Torn (31 page)

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Authors: Eleanor Green

Tags: #romance, #beach, #hea, #love triangle, #new adult

BOOK: Torn
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Mmm hmm.” Aidan took a
sip of coffee. “He has a family, so I’ve been taking the majority
of patients.” He paused and focused on Katie’s lips as she blew the
steam from her cup. “Katie, I know things are moving really fast,
and as greedy as I am, I’ll only take as much as you’re ready to

Katie took a drink and looked out to
sea. She physically wanted him as badly as he wanted her, yet
something was holding her back. “So, what are the plans for

We can do whatever we
like. Brad and Sarah want to go jet skiing. We can join them, or we
can hang out on the beach, go horseback riding, fishing . . . you
name it.”

Horseback riding? On the
beach?” Katie’s face lit up.

Okay, that’s what we’ll
do.” Aidan took Katie’s empty cup and set it on the small table.
“Come, sit with me.”

Katie hesitated a moment,
convincing herself to move.
All right,
Katie, let go.
She took a seat on Aidan’s
lap, trying to let herself enjoy his embrace. It was uncomfortable
at first, trying to let go of the pain and push her memories back,
but the longer he held her, the easier it was. Maybe she was
stronger than she realized, and could get through all of the
turmoil without counseling as Gram had suggested. It was a lot for
one person—a broken heart, terrifying past, and pretending it
didn’t have a massive effect on her—but if she could live through
it, she could definitely heal from it . . . one day.

I’m going down for a
refill, want more?” Aidan asked, picking up her mug.

I’ll come with

Katie stepped into the kitchen as she
overheard Penny and Sarah talking.

Do you think she’s the
kind of girl that would share details?” Sarah asked.

No.” Katie said, rounding
the corner with a smirk for the two ladies sitting at the island on
barstools. She wasn’t sure what would be worse, telling them the
truth, or letting them believe she and Aidan were

Because I haven’t seen
Aidan smile like that in—” Sarah looked up as if she were counting.
“Actually, I’ve never seen him smile like that. I don’t know what
you’ve done, but that man is crazy about you.”

Her words washed over Katie, bringing
warmth with them that had Katie standing a little

Just be prepared,” Penny
said. “You’re going to piss off a lot of women.”

Katie feigned ignorance. She had seen the way the
woman looked at him when she showed up for lunch. “I guess
quite a
catch.” She glanced over at him while he talked to Brad and Ryan.
His khaki board shorts sat low on his hips and the soft cotton
T-shirt accentuated his slim waist and broad shoulders. She let her
mind linger on the words he spoke in Spanish the day before, and
how close she had come to giving him everything. Her competitive
streak began to tug, convincing her to play her hand carefully from
that point on.
Other women might be ogling
him, but I’ll make sure his eyes are focused on me.
Her mind traveled to the hot tub and how she
melted beneath his touch.

Yes, quite a catch
indeed.” Penny glanced in Aidan’s direction, and then back at
Katie. “How did you do it?”

Hmm?” Katie said,
distracted, as she sought refuge by searching the inside of the

What are you looking for
in there?” Sarah asked.

Oh, I—uh, I was looking
for creamer.” Katie stuttered. She preferred her coffee black, but
it was the first thing that came to mind.

It’s right here on the
table with the sugar.” Penny smirked. “You must not have slept much
last night.” She giggled.

Katie was sure her face revealed all
of her secrets, but before she could speak Penny saved her. “Katie,
you’re going jet skiing with us, right?”

If that’s what Aidan
wants to do.” Katie poured the dreadful creamer into her coffee and
swirled her spoon around, watching it transform her dark brew into
the color of caramel.

Aidan, we’re taking Katie
jet skiing with us. Are you boys up for the adventure, or would you
rather stay here and watch
Days of Our

Sarah was a smart-ass, and Katie
connected with her. She caught Aidan’s eye as he walked over,
wondering if he would speak up about the horseback riding. He
leaned in and whispered in her ear. “We’ve got all day tomorrow for
horseback riding, let’s go jet skiing.” Katie nodded her head and
smiled brightly.

Jet skiing was exhilarating for Katie.
She sped through the water, turning into the wave to get some air,
and squealing with delight each time. She watched while Aidan stood
up racing through the water, and without warning jerked the
steering wheel to the right, causing his jet ski to do a perfect

After a full day out on the water,
everyone agreed that a night out would be more enjoyable than
staying in. Katie showered, taking extra care to make sure her legs
were shaved smooth. She chose a pale blue halter dress that hugged
her curves just right, making her feel sexy. She was putting her
earrings in when she heard the soft knock.

Come in.”

You look beautiful,”
Aidan said, watching her. He kissed her on the cheek and waited for
her to finish getting ready.

Thank you. I’m almost
ready, just a little lip gloss.”

They dined at a local seafood
restaurant enjoying oysters, crab legs with drawn butter, and the
continuous flow of Chardonnay and conversation. Katie hoped she
would have a chance to spend more time with these people in the
future, they were all so much fun to be around and she felt at ease
in their presence. She watched each of them as they shared stories
and laughter, and eventually let her mind wander to a future with

After dinner everyone else retreated
to their rooms. “Let’s take a walk on the beach,” Aidan said,
taking Katie’s hand and leading her through the gate. Only a
crescent moon, along with the stars, lit the beach, making it
difficult to see the path in front of them.

It’s a beautiful night.”
Katie observed, trying to make small talk.

It is. Katie, what’s on
your mind?”

Nothing, why?”

Aidan stopped and turned her to face
him. “You’ve been distant tonight. What’s going on?”

Katie stopped, unsure how to respond.
Every word spoken to Aidan had to be planned. She couldn’t give too
much away. He knew she was still dealing with a broken heart, but
he didn’t know she was also trying to tackle feelings of shame and
unworthiness. The whole thing was a train wreck. She needed to keep
him at a distance to protect her heart, but at the same time his
desire for her made her feel wanted and accepted. She was
definitely attracted to his confidence, the way he took control of
every situation, rendering a feeling of security. In her vulnerable
state, she craved someone willing to lead and guide her.

He wasn’t shy about
expressing his hunger for her, but she constantly had to fight the
demons telling her she was only a body being used for sex. No
matter how many times she told herself she wasn’t that girl from
the past, she was a Yale graduate, her demons spoke louder.
She shook her
head, trying to push the condemning voice away. After a deep,
cleansing breath, she donned the protective mask, and answered.
“You know me, I was just taking it all in.”

Forgive me if I don’t
believe you. I think you’re still thinking about him.”

Katie’s heart tightened, as if someone
was physically squeezing it. She had thought about Branson, but he
wasn’t the strongest factor she’d been tormented with at dinner.
Admitting to thinking about Branson was much easier than telling
him the truth, so she titled her head to the side and shrugged.
“I’m sorry, Aidan. I’m trying. I really am.”

I’m not going to push you
into anything you’re not ready for, Katie. Just relax, and have a
good time.”

You’re a good man,
Aidan.” She sighed.

Someone’s gotta be the
good guy in your life, beautiful.” He winked.

Katie wanted to scream. Every time
they took one step forward, they took at least three back. It was
like a maddening game of Chutes and Ladders. Aidan was older and
wiser, but she was perfectly capable of taking control and changing
her situation. Stepping closer, she wrapped her arms around his
waist. “Kiss me.”

Aidan gazed at her for a long time,
trying to gauge her mood. She was as fickle as any girl he’d ever
encountered, but he didn’t want to miss an opportunity. They came
together like a compelling force, each taking as much as they could
get under the light of the full moon.

Aidan pulled away. “Come,” he said,
taking Katie’s hand and leading her toward the house.

When they arrived, everyone was in the
living room waiting for them. “There you are, we’ve been waiting.
Girls versus guys in a game of Catch Phrase!” Sarah held the game
in her hand and seemed eager to get started.

Katie excused herself to
the bathroom, certain her cheeks were flushed, revealing their
foiled plan to spend the night together.
It’s a sign,
she thought.



Promises of lunch and shopping with
Penny and Sarah filled Katie’s mind as they drove back to the Outer
Banks. Katie felt alive again and couldn’t quit smiling. Although,
she hated leaving the house on Cape Hatteras, she couldn’t wait to
see Gram and tell her all about the weekend.

Katie leaned against the front door as
Aidan kissed her goodbye. Each time she pulled away to leave, he
pulled her back in close.

I wish you would just
come home with me,” he exhaled.

You can’t have
you want,
mister.” Katie winked. She gave him one more kiss and slipped

Gram! Are you here?”
Katie called out.

Yes, dear. I’m in the

Katie sat for hours sipping tea and
telling Gram about the weekend. Her cheeks were sore from smiling
so much. “I guess I haven’t used these muscles in a while, they’re
actually aching.” Katie giggled.

I can’t tell you how
delighted I am to see you happy again. I was thinking about going
back to Maine to check on the house. I feel okay leaving you now.
Of course, you’re welcome to come back with me if you

No, I’d rather stay.”
Katie couldn’t bear being that close to Branson, or taking a chance
running into him.



A petite blonde with a heart-shaped
face looked up from the nurses’ station and greeted Katie with a
smile. “Can I help you?”

Hi, I’m Katie. I thought
I would surprise Dr. Romero with lunch.”

The lady raised one perfectly plucked
eyebrow. “And you’re Miss—?” she asked, elongating the word until
Katie filled in the blank.


You can wait in his
office. I’ll let him know you’re here.”

Katie waited, feeling foolish for
coming to the hospital without running it by Aidan first. He
mentioned having a light day, so she thought he might like a
surprise luncheon, but now she stood in his office, second-guessing

Aidan’s office was organized. She
chuckled when she saw that his bookshelf was alphabetized. She ran
her fingers along the book edges and pulled one out, flipping
through the pages illustrating uncommon breaks and how to treat
them. She swung around when she heard the door open behind her.
Aidan looked more like a doctor in his lab coat, taming the rebel
look he usually presented. “Hi!” Katie smiled. “I brought

You should’ve called
first. I don’t have time today.” Aidan took the book from Katie’s
hand and replaced it on the shelf.

Katie felt the air being sucked out of
her lungs and she needed to get out of there. Leaving the lunch on
his desk, she breezed past him and got on the elevator. Aidan was
on her heels and slipped in before the doors closed.

You’re angry?”

It won’t happen again.”
Katie affirmed, trying to hide the embarrassment.

I’ll walk you to your

No, I’m perfectly capable
on my own.” The statement held more than one meaning, and she hoped
he had understood.

Katie, let me explain,”
Aidan began. “It’s been a—”.

Please, Aidan, can we
talk about this later? I-I, just, later . . . please.”

Without looking back,
Katie hurried to her car and drove away. She didn’t let the tears
flow until she was out of the parking lot and away from prying
What am I doing? I have no business
playing this role.




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