Touched (19 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Touched
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“I always knew my past would catch up to me again. Where in my past I’m just not sure. I’ve made quite a few enemies along the way and I’m not proud of it but I did what I did out of survival, you know?” Her eyes look up at me, and I tighten my arm around her. “I never wanted to hurt anyone, never wanted to become so hard core. It’s not really me. But I had to get tough. To live.”
Leaning my head down, I kiss the top of hers and look out the windows. “You’re the best person I know. Loving, caring, sweet and innocent.” Her head rises with her eyes wide as she looks at me in shock. “You are. You were taken advantage of and in return lost everything you ever had and loved, including yourself. You’ve fought back so you could live. I admire you.” She smiles sadly and lays her head back down.
“I was at a party, a party I shouldn’t have gone to. I was only seventeen and snuck out with a girlfriend. He was there with his ‘buddies’, and they were all trashed. I’d never thought I would find myself drunk later and in one of the bedrooms with him. I thought I was all kinds of special that he’d even look at me or talk to me but when he led me there, I thought I was something to him. I was an idiot. But when he started to kiss me, and remove my clothes, I started trying to push him off, but he was so much stronger. After telling him no so many times he became enraged and knocked me to the floor, pinned me down and ripped my clothes until he got them off. I struggled, kept trying to kick him as he had my arms above my head, but he acted like I wasn’t even moving.” My hand takes hers. My thumb begins to rub her soft skin over and over as her body shudders. “The music in the apartment was so loud but I could hear him as he whispered vile things into my ear. When he entered me he didn’t give me time for the searing pain to evade, he just kept moving in and out fast. When I screamed he would hit me hard and bite my nipple so hard I would see stars. By the time he got himself off he just left me lying there and told me what a good bitch I was and if I was lucky he’d do it again sometime.” She looks back up at me with her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know how long I laid there crying but I finally managed to get up, went to the closet, found a shirt and some sweat pants and walked through the seas of drunk and high people out the front door. I don’t even know if anyone saw me or cared.”
“Angel, I’m so sorry that happened to you. What did your parents do? Anything? Did they even try to console you?” My fingers begin running through her hair as she lays back on my shoulder.
She laughs sadly. “Oh, Mom was upset and took me to the doctor and yes, they could tell I wasn’t a virgin anymore but I had no proof that I’d told him no and didn’t want him to have his way with me. Dad? He hit the roof that I’d snuck out and told me it served me right. Then a few months of being rung through all the bad publicity, the trial, and all the hate mail, my dad disowned me and kicked me out of their house.”
I look down at her and wipe away a few of her tears away. “What about your mom? It sounded like she tried to help a little?”
She sighs and starts rubbing circles on my arm. “Yeah, Mom didn’t want Dad to kick me out and she did try to help me but she was too afraid of my dad and wouldn’t cross the line. I miss her, haven’t talked to her for five years now.”
“Damn, I’m so sorry, Angel. Every girl deserves to have their mom in their life.”
She looks up at me, her chin quivering, “Can we just go to bed? I’m really tired.” I kiss her forehead and leave my lips there.
“Sure, baby. Anything you want.”
I pick her up and carry her to our bed. She seems so lifeless and so light in my arms. I help her remove her clothes, putting her pajamas on and then removed mine quickly, only leaving on my boxers and then get in bed. She immediately cocooned herself around me and fell fast asleep. I lay there awake for quite a while thinking about everything she told me. My heart breaking for her. How could any parent not stand up for their child? How could they not take care of them, love them and keep them safe? When I have children, they will not want for anything, material things, affection or love. I hope they all look just like Jade.
“Ungh! Stop!” I awaken to the bed moving as Jade’s body thrashes around, her legs tangled in the sheets and her clenched fists waving in the air. I straddle her quickly, grasping her wrists as she tries to beat my chest. “Don’t! Get off me!” I’m trying to be careful of her knee and not hurt her in the process.
“JADE!” No response. Finally, I lean down and get close to her head that’s violently moving back and forth on her pillow. “JADE!” Her body stills and she turns her head to look at me, sweat and tears and confusion marring her beautiful face.
“Knox? What…?” Her eyes look at my hands still holding her wrists, then down at me straddling her and around the bed. “What are you doing?”
Releasing her hands I slide from her body and lay my arm over her flat stomach. “You were having a nightmare. I’m guessing it’s from dredging up all the horrible memories and the delivery today. Are you ok?” I reach over and brush some damp hair from her face and frown.
“Um. Yeah. I’m ok. It’s weird. I don’t even remember it.” She turns her head as she lays her hand against my cheek and my eyes close as I relish her touch. “You’d think I’d remember it by the looks of the torn up bed and your sad face.”
I open my eyes and bend down to kiss her cheek. “I think sometimes our mind tries to push out the bad things we try to forget. Maybe it’s not letting you remember what you just went through and I’m glad. You’ve had enough in your young life to last ten fold.” The corner of her lips turn up a little, and she pushes to sit up.
“I feel icky. I’m going to take a quick shower and get some clean pajamas on.” She starts to walk to the bathroom and turns her head when she reaches the doorway, her hand on the door. “Thank you for being there for me. I’ll never forget it.” I watch her walk into the room, shutting the door behind her, and I let out the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. She’s definitely one of a kind, and I thank God for letting me have her.
By the time she’s clean and gets back into bed, I’ve changed the damp sheets to another set. We cuddle, and I watch her fall asleep quickly. Looking at the alarm clock, I notice it’s four in the morning, so I close my eyes and dream of her and me getting married. When I awake I find her all sprawled out half on top of me and half on the bed, our legs mangled together and her arm over my waist. Her breathing is light and blowing on my chest almost tickling. I don’t want to get up or move her, but I need to hit the bathroom and get ready to go into the office for a few hours. Carefully, I lift her arm, and she grumbles something then rolls over to her other side, grabbing her pillow and squeezing it tight. “Knox,” she whispers but she isn’t awake. Feelings of love overwhelm me as I stand there just looking at her. Finally, I make myself go take a shower and get ready.
“I’ll be fine! I want to finish unpacking my room and actually do some reading. Please?” She’s standing at the front door with me, her arms crossing over her ample chest and is looking more beautiful than ever.
“Jade, I’d feel better if you’re with me. I’m only going in for a few hours and you can see Amber, even have lunch or something. Quit being so stubborn.” She saunters up close, her fingernail drawing an invisible line down my dress shirt, and her eyes are looking at me pleadingly. She’s killing me here.
“I’ll be good. No answering the door or phone, unless it’s you. Emerson will be here, in fact, we are going to work out and since it’s only a few hours we should be good, right? I love you.” Her full lips kiss my chin, my cheek then my nose and I’m a goner.
I can’t stop myself from wrapping my arms around her and bringing her even closer but my cock twitches in my dress pants when she rubs up against it. “Ok. You win. You know I trust you it’s the outside world I don’t trust. You work out hard, clean up and get into something comfy and then spend your day doing what you love, sweetheart.”
Her lips press against mine, and I swear I’m never leaving as our tongues intermingle and a moan escapes her mouth. “If I was going to spend my day doing what I love, you wouldn’t be leaving and we’d spend it in bed.”
I take a step back, holding my hands up in front of me. “Ok, I need to go or I’ll never leave, especially wanting to do what you love, with you, all day and night. I’ll be back in less than three hours so you’d better hurry and get your workout done and some reading because you’re mine when I return.”
She stands up straight and smiles so big I swear my heart just went into overload. “Deal! I’ll see you soon!” It’s hard for me to leave her, but I tear myself away and head to the office.
Finally, I become absorbed in my work trying to get the time to move faster when I hear a knock on my door. Looking up I see Amber standing in the doorway smiling. “Mind if I come in for a few minutes?” Smiling back I nod briskly, and she walks in, sits down in the chair across from me and crosses her legs.
“And what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Amber?” I lean back in my chair and fold my arms.
“Well, I haven’t seen you for a few days and I just wondered how you liked the project I’m working on with you and does Jade know about that and if not how do you think she’s gonna react? I mean you know how she can be, um, how she is and well…” Oh, my Lord the woman can talk so fast.
I lean with my elbows on the table and fold my hands. “Amber, slow down. I’ll tell you what. Let’s go down to the cafeteria and I’ll buy you breakfast. I’m starving. Then if you can speak slower to me, and I mean slow-er, than we can discuss the project. How about it? Can you do that?” She nods eagerly. “Very well. Go and gather your things and I’ll meet you at the elevator.” She’s up in a flash and leaves the room. Damn, this is going to delay my leaving, but I’m also excited about the house project and want her opinion on a few things. I gather up some paperwork, lock it in my desk drawer and pick up my phone to call Jade. It rings several times before I get her voicemail, and I figure she’s probably working out with Emerson. “Angel, I may be a little later than planned. Not too much later though. See you soon.” I end the call and make my way to the elevator and notice Amber is already there.
We get our food, and I pay for us both then find a table over in the corner by the windows, remove all our food from our trays, and I deposit them at the tray cabinet. Once settled we begin eating and talking about the plans. “Did you like the plans?”
“Yes, but with the back looking out at the beach, this part of the deck around the pool will need to have a solvent that withstands the salty air. And this… This area would be perfect for a covered outside bar.” She’s pointing at the plans I’ve drawn up, and she’s right. She has a very keen eye.
“Very good. I like that idea.” I stop and look over at her. “Do you think…? Do you think she’ll really like this house? I mean who wouldn’t but you know her better than anyone.” She gives me an incredulous look.
“Are you freaking kidding me? She’ll love it. The room you picked out for her special room, looking out over the beach and the small balcony, just wow!” Placing her elbow on the table and laying her chin on her hands she smiles. “Can I be adopted?” She bats her eyes at me, and I burst out laughing.
Our lunch lasts longer than I would have liked, but we got some really good ideas down. When I get back to my office, I quickly call Tabbie, who landed a job as a real estate agent and with her just starting out this could really push her career up fast. “Yes, I will go over there later today and get someone on it. I’m so excited and happy for you and Jade.”
“Thanks, Sis. But she doesn’t know about it so make sure you don’t say anything to her if you talk to her, ok? This is a surprise. I know what your excitement does to you.” She laughs loudly in my ear and agrees. I end the call and see what else I need to accomplish while I’m here as I plan to take the next couple of days off.
THUD! My breath is knocked out of me again, but I did it! I took down at the almighty Emerson! “Damn! You did it, girl! Crap, hold on.” Emerson lays next to me panting heavily. I roll over onto my side and smirk at him. I can’t believe I took him down. Finally, he rolls over to his side and laughs. “I’m proud of you. You did well. Knox will be proud too.” Now I’m beaming. I hear my phone ringing over in the counter of the gym and have to huff and puff to get up, but I manage and half jog over to it.
“Hello?” I am so out of breath. I need to work out more.
“Jade! Hi, it’s Tabbie!” My ear is aching from her screaming, but I’m so glad she called.
“Tabbie, how are you? Are you adjusting ok? You know I’m happy to help with what you need.”
She giggles. “No, everything’s good. I was just wondering what you’re doing later. I need some girl time and I now you’re stuck there and well… I wasn’t sure if you knew that it’s Knox’s birthday tomorrow?” Oh, my God! I’ve never asked him when his birthday is, in fact, I’m not even sure how old he is. What the hell kind of girlfriend am I? I guess one that hasn’t been one before. Idiot! “Hey, it’s ok. I know you’re beating yourself up and don’t. This whole relationship thing is new for both of you. I bet he doesn’t know you’re birthday either.”
Huh, I bet she’s right.
I look at Emerson and tilt my head towards the door letting him know I’m leaving, and he simply nods and smiles then I head towards the bedroom so when I’m done talking, I can jump in the shower. “I would love to see you and yes, I’m feeling a little bad I didn’t know his birthday is tomorrow.”

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