Tormented (23 page)

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Authors: Jani Kay,Lauren McKellar

BOOK: Tormented
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“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Step down, Summers. It’s an order.”

“I don’t take orders from you or anyone else any longer. I quit my fucking job today. I’m tired of being used by cowards like you.” The deep sense of satisfaction that surged through me confirmed that I’d made the right decision to quit.

“I don’t really care what you do with your fucked up life, but if you didn’t notice, there was a wedding taking place. How dare you burst in here, threaten us and cause havoc?” Parker went red in the face as he spat the words at me. Yet I didn’t miss the edge of fear in his voice.

The fool was baiting me. As much as adrenaline was pumping through my veins, I stayed in control. Years of training were paying off. I sneered at him, putting an end to his false bravado.

“Not in this lifetime. I have evidence of how your
came to the island. I know about all your dirty secrets. Every single one of them. You better start praying, Senator, and hope your god is listening.”

Chapter 41 — Eva


arrison stood in the doorway, and for a few seconds, while he probably assumed nobody saw him, his mask slipped just long enough for me to see the weary expression on his face. My heart squeezed for the man who had orchestrated my rescue. I owed him big time. From what Ryder had told me, he’d put everything on the line to find me.

But still, I needed more from him. I never wanted the sense of abandonment that left a bitter taste in my mouth again; it would always haunt me.

When Ryder told me he was going to arrange a room for me to change in before we flew home, anxiety at being left by myself even for a short space of time took over, and my palms went clammy and my throat tight as I watched him walk off. I’d sunk deeper into the luxurious chair, small and alone.

Swiping a hand over his face, he composed himself and met my gaze. Even from the distance I could see the fire in his eyes as he took long strides toward me. He looked so damn good; his skin was slightly sunburned, and he had a shorter than usual haircut that somehow made him look younger.

God, I miss him.

The familiar frown was still in place though. He wouldn’t be Harrison without it.

“Eva, ba—” He hesitated for a few seconds. “Are you okay?”

Raking his gaze over my body and back to my eyes, he drank in every detail of my appearance, including the frothy dress, yet he didn’t touch me.

I burned to launch myself into his arms, to feel his hard body against mine, his kisses raining down on me. Instead, I nodded, not tearing my eyes off him.

“Yeah. I’m alive, right?”

A lopsided smile graced his face, softening it the tiniest fraction. “You are, and I’m glad.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, my voice breaking and croaky with emotion. How does one thank the man who saved your life with mere words?

“It’s my job to save people. You owe me nothing.” His tone was brusque, the half-smile gone.



“Right. Justice, huh?”


“So you would have done it regardless of who the victim was?”

“Um . . . yeah, I would.”

Oh, the brutal honesty.

You’re a damn fool, Eva. Nothing has changed.

“Okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me.”

A puzzled look crossed his face. “What do you mean?”

“Oh, just that I’m very lucky you take your job so seriously,” I said on a shaky breath, casting my eyes down so he couldn’t see the hurt in them.

My head jerked up when Savage barged through the doors seconds later while talking on his phone. His voice carried over the large silent space to where Harrison and I were.

“We’ve packed the media reporters back home. They don’t have any footage of today’s events. Not even from before we arrived.”

Thank God. I could kiss Lucas Savage. As soon as I was able, I was burning the fucking dress and hopefully every painful memory with it.

As soon as he saw me, Savage shoved his phone into his pocket and grabbed both my upper arms, pulling me roughly to him. He hugged me as if we were long-lost family.

“Thank fuck we made it in time. Lover boy would have killed himself if we didn’t.”

Harrison groaned. “Shut the fuck up, man.”

“What the hell is wrong with you? Why are the two of you even standing here just looking at one another? I thought you’d be making up for lost time.”

“Savage,” Harrison snarled, “don’t make me hurt you.”

The man pulled away from me, his eyes wide as his gaze flicked from my face to that of his partner.

“You haven’t told her.”

“Told me what?” My heartrate picked up and beat wildly in my throat.

Savage glared at Harrison. “Tell her, or I will. I’m sick of your shit. You’re like a fucking lovesick puppy but you won’t admit it. After everything we’ve been through, it’s time you grow some balls and tell Eva that you’re madly in love with her.”

Gasping, I covered my mouth to hide my shock. Savage was direct, but I’d never heard him speak to his partner like that before.

“I was getting to that part. Now you’ve fucking ruined it.” The deep frown between Harrison’s brows was back.

Add Ryder to the mix as he returned to the area, the three men glaring at one another, and I couldn’t help wondering how they’d managed to pull this off without killing one another.

Ryder cleared his throat. “I have a room for you. The staff said they’d get fresh clothes to you. Apparently the girl Sofia will help them get the right size and bring it to you.” He shrugged. “How I’m not sure, because she doesn’t speak.”

“Sofia . . . I nearly forgot about her. She’s the only reason I didn’t go completely crazy today. She helped me; even though she’s deaf and dumb we still managed to communicate.”

“Go rest in your room while we clear up this mess. I’m eager to get back to Jade, so as soon as it’s all done I’d like us to leave. It’s a pretty long flight back home again.”

I loved how Jade was always in Ryder’s mind and how he always put her first. I’d ever be that lucky.

“Thanks, Ryder,” I said as he handed me a white plastic key card inside the resort’s folder with the number 201 written on it. A shiver ran up my spine—I couldn’t bear to go back to the room where Nolan had held me captive.

Ryder took hold of my elbow as I lifted my dress off the floor. I couldn’t wait to get out of the white monstrosity. “I’ll walk you—”

“No. Please, let me,” Harrison cut in. “Eva and I have a few things to talk about.” He swallowed hard and continued in a low voice as his gaze held mine. “If that’s okay with you?”

“Yeah,” I said, not breaking eye contact.

Harrison held out his arm and I hooked into it, loving the closeness and warmth radiating from his body. He closed a hand over mine and stroked my skin with his thumb. Bolts of electricity coursed through my body, bringing awareness of how alive I felt when he touched me to every nerve ending.

“It’s about time,” Savage muttered.

Ryder looked at his watch. He was becoming impatient and restless. “I’ll fetch you when we are ready to leave.”

Savage nodded. “The plane will be ready soon. We’re loading up our captives and refueling. You have no more than an hour.”

Holding on to Harrison as we left, the heat of two sets of eyes burned into my back. Clearly both men had their reservations about whether Harrison and I would ever get this thing between us to work. I couldn’t blame them.

Chapter 42 — Harrison

ess than an hour didn’t leave me much time with Eva, so I had to make every minute count. We walked slowly so that she wouldn’t trip over the dress, and because I could feel her trembling slightly. It was one hell of an ordeal she’d been through, and I was actually amazed at how well she was holding up.

Although Eva had an inner strength that I admired and loved, she also had a vulnerable side that came to the surface every now and then. Like now. She kept her chin up and her eyes focused in front of her, pretending this was the most normal thing in the world.

I smiled. She was as nervous as I was. The one thing that gave her state of mind away was her shallow breathing.

Stopping in front of room 201, I swiped the card quickly and pushed the door open. I let her into the room that most likely had sweeping views over the ocean during daylight, but all that was visible now through the floor-to-ceiling windows were flickering lights in the distance of ships out at sea.

At least I wouldn’t have to compete with stunning ocean views for her attention when I finally plucked up the courage to bare my soul to her. Maybe she’d kick my ass to the curb, but I had to give it a shot.

She stood in the middle of the room, looking a little lost about what to do.

“Want me to help you out of that dress?” I kept the lascivious tone out of my voice, even though I wanted to rip the fucking dress off her with my bare teeth.

She hesitated for a moment before she nodded. “Yeah, I can’t tell you how badly I want to get out of this thing. But let me find a robe first.”

A robe?
Fuck. I wanted to feast my eyes on her body.

She opened the closet and found a white cotton robe and slippers, which she held up to me with a shy smile.

I’d missed the fuck out of her and now she wanted to hide from me. Damn.

“Turn around,” I instructed.

She turned her back to me and I started unbuttoning ridiculously small pearl buttons. Fuck. Were these meant to torture a groom? I could see no other reason for a whole row of them. In fact, I was certain they weren’t meant for large fingers like mine at all.

“Fuck this,” I said, as I grabbed hold of each side of the back of her dress and ripped it open. The familiar sound of buttons scattering on the hardwood floor made my lips twitch.

“Hmmm, I see you haven’t lost your button-popping talents,” she said dryly as she held the front of the dress against her breasts.

“I don’t have the patience—”

“Turn around,” she said sweetly, her back still to me.


“So it’s going to be like this, is it?” I grouched. Didn’t she understand how much I wanted her? To see her. Hold her.

Turning, I stood with a wide stance, my arms crossed and my eyes closed. I remembered every nuance of her beautiful body, so I simply conjured the image of her stepping out of the dress up in my mind, smiling as I heard the rustle of fabric and her mutter a curse word.

“You can turn around now.”

I opened my eyes, hungry to devour her with my gaze. Turning quickly, I sucked in a breath, mesmerized by her sheer beauty. The lacy trim of the cotton robe ended mid-thigh showing off her perfect legs, making her even more alluring than if she were standing there naked.

She’d wrapped the thin white cotton around her body and tied it at her waist, but her breasts pushed against the transparent fabric and the tight pink buds of her nipples were completely visible to my hungry eyes. I watched in awe as she pulled the flowers from her hair and tossed them on the bed, allowing her locks to drop down around her shoulders. She ruffled her fingers through the long chocolate strands to loosen the braiding.

“Ah, that feels so much better,” she said. Did she know what she was doing to not only my heart but also to my dick? I groaned as I took a step closer, ready to devour her, but she quickly stopped me by raising a hand and pushing against my chest.

“You wanted to talk.”

Yes. No.
. My cock wanted inside her so badly I was unable to form a coherent sentence.

“Can’t we talk after I fuck you?”

She cast her eyes down and bit into her lip while a rosy glow spread over her skin.

“No.” She raised her head and met my gaze. Unwavering, she said, “No fucking. Only talking.”

“You’re killing me here, baby. I’d be so much better at talking after I’d tasted your pussy and unloaded inside you.”

“God, Harrison, you’re incurable.”

“Can I help that you make my brain go to mush and my cock hard for you? You’re so fucking sexy, baby.” I wasn’t going to pretend otherwise.

She pushed her index finger against my chest. Her eyes were blazing. “Don’t you dare patronize me.”

“What the hell do you mean?” I let out a weary sigh. This wasn’t going my way.

Her voice had an edge of anger to it. “You disappear and don’t answer my calls. Then you think all you need to do is talk dirty to me and I’ll come crawling back to you. Not going to happen.
what I mean.”

I grabbed her wrist. “Just so we are clear, I only say what I mean. It’s how you make me feel and since you want to
, I’m sharing that with you. It comes from a place of honesty. I’m not trying to demean you or belittle our connection or what we had.”

“Well then it shouldn’t be that hard to explain why you disappeared from my life without as much as a goodbye. Or is that too much honesty for you?”

I let go of her wrist and paced the room. Would she believe me if I told her the truth?

“Hmmm, that’s what I thought. It’s okay; I get it. The sex was awesome, I can’t deny that. But there is no way in hell I’m just going to give in to your sexual demands and be treated like nothing more than a toy.”

I cocked an eyebrow at her. “That’s what you think?”

She threw her hands up in the air. “What else am I supposed to think? There I was trying to get you and my father to get better acquainted, and next thing you run. If that doesn’t show me your intentions, nothing else will.”

Grinding my teeth, I thought about my response before I answered. “I acted in your best interests, Eva. At least, that’s what I believed at the time. Now I know different.”

“Yeah? What changed? Run out of pussies to fuck?”

“Ouch. You’re mad at me.” I raked a hand through my hair. “Yeah, I guess you can say that, since we’re being honest here.”

She blew out a long breath. “That’s low, Harrison, even for you.”

“Wait a minute. Don’t jump to conclusions. What I mean is that I don’t want other women. I only want yours . . . you, Eva. Staying away from you was the fucking hardest thing I’ve done in a very long time.”

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