TOTAL ECLIPSE: The Evolution (Sin City Heat Series Book 7) (34 page)

BOOK: TOTAL ECLIPSE: The Evolution (Sin City Heat Series Book 7)
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“Marcus! Marcus, come here, please! Hurry!”

Marcus had been on his way to the kitchen, but hearing the urgency in Aleesha’s voice, he quickly backtracked and joined her in the living room. He frowned when he saw her staring at the flat screen mounted on the wall with her mouth hanging open in surprise. The expression on her face could only be described as one of…dismay.

He started to ask her what was wrong, but when he glanced at the television, he didn’t have to. Mystery solved.


Out of the corner of her eye, he saw Aleesha turn and look at him, but his attention remained fixed on the television screen. Plus, he already knew the question he’d see glaring brightly from her eyes. It was one he didn’t have an answer for right now.

“Turn it up,” he told her when the gossip reporter started speaking.

Aleesha grabbed the remote and increased the volume. They were both quiet as they listened to the commentary and watched the scene unfolding at McCarron International Airport.

A tall, slim woman was being led through the crowd of photojournalists fighting to get that one money making shot that would bring them a lucrative windfall. The woman was absolutely gorgeous. Gently curved, she carried herself with the self-assured confidence of a person more than capable of dealing with the spotlight. Large, dark lensed glasses covered her eyes, and her hair was cut in a sophisticated blunt bob that bounced and swayed as she walked. She tossed her head to flip a lock of it out of her face, but the glossy strand stubbornly glided back to half cover her eyes.

A man several feet taller than her had a protective arm around her shoulders as they followed closely behind the burly bodyguard mowing a clear path for them through the boisterous crowd. Once they made it outside, she was rushed into a black luxury sedan with darkly tinted windows, and quickly whisked away. The cameras panned in on the car until the headlights were no longer visible before faded back to the reporter.

Marcus and Aleesha looked at each other. They’d recognized that car and the man who had opened the door for the woman to make her safe escape. His name was Big Dre…Angel’s personal driver and bodyguard.

They knew the identity of the woman as well. Aleesha had never met her, but she’d seen pictures. Years ago, however, Marcus had known her very well and had called her his friend. She was also the woman his brotha had at one time loved more than anyone else in the world before fate stepped in and changed the path of both their lives. She hadn’t set foot in Las Vegas in over eight years, but now it seemed as if she’d found a reason to come home.

Roni was back.





Darrell unlocked the door to his condo and walked inside, his features somber and his expression distracted. He kept trying to put the visit with Tina out of his mind, but he couldn’t.  Just when he thought she was gone for good, she always returned and disrupted his life.
What was it going to take to get rid of her?

As far as the “secret” she so eagerly wanted to divulge about Isaac, he was glad he hadn’t fed into that. Whatever it was, it could stay hidden as far as he was concerned. The last thing he needed was another situation inserting itself into his life, and causing a new set of problems to deal with.

But that was exactly what greeted him when he entered his living room.

Seeing Jerra seated on the couch watching a TV segment of a popular celebrity news magazine, his lips parted to call her name and let her know he was home. But then he glanced at the screen. Abruptly stopping in his tracks, shock robbed him of the ability to move or even speak when he saw footage of Roni making her way through a swarm of reporters at the airport.

What tha’ hell?

While the gossip reporter enthusiastically delivered his commentary, promo shots of Roni from her modeling days, then later as owner of some of the hottest nightclubs in Vegas and New York flashed across the screen.

Making an effort to break the paralysis that momentarily held him captive, Darrell took slow steps that brought him further into the room. Standing behind the couch, he folded his arms and listened to the reporter with rapt interest:

We received a juicy tip earlier today that was too good to ignore. Rumors that have been circulating around Vegas for some time now seem to be true! Veronica Winston is indeed alive and well! The stunning socialite was spotted at McCarron International Airport earlier today, and we must say she looked as fabulous as ever! For those who remember, the former supermodel used to be one of the owners of a mega successful nightclub chain that now span three amazing cities before she was tragically gunned down in a bizarre random shooting. We warn you. The images you are about to see are graphic and not suitable for young children.

The show switched to news footage of camera crews at the scene of the crime the day Roni got shot. Lying unconscious on a stretcher, EMT’s worked frantically to save her life. Blood was everywhere; Roni’s hair and the running suit she had on were saturated with it. The black luxury SUV she’d been driving was riddled with bullet holes. Standing anxiously to the side being questioned by detectives was Darrell, shirtless and barefoot, his face ashen with shock and covered in Roni’s blood. The cameras panned in, accurately capturing the anguish and fear he’d felt for Roni that day not knowing whether she’d live or die.

Jerra gasped and covered her mouth when she saw the frightening images. “Oh my God,” she whispered. “I didn’t realize…”

A chill ran down Darrell’s spine. His face remained expressionless, but seeing the footage catapulted him back to that horrific moment. One minute he’d been on the phone with Marcus, talking about his plans to propose to Roni, the next he’d been thrust into a terrifying nightmare. If he closed his eyes, he could still hear the gunshots echoing in his head. He’d never felt that kind of terror before, or since, like he’d experienced when he realized Roni had been shot. His entire world had collapsed in that moment when he realized he more than likely was going to lose her. And when he saw the damage the spray of bullets had done to her body, her once smooth skin nothing more than torn, shredded flesh…

More footage flashed across the screen showing Roni’s funeral as the reporter spoke about her “death”. Although she’d been cremated–supposedly–there had been a service to allow people to come and pay their last respects. Darrell hadn’t attended. He had visited her early that morning, placing the engagement ring he’d planned to give her in the urn that held her ashes.

Blinking his eyes rapidly, he tuned back in to the report, which ended with Roni being guided from the airport to an awaiting car. Darrell snorted softly, shaking his head when he saw Big Dre open the door for her before getting behind the wheel and pulling off.

Of course. Angel.

The celebrity reporter concluded his segment:

We’re waiting with bated breath to find out the details of exactly what happened and why Roni faked her death… and what or who has brought her out of hiding. One thing is certain: she’s as gorgeous as ever! Whatever her secret is, I wish she’d pass it on to the rest of us! Beauty at its best! Love you, Roni! You’ve been missed!

Darrell bent down, grabbed the remote from beside Jerra, and turned the television off. The silence that settled over the room seemed to suck the air out of the room. He came around and kneeled on one knee in front of her.

“Hey,” he greeted her softly.

“Hi.” Jerra stared down to avoid his probing eyes.

Grimacing, Darrell ducked his head, silently imploring her to look at him. When she refused, he slipped a hand behind the nape of her neck and pulled her towards him. He leaned forward to meet her halfway, his grip gentle, but firm, when she resisted. Darrell tried to give her a kiss meant to reassure, but Jerra turned her head at the last minute so that the kiss landed on her cheek.

Darrell’s hand tightened. “I didn’t know,” he told her, forcing her to meet his sincere gaze.

Jerra didn’t answer him, but Darrell saw the skepticism that clouded her eyes. She clearly didn’t believe him.

“I didn’t know she was back in town, Jerra.”

“I didn’t say you did.”

“No, but you’re thinking it. I swear I didn’t know.” His eyes begged her to believe him. He had to address this now and clear the air between them. “Come here. Please.”

Darrell lowered his head to try and kiss her again, but Jerra kept her mouth stubbornly closed when his tongue tried to gain entry. Darrell wasn’t discouraged. He patiently traced the tight line of her lips with the tip of his tongue, demanding she open up for him. When she finally gave in, he invaded her mouth like a pirate that had gained access to a treasure chest of priceless jewels. His tongue plundered her mouth, sweeping inside and curling around hers.

“Tell me you believe me, J.,” he mumbled against her lips. “I wouldn’t jeopardize what we have for anything.” He searched her mouth again, feeding off her sweetness until she melted into the kiss and returned it with equal fervor. “Tell me.”

“I believe you,” she whispered. Jerra kissed him hungrily. Passionately. Imbibing every bit of what he offered until she became drunk off of nothing else but him. Her arms curled around his neck. “I believe you. I believe you,” she repeated over and over again.

Darrell groaned fiercely as he rose from the floor and pushed her down on her back. Covering her body with his, he reached down between them and yanked at her skirt.

“Where’s D.J.?” he asked in a hoarse voice.

“Taking a bath,” Jerra answered. Her words came out in a breathless rush. “He…he just got in the tub.” She lifted her hips to accommodate Darrell’s impatient efforts.

Once he managed to bunch her skirt up around her waist, he fumbled with his belt and quickly unzipped his pants. Somehow he managed to maneuver his dick out of his jeans.

At this point, Jerra was as eager as Darrell. She opened her legs wide and pulled the wispy barrier of her panties to the side until there was nothing between them. When he drove himself forward and penetrated her, all she could do was absorb him and gasp his name.

Darrell’s powerful thrusts were fast, frantic, and urgent. No matter how deep he got, it wasn’t deep enough. He wanted to imbed himself far, far inside of her until he touched her very soul, until there was never a question in her mind that she belonged to him and he to her. Always.

Their bodies moved in a synchronized rhythm born of two people perfectly in tune with each other. They exchanged hot, desperate kisses. Grunting wildly, Darrell slid his hands down to cup her ass in his palms. He tilted her willing hips upward, grinding against her, working her, clenching his teeth at how good her pussy felt clenched around his dick.


She dug her nails deep into his back, her cries mingling with his and filled with intense pleasure. She brought her hands down and covered his ass, moving restlessly beneath him, her back arching as he plunged in and out of her depths repeatedly with an urgency neither could explain...but somehow understood.

“J…ohhhh…shit, baby. I can’t…I can’t hold on…”

But before he could say anything else, Jerra shattered around him, convulsing into a chain of explosive spasms. Her thighs clamped tightly around his waist. She screamed in ecstasy, the orgasm claiming her in its shuddering release.

Darrell was seconds behind her. His breathing ragged, he surged into her with several more powerful strokes until he achieved his own exploding ecstasy. The eruption shook his entire body. Spilling his hot seed and intermingling their juices, Darrell cried out Jerra’s name. Trembling uncontrollably, he rode the thrashing waves of the climax like a true soldier battling for what was his until the titillating end.

Several long moments later, he groaned with masculine satisfaction. Darrell rolled his hips in a provocative, circular motion that caused Jerra to writhe beneath him in response. She ran her hands over the rippling muscles of his back and shoulders, sprinkling light kisses along his neck and jawline until she found his mouth. Her lips suckled his, capturing the fullness of his bottom lip gently between her teeth.

Groaning, he kissed her softly. His tongue slid over hers with a silky smooth touch that made her catch her breath. Reluctantly lifting his mouth, Darrell looked down at her lips, which were deliciously swollen from his kisses. Unable to stop himself, he swept down and captured them once more before grudgingly pushing himself to his knees. Hovering over her, he tucked his dick back into his jeans His eyes, still hot and glowing, remained fastened on the glistening center of her splayed legs. The evidence of the culmination of their pleasure liberally dampened her thighs. Darrell reached between the pouting lips of her femininity and ran his finger through the creamy wetness they’d created.

“Most definitely to be continued later,” he uttered in a low voice. Standing, he helped her to her feet, watching as she straightened her clothes as best she could.

He studied her for a long time before softly calling her name. “Jerra–”

“I’m sorry,” she cut in.

Darrell frowned in confusion. “Sorry for what?”

“I…I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did.” Hesitating, she raised wide eyes to his, nervously biting her lip. “I just want you to know that I do believe you, Darrell.”

Darrell sighed. Curling one arm around her waist, he pulled her towards him and gently kissed her forehead. “Thank you, but you have nothing to apologize for.”

Jerra circled her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. “I know that I come off being insecure every time she…Roni’s name is mentioned, and I hate that.  I hate that I get so…jealous.”

“It’s understandable because I get the same way about you. Justin just don’t know, I wanted to rip his head off every time I saw him. It’s hard to control myself whenever I think about you with somebody else.”

She lifted her head from Darrell’s chest and stared up at him. “I don’t want anybody else but you. I love you, Darrell.”

His liquid grey eyes softened as he smiled. “I love you too, baby. I’m never lettin’ you go, Jerra. Promise you that.”

“Good, because you’re stuck with me.” Inhaling a heaving breath, Jerra gave him a tremulous smile that just as quickly faltered when she glance at the television. “So...why do you think she decided to come back after all this time?”

“I don’t know for sure but I would assume it’s to attend Cheyenne’s wedding,” Darrell said.

Cheyenne was the daughter of Bryan Hargrove. Darrell still counted Bryan as one of his best friends. At first, things had been a little tense between them when he found out Bryan lied to him about Roni being dead, but they’d talked it out and moved past it. Darrell had come to realize neither Bryan nor Angel had kept the truth of Roni’s situation from him out of malice. Besides, how could he stay mad at them? If they’d brought him in on what they were planning, things would’ve turned out completely different, and Darrell couldn’t imagine not having Jerra and his son in his life. He didn’t even want to try.

“Roni and Bryan are more like brother and sister than cousins. She’s always been extremely close to Cheyenne. She loves her like she’s her own daughter. If anyone could get her to come home, it’s Cheyenne. I can’t imagine Roni missing something as important as her goddaughter’s wedding.”

Jerra had forgotten that Darrell mentioned the wedding to her last week. He hadn’t come right out and asked her to attend with him, but she’d seen the question in his eyes. They hadn’t discussed it again, but with them getting along so well, it was a foregone conclusion that she would go. She hadn’t had a problem with it, but now…

“Are you still going?” Jerra asked.

A small frown settled on Darrell’s face. “I thought
were going along with Marcus and Aleesha.”

Jerra shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “Well, yes, but that was before…you know.”

Darrell’s chest lifted and fell with the deep breath he took. “You don’t want to go?”

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