Total Immersion (7 page)

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Authors: Alice Gaines

BOOK: Total Immersion
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Adam had arranged this. He’d pried the fantasy out of her once—that she’d always wanted to have one cock in her pussy and another in her mouth. He’d known it would turn her on like mad, and it did. A total sensual treat. An erotic dream working itself out in real life, more potent than the imagination.

The air around them seemed to pulse with ragged breathing as all three of them approached the peak. Both of them would come with her, and that would make her orgasm stronger. Two exquisite lovers perfectly attuned to her every desire.

Then, just before she lost control, the cock slid from her mouth. She shifted her weight so she could reach for it, and as her fingers closed around it, he caught her hand with his own. Guiding her, he pumped her hand fast and hard as his breath turned to grunts. He’d come in a moment.

As if on cue, the man behind her reached around and stroked her clitoris. With a loud half gasp, half cry, she tossed back her head as her tether to reality snapped. She flew into orgasm, her pussy convulsing wildly, as her body shook. Both men joined her, their shouts filling the room.

When they all finished and settled into a pile of limbs and torsos, the knowledge finally penetrated. She’d recognized their voices at the end. She’d had Adam’s cock in her mouth, and Jeff had been inside her.

Chapter Four

room had a good collection of books, so Susan selected a hardcover romance novel, settled into a wing-backed chair, and propped her bare feet up on an ottoman. Someone else had obviously read the story, because it fell open to a love scene. The rakish English lord finally making love with the woman who heated his blood like no other. She read for a while and had to chuckle. Neither Miss Farnsworth, the heroine, nor the author had any idea how hot sex could be. Thanks to Adam and Jeff, Susan had learned the lesson, and she’d have to spend some time processing the implications.

Immersion in sex as therapy. Who would have guessed it could work? It had, though, softening the kinks in her psyche. She still had work to do on herself and on her relationship with Adam—if he gave her the honor of a second chance. For one thing, they’d have to have a long discussion of the whore remark. But now, at least, she felt in a position to ask for forgiveness. After the incredible intimacy they’d shared, they couldn’t pretend that nothing had changed.

With a sigh, she set the book on the table at her elbow. She’d never be able to concentrate on it, anyway. The whole time that drug had circulated in her system, she’d been a creature of desires. Everything for pleasure with no thought about the consequences. Nothing wrong with that, really, unless someone got hurt. But how did she walk away from that when the night ended? Could she really leave Adam behind, losing him again? And what did she say to Jeff, other than a huge thank-you?

The man in question appeared at the threshold of the bedroom. Jeff’s hair was rumpled from sleep, and he ran his hands over his face and yawned. “Needed my rest. You about wore me out.”

“You performed brilliantly.”

“Be sure to tell the management,” he said.

“I think your manager knows.”

“Yeah, Adam,” Jeff said. “He’s out like a light.”

They’d both fallen asleep right after their total immersion experiment. She’d drifted off for a while, too, but when she’d awakened to find herself between two male bodies, her mind had started racing.

Jeff took a seat in the chair opposite hers. “I owe you an apology.”

“For what?”

“My aborted attempt at therapy,” he said. “Dumb idea.”

She smoothed her palms over the silk robe. “My fault. I shouldn’t have become emotional like that.”

“How could you not? It’s an emotional subject.”

“Can I ask you some questions?” she said.

He studied her face for a moment, and his usual congenial expression became more serious. “You can ask anything. I’ll only answer what I want to.”

“Fair enough.” She paused for a moment. Such sensitive questions. She’d never managed to ask Adam. But then Adam’s answers would have carried so much more baggage because she’d cared about him. Cared?
She’d loved him. She still did.

“How did you get into this line of work?”

He laughed. “Everyone asks that one.”

“You wouldn’t find your job in a help-wanted ad.”

“You would on some Internet sites,” he said. “I wouldn’t answer any of those ads, though.”

“So, how?”

“A friend,” he said. “He dared me, actually. He’d auditioned and failed.”

“Auditioned?” The word got out before she could keep the tone of shock out of it.

“Well, yeah.” He stretched his legs out in front of him. “The club can’t hire you if you can’t perform.”

“You mean Madeline, don’t you?” Oh my God, Madeline auditioned the men she hired?

He smiled. “That’s one I won’t answer, but I will tell you I had to pass several tests, including medical.”

“You had to be clean,” she said.

“Completely. No diseases. No addictions,” he said. “That came before even the first audition.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “That makes sense.”

“We’re tested regularly.”

“And you always use condoms here.”

“Right,” he said. “You’re safer with one of us, medically, than with the average guy you might meet in church.”

“So, after the ‘audition,’ you were hired?” she asked.

“Not nearly. There were a lot more.” He grinned, obviously proud of himself.

Her mouth fell open. “More than one woman?”

“Six,” he said. “Various clients who were willing to try out the new guy. Even after that, I was on probation for a while.”

It boggled the mind. He had to perform with six perfect strangers, all the while knowing he’d be graded. And if anything went wrong, he wouldn’t be hired. Talk about pressure.

“I aced every test,” he said.

“Wow,” she said. “Adam must have had to do the same.”

“Everyone does.”

“How?” She gestured in the general direction of his crotch. “Don’t you . . . that is, can you . . .”

“Get it up at will?” he said. “Pretty much. I could get hard now, if you wanted. I might anyway. You’re a beautiful woman.”

“But it’s just a physical reaction.”

“Pretty much.” He shrugged.

“I think maybe I understand that now.” She had so much to think about. Before tonight, she wouldn’t have had two men, especially not one who was getting paid to satisfy her. No prude, she wouldn’t have thought anything about someone else doing it, but perhaps her jealousy over Adam had clouded her judgment about what went on here.

“Good. Because I wasn’t blowing smoke about you and Adam. I think you two could make each other happy.”

She turned to gaze into the darkened bedroom where he slept. “Has he been unhappy?”

“He hides it. I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t seen the two of you together,” Jeff said.

“What a fucking mess I’ve made of everything.”

He leaned over and took her hand in both of his. “Don’t beat yourself up. It’s a hard issue to deal with—that your man spends his time having sex with other women.”

“I could have trusted him.”

“You still can.”

“I don’t know. It could be too late.” She got up and paced a bit, the silk of her robe swirling around her legs. “What if he thinks that I want him now only because he no longer sleeps with clients, and that I wouldn’t have accepted him as he was before?”

“Would that be true?”

She twisted her fingers together and kept moving. “Maybe. I can’t really tell.”

“That’s something you’ll have to work out, for sure.”

“This is silly,” she said. “We’ve been apart for six months. How do I know he even wants me?”

“He does.”

If only she could believe Jeff. A sweet man, he’d no doubt tell her what she wanted to hear. What if he got her hopes up and it turned out Adam couldn’t forgive her after all?

“You don’t believe me?” he said.

“I just can’t be sure.”

“I think I know what will help.” Jeff pointed toward her chair. An obvious invitation for her to sit across from him again. “Let me tell you what it’s like with the clients.”

She sat and waited for him to speak.

“We like all our regulars,” he said. “Madeline makes sure we have good working relationships.”

God, he made it sound like a corporate team or something.

“But we don’t get involved emotionally,” he went on. “The clients understand that, and Madeline issues gentle reminders if they get too attached to us.”

“It all sounds so clinical.”

“It’s the only way this place can work.” He leaned toward her, his elbows on his knees. “I like you. I like fucking you, but that’s all.”

“I like you, too.”

He laughed. “Of course you do. I’m a great guy.”

“And really good in bed.” She couldn’t help but smile.

“Now you’ve got it.”

“Yeah, I do.” He could have sex with women without loving them. She’d always known that about men, but now she’d experienced it herself. She could have fun with Jeff, in and out of bed, and then she could go back to her regular life without thinking of him except as a pleasant memory. That’s how Adam would have felt about the women he pleasured here. Perhaps friends, but nothing more.

“Adam feels very differently about you,” Jeff said. “The first moment I saw the two of you together, I could tell. He looked like he wanted to kill whoever had messed with you.”

She couldn’t disagree with him. Their relationship had started out intense and built from there. Good and bad, unfortunately. She’d let the bad win. Maybe they both had. Could they get the good back?

“I have to admit I’m jealous,” he said. “I wish I felt that strongly about someone.”

This time, she put her hand over his. “You will.”

“Yeah, I probably will. Then I’ll have to quit.” He laughed. “Too bad. I like this job.”

“Maybe you’ll find a better woman than I am.”

“Not a chance.” He rose. “I’m going down to the kitchen to put in our order for breakfast for the morning.”

“The kitchen’s open now?”

“Twenty-four seven. Can I bring you something?”

“Nuh-huh.” She stared into the bedroom for a while. “Don’t hurry back, okay?”

He followed her gaze with his own. “Sure thing. Go get him, tiger.”

covers and slipped into bed next to Adam. Snoring softly, he rolled over, and his arm flopped across her midsection. When the man slept, a freight train rattling the windows wouldn’t have awakened him, but she had a few tricks. And when she used them, they usually resulted in sleepy sex. Warm and snug and as much about skin-to-skin bonding as the inevitable orgasms.

She ran her palm down his neck to his muscular shoulder. “Hey, cowboy, you up for a ride?”

Other than an
, he didn’t answer. She’d have to use more drastic measures. She had to push, hard, but she managed to get him onto his side. With him in this position, she could slide up against him, pressing her body into his. She began her assault by nibbling along his shoulder to the curve of his throat.

Maybe because she melted so easily when he caressed her neck, she’d always enjoyed doing the same for him. Kissing him there always turned him on. Whether he was humoring her or not, the technique worked, so she did it now. Nibbling, nipping, and then covering his flesh with kisses, she proceeded upward to his ear. When she took the lobe between her teeth, her breath slipped into his ear, and he finally roused, opening his eyes a crack.

His gaze didn’t completely focus, though, and he stared at her for a moment. “Susan. It really is you.”

“None other.”

“I thought maybe I dreamed everything.” He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. “Where’s Jeff?”

“In the kitchen. I told him to take his time.”

“Did you, now?”

“Uh-huh.” She wormed an arm between their bodies and moved her hand downward. When she reached his crotch, she slid her fingers over his sac. Slowly and oh so gently. The way he liked.

“Drug still bothering you?” he asked.

“Nope. Unless the drug is named Adam.”

“You always were good for my ego,” he said.

“I’m not worried about your ego right now.” The part of him that did have her total concern at the moment was responding nicely. Swelling and growing hard. The man truly was a force of nature. So absolutely perfect and always ready. As she stroked him, he filled her palm with his thickness.

He closed his eyes and parted his lips, his concentration on her touch. So different from their encounters here, where he’d taken charge. Of course. In his job, he could never completely take his own pleasure during sex. He’d told her he always had to please his client, but with her, he could indulge in the act for its own sake. Until this moment, she’d never understood he could only truly fill his own needs in the bed they shared. If she’d realized that before, things might have been different.

When he’d become fully erect, he reached down and stilled her hand. For a moment, they lay gazing into each other’s eyes in the dim light. The words didn’t pass between them, but the feeling did.

I love you.

They’d said that to each other so many times. Perhaps too easily, without understanding the implications. They wouldn’t be able to say them now, but maybe they had a future to explore their meaning.

The moment passed, and he smiled and kissed her. Then—typical of her Adam—he began the methodical assault on her senses. His lips tangled with hers, drawing her further into him and demanding she answer. No one could resist that temptation, and in a moment, what had started out sweet turned incendiary.

She kissed him back with everything in her. As she took his face in her hands, she eased her tongue into the seam between his lips and tasted him. With a moan, he pulled her hard against him so that her breasts pressed into the solid wall of his chest. His cock, the greatest sex toy in the world, pushed against her pelvis. Their toy and the source of both of their pleasure. When she rubbed herself against it, he made a low rumble of approval in his chest.

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