Read Touching Angel's Desires Online

Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

Touching Angel's Desires (17 page)

BOOK: Touching Angel's Desires
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However, with Dan, there was something completely different. With
horror, she realized she had serious feelings for him, feelings she never
thought she would have. Angel was jealous about a client, a client who had
signed a contract and understood the rules. How could she continue having Dan
work for her, with these feelings? Was it just Stacie, or would she feel this
way with anyone? She turned her thoughts back to why he could not perform for
her. Maybe he was just tired. After all he had given Stacie his full attention
all day, something he had never done before with a client. He was a man, after
all, not a machine.

Normally he only had one sex session a day, then he was free for her—that
was deliberate on Angel’s part. Angel never expected Stacie to enjoy him or re-book
him. That hadn’t been part of the plan. She couldn’t have got it more wrong if
she’d tried, this whole mess was her own damn fault.

Angel lay on her bed staring up to the ceiling, indulging herself, picturing
Dan and his slow sexy smile and the way he made her feel. When she hired him
eight months ago, she had never expected this would be the outcome.

Shannon had brought him to her office for interview. Angel hadn’t
been there, she was running around doing a few jobs. She’d arrived at her
office and introduced herself to him. She looked him up and down, noticing his
gorgeous brown eyes, his young boyish charm, and his smile—oh that smile! She
spent most of the interview watching his mouth, imagining how well it would
work around her pussy. She sensed immediately he would be successful. Clients
young and old would love him. He was cute, but also sophisticated and
intelligent. She put him on the spot, asking him his opinion on a variety of
topics. Some clients wanted conversation as well as sex. Someone who was more
than just a him-
—all brawn and no brains—would be
an asset.

However, the sex was also important, so the conversation soon
veered. “So tell me…what are your main talents?” she’d asked, licking her lips
seductively, leaning forward and staring into his eyes.

“I know how to please a woman and make her feel special,” he said,
sitting comfortably on the leather sofa.

“And how would you make a woman feel special?” she asked, standing
up and walking around the desk. His eyes were fully focused on her.

“I tell them what they want to hear,” he said, his voice calm.

“Show me,” she said. She rested her buttocks on the desk and waited.

Dan stood and approached Angel, maintaining eye contact. Angel felt
a flutter in the pit of her stomach. He moved closer to her. She could smell
him, a pleasant, spicy smell. He stood before her, his legs touching hers. He
leaned forward. She felt his breath cascading over her face. He moved to her
right ear, “You are the most beautiful, most desirable woman I think I have ever
seen. Your hair is perfection, your lips divine and your body exquisite.” He
dropped a kiss on her cheek and Angel felt shivers of excitement throughout her
body. His lips pressed against the earlobe. “Your voice makes me want to fall
to my knees and howl at the moon while I worship the perfection that is you.” Dan
gripped the lobe with his teeth and licked before releasing it. His hands went
to her waist and she closed her eyes at his touch. “If I could make love to
you, and only you, for the rest of my life, I could desire nothing else till I
die.” His thumbs stroked her waist and she drew in a shuddering breath.

Angel gazed into his eyes, those deep pools of chocolate and felt
herself melt. “Um…wow, great…um,” she said, wriggling out from his hold and shooting
around to the other side of her desk. “Right, well…I will give you a little
trial…see how you connect with the clients and well…yes,” she said. She
struggled to control her breathing, longing to have him sinking his teeth into
her. This one she would have to try out as soon as was decently possible.

“I need you to sign this contract…all workers sign it. It states you
will have no emotional involvement with any of the clients,” she said, digging
in her drawer and passing a copy of the contract across the desk.

He took the pen and signed it without reading it. “You trust me?”
she said, raising her eyebrows. She never signed anything without reading it.

Dan met her surprised gaze. “Why shouldn’t I? I am simply here to
earn some extra cash and do something I enjoy. I have no intention of getting
emotionally involved with anyone,” he said, passing the contract back across
the desk.

Angel was speechless, already sensing he was going to be successful.
His eyes dazzled her. She could see he would be requested plenty. “It’s good to
have you on board,” she said, holding out her hand. He took it and shook it.
His grip was warm and firm, but not too firm. She didn’t want to let go.

Dan continued to work at his day job during the week, but he gave
his weekends to Desires. He was exceptionally reliable and often came in on
short notice. Not all Desires’ customers were the most attractive type, but Dan
never complained. He was in it for the cash, and to Angel, that was all that

He had been working for her for a couple of weeks when she caught
him at a loose end. His client had just gone and he was mooching around in the
dance hall. She’d got him a drink and they’d had a dance. He’d got a little
flirty, rubbing up against her.

“Do you know one of the perks of being the boss?” she’d murmured in
his ear as they danced.

“Surprise me.”

“Having lots of cute sexy staff at my beck and call.”

“I can imagine that would be a perk.”

She’d insinuated her hand down to his crotch, delighted to feel his
hard cock beneath his trousers, which he had no compunctions about grinding
into her seeking hand.

“Would you like to see how I reward my staff for good performance?”
she said then, rubbing up and down the firm shaft.

“I’d love to.”

She’d taken him to her office and fucked him on the sofa. Then on
the floor. Then in her bedroom.

After that, he came to her regularly. Angel was surprised at her new
preference. She usually preferred hunky muscular men. Dan was different. He was
trim and fit, but lean, hard-muscled, but not big-muscled. But he was fantastic
in bed, the best she’d ever had. He’d never let her down—until tonight.

A knock came at the office door.

“Come in,” Angel called, hoping it would carry through to the
corridor. The last thing she wanted right now was to move. She heard the door
open, then a pause. “I’m in the bedroom,” she added.

She heard footsteps crossing the office and Shannon appeared at the
bedroom door. “What,” Angel said, not looking at her.

“Stacie’s just run out the front door. Dan’s frantic.”

Angel pushed herself up to her elbows and looked at Shannon. “What’s
happened?” she asked. This could be the opportunity she’d been after. Maybe the
club itself had scared Stacie off, and she wouldn’t have to do anything.

“I have no idea, Stacie ran out the front door and Dan came rushing
in calling her name. Bailey is out there talking to her.” Angel stood up,
intrigued. She saw the whip lying where she’d dropped it and picked it up. It
wouldn’t hurt to intimidate the woman a little further.

She followed Shannon to the reception area. Dan stood there, concern
clear on his face. The reception area was full of people. Angel encouraged them
all to move on, telling them a fresh buffet was being laid out in the great
hall. The mob obediently shuffled along, slaves to their stomachs. Angel found
herself standing in front of Dan, unsure how she should approach the situation.
What could have happened?

“Dan?” she said, as he turned to look at her, his eyes full of

“I have no idea. We went to get a drink then headed outside for some
fresh air, and then suddenly she ran off.”

“Something must have happened,” she asked, trying to act concerned.

“No, nothing. Well, all I can think of is it had something to do
with James, but I’m not sure as I couldn’t catch her up to find out what the
problem was,” he answered, directing his concerned gaze at the main door.

“What did James do?”

“He came over with his client and suggested we all get together,” he

Bingo! If James had suggested a foursome, Little Miss Prissy must
have been so shocked and horrified that she’d run away. Angel stood watching Dan,
his eyes still glued to the door. Something else had happened here. She had never
seen him act in that manner. Surely he couldn’t be that bothered about losing a
client, even a good one. There were plenty of others—he made a fortune from

Angel tried to think of things to say to him while he anxiously
waited to see what Bailey came back with, either with Stacie or without. Angel tried
to suppress the vibe she was getting. She was reading far too much into it.
Stacie was just a client.

The double doors opened and James appeared on the scene. Angel
watched Dan turn and give him the evils.

Dan took several large steps to stand in James’s personal space. “What
is your problem?” Dan said in an aggressive tone.

Angel intervened. “Dan, stop it. Until we know the real reason for
Stacie’s upset, you cannot go around accusing,” she told him, her voice
cracking with authority. Dan twisted his head and glared at her.

Angel saw the deep concern behind the anger. She wanted desperately
to throw her arms around him and hold him and tell him that it didn’t matter. She
couldn’t tarnish her professional image. It was no secret that Dan and she had
sex frequently, but no one knew he was anything more than staff to her. Angel turned
her thoughts to what was going on outside. She was tempted to go and see, but if
Stacie was leaving then she wasn't about to persuade her otherwise. Dragging
her back into Dan’s arms was the last thing she wanted. Better to let her go,
leave the establishment, and go back to her pathetic lonely little life.

After what seemed like hours, the main door finally opened. All
heads turned. Angel saw Bailey come through first, followed by Stacie, her face
red and blotchy from cold and crying. Her stomach nose-dived
. That wretched woman.
Why couldn’t she
just go?

A glimmer of hope occurred to her. Maybe she had come back in the
building for her belongings and was about to leave. Angel stepped back not
daring to say anything. She looked at Dan’s face, seeing it light up with joy as
Stacie came toward him. Bile churned in her stomach, a feeling of sheer
stabbing hatred for this woman flooded her heart.

Bailey went back behind the desk, leaving Stacie standing in the
middle of the foyer, looking at the floor. Dan moved closer to her.

“Are you all right?” he asked. Angel watched him put his hand under
Stacie’s chin and lift her face up. Angel desperately waited for her to tell
him she was leaving and that she’d just come back for her property.

“I’m fine,” Stacie replied. She glanced at him briefly then moved
her gaze to the side. “Can we head back to the room?”

He released her face. “Okay,” he said.

Angel watched them make their way to the staircase. Her guts churned
and she didn’t try to modify her glare, which she aimed directly at Stacie. “Is
everything okay, Dan?”

“Everything’s fine,” he said. Stacie moved to Dan’s side, away from
Angel. She didn’t meet Angel’s eyes, looking down at her feet.

They had gone no more than a few steps up when James’s voice rang
out across the reception area.

“You know, I think you should look at your life.” Angel turned to
see James striding to the bottom of the staircase. The pair on the stairs
turned round. “Desires is all about sex. No matter what your opinion is, we
love it and personally, I don’t think you belong here.”

Dan turned around and moved back down the steps to confront the man.
“That’s enough. She isn’t here for that business.”

“No mate, it isn’t enough. She’s looking down her nose at us, the
stuck up bitch. I couldn’t give a damn about her reasons for being here. She
has no right to be fucking looking at us like shit.”

“That’s enough, James. I’m sure she never meant it that way.” Dan
said, then turned around and headed back toward Stacie. He took hold of
Stacie’s hand and began to pull her up the stairs. Angel watched. Really she
should say something. She couldn’t let a member of staff abuse a client like
that, even if inwardly she was cheering James on. She took a breath to speak,
but James beat her to it.

“Stuck up bitch,” yelled James. Angel watched Stacie freeze. “People
enjoy sex, go fuck yourself, bitch.”

Dan stopped at the top of the stairs and said something to Stacie
before turning and stomping back down.

He squared up to James. “Don’t you dare call her a bitch. You know
absolutely nothing about her.”

“I couldn’t give a shit, and if you’re doing your job correctly she
wouldn’t be glaring at everyone like shit. You should be fucking her, show her
what the real world is.”

James advanced on Dan, pointing his finger at him, Dan’s posture
stiffened. Much as Angel was amused by the aggressive behaviour of the two
males of the species, she decided a knock-down drag-out fight in reception was
not the best image for Desires.

BOOK: Touching Angel's Desires
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