Torched: Afterburn (Iron Serpents Motorcycle Club Book 2) (33 page)

BOOK: Torched: Afterburn (Iron Serpents Motorcycle Club Book 2)
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“Mrs. Larter?” Dr. Stevens asked, extending his hand. “Gina said you wanted to speak to me, but I can’t seem to place your name or face. Do we know each other?”

I shook his hand and smiled. “No, we’ve never met. I’m Nicole Townsend’s donor.”

He furrowed his brow. “How do you—”

“I’d rather not get into how I know if that’s okay. Don’t worry, I didn’t ask to speak to you to make trouble for you or the hospital.”

“What is this about then?” he asked suspiciously.

“Nicole is my half-sister, we have the same father—”

“Oh, so you found out from him.” He looked relieved.

“No, actually I haven’t seen or talked to him in about fifteen years. We’re estranged and I’d like to keep it that way, which is why I wanted to meet with you.”

“Now I’m extremely confused,” he muttered.

“I know, I’m sorry. Look, it’s complicated and personal. My father hasn’t been in my life for a long time, I didn’t even know he’d had another child until the match came back. I got tested to help someone else.”

“Mrs. Larter—”

“Please, call me Livia.”

“Okay, Livia… I have to ask, was there some kind of abuse I should know about for the sake of my patient?”

“No, it’s nothing like that,” I replied. “He just wasn’t around and now that I’m an adult, I’d like to keep my distance.”

He nodded. “I understand. What is it I can help you with then?”

I glanced down at my feet, not quite sure how to word my request without coming off like a total creep. “I was hoping… I’d really like to talk to her, Dr. Stevens. Just for a minute or two. I don’t want Nicole knowing who I am or be in her life or anything like that, I just… I’d like to meet my sister, you know?”

He cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips. “What you’re asking is a serious breach of patient confidentiality and parental rights, I shouldn’t even be talking to you right now.”

“I know,” I sighed. “But like I said, I’m not trying to make trouble for anyone. I don’t want her knowing I’m her sister or that her father had another family before she was born, that’s for him to discuss with her if he wants to. I’m not here to step on any toes but I
here, hopefully to save her life, and I already know who she is. Can you find it in your heart to make an exception? You can tell her I’m a hospital volunteer or something, I don’t care. I’d just like to know what she’s like and meet her once in my life.”

He leaned on the counter and rubbed his chin. “Livia… I don’t know.”

“Dr. Stevens, I know she’s in room 4215. I could’ve slipped by and just gone in, but I’m trying to be respectful, not weird her out or cause a scene. The fact that I’m asking for your help should tell you I’m sincere and don’t have any ill intentions. You can listen in, I’m not asking to be alone with her.”

He paused and studied me for a few seconds before conceding. “Okay.”


He nodded. “I don’t know who you had to bribe or what the story is with your father, but we were running out of options until you came back a match. I can give you a few
minutes with Nicole if you promise not to upset her or reveal anything her parents wouldn’t want her knowing. I’m very serious, Livia, this could open me up to a lawsuit.”

Unable to contain my gratitude, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He took a step back and motioned for me to follow him down the hallway. “She’s in one of the play areas, Nicole doesn’t like to be cooped up in bed for too long even on bad days.”

“I have the same problem. Is today a bad day?”

“Today’s a better day than yesterday. I told her about the transplant earlier and the news seems to have given her some strength. She ate a little breakfast for the first time this week.”

I tried to hide it, but that tidbit made me choke up a little.

We passed by several rooms and I couldn’t help but look inside each one, my heart breaking for all the little kids who were hooked up to machines instead of running around outside on this beautiful day. I didn’t know how their doctors did it either. Not much got to me but even I—with my habit of sweeping emotions under a rug—couldn’t imagine being around so much suffering day in and day out.

At the end of the hallway, we walked into an open activity area full of toys, books, and a TV. It was still early and Nicole was the only one in there curled up on a couch with a novel. Gone was her strawberry blonde hair and those blushing cheeks I’d seen in all the pictures, they’d been replaced by a bald head and skin so pale and translucent that I could see her veins.

I had to turn away as my eyes started burning. Why was I doing this to myself?

“Are you alright?” Dr. Stevens asked.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. “Yeah. She just reminded me of myself for a minute, I used to read a lot too.”

He squeezed my arm and smiled. “She’s a bright girl, she’ll do very well for herself if we can help her overcome this bump in the road. Are you ready?”

I nodded and let him lead me towards her. She looked up from her book and studied me as we approached.

“Nicole, this is my friend, Livia,” the doctor introduced me. “I was showing her around but I need to make a quick phone call. Would you mind keeping her company for a few minutes while I do that?”

“Sure.” She shut the book and shifted to the end of the couch to make room for me.

I watched Dr. Stevens walk off to the other side of the room—far enough for a little privacy, but close enough to listen in—and pull out his cell phone.

As soon as he pretended to dial a number and put it up to his ear, I turned to my little sister. “What are you reading?” I asked.

“Little Women. I’ve read it four times already.”

I raised my brows in surprise. “Wow. You like the classics, huh?”

She smiled up at me sweetly. “I like reading everything, especially about vampires and werewolves and wizards. But sometimes you need a break from the fake stuff. That’s why I’m reading this one again. The kids at school think I’m weird because I don’t watch a lot of TV… Do you think that’s weird?”

“Sweetie, I think it’s awesome. Don’t worry about what other kids say and do whatever makes you happy. The popular ones usually end up as losers anyway, it’s the special ones like you who go places. Who’s your favorite sister in Little Women?”

“I like Jo,” she said, with a twinge of excitement in her soft voice. “She didn’t care about rules or what anybody thought, she followed her dreams. I want to be a writer one day too.”

I grinned, my heart nearly exploding out of my chest with pride. I wasn’t sure why, it wasn’t like I’d had anything to do with her love of reading or choice of female role models, but I was proud of her nonetheless. “Jo was definitely a strong woman, I’m glad you look up to her. And I’m sure you’ll be an amazing writer one day.”

“What do you do?” she asked.

“I work with computers, it’s not nearly as exciting as writing though.”

“I think that would be fun too. I’m pretty good with computers, I always have to help my dad. He can barely send an email.”

I felt a lump form in my throat at the mention of our mutual sperm donor, but did my best to avoid scrunching my face in disgust from the mere thought of him. At the same time, I was glad she’d brought him up because I had a few questions. “Do you have to write his emails for him? Old people aren’t very good with that kind of stuff.”

She giggled and shook her head. “No, he can write emails, he just never remembers how to attach stuff or forward them to other people. He’s good with his hands though, last year he built me a treehouse.”

I had to hold back even harder, the snarky thoughts in my head were just itching to be verbalized. “That sounds pretty cool. Does he do a lot of stuff like that for you?”

“Yeah, he’s more fun than a lot of dads I know. My mom works at night so it’s just me and him a lot. Well, it used to be like that, but now he has to work more so my mom can take care of me. She’s a nurse. But I’m getting new stem cells soon, so hopefully things go back to normal. I can’t wait to ride my bike again, it’s been for-

“I’m sure you’ll be back on it in no time,” I assured her. “I have a bike too, but mine has a motor.”

Despite her obvious fatigue, her eyes grew as wide as saucers. “You have a motorcycle?”

“I do. Two of them actually. They’re a lot of fun to ride.”

“That would be sooo cool!” she exclaimed. “I don’t know any girls who have motorcycles.”

“Well, maybe you can get your own one day. Like I said, you should do whatever makes you happy, sweetheart.”

She glanced down at her hands like she wanted to say something, but wasn’t sure if she should. Not wanting to push, I left her to her thoughts.

After a prolonged moment of awkward silence, she looked back up at me. “You’re the one who’s giving me your stem cells, aren’t you?”

Caught off-guard, I asked, “Why would you think that?”

“Why are you avoiding the question?” she asked.

Fuck me, it was like talking to my younger self. I smiled and shook my head, completely astounded by the similarities in our personalities. “You got me. You’re a smart young woman, aren’t you?”

“Not that smart,” she said with a shrug. “You ask a lot of questions, especially about my family. I just figured.”

“Yeah? How did you get to be so perceptive?”

“I read a lot of mystery books too, they teach you how to look for clues. I almost
know who did it before the end.”

“I guess brains can skip a generation,” I smirked.

She scowled. “What?”

Shit, slip of the tongue. “Nothing, I was just talking to myself.”

“I talk to myself a lot too. Is

“Not at all, you’re a
interesting person to talk to.”

Nicole beamed up at me. “I think you’re interesting too.”

“Why thank you, I’m glad you think so.” I heard Dr. Stevens clearing his throat and looked over to see him motioning for me to wrap it up. I nodded and turned back to Nicole. “I need to get going, okay? I hope you start feeling better really soon. And keep reading those books, the world needs more clever little girls like you.”

“I will.”

I gave her hand a gentle squeeze, stood up, and started walking off.

“Livia?” she called out.

I turned back around. “Yeah?”

“Are we related?”

Fuck, she really was smart.

I wished I could tell her, I really did. I wanted so much to watch her blossom and grow and do amazing things, maybe even be the one to show her how to use a clutch. But deep down, I knew nothing good would come from me telling her who I was. It would only leave her with a shattered perception of a man she loved. No, I couldn’t be selfish, she didn’t deserve to have to grow up even faster than she already had. Maybe one day Graham would be out of the picture and we could reconnect, but for now, I had to look out for her interests instead of my own.

“No, sweetheart,” I replied. “We’re just lucky strangers. I got tested because a good friend of mine needed a transplant too. And I’m so glad I did, because even though I couldn’t help him, I found out about you.”

“Did your friend find somebody?” she asked.

I smiled at her. “He did, he’s getting his transplant today.”

“Phew!” she exclaimed, jokingly wiping her forehead with her frail little arm.

What a beautiful kid, inside and out. It was truly unfortunate that I wouldn’t be seeing her again anytime soon. I gave Nicole a final wave and followed the doctor down the hallway toward the elevators, presumably on our way to do the donation.

Trying to compose myself, I was standing behind Dr. Stevens when the doors chimed and opened.

“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs.
,” he said, purposely enunciating the last name.

My eyes widened as I heard the man greet him back and realized whose voice it was.


I kept my head down and scooted into the elevator, forcing my eyes to stay glued to the floor as the doctor stepped in and pushed the third floor button. But curiosity got the fucking best of me, just as the doors started closing.

I looked up, expecting to see the back of my father’s head in the distance, but he’d stopped a few feet away and was looking over his shoulder.

Straight at me.

His face was older and weathered, but that Irish blood ran deep and his red hair and green eyes were as bright as the last time I’d seen them. Thankfully, the elevator slammed shut before the contents of my stomach made their way up.

: 30 :




After sitting in a chair for hours, having blood pumped out of one arm and back into the other, I felt a little stiff and tired but no worse for the wear. It was amazing how far science had come and how easy it could be to possibly save the life of another person. Nicole and I weren’t an exact match but we were close enough for Dr. Stevens to be highly optimistic. Or so he’d told me on our way down to the clinic. I really hoped he hadn’t been talking out of his ass and that the little girl’s plight would soon be over for good. It would take weeks for her body to start producing healthy blood cells from mine, probably months for her immune system to recover; but her chances of getting back on that bicycle and getting to work on her first novel were a hundred times better than they’d been a week earlier.

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