Torched: Afterburn (Iron Serpents Motorcycle Club Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Torched: Afterburn (Iron Serpents Motorcycle Club Book 2)
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With the other, he slid off her black pants and roughly pushed down on her back to bend her over the hood.

As he frantically tugged at his belt to get it undone as quick as fucking possible, she glanced back over her shoulder and licked those pillowy lips, sending him into overdrive. “You need a hand back there? I have two if you give this shirt some slack.”

He slapped her ass and growled. “Not a fucking chance, you’re right where you need to be.” After finally freeing his desperate cock from its prison, he slid his hand down between her cheeks and around to her soaking wet pussy. He dipped two fingers inside her swollen passage and smiled. His woman… Always fucking ready.

She grunted in disapproval when he withdrew, but she’d already stolen victory right out from under him and he was done playing by her fucking rules.

He brought his wet fingers to her mouth. “Lick yourself off,” he ordered.

As she clamped her lips around his fingers, he thrust his cock deep inside of her. She let out a raspy moan and sank her teeth into his skin. Between her sharp bite and the glorious fucking feeling of her warmth enveloping every inch of his shaft, his head started spinning and he almost lost it on the spot.

He yanked his fingers out of her mouth to keep himself from erupting. Instead, he bent over her and grabbed her hair, then turned her head to the side so he could bite her neck and return the favor.

Moaning and breathing hard, she pushed back against every elongated stroke. “God, I love your cock,” she whimpered. “Almost there, baby. Harder.”

He wasn’t about to deny her and slammed into her core hard and deep. Once, twice, thr—

“Fuck!” she cried out, her walls bearing down and squeezing so tight, he came as soon as she did.

As the best kind of pleasure washed over him, he released his hold on her shirt and planted both hands on the hood to steady himself. It had only been hours since they’d gone at it in the shower, but his throbbing balls felt like they were releasing years of tension.

God fucking almighty, if she didn’t accidentally stab him during sex, he’d probably end up dead from sexual exhaustion. He’d always thought his libido was through the roof, but trying to keep up with her voracious appetite was no fucking joke. His body felt like a gelatinous blob.

With all the endorphins running through him, it took a few seconds between hearing the popping sound and feeling his ass light on fucking fire.

He bolted upright and grabbed it. “Fuck! What the...”

Grimm’s cackling reverberated through the air but quickly faded as he ran off. Torch looked at his hand and seethed at the sight of blue paint.

Liv peeled herself off the hood and turned around. “Did you just get shot in the ass?” she asked, her jaw twitching from trying to stifle a laugh.

“I’m gonna
that motherfucker,” he snarled.

She patronizingly rubbed his arm. “You want me to kiss your boo-boo and make it better?”

“Shut the fuck up.”

At least the asshole had waited for him to get off, but make no mistake, Grimm was back at the top of his shit list.

: 7 :




Dressed and ready for the day, I plopped down with my tablet on our bed at the clubhouse. After a long night of drinking and paintball, which had capped off an even longer day of working in the salvage yard for Torch, we’d decided to crash there instead of trekking home. He’d had to be up at the ass crack of dawn anyway; along with Buddha, Mace, and Gauge, he was currently on his way to Albuquerque with a load of scrap metal. At over five hundred miles each way, riding behind a heavy-duty flatbed, it would end up being a two-day run.

With most of Jan’s twenty grand already allotted for necessities, the club’s reserves were still running low. Between five operational businesses and twenty-five members to take care of through payroll or emergencies, I could see why finances were complicated and they couldn’t risk going broke.

I’d offered to lend them the money to float whatever bills needed to be paid until business picked up, but as expected, they—Buddha and Torch in particular—were vehemently opposed. You know, manly egos and all that shit. But hey, if they wanted to work their asses off for an extra few grand just to keep their “self-respect” intact, more power to them. I had plenty to do anyway.

I’d called up my old hacking sidekick, Milo, and set up a lunch date to reconnect and figure out just how much I’d missed while locked up. With Torch gone until the next night, I planned on taking advantage of the alone time to do some catching up. I couldn’t wait to start poking around my old online stomping grounds.

I wasn’t in a huge hurry to give Silas an answer to his job offer, but I did want to get back to what I did best, even if it meant just playing around for the fun and familiarity of it. In a sense, my work was just about all I had left over from my old life of running and hiding. I’d moved into Torch’s house, been taken in by his family, and had even given in to his preferred brand of motorcycle. I adored him and cherished every minute of my new life, but going from one extreme to the other was a shock to the system, to say the least.

I turned on my tablet, logged into Skype, and called my best girl.

Lexi’s beaming face popped up on my screen. “Hey, sexy bitch! Where the hell have you been?”

“Oh, you know, running guns and robbing banks,” I joked.

“You better
be. I think I had a harder time getting through the last year than you did. Here, hold on.” She disappeared from the screen and a few seconds later my phone beeped.

I checked my inbox and opened up a picture she’d sent of herself, her face contorted to look like she was wailing. “Did you just flick water on yourself to make it look like you’re crying?” I groaned.

She reappeared on the screen. “You put that as a wallpaper on your phone,” she ordered. “Every time you think of doing something crazy, look at that ugly cry-face and ask yourself if you wanna do that to your best friend.”

I laughed and shook my head. “I miss the crap out of you.”

“I miss you too, babycakes. How was the honeymoon?”

“Beautiful,” I replied, deciding to leave the whole cop chase ending to myself.

“That’s it? I don’t get any juicy details?”

“I’m trying to be a lady.”

“Psh, when have you ever been a fucking lady?”

A crash and some cute giggles rang out from her end. “Chloe, what the
are you doing?” Lex yelled. “Come over here and say hi to your aunt.”

In a flash, Chloe’s smiling face popped up next to her mom’s. “Hi, Auntie Livie!” she squealed.

“Hey, lovebug. Are you tearing up the house again?”

“I’m catching fairies!”

“Aren’t you supposed to be at some kind of kindergarten summer camp?” I asked.

“Oh, she was,” Lex piped up. “Tell Auntie Livie why you’re not there today.”

Chloe tucked her head down sheepishly. “I got in trouble.”

“Uh oh. What happened?” I asked.

“A boy was being mean to me so I kicked him.”

“Straight in the boy parts,” Lex added.

I busted out laughing but covered my mouth when Lex shot me a scowl. “Sorry.”

She rolled her eyes. “I should’ve known this would happen when we named her after you.”

“Whatever, that’s
DNA she’s working with,” I argued. “But good for you, Chloe Bear. Don’t ever let boys be mean to you.”

The munchkin frowned. “Mrs. Chandler says it means he likes me. But if he likes me, why would he be mean? Boys are so stupid and lame.
they have cooties. Yuck.”

“Mrs. Chandler sounds stupid too, don’t listen to her,” I replied. “If a boy really likes you, he’ll be nice and make sure everybody else is nice to you too.”

“That’s what I said!” she exclaimed. “Maybe
should talk to Mrs. Chandler.”

“Yeah, let’s not go that route,” Lex interceded. “You’ll just get her 86’ed from the school altogether and I’m
starting the process of looking for a new one again.”

“Oh, come on,” I goaded. “Let me have a go.”


“Okay, okay.” I winked at Chloe. “If that boy does it again, just make sure nobody’s watching and slap him in the head so there’s no evidence—”

“Liv!” Lex screeched. “Don’t you dare slap anybody upside the head,” she warned her kid.

“Who got slapped?” I heard Neil’s voice off-screen.

“You in a minute,” Lex snapped. “Where have you been? I missed my nail appointment.”

“Sorry, there was a pipe leaking at the club so I had to get a plumber over there. You want me to paint your nails, baby?” His grinning face looked over her shoulder, completing the family picture. “Oh hey, Liv, I was starting to wonder when Torch was gonna let you up for air.”

“When are you and Uncle Torch coming to visit?” Chloe cut in. “Daddy says you can now.”

“Oh, does he?” I asked. The thought had certainly crossed my mind. Despite all of the bad memories, Philly still held sentimental value for being the place I’d grown up. It wasn’t home anymore, but it was still my hometown
and now that the Henslow brothers were both rotting in the ground, it was finally safe to see my amazing friends on their own turf. I was sure Lex and Neil were both sick of having to travel to see me, they’d been doing it for years. “Tell you what, how about fall break?” I offered. “We can make a turkey and have Thanksgiving together. What do you think?”

“And pie?” Chloe asked. “You can’t have turkey without pie.”

“That goes without saying,” I assured her. “At least three different kinds and a big tub of ice cream.”

“Oh god, the sugar high,” Lex groaned. “Maybe we should just send her to you for the holidays. Who do you think is better for shipping small children, FedEx or UPS?”

Chloe scowled up at her. “You can’t send me in a box, mommy.”

Neil reached down and patted her head. “You’re not going anywhere in a box. We’ll just make you sleep in the guest room with your aunt and uncle.”

I rolled my eyes. “Appreciate it, Neil.”

“Payback’s a bitch, baby,” he said with a wink.

“Fair enough,” I laughed. “Listen, I need to get going. Love you guys lots.”

“Love you too,” they all said at the same time, leaving Chloe in giggles again.

“I still want details,” Lex added. “Call me soon.”

“Will do. Kisses,” I replied.

All three kissed their hands and blew. Fuck, I missed them all like crazy. I’d have to make a game plan for Thanksgiving. Maybe they could be convinced to move to Colorado, Neil could open a strip club and start an underground poker ring here too. I blew back a kiss and tapped the screen to hang up.

Checking the time, I realized I was running late for my meeting with Milo. I jumped off the bed, stuffed my tablet and laptop in a backpack, and walked out of the room.

I’d just made it out into the rec area and noticed Biff stocking the bar, when two thumps and the muffled yells of extremely pissed-off women echoed out from the hallway behind me. Biff and I glanced at each other and took off sprinting, following the sounds to Grimm’s room.

“You fucking cunt!” I heard Lulu—a seasoned crawler—scream as he opened the door.

“Shit! Knock it off,” he barked, ducking inside.

Looking in, I saw him pulling Lulu off none other than Sadie, but the girl apparently had some balls and lurched back towards them. I jumped in the middle and yanked Sadie back by the waist, her flailing sending us both to the floor. Fuck, for a tiny thing, she had some power in those scrawny legs. I rolled on top of her and pinned her down, looking back over at a seething Lulu shooting her a death stare.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you two?” I hissed.

“I’m sick of her being a bitch to me for no reason!” Sadie shouted. “I was just trying to clean up and she came in here and tried to push me out the door.”

Lulu tried to break away from Biff, but he held her back. “
take care of Grimm’s room!”

“Are you bitches serious right now?” he bellowed. “You’re pulling each other’s hair out over who gets to clean up after
shithead? Jesus, what the fuck?”

I had no idea why the hell he was glaring at me while chastising them. “If you’re waiting for an explanation, don’t look at me,” I grumbled. “I’ve seen some stupid chick fights but this one takes the cake.”

Biff smiled like he knew something I didn’t. “I’m waiting for you to tell me what you want me to do.”

“How should I know? That’s your call.”

“Dealing with petty female shit is
job when you’re at the clubhouse.”

I scowled. “Says who?”

“Buddha. You’re at the top of the lady food chain now.” He chuckled. “Welcome to the family, darlin’. For better or for worse, right?”

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