Torched (8 page)

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Authors: Bella Love-Wins

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #New Adult and College Romance, #New Adult and College, #Coming of Age, #Mystery Thrillers and Suspense, #Women's Fiction

BOOK: Torched
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“Let’s go check it out.” He grabbed her hand and headed up to the front door. Before he got a chance to knock, Jeff opened the front door.

“Hey, guys,” Jeff welcomed them both with a handshake.

“How’s it going?” Kevin asked.

“Hello,” Tara said, her voice low, betraying her hesitation.

“Come on in.”

Tara remained glued to Kevin’s side as they went through each room, finding there was a fireplace in the living room as well as in the master bedroom. Kevin smiled at that thought. When they were in the master bedroom, he noticed Tara kept her eyes focused on the bed. He could only imagine what was running through her mind. They went back downstairs, and reached the foyer.

“It’s a really nice home,” Kevin said.

Tara nodded in agreement, which was a good sign.

“Well, it’s yours until April, if you’d like,” Jeff informed Tara. “Just don’t paint the wall hot pink or anything.”

Tara smiled. “I won’t.” She looked around the foyer and then turned to Kevin and finally to Jeff. “I think it’s perfect. How much do you think utilities will run me?”

“Probably four hundred a month if you watch the heating costs. Think you can swing that?”

It seemed almost too good to be true.

“Yes! That’s perfect,” Tara replied. “Thank you so much, Jeff!”

“No thanks needed. I’m glad to help you out. And in a way, you’re helping me out, too. It means I don’t have to come out here as often.”

Kevin and Tara walked to the door. “Do you mind if we bring over some boxes tomorrow?”

“Sure,” Jeff replied. “Here’s an extra set of the house keys. My dad left a list on the kitchen table. It’ll tell you where to find everything and how to pay the utilities.”

“Great, thank you,” Tara said, accepting the keys with newfound enthusiasm.

They walked around the outside before heading to the car.

“This is pretty amazing,” Tara said, holding on to his shoulders and kissing him all over his face. “I can’t believe you found this for me, Kev. I can’t thank you enough.”

“I can think of a few ways,” he said, licking his lips.

They finally had a place where they wouldn’t have to worry about anyone interrupting them. He couldn’t wait.


ara loaded the rest of her things in boxes the next day. She kept busy, sorting while the television played in the background. She had not been paying much attention to what was on, as she was so focused on her task. That was only until she heard the breaking news segment.

“We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. An hour ago, a body was found in the woods at Chesapeake Park.”

She dropped the box when the bulletin disrupted her mission. She was reluctant to hear more, but as it was so close to home, she turned up the volume.

“Thirty-three year old Charles Warner, a devoted husband and father of three, was found dead earlier today. He was suspended from a tree by a rope and discovered by two hikers. Charles Warner was the security guard for Chesapeake Park. A distinct burn mark was discovered on his chest. The killer is believed to be the same person who has wreaked havoc on our small town. Police are still on the hunt for one suspect, Jake Crawford. If you have any knowledge of his whereabouts, please contact police today. The gun was missing from Mr. Warner’s holster, so police say the suspect is considered to be armed and dangerous. Stay tuned as developments arise.”

Tara tried to take in the news. Chesapeake Park was just beside the petting zoo.
Was he there the same time we were? Why did he come back?
She picked up the box, still stunned at the revelation, but heard her phone ringing. It was Kevin.


“Did you see the news bulletin on TV?”

“Yes. I can’t believe it, Kev.”

“I know. I’m in shock myself,” he admitted.

“Kevin, do you think...” She stopped, unsure whether to ask what her question. She thought Jake would make himself scarce. She’d been wrong, but wasn’t confident about getting into it with Kevin.

“What did you want to ask?”

“Nothing,” she finally said, sinking down to the bed.

“I want you to be careful, Tara. Stay inside. Don’t go out unless I’m with you.”

She appreciated the concern in his voice.

“I’ll be careful.”

There was a long pause, but she still heard him breathing. “What are you doing right now?” he asked.

“I’m sitting here packing.” She looked down at her half full box. “I’m almost done and then I’ll probably get ready for bed.”

“What did your mom say about the move?” he questioned.

“Nothing. I haven’t had a chance to tell her. She’s out with some friends.” She didn’t think her mom would mind. “I’ll tell her tomorrow morning.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you first thing in the morning. I love you, Tara.”

“I love you, too. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.” She wanted to believe the words, but deep down she questioned if they were true.

“I can’t promise you I won’t worry, but I’ll do my best.”

“Well, it’s a start. Goodnight, Kev.”

“Goodnight, Tara. Sweet dreams.”

She shuddered after the call, to think Jake could have been watching them from the park the entire time.
I knew I heard someone outside.
She wondered if he’d watched them while they had sex. It made her sick to think he could have seen their intimate moments. She stood up from her bed. Packing could wait. She needed some rest. One thing was for sure: she didn’t want to watch any more TV to be reminded of Jake. She just wanted to forget.


ake stood at the back of Tara’s house and glanced up toward her bedroom window. It hadn’t been very smart of her to leave the curtains open. He watched as she removed her bra as got ready for bed. It was impossible to look at her without imagining her pressing her sexy body up against him. He pictured her breasts, firm and tender on his chest, and feeling her heart beat out of control because he was there. His cock twitched at the thought.

He had not planned to kill the security guard, but the idiot asked too many questions, and left him no choice. He was distracted from his thoughts of the dead man until Tara turned to face the window, her body still fully exposed. Her round nipples made his mouth water. To his dismay, she closed the curtains. All he could do was watch her shadow as she pulled on her pajamas. He turned from the window, knowing it was only a matter of time before she realized everything he did was for her, and she belonged to him.

Chapter 10

ara carried the last box into the house and glanced around, surveying her new place.
. They had a place to just be themselves with no one around. Even if he wasn’t moving in with her, she felt it was theirs to share. Kevin plopped a box down, catching her off guard. He, too, looked around the house.

“So, what are you going to do the first night?” he asked.

She glanced up at the ceiling, tapping her bottom lip.

“Unpack? Read? Watch Netflix? The possibilities are endless.”

“Hmm...choices, choices.” He snickered. “Are those the only options you’re considering?” he asked, brushing his finger along her lower lip.

She looked up, her eyes hooded.

“I suppose I could be persuaded to consider something else.” He grabbed her hands and pulled her to the stairs. “Maybe you can spend the night?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t bring anything with me.”

“Clothes are optional,” she replied, reaching the top of the stairs after him. She tugged his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head, throwing it across the floor. “They’re so overrated.”

He held onto her shirt and ripped it over her head. “Well, now that it’s settled about the clothes, I have a test tomorrow and really could use some extra study time.”

“Good thing I’m an excellent teacher.” She smirked as they moved closer to the bedroom, shredding the rest of their clothes as they went.

“Is that so?” He laughed, picking her up in his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist.

She giggled as he carried her into her bedroom and lowered her to the newly made bed. They frantically devoured each other’s lips, savoring the benefits of having their new place to enjoy. When his mouth left her lips, he lowered his head to her breasts, enthusiastically massaging her nipples between his teeth.

“That’s right,” she moaned, running her fingers through his hair. He knew all her hot spots now, and would stop at every one, which made her so ready for him she could jump him in a heartbeat. Every movement of his tongue against her skin could unravel her at a moment’s notice.

“Mmm...” she sighed, closing her eyes and letting their bodies synchronize.

He nibbled her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine.

“Oh God...” she whimpered. “Come inside me, Kevin. I want you so bad.”

Her body ached for him. There was no resisting the urgency to have him inside her. He wrapped his hand around her face and lifted her at the hip to position himself. She groaned with satisfaction as they connected, and accepted his hungry kisses.

“God, you’re so damn sexy,” he moaned between their kiss, spreading pure bliss all throughout her.

“Yes!” she cried, biting softly on his lips and graciously accepting every thrust as if it healed her from the inside out. As his pace quickened, she felt her climax rising high. “Ahh...” she screamed, grabbing tightly around his waist as he crashed against her.

She kept reaching for his lips with her own, but found herself arching her back and leaning her head into the pillow when a second wave of pleasure overtook her.

“Fuck...” she moaned, bouncing on the bed. He cupped her ass, lifting her up to his thrusts, so fierce that her climax exploded and ripped her mind from her body.

Her cries took hold of Kevin, and as she collapsed on the bed, he came with a brutal force and fell on top of her. As she recovered, every part of her body tingled. He held her in his loving embrace.

“Gets better every time,” he whispered.

She cuddled up to him, content and satiated while he held her close.

“Kev?” she called, closing her eyes to enjoy the glow.


“You are amazing.” She snuggled closer to him.

“Thank you, but you’re the amazing one. To put up with what my brother has done, and still be here by my takes a special person.”

She never saw it that way. She wanted to be there for him. Pulling herself up, she looked in his eyes.

“Over the years, we’ve been through a lot together. You’ll always be my best friend, Kevin. That’s what makes what we have now so much stronger.”

He smiled. “I agree.”

She kissed him, and his manhood reacted to it.

“What do you say I make us some supper?”

He groaned, reaching for her hand and placing it over his shaft.

“Really? You want to eat at a time like this?”

She giggled. “We could skip eating, but I want to keep your energy up.” She winked at him, jumping up to grab a robe and leaving the room. She picked up the clothes they had dropped along the way and took down them with her to the laundry beside the kitchen. Looking in the fridge, she wonder what to make for dinner. She had not done much grocery shopping yet, so they would have to make do.


evin heard her singing in the kitchen and smiled. She surprised him more every day, now that they were more than friends. He got out of bed and slipped his jeans on to head downstairs. Tara may have thought he was teasing when he mentioned needing to study, but it was actually true. He
have a test coming up. It was the last before winter break and the most difficult Zoology exam so far.

He left her bedroom and went to the small office down the hall. Using her laptop, he logged on to the school’s website. The professor made a point of adding all their study materials on the course website, so all Kevin needed to do to prepare was review and make his usual index card notes. As he looked over sections he had been working on the night before, he tried to let everything sink in. He heard Tara coming upstairs when he got to the section that explained the proper knots used on wildlife reserves to secure animals.

“Kevin?” she called.

“I’m in here,” he replied, turning away from the computer.

She tilted her head as she entered the room. “What are you doing in here?”

Kevin admired Tara’s delicious body. Her robe was opened just enough for him to get a view of her cleavage and gorgeous, flat stomach. He nearly forgot what he had been doing. He shook his head to focus on her question.

“I’ve got that Zoology midterm exam tomorrow. I guess I was sneaking a look at some study material.” He scrunched up his nose. “Mad at me?”

“Of course not. Remember when I agreed to come back to Washington with you? I said I’d be there to support you. If you have a test, then we should be studying. Let’s eat first. If we’re going to pull an all-nighter, we’re definitely going to need our energy.”

He stood up and moved toward her. “See why I said you’re amazing? You’re beautiful, smart, extremely sexy, passionate, loving...need I go on?”

“Please,” she replied with a smile.

He leaned down and kissed her neck. “Breathtaking...caring...did I mention sexy?” he replied between gentle kisses.

“Hmm...mmm...” She moaned, running her thumb over the nape of his neck. “I could stay here all night, but supper will get cold and we’ve got a test to study for. You’ll thank me later when we get to Montana.”

“I suppose you’re right.” He followed her out of the room and down the stairs, even though he would rather have continued showering her with compliments. He sniffed as the scent of supper wafted through the air. “Is that what I think it is?”

She laughed. “Yup. Mac and cheese. I didn’t get time to do a full grocery run, so it’s the only thing I could find.”

He shrugged. “I haven’t had mac and cheese since we moved back home! It’s seriously my favorite study food.” He sat at the kitchen table and took a bite. “Perfect.”

She rolled her eyes, and he laughed. “I’m glad you enjoy my cooking.”

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