Torn (Torn Series) (7 page)

Read Torn (Torn Series) Online

Authors: K.A. Robinson

BOOK: Torn (Torn Series)
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“I don’t have a problem, but I’m not about to watch some guy hang all over you! He was watching you and Amber before that, and as soon as you broke apart he
went after you. But by all means, if that’s the type of guy you want then go for it! When they use you and throw you away don’t come crying to me!”

He stomped away before I could yell at him again. I watched hi
m disappear into the crowd with my mouth hanging open. He had always been protective of me, but since coming to college it had already gotten out of hand after only a few days. I was going to have to sit down with him and have a serious conversation. He was not my brother or my protector, he was my best friend and I needed to set boundaries.

I glanced around the table and noticed Drake staring at me. “What?”

“Now do you believe me?”

“What are you talking about?”

“What I said earlier, Logan has some major feelings for you, you’d have to be blind to not se
e it after that little show.”

I glared at him,
“Don’t even start with me tonight Drake, I’m not in the mood.”

He si
ghed and shrugged his shoulders, “Whatever, go ahead and live in that little oblivious Chloe bubble, but don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”

I grabbed an unopened can of soda off the table and popped it open, trying my hardest to ignore Drake. I was seriously pissed off at him for suggesting that crap again, but what he said was bothering me. I hoped he was wrong, but that little voice inside my head said maybe he wasn’t so far off base. Maybe what I had taken for brotherly protectiveness was something more, and if it was I was totally and completely screwed.

I looked up as a little red head in a dress short enough to be a shirt approached the table and smiled at Drake. I groaned internally as she bent down to rest her elbows on the table, giving Drake a clear shot of her overly exposed cleavage. His eyes dropped to her chest before returning her smile.

“Can I help you with something?”

She batted her eyes in what I think was supposed to be a sexy way as she leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ear. “I’m
Molly, I came over to drag you onto the dance floor with me. You want to dance?”                           

Drake nodded as he stood,
“I’m going to go dance with Molly, you alright here by yourself?”

“Yeah I’ll be fine. Besides, one of us deserves to have fun.”

He gave me a sympathetic smile before turning and wrapping his arm around her. I watched as they too disappeared into the crowd and mentally gagged. Drake had no problem in the women department, that much was clear. That fact was a good enough reason for me to ignore my stupid crush. 

I sat by myself, watching everyone else enjoy my good time. A few guys glanced my wa
y, but apparently I was giving back off vibes since no one approached me. Just as I finished my drink, Logan appeared out of nowhere with two shot glasses in his hands and sat down beside me.

He pulled me into h
is arms and kissed my forehead. “I’m sorry Chloe, it just bothers me to see guys hanging all over you like that.”

I looked up at him and saw remorse in his eyes. Suddenly feeling guilty for yelling at him, I snuggled up into his arms and laid my head on his chest.

“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I know you were only looking out for me. You know how independent I am, and it just bothers me when you go all bad ass caveman on me.”

I felt his chest sha
ke with laughter under my head, “Caveman huh? I’ll take that as a compliment. Listen, I felt bad for ruining your night, so I brought us both a shot. Consider it a peace offering.”

He grabbed a shot glass off the table and handed it to me before picking up his own. 
Clinking our glasses together, we threw the shots back together. My face twisted up at the bitter taste and he laughed at my expression.

“Am I forgiven?”

I nodded as he grabbed Amber’s drink off the table, downing it all in one drink. “Sure, as long as you let me dance without ripping someone’s head off.”

He smirked
as he stood and pulled me up with him, “Since I’ll be the only one dancing with you, I can agree to that.”

I laughed as he led me onto the dance floor. He stopped in an open space and turned around, pulling me into him. I turned so that my back was against his chest and started grinding against him to the beat of the music. As we danced together I felt the left over anger drain away and I relaxed further back into him. We danced together for a few songs before I looked up and noticed a petite blond
e sitting at the bar watching him.

I turned
to face him and motioned to her, “That girl is staring at you like she wants to eat you alive. Go talk to her, buy her a drink or something.”

He shook his head,
“I’m fine here with you.”

I pulled away from him,
“Seriously, I’m worn out. I’m going to go sit back down and you,” I shoved him in her direction, “are going to go buy her a drink. Have a few yourself, I’ll be your protector for once.”

He studied my expression,
“That wouldn’t bother you?”

I gave him a questioning look,
“What, you buying some girl a drink? No, definitely not. Now go before she disappears.”

His expression turned angry at my words and I looked at him completely confused.

“Why are you looking at me like I pissed in your Cheerios?”

shook his head and turned away, “No reason, I’m going to go talk to her, maybe if I play my cards right I’ll even get laid. That’d make you happy wouldn’t it?”

My eyes widened in shock at his words. Logan had never spoken to me about women like that.

“Um, sure. Whatever makes you happy.”

He gave me one last glare before walking over to her, leaving me alone and completely confused. I started walking back to the table trying to figure out what had just happened. I had no idea what I said to make him so mad.

Just as I reached the edge of the dance floor, I felt hands wrap around my waist and I was pulled back into a warm hard body. I instantly knew it was Drake as my body started tingling at the contact.                                                                                                                              

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I turned to look at him and my breath caught at how close his face was to mine. I pulled away slightly, trying to remember how to breathe. “I’m
tired, I was going to go sit down at our table for a while.”

He shook his head as he pulled me against him,
“No way, you’ve already danced with Amber and Logan, I think it’s my turn. I mean after all, I was the one who gave you a ride tonight.”

His eyes twinkled in amusement as the double meaning sunk in.

“I don’t know, that ride was awful quiet and awkward. It was kind of quick too.”

I smil
ed sweetly at him as he laughed, “Come on, dance with me.”

I nodde
d as he settled his hands low on my waist. I started moving in time with the music, brushing against him. He turned me so I was facing away from him and I started grinding my ass against his pelvis. My body hummed at the close contact as I slowly slid down his body and back up, lifting my arms above my head and wrapping them around his neck as he slid his hands from my waist down to my thighs and back up again.

We continued to
dance tight against each other and I felt him growing hard behind me. Feeling him like that shot lightening straight between my legs and I moaned, laying my head back onto his chest as I pushed myself back tighter against his now bulging cock. He lowered his head so that his lips brushed my neck, then my ear, “Do you feel what you’re doing to me, dancing like that?”

I moaned again as hi
s hands slid between us to cup my bottom.

“You’re one of the sexiest women I have ever seen and you have no idea just how beautiful you are
do you? You have no clue the effect you have on men, on me.”

All thoughts of ignoring my feeling for Drake suddenly disappeared at his words. I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck, my breathing shallow. I stood on my toes so that I was eye level with him, leaning in to kiss him. I stopped when our lips were a centimeter apart.

“Do you want to kiss me?” His breath tickled my lip as he spoke.

Before I could respond, Logan appeared out of nowhere and shoved Drake away from me. I had been leaning into him and I stumbled as he fell backward. Logan reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me into his chest.

“Chlooooe! Are you ok? I’ve got ya baby girl,” Logan slurred into my ear.

I could smell alcohol on his breath as I untangled myself from his arms and stepped away from him. “What are you doing Logan? Are you drunk?”

He stumbled forward and reached for my arm again but I pulled away.

“No way Chloe, I’m not drunk! I’m fine, I saw that asshole,” he pointed at Drake, who had come up to stand behind
me looking extremely pissed off, “trying to maul you so I came to help.”              

His eyes were glazed over and he swayed as he spoke. Ther
e was no doubt about it, he was drunk. He had obviously thrown several shots back to get this wasted in the short period of time since I had left him.

“Drake was not mauling me, we were just dancing. And you are definitely drunk my frie
nd. Come on, let’s get you home,” I glanced over my shoulder at Drake. “Can you find Amber while I get him to the car?”

His eyes went to Logan,
“Why don’t I get him outside and you find Amber?”

I shook my head,
“I don’t think that’s such a great idea, he’s not exactly your biggest fan. Seeing as he’s completely trashed, I think you’d both be safer if I went with him.”

Drake hesitated for a minute before
nodding and handing me his keys, “Alright, I’ll find Amber and be out in a few.”

I turned back to Logan and
wrapped my arm around his waist, “Come on big guy, let’s get you to the car.”

We made our way slowly through the crowd, bumping into several people as we went, and out the door into the cool night air. I kept my arm wrapped around Logan as he stumbled and swayed his way along beside me. We finally reached the car and I unlocked it. I opened the rear door and gently shoved him inside.
He fell into the seat groaning as I closed his door and made my way around the car and opened my door, sliding in beside him.                                          

As soon as I sat down,
he laid down in the cramped space, resting his head on my lap. I sat running my fingers through his hair as he mumbled something and started snoring softly. Logan never drank this much and it worried me.

When he woke up tomorrow, I was going to have a talk with him about this crap. I had spent too many nights
trying to take care of my drunken mother when she would let me to have to take care of Logan like this. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back and rest on the headrest as I listened to his snores.

I was starting to doze off when one of the doors opened and my eyes flew open at the sound. Drake and Amber got in the car and Drake turned to face me holding out his hand for the keys. I
gently pushed Logan’s head out of the way as I grabbed them out of my pocket and tossed them to him. He caught them and turned to start the car without a word. He peeled out of the parking lot, tires squealing as he flew down the road back to our dorm.

looked back at us with concern, “Is he ok? Drake said he was pretty wasted.”

I nodded,
“Yeah, he just needs to sleep it off.”

Drake glanced at me in the rearview mirror. “Is he always that much of an asshole?”

“Shut up, he just had too much to drink.”

Drake turned his attention back to the road and I sighed. This night had been a disaster, except dancing with
Drake, that had definitely been the highlight of the evening. We rode the rest of the way in silence. Drake pulled up in front of our dorm and stepped out to open Logan’s door. As soon as he opened it, he pulled Logan out of my lap.

asshat, wake up. We’ve got to get your sorry ass upstairs.”

Logan groaned as he opened his eyes and let Drake pull him out of the car. I quickly exited and ran around the car to help Drake walk him inside. We made our way slowly to the building, one of us on each side to help support him as Amber rushed ahead and opened the door to let us in. We told Amber goodnight at the entrance and turned to the stairwell.

Getting him up the stairs was a nightmare, but somehow we managed. As we reached his door, I put my hand in his pants pocket and pulled his keys out.

“Next time you reach in my pocket, move
your hand to the left a little,” Logan grumbled as he leaned against the wall with Drake supporting him, his eyelids fluttering open slightly.

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