Torn (11 page)

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Authors: Eleanor Green

Tags: #romance, #beach, #hea, #love triangle, #new adult

BOOK: Torn
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Go ahead and grab a
bottle of sherry for me, would you, dear? I need it for a

Katie exhaled the breath she had been
holding. “Yes, ma’am.” Leaning against the wall, she took a few
deep breaths in and out, trying to rid the mounting frustration.
She glanced at Branson, who seemed to be coming out of a state of
panic. “Sorry.”

If you see my heart
anywhere, let me know. I believe it jumped out of my chest.” He
laughed uncomfortably.

Ugh.” She pecked him on
the cheek. “To be continued.”



Three magical days quickly
passed with the two people Katie loved most. Gram went out of her
way to make Branson feel welcome. They trimmed the tree, filled
their bellies with seasonal treats, sipped wassail by the fire, and
watched the traditional classics
Charlie Brown Christmas.
Katie felt
perfectly content thinking about the past week. She was at the peak
of happiness and couldn’t imagine there was room in her heart for
any more joy—she was filled to the top.



Gram, Katie, and Branson were in the
dining room, sipping the last of their wine as they talked. Branson
was telling of his childhood in Texas and how his plans to attend
the University of Texas to pursue an architecture degree had
changed when they moved to New Hampshire. “My father’s idea was a
hit and he accepted a job with SLS, now PCS.”

What does PCS stand for?”
Gram asked.

It actually stands for
Personal Computer Storage, but my father calls it Phillip and Celia
Stone. Celia is my mother’s name.”

So you wanted to be an
architect—what changed your mind?”

I went to work for my dad
that summer and loved it. I was hired for the packaging
, but it wasn’t long before they
I was good at math, and I was
promoted to the business side of the company. My love for business
outweighed my fantasy of becoming a famous architect, which most
likely wouldn’t have worked out well for me.” Branson laughed. “I
love art and studying structures, but I wasn’t gifted with an
artistic hand.”

Katie stifled the naughty response
that played at her tongue and asked Gram about their time in Texas.
“When were we in Texas last, Gram? I have vague memories of
watching UT football games. I remember seeing orange uniforms, and
those ridiculous Longhorn hats. Did we go to a game? I thought you
hated football?”

Gram managed a smile as
she shifted in her seat.
Damn! He had to
be from Texas. How could she have memories of a UT football game? I
remember it was Daniel’s favorite team, but he surely didn’t take
her to a game. Maybe she remembers him watching them play on
television? What if Branson jogs more of her memories? I can’t let
that happen. I’ll have to think of something. I really liked him
for her, too. Oh, Katie, I’m sorry, my angel, but I’ve worked too
hard to protect you from your past. I can’t let some boy come in
and ruin everything. You’ll get over him, and find someone else to
love. You’re stronger than you think. I am so very sorry.
“Oh dear, I forgot to turn off the oven. Please,
excuse me.”

Katie cleared the dishes from the
table and found Gram in the kitchen in a daze. She had a melancholy
expression on her face. “Are you all right, Gram?”

Yes. I was just—it’s
nothing dear.”

I know you too well,
there’s something wrong. Please, tell me what it is. There have
never been secrets between us.”

I don’t want to spoil
your last day here. Can’t we just talk about it by phone next

No, tell me what’s going
on. Are you ill?”

I’m just fine, but I’m
not so sure about Branson.”

Katie cocked her head to the side
curiously. “He seems fine to me.”

Listening to him talk
about Texas and his dream to be an architect, his true personality
shone through, and I saw something that I can’t quite put a finger

What do you

Well, love, I’m not
positive . . . but he seems ill-contented. I’ve been around a long
time and I’ve seen that look before. He’s going through the motions
for his father’s sake, but his passion is in architecture. I have
no doubt that he loves you . . . as much as he is capable of loving

What on earth is
supposed to mean?”
Katie hadn’t remembered ever getting angry with Gram, but a storm
was brewing inside of her, listening to her imply that Branson
didn’t love her.

Tell me, have the two of
you been intimate?”

!” Katie was astonished that she would ask her such a

I didn’t think so. It
usually changes the way a man looks at a woman, and I don’t see him
looking at you in that way. Thank goodness you haven’t slept with
him—if you had I’d be certain in my assessment of his lack of
feelings for you. But now that you’ve assured me it hasn’t
happened, I’m sure I was wrong. He’ll look at you differently once
you’ve consummated the relationship—which will be after your
married, young lady,” she said in a firm voice, and then
Oh God, that was the hardest thing
I’ve ever had to do. This is the second time I’ve lied to and
manipulated my sweet Katie. She’ll be broken-hearted, but it’s for
her best interest.

Katie’s shoulders slumped
slightly as she walked out of the room.
How could Gram possibly know so much? Maybe she’s wrong about
the way he looks at me?
She rubbed her
hands up and down, trying to relieve the shiver that ran through
her body, leaving a trail of goose bumps. Her mind traveled to
their silent two hour drive and wondered if, instead of being
stressed over the weather and traffic, he really had been
rethinking things. She’d heard Gram tell her during some of their
conversations about boys,
“Why buy the
milk if you can get it for free? Never give yourself away, Katie,
dear.” How could I have let myself fall so hard for someone who
doesn’t feel the same about me? He took me home to meet his
family—was it all a set up just to get me in bed?
Between the effects of the wine and the impending
doom that threatened her core, she couldn’t think straight. She
wrapped her arms around herself, holding tightly, so the imminent
sobs wouldn’t escape in front of Branson. She wouldn’t give him the
satisfaction of seeing her cry over him.

I’m going to bed,” she
informed the air as she slipped down the hallway toward her room.
Once her head was safely buried into her pillow, she cried herself
to sleep.







Branson sat alone at the dining room
table waiting for Katie to return. He grew fidgety and traced the
fleur-de-lis pattern on the tablecloth with his finger.

Gram returned without Katie and busied
herself wiping down the table. “Where’s Katie?”

I don’t know, she was
with you, wasn’t she?”

She was. She must’ve gone
on to bed. She did mention having a headache.” Another lie in the
books. She justified it by telling herself it was for Katie’s best
interest. “I’m glad to have a moment alone with you, Branson. We
should talk about you and Katie.” Branson immediately knew this
wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation by the way Gram was
looking at him.

I had no idea she was
feeling bad. I should see if I can get her anything.”

Just let her rest. I want
to talk to you about something serious.”

Okay,” he said
cautiously. He hadn’t seen this side of Gram, and wondered if she
had known he snuck into Katie’s room each night.
Too bad, we’re twenty-two years old—grownups—and
very much in love. I have every intention of marrying Katie and
spending the rest of my life with her.

Branson braced himself for the
conversation. He knew he loved Katie, but had never actually
entertained the idea of marriage. However, thinking about it now,
he was sure he wanted to spend his life with her. He wanted to be
the one to warm her shivering body when she was cold, make love to
her each night, watch the sun rise with a cup of coffee every
morning, and—yes, he wanted her to be the mother of his

Branson, you’re a sweet
young man. It hurts me to break your heart like this.” Gram folded
her hands in front of her and rested them on the table. “Katie is a
naïve girl who has always been in love with love. I have no doubt
that she loves you as much as she is capable of, but—”

Branson slammed his fist on the table,
interrupting her speech. “You’re good, but I can see right through
your scheme. I know for a fact that Katie loves me completely and
perfectly, the same as I love her. I don’t understand why you’d
want to break us apart.”

Okay,” she said slowly,
re-thinking her game plan. “Let me just shoot straight with you
then. You’re no good for my granddaughter. If you love her as much
as you claim, you’ll leave here before she awakes and never cross
her path again.”

Who are you to tell me
I’m no good for her? You’ve known me three days. You cannot, and
will not, separate me from her.” Branson could feel the heat in his
cheeks and neck from the rising anger.

How much will it take?
Name your price.” Gram pulled out her checkbook and readied her
pen. “Surely you could use a new car or a sporty new motorcycle—a
red Ducati maybe?”

Branson slowly rose from his seat, not
taking his eyes off Gram. He spoke slowly and deliberately. “I
won’t let you do this. I love Katie more than I have ever loved
anything, or anyone, in my life. She will be my wife, lover, best
friend, and mother of our children—and there’s not a damn thing you
can do about it.” He turned to leave the room.

Wait! Please.” Gram was
uncertain of her next move. She had tried everything in her power
to break their bond for Katie’s own good, but to no avail. The only
option left was to leave the situation to chance, hoping no more
memories would surface. “You’ve convinced me that you
love her. I didn’t
see it at first, but now I do.” She lowered her head, unable to
look him in the eyes. “I only want the best for my granddaughter,
you can’t blame me for that. Please, forgive me.”

Branson wasn’t even close to coming
down from the rage that had built inside of him. He couldn’t calm
down enough to speak, so he nodded his head, smiled weakly, and
left the dining room.

Without knocking, he
quietly opened Katie’s door and shut it behind him. He slipped into
bed beside her, fully dressed, and guided her head on his
She can stick her stupid

Katie stirred and sat up. “What are
you doing?”

I have no idea what Gram
told you, but she just did a number on me, trying to convince me
you didn’t love me. She even tried to pay me to leave

Branson, get out.” Katie
instinctively held her stomach to keep the stream of sobs from
erupting again.

No.” He pulled the small
gold chain on the bedside lamp, filling the room with a soft glow.
“Look at me, Katie.” Branson gently took her chin in his hand,
turning her to face him. “I love you with every fiber of my being.
Do you feel the same about me, or not?”

As hard as she pressed her arm into
her stomach, it wasn’t enough to keep a sob from escaping. She
couldn’t find her voice to answer him, so she nodded her head.
Branson pulled her tightly to his chest and stroked her hair. “I’ll
never understand your relationship with her, but I do know she
loves you enough to do anything in her power to protect you. One
day, you’ll believe the same of me.” He kissed the top of her head
and eased his head down onto the pillow. “I’m staying here tonight.
Goodnight, my love.”

Katie popped her head up. “All night?
You can’t.”

Watch me.”

Katie lay there worrying
what Gram would say or do, then she recalled their conversation in
the kitchen earlier and thought,
already knew we were intimate, she played me. Why on earth . . . ?
Well, I’ll just have to think about that later. Right now, I just
want to concentrate on the man I love. The only one brave enough to
stand up to Elizabeth Harrington.

Katie slid out of bed and locked the
door. She walked over to the side of the bed where Branson was
laying. “Get up.”

I’m staying.”

I know. Get

He did as she commanded and was
rewarded with a passionate kiss conveying the depth of her need for
him. Branson’s body immediately stirred in response to her hands
moving over his chest and arms, lingering over every muscle as if
she was savoring him. His hands intuitively moved across her lower
back, up to her shoulders and arms, feeling goose bumps rise. “Are
you cold?”

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