Touch of Eden (5 page)

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Authors: Jessie M.

BOOK: Touch of Eden
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I drive home in a stunned and confused state of mind. What the hell is going on in that house. I am determined to get to the bottom of it. My mind is suddenly full of  images of Keira. Her long shiny chestnut hair, her soft full lips and beautiful brown eyes. I try not to think about her body, it's too much to have in my head while I'm driving. One thing is certain, my gym bunny is forgotten already.

When I get back I collapse heavily on my sofa, having a think. First I need to contact Eden and then go and see my brother Luke.

I call her.

Found your mum yet?”

Yes thank God, five minutes ago, I heard her talking to herself UNDER her bed”

You are joking?”

NO I'm bloody NOT.”

Well at least she's safe... Anyway I d
id the client induction, no problem at all, I'll take her from now on, we got on well.”

Thanks Josh, I love you to death.”

See ya babe, bye”

I text Luke.

“You in?”

Of course, where else would I be?”

Can I see you?”

I'll come to you, Sarah's mother is here. Give me 5 mins.”

I spruce the place up a bit. Luke's super anal about tidiness. Not a cup can be out of place. I straighten the sex pit, not that he's likely to go in my bedroom, but you never know. Then I spray some air freshener about and put the coffee machine on. I have a quick look around. It looks good; clean, tidy and Luke fit.

Luke and I get on quite well, despite his annoying ways. He's only two years older than me but so much more serious and focused on his life. He's Father's favourite son, obviously. Not that I care. Not much anyway. Sarah is his beautiful blond, well spoken, solicitor girlfriend, They've been living together for two whole years. That's a full life sentence to my mind.

He arrives a minute later.

How's things big bro?” I put a colourful Simpsons mug full of black coffee in his hand and he gives it a disdainful look.

Did I actually forget he's a real snob ass as well as an anal tidy freak?

Oh you know, one long legal haul. On top of everything else I'm taking my bar exams soon, has Father mentioned that to you?”

No, he doesn't talk to me Luke, you know that.”

Hmmm, he does tend to be rather awkward with you, doesn't he? I think you should try harder with him.”

Why the fuck should I?” I say indignantly.

Why not?” Luke is always deflecting questions with another. He's going to make a bloody good barrister.

Because he's not interested in me. None of me. My job, my appearance, my lifestyle. It's all very disappointing to him... He can barely bring himself to even look at me.”

I'm sure that's not true, you're exaggerating. You are his son after all and you're not a bad person, just very immature and rough around the edges.”

Oh don't you fucking start on me as well.”

Just pointing out facts which you may be unaware of. Sorry if the truth hurts. And Josh, you really must work on improving your language. All this needless swearing is coarse and vulgar.”

I'm not that bad, am I?”

Positively dreadful. No doubt it's the company you keep. Those common friends of yours. Now what is it you want? I'm practising my cross examination techniques at the moment. I can't be too long or I'll lose my train of thought.”
At this moment I want to stick your cross examination techniques up your pompous, righteous ass, Lukey boy... but I won't because I want something from you...

Before I start I want you to promise me you'll keep this between us. Just you and me, okay?”

It's you and I... not you and me...”
You're pushing it bro...

Don't bloody nit pick...” I'm getting annoyed... He must be able to see it as his faces changes and he gives me a small apologetic grin. My brother usually has a good sense of humour, perhaps his bar exams are making him stressed.

Go on then Josh... I promise.”

I know of someone, a young woman, who is being held against her will in someone elses house. For the last three years to be exact. She is kind of
the guy, but not that willingly. He has something over her, a threat of some kind. She said he controls her, which means she can't leave. The worse thing is, he's a bad lot, a fucking drug king would you believe. What's the legal stand on all this?” I watch Luke's lawyer brain ticking over with fascination. One day this will be me.

Well, my first thoughts are that it is a case of false imprisonment, with duress of some kind. This could take the form of fear for her life, perhaps some one else's life, or blackmail or anything that means she can't act of her own free will. Is he supplying her with drugs, perhaps she's an addict?”

No, I don't think she's a druggie, it's something else.”

Honestly Josh, what kind of young woman moves in those circles, how did she even meet him in the first place?”

I really don't know and she seems far too nice to be involved in that world.”

Is there any sign of abuse?”

No obvious physical sign, but she is suffering mentally, she's really scared of him Luke.”

Scared or not, if she's of adult age there's nothing you can do without her complete co-operation. She needs to make the break herself. My advice is to leave it. If drugs are involved it's high risk, and there could be violent consequences. I don't like the sound of it.”

That's what my head is telling me.”

Well listen to it. There's nothing but trouble ahead otherwise. If you must do anything just tell her the legal facts and let her decide on her own course of action. I'll look some more details up for you later when I have the time. Remind me about that, won't you? Whatever you do, don't persuade or force her to leave Josh. Don't. Understand?”

He hands me back my cup of perfectly fine coffee untouched.

“I have to go now. See you tomorrow night at Father's dinner party. If he hasn't already, I expect he'll get around to asking you soon.” And, after delivering that delightful piece of news, he left.

After mulling over Luke's advice unhappily for a while I need a change of scene. I thought I'd pre-empt the dinner invitation and pay Father another visit, to remind him of my existence. Okay, truthfully, what I'm really hoping is that my new red headed friend and ally Danielle will be there. I leave my stable and walk across the courtyard to the house. I go in and hear voices in the kitchen. I announce my arrival, I don't want to walk in on anything embarrassing. “Anyone home?”

We're in the kitchen.” My father replies. Well, he sounds happy. I go in and straight away I can see why. How very cosy and intimate. Danielle is sitting very close to father at the kitchen table. He is fully dressed and wearing his usual shirt and tie. She is wearing what looks like a very short deep red nightdress. I take a long look at my watch pointedly. It's 11.45...

How are you today Joshua?” She asks with a sensual smile forming on her lips. “Did you have a nice evening?” She gives me a sweeping hot eyed look to go with the smile.

Oh, I came home early last night. Not much going on in town.” I fight to keep the smug grin of satisfaction off my face.

Really? Well that's such a shame. Perhaps you should try looking in new places for your fun.” The twinkle is in her eye again. I am beginning to understand that this woman has a wicked and very dirty little mind. What the hell is she doing with my dry as a bone father for fuck's sake. I hope she's not after his money...

Hmmm, maybe.” I turn my attention to Father. “Luke tells me you've planned a little get together for us all tomorrow.”

That's right, I was going to tell you after our brunch, wasn't I Danielle?” He gives her a sickeningly sweet smile which she returns. “We're having dinner at 8. Make sure you're here.”
This is a fucking order, not an invitation.

Any reason for this little party?”

I thought I should make an effort to be with my family more often.” Well you could have knocked me down with a feather. My father actually considers me to be family, and wants to see me more often? Wonders will never cease! A small flame of joy begins to burn in my heart.

Okay then, I'll be there, but don't expect me to get all tarted up.”

Why would I? You don't actually own a suit, do you?”

Not much call for one in Envy or the gym.” I do own two suits. I'm not revealing that fact though.

Don't worry Joshua. It's a casual dinner.” He explains. As if that helps...

I know what my father's sense of casual is, it means he won't be wearing a waistcoat with his suit. He doesn't ever wear jeans, t-shirts, tracksuits or anything really casual.

Oh do please come as yourself, I rather like your dress sense.” Danielle adds running her eyes up and down me shamelessly taking in my gym clothes which consist of smart black tracksuit pants and tight white T. I give her a taste of her own medicine staring at her very sexy satin nightdress and having a quick look afterwards at the long and lovely bare legs and feet I can see crossed under the table. I'm very careful to make sure Father isn't looking my way of course. It's not acceptable to be openly eyeing up your father's new girlfriend whilst he watches you. I do have some standards. Not many, but some.

I always come as myself. Whatever I do.” I give her a hard and direct look. She takes a sip of her orange juice assessing me calmly over the top of her glass. I can't quite make her out. I do like her and appreciate the fact she's having a positive influence on my father and his attitude towards me, but there's something about the way she looks at me that makes me more than a little uncomfortable... it has a definite sexual edge to it, sexual and playful. “I'll be off then, see you both  tomorrow.” I turn and leave as they both reply. “'Bye Joshua, have a good day,” in unison, chuckling between themselves.
Ughh what a sickly sweet pair they are.




- FOUR -


I'm off to meet Nate in town at Nando's for an early dinner and a couple of drinks afterwards. I thought I'd mooch around the shops and maybe catch a movie until then. I like going to movies on my own. I can see whatever old crap I like and munch a mountain of popcorn while I'm at it.

My day goes off with a pop. Not only do I find a fabulous freebie shower gel offer which pleases me no end, I also land a new pair of trainers for work at a vast discount. Amazingly they even have my size in stock. It's a miracle. Then it gets even better. Much to my inner child delight, I discover there's an afternoon showing of Spiderman II for mums and kids at 3.30 at the Odeon. That'll do. My type of crap exactly. I can imagine I'm Spiderman and getting very friendly with Mary Jane who I keep permanently stuck on my spider web... I load up with a giant Pepsi Max, an extremely unhealthy family bucket of salt laden popcorn and set off to be entertained for a couple of perfect crap filled hours. Hopefully it'll get Keira out of my head for a while.

After the movie I make my call to Jojo, she's cool about my cool... I think she knows the score. I promise I'll see her next Thursday. That done I hang around at Nate's place of work, Essex Radio where he works in the advertising department.

He arrives in reception shortly afterwards. Nate is a smart dresser of the highest order. Today he is kitted out in his black designer suit, white shirt and lime green and black striped tie. What a cool bastard he is. He puts on his black sunglasses as we head towards the door. He reminds me of Will Smith in Men in Black right now, if I ignore the green stripes.

“Hey bro, how's things?”

Cool, busy day for once.”

We wander up the street for a spot of real food. Popcorn never fills me up, no matter how much of the fucking stuff I eat.

“So, did you get to meet Ellie Goulding today?”

Nah, Saw her come in though. She's a real babe all right.”

Fucking fuckable.”

Double fucking fuckable. Anyway, what've you been up to?”

A spot of shopping and a movie”

What movie was that?”

Spiderman II”

Josh, you're a great big kid mate.”

I know, but I love Kirsten Dunst.”

Oh yeah...! I forgot she was in it....”

Mmmm, I had a lot of sticky fun with her today.”

After we chow down our seriously spicy Nando's chicken salad we trot off to the bar in the next street for one or two beers. I fill Nate in on my evening's entertainment with Jojo, every minute little detail... and he listens in rapt attention. Believe me, men like to discuss these kind of details, a lot. I don't tell him her name of course. We never talk names. Usually that's because we can't remember them to be honest. I then tell him about the Keira experience, again anonymously. He is just as intrigued as I am. He agrees it sounds like a bad situation, which I should avoid like the plague.

I get the lowdown on Cal and Nate's hooking up. It was a bit quiet apparently, not many desirable fish swimming in the pond. I'm now even more pleased I met up with nuclear hot Miss. Smith and whisked her off for a session in the comfort and space of my bed.

I arrive home at 9pm and get an early night in. I've got a shit day tomorrow. Saturdays are manic in the gym, plus I have that dreaded family dinner to suffer my way through. Still, after that I'm out to the club. That's my Saturday silver lining. My reward for behaving myself all day.

=== * ===

Work the next day is not so bad. Eden seems to be in love with me for doing my good deed on my day off and pets me like a dog whenever she walks past me, stroking my arm and hair. I might start barking soon if she keeps it up. Jodie is not in on Saturdays so I don't have to avoid her. Not that I want to. I like her as a person. But rules is rules. No touching the staff. And I won't, not while I'm in the gym anyway. I finally get home at 7 after doing five miles on the treadmill and a complete gym clean up, the usual fucker of a Saturday afternoon chore. Just the dinner to get through and I'm free of drudgery and unpleasantness for another whole day. I'll have a lovely long lie in on Sunday morning then a monster breakfast and some TV before I dive into my law assignments. I'm actually looking forward to it now. Well, kind of.

I dress for dinner trying to look smart in my understated way. I put on a fitted black shirt which of course I do not tuck in... Shirts should NEVER be tucked in... unless you go to a wedding or funeral or your employer insists on it. I look in the mirror while I'm faffing with my hair. I actually look very good in this. I'm going to wear this out later. It makes a change from my choice of one hundred slightly different T-shirts. I can't put it off any longer and make my way over to the house at five past eight.

Hi everyone.” I say as I walk into the small gathering in the dining room.

Ah, Joshua, help yourself to a drink, dear boy” I actually need one after being called a dear boy by my father. The last time he said that to me I must have been ten years old. I pour myself a small glass of white wine. Not too much, I've got to drive later.

Danielle and I have prepared dinner, we'll serve it a moment. Before that, I'd just like to say how nice it is to have everyone here together this evening. I'd like to make this a regular event, maybe every month. What d'you think?” He looks around at our faces, one by one.

If you like.” I say in a disbelieving tone.

uits me.” Luke is his usual calm unruffled self.

Sarah and Danielle sit smiling smugly. What a strange evening this is.

As it goes we have a very enjoyable meal consisting of roast beef and lots of other things... I only ever remember the meat part of meals... I have several conversations with Father this evening. He even asks me how my law course is going and actually sounds interested in my reply. I had to embroider the truth a little, and didn't mention the fact I was four whole weeks behind schedule. To my amazement I have a pleasant chat with everyone, even Sarah who has only ever smiled coolly at me in the past.

At half past nine I offer to help Danielle who has started to clear away. I've had enough family togetherness for now. What I really want to do is up and leave for a spot of fishing in town. I'm hoping Danielle will refuse my kind offer of help. Unfortunately she accepts. I spend the next ten minutes walking back and forth between the dining room and kitchen, which are a fair distance apart, loaded with plates and dishes. Danielle waits leaning against the kitchen worktop giving me a thorough look over as I return with my final load which I dump on the counter with a sigh of relief.

You're looking
handsome tonight.” She tells me breathily, her eyes twinkling like mad.
She's up to something big.

You look more than lovely yourself.” I reply honestly. Her tight low cut grey dress does spectacular things for her full figure. And her hair is so luscious; shiny, shoulder length and wavy. I've always liked red hair. Her kind of red hair anyway. I have a proper look at her now that Father isn't around. My eyes are drawn to the low cut area. Beautiful large handfuls.

Awww, thank you Josh... you're
sweet.” She suddenly crosses the floor towards me, closing the gap between us considerably. In fact there isn't a gap at all any more. She is completely pressed up against me, her arm around my waist and she zones in to place a rather long and overly friendly kiss on my cheek. I'm expecting that to be it, but oh no, no... It seems she has other ideas. Her hand goes up to my hair and she rakes it around ruffling it up, having a good old feel all over my head. My head is very sensitive. I adore having my hair played with. I'm rooted to the spot, my breathing becoming noticeably loud.
Fuck, I'm getting extremely turned on here...
I can't help but breathe in her perfume, and feel the softness of her large breasts squashed against me. I'm a little overwhelmed by her to be perfectly honest. Things are stirring uncontrollably fast and I'm suddenly hot all over.
Shit, there's no way she can't feel that erection that's suddenly sprung up between us...

Such beautiful soft hair. It feels divine. I love longer hair on men. It's something to hold on to...” Her eyes meet mine for a long moment, I can see exactly what's written in them. I'm holding my breath with anticipation.
If she kisses me I'm going to have to let her do it...
She smiles and strokes my clean shaven cheek back and forth slowly with her finger tips. “It's okay, don't worry, I'm only teasing you.” She finally releases me, steps away and goes back to her tidying up staring at me as I stand where she left me, extremely turned on, extremely hard and more than a little shocked in the middle of the kitchen floor.
That was one hell of a fucking tease...

You'd better be careful Dani, I don't mind being teased but you might push me too far.” Hopefully she'll see that as a warning, not an invitation. I turn and leave catching the surprised look on her face. I may only be twenty five but I've had a lot of experience with women. I know looks, body language and gestures. Danielle wants to fuck me big time. Unfortunately the feeling is mutual. I'm really shocked at the strength of my response to her. It's completely unacceptable. She's Father's girlfriend for fuck's sake! I need to keep out of her way. I don't have much self control when I'm being deliberately turned on like that. In fact I have none at all.

My evening's fishing in town isn't as much fun as I thought it would be. I couldn't be bothered with it. I tell Cal and Nate I'm not feeling well and skip off home after an hour. I'm bored and strangely frustrated. I think a certain redhead is responsible for my odd mood to be honest. I try to cheer myself up and blot her out of my mind. I get a lovely long lie in tomorrow. What a fucking marvellous day Sunday is, I'm sure I'll feel much better then.

=== * ===

I wake with a start.
Shit, I can't believe it
... I take a quick look at my phone. It's only 10am and someone is knocking at my door. I get up and grumpily make my way over to open it.
Well, this is a surprise. Father is only paying me a visit. The first one ever, in fact.

He takes a look at my mussed up, sleepy eyed, rather undressed state of being. “Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry about that. I was wondering if you'd like to join Luke and I for a round of golf?”


It's a game you play with clubs and white balls on a large green field...” I'm losing it... I could swear my father is actually trying to joke with me.

Oh very funny,
I do know what golf is, I'm just surprised you're asking me to go. You never have before.”

There's no time like the present to change that, is there?”

Well I might have accepted but I have to do some heavy law course assignments today. Maybe another time, thanks for asking anyway.”

Jeez, he's really pulling out all the stops with this building bridges effort. I suppose I should join in the party sometime. Maybe I'll ask him out for a pint at the local pub. We can walk there and back. Just a quick hour will do.

“You're quite right, s
tudying comes first. Well done son, keep it up.” And he turns to go down the stairs, but stops and turns to face me again. “Oh Joshua, if you don't mind, would you drop in to see if Danielle is all right a little later. I don't want her to get lonely.”

If I get time. I have a lot of assignments.”
But I really, really don't think I will...

Right. Well, see you then.” He heads off back to the house.

Yeah, bye...” I close the door and take my usual running dive back into my sex pit. Must change this bed soon... Actually no, I love it like this.

At midday I haul myself up, get showered and dressed and get started on my monster breakfast. I won't need to eat another thing all day. Breakie, lunch and dinner, all in one hit. I get everything out and I'm just about to start cooking up a storm when there's another knock at my door. I open it, I know just who it's going to be. And of course there she is, looking sexy and sweet in a pale blue striped dress.

Come in.” I say stepping to one side.
Wrong move... I shouldn't be letting her in.

I'm about to cook up Sunday breakfast, you want some?”

That would be lovely thanks. It can be my lunch.”

I start to throw it all together, I'm a good mover in the kitchen. Multi-tasking is my middle name. I get the coffee made and hand her a cup. I decide to be pleasant and try my best to forget yesterday's tease. I chat to her as I cook about nothing much.
After a while we get around to the subject of Father.

How are you and Father getting along?”

Fine... We're having some fun together, that's all.”
... A shiver of disgust runs through me. I can't stop the accompanying look that attaches itself to my face. I don't want to think about how their fun goes down. She really is a babe and he's old.  She giggles at my expression of disgust. “Oh no... not that kind of fun.  George is a bit old fashioned in that sense. He's very sweet. He hasn't even kissed me yet.”
Thank God for that
I suppose it'll happen sometime though, a bit further down the line.

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