Torn (6 page)

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Authors: Michelle Escamilla

BOOK: Torn
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“Oh yeah, I am perfect. I just took a personal day. I decided that Ava and I worked really hard on this last
project that we need to take a day off. I hear another company is scoping us out, their current
accounting firm is charging them too much and they got audited twice in the last 2 years. They heard
about us and since the board was pleased with my last project, I am getting this one!” I was so excited I
could hear the squeal in my voice.

“You know you are going to be running that company in the next couple of years. So, if you have the day
off what are you doing? Want to meet up? I have today off too!”


“You have every day off!”


“That’s the benefit of owning your own business, I told you that you should look into it, maybe get to
poppin’ out those little ones too!”


“You and Liam! Both of you are baby obsessed today! I would love to meet up, but right now I have
plans with Ava; we are meeting for lunch.”


“Oh, I see how it is.” She said being a total smartass.


“I still love you! Besides we are going to be spending hours together tomorrow. Oh, did you order food
for tomorrow?”


“You are asking a pregnant lady if she remembered to order the food?” She asked surprised.


“Alright, Alright. I will never make that mistake ever again! Court.” I paused.
“You okay, Ry?” She sounded already like a mom! That concerned tone in her voice.

“Yeah, I am fine, just tired. I love ya! I will text you later; maybe we can do some retail therapy later
today. Sound good?” I chuckled; I needed some sort of therapy to get me through everything that was
going on.

“Sounds great!” She said excitedly.
With that we said our goodbyes and I headed towards the shower to start getting ready.
Chapter Six

After doing my daily primping, I tried daytime television on for size. I realized I would never survive as a
stay at home wife/mother. I was bored after flipping through each channel about a dozen times. One
o’clock could not come fast enough.

I ran upstairs to grab my cell phone. After checking it about a thousand times between hanging up with
Courtney and doing my hair and make-up, I decided to put it on the charger and go downstairs. I didn’t
have one text, one call, not even a phone update. Iwas not used to all the quiet, especially with work;
email after email.

It was only 11:30 and I still had an hour until I could leave. What was there to do? I was supposed to be
relaxing, enjoying the day off and I seemed to be driving myself crazy. I called Liam, to see how his day
was going.

“Hey babe.” He whispered. I could hear a bunch of guys talking in the background although I couldn’t
make out what they were talking about.


“Hey, did I catch you at a bad time? I just wanted to say ‘hi’ and see how your morning was going.”

“Yeah, but I am glad that you called. Made my morning a bit better hearing your sexy voice…” he was
interrupted by a guy in the background to get off the phone and they began asking if it was Amber from
last night.

“What? Who is Amber?” I could tell my pulse pick up and the jealously card was definitely pulled out.

“Oh, she was our waitress from last night. The guys thought that she was hitting on me. She really
wasn’t but because they were drinking an absurd amount, I am sure they thought the door on the way
out was trying to get my number.” I could then hear laughing in the background.

“That is funny!” I still could feel a little jealousy pulse through my veins. “Well, get back to work. I hope
you have a great day! I love you lots.”


“I love you too, babe. I will text you later tonight.”

I hung my phone up and wondered why I had gotten so jealous. He makes it known to everyone that he
is married, were they just giving him shit or was he really flirting? I needed to get out of my own head. I
grabbed my phone, purse and keys and headed out. I had about an hour to kill; I would just take a drive
around, get some fresh air.

I didn’t know where I was going to go, but I found myself driving in the direction of downtown. After I
realized the direction I was heading, I thought I should turn around. I haven’t even spoken to him today;
do I just really show up there? Unannounced?
I pulled up to the valet; thankfully I had a few bucks on me. I decided to use the lobby phone to call up
to his room. It rang and rang. I was just about to hang up after the third ring and he answered.

“Hello?” He sounded like he had run across the room.


“Caleb…it’s…Ryleigh.” I don’t know why all the sudden I felt shy.


“Hey! Sorry, I was just getting out of the shower. What’s up?”


“Um…well…I’m kinda downstairs…” I began before he interrupted me.


“Come on up! You don’t have to call. Ever.” He sounded so firm, it was very sexy.


“Oh, okay, well I will be up in a minute.” I hung the phone up and headed towards the elevators. I
looked down at my watch. I had just a little over an hour until I had to meet Ava.

The elevator yesterday seemed to move at the pace of sloth, but today it seemed to move at light
speed, I got up there in no time. I fidgeted down the hallway to his door; I got ready to knock when he
opened the door.

He had yet to put any clothes on. I think my jaw hit the floor! He was wearing a longer cotton towel, but
from the way I was looking at him, it was as if he was wearing nothing at all!


“So all I have to do is wear a towel around you for you to stare at me that way?” He laughed.


Man, I felt silly for staring like a damn idiot.


“Oh! Sorry. I’m not used to be greeted at the door by a buff guy wearing nothing but a towel!” I could
have been drooling and wouldn’t have noticed.


“I am pretty buff, huh?” He joked and grabbed my arm and yanked me into the room.


“Smart ass.” I said smacking his chest.


He pulled my arm into the room and I quickly averted my eyes to the other parts of the room.


“Let me just grab some clothes. Make yourself at home. What are you doing down this way?” He asked
as he shut the bathroom door.

“I was out bumming around, just taking a drive and thought I would come down and say hi. I took today
off of work and am finding I’m actually bored out of my mind!” I leaned back on to the bed, but quickly
sat back up when he came out of the bathroom. He was wearing some faded jeans that just sat so right
on him and still had yet to put on a shirt. I felt a little nervous around him.

“Can I get you anything?” He asked running his fingers through his spikey hair. “So what are you doing
today? He asked as he came and plopped down on thebed next to me.
“No. I am good. I am supposed to meet a friend of mine for lunch, which…Shit, what time is it?” I leaned
up on my elbow to check the clock on the nightstand. “Okay, I have like 20 minutes until I have to meet
Ava for lunch, so I should probably go.”

“You just got here!” He said shocked.


“I know, I’m sorry. I was just out driving around and I thought that I would come by and say hi since I
was in the neighborhood.”


“You just wanted to see me in my towel, huh?” He playfully asked.


“You are such an ass!” I went to hit and he leaned in for a kiss to my cheek.


“So, tomorrow. What time?” He asked as he grabbed a t-shirt from the drawer.


“What?” I asked confused.


“You said in your text, you were going to the spa and then after we could meet up for a late lunch,


“Oh, right, well our appointment is at 10:30 and we are going to eat a brunch there, but I could meet
you at 2? Maybe for a beer?”


“You had me at beer.” He chuckled. “Do you want me to pick you up from somewhere or meet you?”


“Let’s meet. I will be down this way, so we can just meet at a local bar. I will give you a call you when I
am leaving there?” I started heading towards the door when he grabbed my arm.


“Sounds great. I can’t wait to see you again. I wish you didn’t have to leave so fast, I really do miss
hanging out.” He said sorrowfully.


“I am really sorry…” I tried.


“Don’t apologize. You already had plans.” He winked at me. We both started for the door.


“I should go bum around for a while. I will walk you down to your car, where did you park?” He opened
the door for me and followed me out.


“I used valet. I had no idea where to park besides at my work, but since I took the day off; I probably
shouldn’t use the parking lot and them see me.”


“Yeah, if you are playing hooky, not a good idea to park at work. I will put the valet charge on my room.”

“Oh no, I already paid. I am sure that you have enough charges from me, like dinner, on your room tab
already. Why are you staying in a hotel, anyway? Your parents don’t have an extra room for you to crash

“Well, as much as I would LOVE to spend the time with my parents...” He laughed.
I laughed back with him. I always remember his parents being really lenient with him, but always wanted
to know everything he was going to do.

“Besides, my job is actually putting me up here because I haven’t found a place yet. I transferred up here
and so work said they would cover my moving costs and hotel costs. I should probably find some place
before they think I am taking advantage of them, huh?”

“Wow! I kinda feel stupid asking this now, but what are you doing?” I actually did feel my cheeks blush a
little after asking.

“Well, I got into computers and technology when I was in the military. They offered me a job with the
government right after I got out. I should’ve taken it, but I went with this civilian company. They have
amazing benefits and the owner is a good buddy of mine, who that I met over in the U.K. He heard I was
getting out and he said that he a job for me, he is a good guy and so I couldn’t say no.”

We hit the lobby and walked over to the valet stand and I dug my ticket out of my purse. While we
waited, I could tell Caleb was leaning in and taking small whiffs of my hair. It made me chuckle inside.


“So you really got a great job, then! That’s awesome. Where are you looking for houses?”


“I was thinking out towards the old neighborhood. I’ve seen a couple of homes out that way and I will be
close to mom and dad too, so it will be nice.”


Just then my car rolled up to the curb. I never wanted valet to be so slow in my entire life.


“Well, this is me. So I guess I will just talk to you later?” I felt bad that I had to leave so soon.


“Yes, I will text you later. We will also see each other tomorrow afternoon, beers remember.” He
grabbed my hand and led me to my car and opened my door.


“Alright. Bye.” With that I got in my car and shut the door. I started to drive to meet Ava. I quickly
grabbed my phone out of my purse to give her a quick call to let her know I was on my way.


I realized I had a missed call from Liam! He didn’t leave a voicemail, so I quickly returned his call.


“Hey, where are ya?” He asked annoyed.

“Oh I’m out, bummin’ around, I’m meeting Ava for lunch now. Daytime television and I didn’t seem to
agree so I had to get out of the house for a bit. I guess I just didn’t hear my phone, I’m sorry. How’s your

“Well it was going good until I was told I might have to fly out to New York next week to meet some of
their team members.” He didn’t sound very happy at all with this; I mean understandably he was not the
one that enjoyed traveling for work.

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry. How long do you have to gofor?” I tried to ask sweetly.
“Just a couple of days. I haven’t been home much lately and I didn’t want to have to leave you anymore
than I already have.”

“We’ll have to just make up for it when you get home then, won’t we?” I said flirtatiously. I could tell
that brought a smile to his face.

“That’s what I love about you! You can make a horrible situation turned into the best ever. I’m still going
to work all night, I should be home mid-morning tomorrow and then we’ll do dinner, just you and me.
We’re still on for that? You aren’t going to leave me for working so much?” He joked.

“Of course not! And dinner just you and me is going to be great! Should I make any reservations at any
place particular?”


“You pick. I’ve gotta run, but I will try and call you around dinner time. I love you!” He didn’t even wait
for me to respond. Not really like him, but obviously we took up some work time.


I put my cell in the cup holder and flew down the highway so I could meet Ava on time.
Chapter Seven

I pulled into the parking lot at 12:57
;I thought that my timing was perfect. I quickly grabbed my stuff
and saw Ava waiting by the entrance. She always seemed to be so happy, she was a great person to
have around to brighten the mood.

“Hey Ava!” I met her at the door, she was so cute. She was just this petite brunette that could just light
up the room with her big smile and her big doe eyes.

“Hi Ryleigh! I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed this day off! Thanks again. Let’s eat I am
STARVING!” At first look, you would think that the poor girl hasn’t eaten in months. She and I got along
the best over eating; we could out eat half the guys in the office, which I always thought we should put
some money on the line for it. I laughed to myself.

“Yes! I’m starving too!” I followed her inside. The Tavern was always a nice place to listen to great music
and get some delicious food. The night life was pretty fun too; Liam and I had been down here a couple
of times. Dancing and drinks without having to go downtown.

We sat down and quickly browsed the menu; I could eat everything on the menu, but decided to get a
burger and fries. Ava decided that sounded just asgood.

“So, Ryleigh, how are things? We don’t really get to gossip as much anymore during the day, so I’ve
gotta get caught up. How is that handsome husband?” Ava asked anxiously awaiting some sort of
intriguing news.

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