Neither
of them wanted to stop playing long enough to cook, so they were having an
early supper. It was already getting dark outside, making the cabin seem cozy
and warm.

He’d learned a lot about her this afternoon. They’d chatted
as they’d played the board game, both of them sharing memories from their
childhood. It had pleased him when she’d asked personal questions about his
life, something she’d refrained from doing up until now. Whether she realized
it or not, that was a major victory for him. She wouldn’t ask if she wasn’t
thinking about taking their relationship to the next level.

Topaz was a very complex woman, on one hand so courageous
and independent and, on the other, she was uncertain and needed to feel secure.
He could have told her there was no such thing as security, not really. Life
happened and you dealt with what it handed you, for better or worse.

What she didn’t seem to realize was she had the inner
strength to deal with whatever came her way. If building a business from
scratch with her sisters hadn’t taught her that, the turmoil from the past year
should have.

John wanted to be the one she leaned on when things got
tough. He wanted to be the one she turned to when she was feeling insecure or
needed to talk, the one who held her through the night, who was beside her for
better or worse.

He already knew she was the one for him. Being with her made
him feel as though he’d finally found his place in the world. He’d been content
with his life before he’d met her. But when he was around her, he felt happy,
as though a missing part of himself had finally been found.

They ate mostly in silence, only making the occasional
comment. John felt the weight of the coming morning, knowing he would have to
take Topaz back to the apartment she shared with her sister. Sapphire would
already be there waiting for Topaz. He knew them well enough to know they’d
want to talk about everything that had happened since they’d last seen one
another. He had to try to secure his place in her life before they left.

He set his spoon down and stood. Topaz glanced up at him,
her gaze widening. He wasn’t sure what she saw when she looked at him, but he
knew how he felt—aroused and territorial. “Come with me.” He held out his hand
to her and waited.

She wiped her mouth with her napkin and pushed away from the
table. Triumph filled him when she took his hand. He led her down the hallway
to the bedroom, leaving the messy kitchen behind them. He shut the door and
turned to her, determined to make love to her so well she’d never forget this
night for as long as she lived.

Chapter Nine


The intensity surrounding John, the tense set of his
shoulders and the muscle twitching in his jaw should have frightened her.
Instead, she relished it. He wanted her. And, God help her, she wanted him with
a passion that kept growing.

A sense of desperation crept into her. What would happen to
them when they returned to their everyday lives? Would John’s job keep him away
from her? She knew he’d told her he was mostly involved in security systems now
and helping out businesses, but she worried about him. Would he choose to work
as a bodyguard again? If she agreed to give them a chance, would she be enough
for him?

That was the real question. She wondered if she was enough
to hold a man like John’s attention. She frowned, not liking where her thoughts
were headed. It wasn’t like her to be so insecure.

“Hey. Where did you go?” John captured her face between his
large, warm hands and stared into her eyes. There was worry in his blue gaze.

She shook her head. “Nowhere.” She didn’t want to talk about
it. Not now. “Where were we?” She wanted to make love with John once more. For
that’s what it was for her—making love.

Topaz had known last summer that John Knight was a very
special man, one who could shake up her well-ordered life if she allowed him.
He’d gone away for a while, but come back again, this time rocking the
foundations of her world.

He’d done what no other man had done before. He’d made her
fall in love with him.

She raised her hands, sliding them beneath his shirt and
resting them on his chest. The muscle beneath her fingers was rock-hard, his
skin supple. She went up on her toes and kissed him, letting her lips slide
over his. He was still watching her with concern in his eyes and she didn’t
want that. She wanted to see them glaze over with passion. She wanted to love
him so long and hard he’d fall in love with her too.

“Topaz.” He said her name, but she shook her head.

“No talking. Not now.” They’d talked this morning and all
afternoon. Now all she wanted to do was feel.

She thought for a moment he might object, but he nodded and
released her. He took her hand in his and led her to the bed. There was nothing
hurried about his actions. He was acting like a man with all the time in the

He reached out and carefully removed one of her earrings. A
shiver raced down her spine as his fingers grazed the sensitive outer shell.
Then he did the other side. He set both earrings on the nightstand and leaned
forward, letting his breath warm her ear before catching the lobe between his
teeth and gently tugging.

“John,” she groaned. Her neck and arm began to tingle and
the shivery sensation went all the way down to her nipples. They puckered,
pressing against her bra.

“What?” The puff of breath against her neck had goose bumps
running down her arms. “Don’t you like this?” His tongue traced the whorls of
her ear, his tongue flicking over the edge. She fought the urge to press her thighs
together. Her panties were already damp and her pussy ached for his touch.

She curled her fingers and used her nails to lightly rake
his chest. He groaned and caught her hands, tugging them from beneath his
shirt. “Not this time. This time I want to take my time and taste every inch of
your body. I want to trace every lush curve with my tongue and taste the sweet
cream between your thighs.”

Topaz couldn’t speak, could barely blink. She was going to
come just listening to him talk about what he wanted to do with her.

He tugged at the hem of her sweater, drawing the turtleneck
up and over her head. Then he removed her bracelet and set it alongside her
earrings. He traced his thumbs over the curve of her breasts, following the
outer lacy edges of her bra. “Your skin is softer than anything I’ve ever

His fingers trailed up her arms to her shoulders and he
caught the straps, slowly easing them down. She swallowed hard as he exposed
her breasts to his view. He’d seen them before, several times now, but each
time it felt new. The worshipful look in his eyes made her feel like the
sexiest woman in the world.

“My turn.” She grabbed his shirt and tugged it up. He took
over and dragged the garment over his head, dropping it to the floor.

John rubbed his thumbs over her nipples, causing them to
pebble even more. Her skin felt raw, exposed, as if it was pulled too tight
over her frame. His fingers slid along the band until he found the hooks at the
back. Then her bra was gone and he lowered his head.

She caught her breath as his mouth closed over one puckered
nipple, drawing it into his mouth. He lashed his tongue over the tip and she
clutched at his head to keep him there. John worked his way over to her other
nipple and lavished it with the same attention.

“So sweet,” he murmured. “Let’s get the rest of your clothes

Like a woman in a daze, she allowed John to undress her.
Lost in a sensual haze she was flat on her back on the bed before she could
catch her breath. John stood next to the bed, towering over her.

He undid the button of his jeans and slowly lowered his
zipper. Her mouth went dry and she licked her lips to moisten them. John sucked
in a breath and swore. He quickly toed off his boots, and then dragged off his
jeans and briefs. Once he was naked, he stretched out next to her on the bed,
swallowing up most of the room on the mattress.

His cock nestled against her hip, hot and pulsing and she
reached down and caught his shaft in her hand, but he pulled it away. “I want
you too much, babe.” He lowered himself over her, his hands on either side of
her head, his legs trapping hers. “I want to touch you, to taste all of you.”

She shivered at the intensity of his words. Was it possible
theirs could be a relationship that would last? She caught his shoulders and
pulled herself up, rubbing her breasts against the hard wall of his chest.
“Love me, John.” Desperation tinged her words, but she didn’t care. She was
feeling slightly desperate, her body coiled and ready for release, her mind
counting down the moments until they had to return to their normal lives and
her emotions scattered all over the place.

He kissed her then, stealing her breath with the enormity of
his need. His tongue swept in and claimed her mouth. She met him stroke for
stroke, angling her head for better access. He tasted like strong black coffee
and slightly spicy like the tomato soup they’d eaten. Delicious.

His hands worshiped her body, stroking up and down her arms
and torso, tracing her subtle curves. She touched him wherever she could reach,
his chest, his shoulders, his back. He was so warm, so alive, muscles rippling
beneath the skin wherever she touched.

He tore his mouth from hers and left a trail of hot kisses
down her throat. He paused at the sensitive spot where her neck met the curve
of her shoulder and bit down carefully. Attention to that particular place was
like lighting a match to gasoline and her hips jacked up, pressing hard against
his erection. She thrashed her head back and forth on the pillow. She needed
John inside her.

“Now, John.” She dug her fingers into his taut butt, trying
o pull him farther into the cradle of her hips.

“Not yet.” He was panting hard, his skin growing slick with
perspiration. “Need to taste you.”

The next half-hour was nothing more than a blur of erotic
sensation for Topaz. John used his hands and mouth on her, missing not an inch
of her skin. He stroked her shoulders and arms before ending at her hands,
where he proceeded to suck on her fingers one by one. His tongue swirled
between them, teasing the sensitive web of flesh at the base. She had never
realized just what an erogenous zone her hands were until tonight.

He nibbled on the pads at the base of her thumbs and laved
her speeding pulse in her wrist.

Her breasts were stroked and licked and petted until she
thought she might go mad. But no matter how much she pleaded with John, he
wouldn’t enter her.

His tongue dipped into her bellybutton before moving lower.
Her breath caught in her throat when he spread her legs wide and stared down at
her glistening pussy. “You are so fucking hot.” His voice was little more than
a feral growl. She opened her legs wider, tempting him to take what he wanted.

He caught her hips in his hands and lifted her to meet his
mouth. Heat flashed over her and through her. John found her clit and teased
her mercilessly with his tongue and lips and teeth. She was on the edge now,
almost ready to come.

She lifted her hips and dragged his head closer. He couldn’t
stop now. She wouldn’t let him. She was so close, so close.

He pressed one thick finger into her sheath and everything
around her exploded. She heard herself cry out, but it sounded as though it was
coming from far away. She squeezed her thighs tight around his head to keep him
from leaving her, not wanting to lose his magic touch. The room spun away, lost
in darkness. Spasms racked her body and tremors shook her to her soul.

John never stopped loving her with his mouth and hands,
helping her wring every last ounce of pleasure from her orgasm. When it was
over, she managed to pry her eyes open to slits. Her muscles felt like jelly
and she was floating on a cloud of pleasure.

He carefully released her and sat back, wiping his mouth
with the back of his hand. His blue eyes seemed to glitter from within and
there was a feral set to his face, his features harsh.

He banded his arm beneath her back, lifted her slightly and
entered her in one swift, firm stroke. What breath she’d managed to get was
lost as he filled her. She gasped and then groaned as her slick channel stretched
around his pulsing cock. It felt so good. Too good.

“John,” she managed to gasp. “Protection.”

“Fuck.” He pulled out and practically threw himself across
the bed, yanked open the drawer of the nightstand and pulled out a box of
condoms. It didn’t take him long to open one and put it on. Then he was back,
his shaft forging into her, sweeping her away.

He took her hard and fast, both of them gasping for breath.
Arousal caught fire within her once again, feeding off the flames of his
passion. She met him stroke for stroke, grinding her pelvis against his, not
able to get close enough. Their skin slapped together, mingling with their
breathy groans in a symphony of seduction.

John gave a growl of frustration and hooked his arms beneath
her legs, spreading them wider. His hips hammered her, driving his cock deep
into her core. He stretched and filled her with each stroke until it was a blur
of pleasure.

He suddenly threw back his head and yelled. His spine went
rigid and she felt his cock jerking deep within her. She wished he wasn’t
wearing a condom, wished she could feel the hot wash of his semen filling her.

“Come again. Come for me, babe.” There was a sense of
desperation in his words and he ground his pelvis against hers, stroking her
clit just right. Ripples of pleasure washed over her and her pussy spasmed,
wrapping around his cock like a wet glove. She cried out as she came again,
throwing her arms around his neck and holding on.

He collapsed facedown on the bed with a groan, angling his
torso off hers just enough so she could breathe. Their bodies were still
joined, and they both shook with aftershocks of pleasure.

The sheets were cool against her back, but Topaz didn’t
mind. Her skin felt overheated, almost tender. Her pussy continued to have
little spasms that caused John to groan. Finally, he raised his head and the
look he gave her was filled with such tenderness it brought tears to her eyes.

He disengaged from her body and went to the bathroom to
dispose of the condom. Without him beside her, she felt cold. She dragged down
the covers and pulled them over her, shivering slightly in the bed.

His erection was only slightly diminished when he returned.
He climbed into bed and took her into his arms, settling her head on his
shoulder. He ran his fingers through her hair and down her back, making her
feel cherished and content.

She didn’t know why she was waffling so much about their
relationship. What could it hurt to give it a try? She loved John. That wasn’t
going to change if she sent him away. Better to take a chance than to be a
coward her whole life, afraid to take a chance on love for fear of being hurt.
Maybe he didn’t love her yet, but he certainly wanted her. That was a start.

Men were different from women. Women started with emotions
and worked up to the physical, while men did the reverse. Or at least that’s
what all the women’s mags said in their advice columns. She could work with

Topaz had always been able to focus on a goal until she got
what she wanted. She could do this. She’d never wanted anything more in her
life than she wanted a permanent relationship with John.

His warm hand on her back and the aftermath of her explosive
orgasms made her sleepy. She yawned and nestled closer to John, enjoying the
feel of his heart beating against her cheek.

She needed to think about this a bit more, but in her heart,
she knew what she was going to do.

John knew the minute Topaz drifted off to sleep. His cock
was hard once again and ready for another round of lovemaking, but that wasn’t
going to happen, at least not for a few hours. His lady was down for the count.

He loved the way Topaz responded to his touch. Christ
almighty, he’d thought the top of his head might come off during his last
orgasm. He’d felt it building deep in his balls before it exploded up his dick
and out the top. He shouldn’t have been able to get it up again for at least an
hour. But around Topaz that wasn’t a problem.

He smiled and continued to stroke her back. He could still
taste her on his tongue, sweet and salty. There was no way he was going to lose
her. If she thought that she could shake him when they got back to the city,
she had another think coming. He was going to stick to her like white on rice
until she understood that he wasn’t going anywhere, and that she could depend
on him to be there for her.

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