Torn (The McKerricks Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Torn (The McKerricks Book 1)
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I gesture vaguely at her notepad and she just smiles back.

“How am I supposed to take notes without a note pad?”

The point of this, is to experience it lover,” I say slipping in the booth next to her, letting my hands lazily caress her exposed thigh. She blushes furiously, before trying to stutter something out, and finally she just snatches up her drink and takes a huge gulp. “Now… I’m not going to let you experience this to it’s full extent, but we can have a little fun.”

You won’t let me?” Her smirk is wide like she intends to challenge me on this.

Tightening my grip on her thigh, I pin her leg to the seat and use my free hand to take a fistful of her hair and force her head back. She bows up slightly off the seat, trying to relieve the pressure of my grip. My blue eyes pierce her no longer smirking green ones.

“Couples come here to… trade partners. I’m sure there is a group of men I could find here that would be more than happy to gang up and fuck your brains out, but I. Do. Not. Share.” I lighten my grip on her hair, and begin stroking her thigh again. “But I’m more than happy to fuck you myself.”

When I let her go she watches me for a long time, with a flush on her cheeks before she turns and begins scribbling in her notepad again.

“Sorry,” I say softly. “That was relatively uncalled for… I just-”

She mumbles something cutting me off but she doesn
’t look up.

What did you say?”

I said… it was… kind of hot…” her face is beet red and still her eyes haven’t lifted off the notepad.

You… prefer it rough?”

I think I might,” she says her eyes finally drifting up. She looks like the idea scares her. That she might like her fucking a little darker. I try to smile reassuringly because frankly I like the idea.

I’ll be sure to… delve deeper into that,” I say rubbing my unshaven jaw. “As well as other things I’ve been meaning to look into.”

I sip on my drink in silence, and let her absorb the atmosphere of the club as more patrons fill in. It started out mild, just some people talking. But at the bar there is a man quite clearing fingering some girl. One he didn
’t come in with. Several people have pulled themselves into darkened corners. There are a lot of dicks and tits walking around. And in the booth right next to us, a poor girl is getting fucking smashed, by the guy she picked up. Henley looks like the debauchery might be finally getting to her.

You used to come here?”

Yep,” I reply trying to offer what full disclosure I can.

What was it like?”

Well…” what am I supposed to say here. I opt for honesty even though I have a feeling it’s going to get me in trouble. “What do you want me to say Henley? Usually my dick is out and girls are grinding on it but I don’t want them to? It’s a sex club I came here for easy sex lover. Some people come here for easy sex like me. Some come to live out the fantasies they won’t admit to outside of these walls.”

Her cheeks are red but she looks like she is having a hard time looking me in the face.
“I… want to be the only one you think about… in a place like this…” the words feel like they are ripped out of her against her will. Like they cost her. Dearly. It’s almost like a confession.

You are the only one I think about anywhere Henley,” she cast’s me a look like she thinks I’m bullshitting. “But if you want to make some new memories I am most definitely not opposed.”

She laughs and it
’s soft and nervous. This is the Henley I met in the beginning. The Henley that is absolutely terrified of having sex and having an orgasm.  This is the Henley that runs. And I don’t know how to bring her out of that.

With a smile I take her hand, and pull her from the booth. I drape my arm around her keeping her close to my body. Inconvenient for walking, but I need her close. Guys are already eyeballing her.

I keep my hands low on her hip as I lead her toward the stairs at the back. And once we are in the relative privacy of the stairwell, I let my hands trail slowly down her hip to her thigh. She shivers against my touch, leaning slightly into it. She’s such a naughty little author.

We reach the top of the stairs, and I slide my hand to the inside of her thigh tracing delicate circles against the sensitive skin. Her body skitters nervously against my touch as another grinning couple passes us before heading down the stairs.

“Well lover, is there anything you want to try?” We pass the first door and it’s still open even though people are fucking inside. “Open doors are an open invitation.”

Her body jumps back from the door, her ass rubbing against my hand as my fingers slip against her wet pussy. Her head is shaking back and forth in an almost panic. I just smile against the top of her head and steer her past door number two which is closed, and straight toward the open door number three. This is the room for the more
… voyeuristic people. It offers a perfect view behind the closed door of room two.

Henley slowly walks past the door, and her body pauses in front of the two way mirror. There are five guys, fucking, coming, and pawing on one woman. By the way she is writhing on the table it looks like she is enjoying it.

Henley backs up jumping as she bumps into me, and turns, taking in the other side of the room. There is another mirror on the other side. The people in there are wearing animal suits, and fucking on all fours. She turns towards me, her eyebrows are practically in her hairline as she motions with her head toward the second mirror.

New enough perspective for you?” I say with a soft laugh pulling her closer against me.

She shakes her head.
“Take me somewhere else Angus. I think you mentioned making new memories.”

I take her hand and lead her back into the hall and down to the last room. Luckily the door is open so I
’m going to put all the things I need to delve a little deeper into a good once over. A scruffy jaw between her thighs, and I’m going to see just how rough Henley likes it.

We step into the room, and Henley steps up next to the table. Its got beams and little leather strips hanging from it, and I don
’t think she knows what it’s for, but she looks around like this room is the safest one that she has been in so far. Guess again little author.

So what’s the catch in here? You gonna tickle me with the ropes?” her grin is infectious, but I am grinning for a completely different reason.

I slowly close the door, and latch the lock. By this time Henley realizes something is up. And her smile takes on a nervous edge as I walk over the to floor to ceiling cabinet on the wall. Slowly I take my time sliding open the doors, and opening the display of whips, cuffs, straps, paddles, and plenty of other little odds and ends.

Henley's eyes are wide as she stares at at the now open cabinet.

Do you trust me Henley?”

Have you… done this before?”

Nope. This is an exercise in trust. Hard to do it with a girl you won’t see again.”

Do you… want to do this?”

Lover I’ve wanted to spank that ass since the first day when you ran out on me.”

Her answering grin is splendid, and she runs her hands slowly up my chest.
“Okay let’s say I trust you.” She turns and hops up sitting on the table with her ankles crossed. “What comes first?”

I run my hands through the blindfolds in the first drawer. There are several different types with different fabrics, but I settle for a simple silk blindfold. During sex Henley is a silk kind of girl. That I do know.

“Well the first thing is you need a safe word. Because in here no doesn’t mean no.”

No always means no,” she replies stiffly.

Her whole body looks on edge now, so with a sigh I brace my hands on either side of her and lean in nuzzling against her.
“Not when you trust me to know where your limit is for you lover.”

She looks like she isn
’t buying it. Like she wants to back out of the whole thing, so I continue talking hoping it will calm her down.

Some people like green, yellow, and red. As like… a warning system. Some people just pick something completely random. Something you’d never say during sex. So pick your word.”

I don’t think I can do this Angus,” her eyes are almost panicked,  wide and pleading. I’m to far in to stop now. I want this too much to hold back now. So I do what any red blooded male would do. I beg.

That’s a long and relatively hard phrase to say I’d think. Come on, it’s a simple thing. I’m sure you can come up with a good word baby.”

I use the endearment to try and win her over, but she looks like I
’ve slapped her, as every muscle in her body becomes taught. “Baby, that’s my word… don’t… don’t ever say it.”

Her body shivers slightly before stilling. Her green eyes are watching me carefully. After her reaction I get the feeling that I should stop. In fact I
’m pretty sure I
I should stop. But I also get the feeling that if I push just a little bit further I’ll finally figure out what lies just underneath the surface. That thing that Henley desperately tries to hide.

’m selfish, so I go against my better judgment, and I decide to push that much further. I wrap my hands around her wrists, and her whole body tightens further, her hands pulling in slight resistance. I turn my eyes toward her too green ones, and they are guarded, anxious.

I know, I know,” I say with a sigh. “They stay covered. I know I’m not allowed to see the area between your elbow and your hand. I don’t get it, but I know it.”

Her body slowly relaxes, and she lets me guide her hands toward the leather straps on the table. Her eyes follow the movements of my hands as I carefully, and snugly, strap her arms to the head of the table. She is flat on her stomach, and instead of looking at me as I pull away her eyes focus on the cabinet full of
‘toys’. Her breaths are coming in deep and even, almost like she is being very careful to hold on to that part of her control.

I slowly circle around to the cabinet, I reach up and grab the silk blindfold, and tie it over her eyes. She trembles under the touch, as I run my hand from the blindfold down her neck and slowly stroke her shoulder. When I pull my hand away, her body stills and it looks like she is trying hard to focus and figure out where I am by sound alone. I
’m careful to stay quiet as I walk over and pull a short crop out of the cabinet.

Walking back to the table, I slowly press the crop against her skin, moving it in small slow circles as I move to stand behind her. Her legs are draped off the edge of the table, and in that too small skirt with no panties her ass is beautifully exposed. I press it firmly against her ass before pulling it back, and it
’s there that I realize I can’t do this.

I can
’t strike her. Not even sexually. Don’t get me wrong… it’s not the striking that's bothering me. Its the fact that even the slightest misstep could drive her away. I could ruin any chance I have in this moment. All her panic while it doesn’t make sense to me, was still there. Even though she is putting on a brave face, I
the fear and hesitation. So with a sigh I drop the crop on the table, and run my hands through my hair.

Connor?” Her voice is shaky as her head turns slightly toward the sound of the dropped crop.

With a sigh I lean forward and press a kiss to one exposed ass cheek, then the other.
“I can’t do it lover. I know you wanted to try it rough, but I just… I can’t hurt you.”

Okay… it’s okay,” she lets out a soft and rickety sort of laugh, followed by a huge sigh. “Thank God, I thought you were really going to give it to me there. I think the roughest I ever want you to be is pulling my hair.”

I agree,” my hands rest on her hips, slowly rolling her over until she is on her back. I hook my hands behind her knees, and lift her legs until her feet are resting on the edge of the table.

Uh… Connor? I thought we just agreed that-”

Patience lover, there are other things that I need to look into,” I reply leaning my head between her thighs. She doesn’t make a move. With the blindfold on she can’t even tell where I am.

Like?” The nervous hesitation is apparent in her voice, but I am sure that this won’t drive her past that edge.

I’ve never wanted to do it you know,” I say softly. Her hips jump up off the table when I exhale directly on her slick wet pussy. “There was never a time I even considered it. Not until you.”

My strategically unshaven jaw rubs against her inner thigh and it practically makes her pant. I run my tongue from the bottom of her pussy straight to the top, letting her juices coat my tongue. The sound that comes out of her mouth is like something between a moan and whimper, as her hips writhe on the table. Slowly I savor the sweet taste of her on my tongue. I might have let out a moan of my own.

BOOK: Torn (The McKerricks Book 1)
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