Torn from You (42 page)

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Authors: Nashoda Rose

Tags: #na, #new adult, #dark contemporary

BOOK: Torn from You
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Georgie always became a little unsettled
when Deck went off on a job; I suspected it was because of what
happened to her brother, but it was more than that. I knew Georgie
really cared about Deck, maybe more than she’d ever admit. “Deck
likes you, Georgie.”

Georgie laughed—hard. So hard she smacked
her hand onto the kitchen counter and everyone paused to look at
her. She leaned in, hand on my shoulder. “I annoy the hell out of
him. Deck’s incapable of liking much except his way. And if you
don’t like his way, then he’ll shove it up your ass, down your
throat, and then make sure you learn to like it. I don’t like his

Georgie and I chatted a while then Logan
came over to join us, sliding his arm around my waist and kissing
the side of my neck. Crisis was his usual loud and obnoxious self
while Kite ended up chatting with Isabelle for a long while.

A car horn honked.

I slipped from Logan’s arms, and Georgie and
I went running out through the patio door and around to the
driveway where Matt and Kat were getting out of the car.

I reached Kat and threw my arms around her.
I was careful not to squeeze too tight, but it was hard not to.
“God, it’s good to have you home.”

Kat pulled back a bit, and despite her
smile, I saw the haunted look in her eyes. I’d seen it in the
hospital too, but she was so closed off, she wouldn’t talk about
anything. I knew the feeling firsthand so I kept quiet and didn’t
push her.

“Come here, lollipop. Give me a hug.”
Georgie hugged Kat, kissed her on both cheeks, and then looped her
arm around both of us and started walking back to the house.

Matt was getting the bags out of the trunk,
but I noticed that his eyes never left Kat. It would take him a
long time to get over this. I suspected longer than when their
parents died.

“Hey, be careful with her, Georgie,” Matt
shouted as Georgie started skipping and jarred us both.

Everyone cheered and gave Kat hugs and
kisses. Crisis passed her a beer and kept beside Kat as if he was
her private bulldog, although from what I didn’t know.

“You good, Emily?”

It was Deck. Logan had his arm around my
waist and his fingers were caressing my bare skin beneath my blouse
at my belly. I nodded. “Yeah, Deck. Glad to have Kat home.”

Deck glanced at Logan then back at me again.
“You need anything. Call. That goes for you both.”

“Yeah, need you to convince her to leave Kat
and Matt and come on tour with the band in a few months. Can you
help with that?”

Deck lowered his head as if to hide the
twitch at the corner of his mouth I caught a glance of. It was hot.
Deck was hot, and Georgie needed to wrap her head around the fact
that Deck didn’t watch over her because he had an obligation to her
brother; he did it because he cared, and Deck caring was huge. I
guaranteed he didn’t care easily.

Dinner was a barbecue on the patio, and it
was nice. Better than nice. Georgie’s mom and dad showed up. Her
dad was cool, but he didn’t take attitude from anyone, meaning he
was scary, and he was also hot.

“Ream, buddy!” Kite shouted. “Where the fuck
have you been, man?”

I glanced at Kite, then to where he was
looking at the patio door. Then I searched out Kat, who was looking
right at Ream. She paled. Turned white actually, and I think it had
to do with the girl holding onto Ream’s arm.

Logan’s hand reached under the table and
took mine and squeezed. He knew. He’d seen Kat’s reaction too.

Ream chin lifted. “This is Lana.” He didn’t
bother introducing her to any of us. Instead he leaned into her and
whispered something in her ear. The tall blonde giggled, gave him a
kiss, and then walked back into the house.

“Not smart, buddy,” Kite said then turned
away and started talking to Georgie’s mom.

Ream ignored the comment as he met Kat’s
eyes. “You feel okay?”

I was holding my breath. I knew Kat she
could fly off the handle pretty easily, and it was a real dick move
for Ream to bring some chick to Kat’s welcome home party. But she
did something I hadn’t expected—Kat nodded then looked away. She
looked defeated, and it broke my heart seeing her like that. Crisis
put his arm around the back of her chair, and his hand came on her
shoulder and stroked back and forth. He leaned in and whispered
something to her.

Lana came out seconds later with two beers,
passing one to Ream.

The tension finally faded as everyone
chatted and drank and ate a ton. It was Georgie getting drunk and
stumbling into the sliding glass doors after coming back from the
washroom that finally broke up the party.

“Well, shit.” She rubbed her head where
she’d hit the glass pane. “That thing is so clean I didn’t even see

“You didn’t see it because your vision is
blurred the fuck up,” Crisis yelled, laughing.

Georgie laughed then staggered out onto the
patio. I got up at the same time as Deck.

“Eme, let him deal,” Logan said and dragged
me back down, but this time he put me on his lap and wrapped his
arms around my waist.




“Emily,” Logan growled in my ear, and it did
two things—got me wet and made me concede.

Deck strode over to Georgie. She backed
away. He pursued, and his face looked pissed. I mean, I know I
wouldn’t have fucked around with that face, but Georgie was
Georgie, and she was drunk.

“You going to spank me again?”


Logan chuckled. And I saw Georgie’s mom and
dad weren’t moving to protect their daughter from Deck.

Deck did briefly look at Georgie’s dad
Frank, and I noticed him nod at Deck as if he was giving his okay.
To what?

“Deck.” Georgie smiled. “You going to take
me home again and put me in your bed naked?”

I bit my lip. Crisis out-and-out laughed,
and I saw Georgie’s mom smile.

“No,” Deck said. “Going to do something else

“Oh. Sounds delicious.”

“You’re not going to like it.”

Georgie frowned. “Think I’ll stay here

Deck wasn’t doing anymore talking as he
latched onto her hand. He nodded to Logan then dragged Georgie
inside. I could hear her squeal then shout, and finally, she was
screeching profanities.

A car door slammed and then another.

Soon Georgie and Deck were forgotten, and
the party broke up an hour later.

“Mouse.” Logan had dragged me upstairs the
second his mother and Georgie’s parents left. He locked the door
then pulled me hard up against him. “My mother loves you.”

I smiled. “She’s an incredible woman, Logan.
You’re lucky to have her.”

“Yeah. She’s yours now too.”

That made me feel warm inside, and I moved
into him further.

His hand curled around the nape of my neck.
“You’re touring with me.”

It wasn’t a question; it was a statement.

“I’m not asking anymore. This is big and I
want you with me.”

The band got asked to open for Damaged and
they’d be gone six months. “Don’t you think that’s kind of selfish?
I do have a business to—”

“No. I told you. We’ll try and work in you
doing clinics at the stops we make. We need time together,

“Logan.” He was right. We did. It was
Logan’s turn to live his dream. He’d given me mine now it was my
turn to be there for his.


He leaned in and kissed me, and I melted. I
mean it was an amazing kiss, one that took away any argument I had
left, and he damn well knew it. I’d tour with him. I wanted to see
him play in front of huge crowds; I wanted to hear him sing every
night. God, I just wanted to be with him.

He sank his hands into my hair. “You’re my

I stared up at him, my finger tracing across
his lips. He caught it between his teeth then drew it into his
mouth and sucked. My rabble of butterflies took flight in every
direction, and my stomach dipped. I smiled up at the man who had
been my knight in shining armor all along, I just hadn’t seen

Together we were able to repair.

I kissed him then nibbled at the lobe of his
ear as I whispered, “You fixed me.”





Where do I start? Everyone who helped with
“Torn from You”—a huge thank you. I know it’s never enough, but it
comes from a very special place in my heart.

Thanks to my editor Kristin Anders for
putting up with my gazillion emails and for bringing me back on
track when I was off-roading somewhere in the back forty with my
story. You kicked me in the butt (nicely) then told me what I
needed to hear and I was able to bring my vision back into

Robyn ... yes bestie, I’m talking about you.
I’m sorry I missed so many dinners and our riding time with the
horses. You understood and never gave me shit when you knew I had a
deadline. I’m following my dream and you are so supportive of that.
But we did manage two vacations and some great quotes.

Mom, ahh, I can’t believe you read this. Ha.
You’re my Isabelle. Thank you for taking the time to proofread
“Torn from You”. Those pesky little errors are like fleas ... hard
to find and eradicate, but you did it.

To Melissa, my beta reader, my proofer, my
emotional support ... ahhhh I’m so lucky to have met you online
through my rocky path to publishing. You’re always positive and
have great advice. I can’t wait until you publish your novel—it’s

To Kari, an amazing beta reader, fantastic
cover designer, and fellow animal lover. I’m so fortunate to have
found you. Our visions mesh perfectly!

Kat, yep stole your name for this one. Beta
reader with an attitude that sits me down and tells me straight up.
Love it :)

Stacey from Hayson Publishing, what I put
you through . . . ugh, damn those pesky fleas. But
you were patient and understanding and so helpful. And damn you did
a fantastic formatter job. Thank you!

Jonel, blogger extraordinaire who has
supported me from the beginning. Hope you like this one too. Love
chatting horses with you and one day we are so meeting at a horse

Debra from
You ROCK! When
things changed, you were understanding and patient. Without you I'd
still be lonely on FB. You spread the word and I've met amazing
people because of you. You’re the best tour host ever—thank

Michelle, Jessica, Sarah, my “TFY book club
Admins. I met you on this journey and am so thankful. You girls are
incrediable and know that I appreciate everything you’ve done for
me. Hugs and kisses.

Lovely Ladies and Naughty Books . . . I just
met you, but what a wonderful group of ladies. Can’t wait to spend
more time with all of you.

Bloggers, fellow readers, book lovers. Thank
you for your support and the fun chats, for telling your friends
and helping me bring "Torn from You" into the spotlight. I'm living
my dream because of you.


Song Choice:

Goodbye (feat Islove) Glenn Morrison


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