Topping the Alpha: Trident Security Series (4 page)

BOOK: Topping the Alpha: Trident Security Series
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Chapter 4

Nick flopped face down on the guest bed in Devon’s apartment, hoping he hadn’t woken his sister-in-law when he’d come home all pissed off a few minutes ago. He was staying in their spare bedroom for a few days while his brother was out of the country. The first of the four warehouses in Trident’s compound was home to The Covenant. The last one had been converted into large apartments for the Sawyer family. Ian and Angie had the unit on the bottom floor, while Devon and Kristen lived in the one above it. The warehouse was so huge, that even though both apartments were bigger than some houses, there was still plenty of square footage they hadn’t used.

When Angie had moved in with Ian a few months ago, Nick’s older brothers hired the original contractor, a club member, to create two more apartments behind their own. One belonged to Jenn when she wasn’t at the University of Tampa dorms where she was enrolled. She’d come to live with her Uncle Ian after her parents were murdered a few months before she graduated high school. Ian had stayed in Virginia with her until she graduated, then moved her to Florida and into his three-bedroom apartment. She was old enough now to have her own place, but this way she was still surrounded by family.

An apartment above hers had also been completed and currently sat empty. Ian had shown it to Nick after their lunch and handed him the keys. It was his. Nick was still in shock his brothers had given him his own apartment within the compound. Well, he shouldn’t be, since they were a close knit family, but sometimes he felt the wide age difference between his brothers and him. He was twenty-five with his birthday a little more than two months away, while Devon was thirty-six, and Ian, two years older than that. Their deceased brother, John, had been a year younger than Dev. Nick had been an unexpected, but well-loved surprise for his parents and older siblings.

Tomorrow, the girls—Jenn, Kristen, Angie, and Boomer’s girlfriend, Kat Maier—were taking him shopping to fill the place. He tried to let them do it without him, telling them he trusted they would make the place look nice, but they’d insisted he at least pick out the furniture. They wanted him to be comfortable with the couch, chairs, and bed. After that, they would take over and do what they did best—decorate. Thank God they could do that without him. Ian had told him the only other alternative was allowing their mother to hire the decorator she’d used for his brothers’ places several years ago. Her two oldest sons had been single at the time and both apartments had screamed bachelor pads. So out went the mismatched furniture and windows without curtains, and in went classy and chic. Nick thought it was the perfect way to go until Ian had told him about the endless phone calls and meetings he’d had with the decorator over every little thing.

He flipped over to his back and moved around on the pillow until his head found a comfortable spot. His mind wandered to Jake—the fucking asshole. Why was he longing for a man who had made it quite obvious the feeling wasn’t mutual? But the thing was, Nick wasn’t too sure it wasn’t mutual. Yeah, the guy was saying all the right negative reasons why they shouldn’t be together, but Nick had seen Jake’s eyes as he’d rattled off his numbered list. There had been heat there. And not angry heat, but an I-want-to-fuck-you heat. The Dom had kept their hips from touching, but Nick was convinced if they had, it would’ve been hard-on against hard-on. And fuck, the thought made his cock stiffen painfully again.

He was lying there in nothing but his boxer briefs and his hand went to his cotton-covered shaft almost on its own volition. He glanced over at the door, trying to remember if he’d locked it. It was doubtful Kristen would come into his room at oh-one-thirty hours without knocking, but it would be embarrassing for both of them if she did. The silver moon shining through the window blind slats provided just enough light for him to see the lock was engaged and he settled his head back on the pillow.

Pushing the briefs down, he fisted his cock and began to rub it up and down. In his mind, he brought up the memory of his one and only night with Jake Donovan.

“You ready to be topped, little boy? Because I’m going to dominate you and you’re going to submit to my every whim.”

“I’m not a boy.”

“Tonight you are. Tonight you’re my boy and I’m going to fuck my boy any and every way I want.”

He never had a chance to respond. Jake’s tongue was in his mouth and he was devouring him. Holy shit, the guy could kiss. Nick tried to kiss him back, but the Dom was in charge and taking what he wanted. A hand went down the open zipper of Nick’s pants and he thrust his hips forward. He was immediately punished for the action when Jake reached down and squeezed his balls until Nick was almost screaming into the man’s mouth. The Dom released his aching sac at the same time he ended the kiss.

Nick was panting from both the pain and pleasure coursing through his veins. “What the fuck, Jake?”

He didn’t get an answer as his belt came out of his pant loops in one swift yank. Jake spun him around and shoved his chest against the wall. His wrists were grabbed and tied together with the belt at the small of his back and Nick couldn’t believe he’d allowed it to happen. He should be resisting, shouldn’t he? He wasn’t a fucking submissive, was he? Jake seized a handful of his hair and yanked his head back until he gasped. His scalp shrieked, but the pain made his cock weep as drops of pre-cum oozed from the slit.

That deep, baritone voice was at his ear, sending electricity to the hair on the back of his neck. “You don’t take any pleasure I don’t give you, boy. You do exactly what I tell you and nothing more, or you won’t like the consequences. Understand?”

“Y-yeah.” Nick was breathing so heavily, the word barely escaped his lips.

“Uh-uh, little boy. The answer is ‘yes, Sir’. Let me hear you say it.”

“Yes, Sir,” he whispered.

Jake growled. “Louder! I know they taught you how to answer properly in the Navy. Now, say it!”

The hand in his hair tightened. He hissed. “Yes, Sir!”

“That’s a good boy. Your safe-word is ‘red’. If you say it, everything stops. I’ll go back to my room and we both deal with our own hard-ons.” He licked the shell of Nick’s ear, which caused a delicious shiver to course through his body. “But I promise you, you’ll have a lot more satisfaction if I take care of it for you.”

Nick held back a moan of anticipation as Jake propelled him onto the bed and pulled his pants and briefs down off his hips. His rock hard cock sprung free and he almost cried out in relief. His clothes disappeared and he was now completely naked…and vulnerable. He gulped and his eyes fluttered closed, but he kept his body still as a hand closed around his rigid shaft and pumped it a few times

“What’s your safe-word, Nicky?”

His eyelids reopened while his ass and thighs clenched, trying not to fuck the hand wrapped around him. “Ah, shit. It’s…it’s red, Sir.”

At that last word, Jake gave him an evil grin as he continued to massage Nick’s cock, and more pre-cum pearled at the head. “You learn fast, boy. That’s good. It means more pleasure and less pain. You have any lube? It’ll make it easier for me to prep that hole I plan to fuck.”

“B-bathroom.” Nick gasped. “Travel bag.”

He immediately missed the contact when the hand released him, but Jake was back in a few moments. “Turn over.”

Nick struggled to follow the order while his arms were useless behind his back. A hand gripped his bare hip and helped him the rest of the way. He heard Jake remove his own clothes before the bottom of the bed tilted under the man’s weight. A hand landed on his right butt cheek with a resounding smack and pain then pleasure shot through him. “Shit!”

“That’s a mighty fine ass you have there, Nicky-boy. I can’t wait to get inside it.”

Cool, slick liquid oozed into his crack and his cheeks were separated.

“Ah fuck!” A finger worked the lube into his hole and another was quickly added. He pulled against the belt restraining him, wanting to clutch the bedsheets or anything but the air his hands were grabbing. He tried not to pump his hips into the bed because if he did, he knew two things would happen—he’d cum and then he’d be punished for it. He had no idea what the punishment might be, but Jake was into BDSM, so the choices were endless.

“Mmmm. Nice and tight. Clench for me, baby. Let me feel what it’s going to be like to have my cock deep inside you.” Nick did as he was told as he was fucked by the two fingers. “Yeah, just like that. Again.”

Adding a third finger, Jake continued to stretch him for another minute or two, and the only sounds in the room were the grunts coming from Nick’s throat. It felt so fucking good, but he knew what would feel even better. “Please.”

“Hmm, please what? Please, fuck you nice and slow? Please, fuck you hard and fast? Please, leave? Please, what, Nicky-boy?”

He knew he shouldn’t answer the way he wanted to, which was hard and fast. If he did, Jake would accuse him of ‘topping from the bottom’. He’d never played in The Covenant, but he knew what the phrase meant from hanging out there. It meant the submissive was trying to tell the Dom what to do, and it was a big no-no in Jake’s world.

“Answer me, boy. Please, what?”

The fingers deep in his ass stopped moving and the need to grind his steel hard dick into the bed grew while Jake waited for the answer he demanded. Nick groaned. “Anything…a-anything you want. Please, do anything you want…Sir.”

“Good answer, little boy, good answer.”

Nick could hear the smile in Jake’s voice as the fingers slid from his ass. Hands grabbed both his hips and pulled him up on his knees with his face in the mattress. The sound of a condom wrapper being opened hit his ears. He knew he would get what he wanted, but it would be at the Dom’s pace. Biting his bottom lip, he held back his urge to scream and beg.

Yes, God help him, he wanted it so bad.
Do it! Do me! Please!

He felt Jake’s cock at his puckered entrance and suddenly…

“Ah, fuck!” It was a simultaneous curse and whisper as streams of cum squirted from Nick’s cock as he pumped and squeezed it. The hot semen seared the bare skin of his torso while he growled with the release. Damn, what that man did to him. He’d been jacking off to that memory for the past two months. It was his own personal porn flick in his mind—one he couldn’t banish, nor did he want to.

After his breathing and pulse returned to normal, he stood and stumbled into the room’s attached bath. Flipping on the light, he shuffled toward the shower and reached in to turn the water on. As he waited for it to warm up, he stared at his reflection in the vanity mirror. He had it bad. Bad for a guy who was going to fight him fucking tooth and nail, but damn it, he was done with the bullshit. If Jake thought a few shitty put-downs were going to chase Nick away, then he better think again. It was time to turn up the heat. He just hoped he didn’t get burned in the end.

Chapter 5

Jake woke up with a raging hard-on and Nick’s name on his lips.
Why couldn’t he keep the kid out of his thoughts and dreams?
Last night hadn’t turned out as he’d hoped. Yeah, he’d gotten Tyler off, but the only way he’d been able to cum himself, was to close his eyes and imagine he was fucking
his boy
. So much for purging him from his mind.

Mitch had used the same word with him last night. He hadn’t realized what he’d been doing before his friend pointed it out. Every relationship he’d had since he graduated high school had ended the same way. After the ‘getting to know you’ period, which usually lasted anywhere between one to four weeks, as soon as a guy wanted to introduce Jake to his family, he balked and ended the relationship. He’d been out of the closet for years, so that wasn’t the problem. It was the family thing which sent him running. Probably because he’d resisted introducing anyone to his own family for so long. It never would’ve happened while his father was alive and nothing has changed since the old man croaked a few years ago.

Flipping on his back, he covered his eyes with his forearm. To this day, he could still feel his father’s fists, then belt, hitting him. The blows landing on his back, chest, stomach, head…everywhere.
No son of mine is going to be a God-damned faggot! No fucking way! You hear me!

, he thought. Loud and fucking clear.

Well, at least the thoughts of his father and that night so long ago had the right effect on his body. As he scratched the pubic hair above his now soft cock, his phone chimed with the alarm alert. Oh-seven-hundred. He needed to get up and going. Ian had the first two members of Trident’s secondary Omega team reporting for duty today. Their new helicopter pilot was also supposed to be starting this week, but due to a death in her immediate family, Ian had told her to take all the time she needed. With most of Alpha, which Boomer had dubbed the original company team, finishing up a reconnaissance mission in Ecuador, Jake was the only other person available to show them the ropes and evaluate their weaknesses for future training.

Throwing the sheets off his naked body, he stood and stretched the kinks out of his muscles before heading into the bathroom. He turned the shower on and as soon as it was lukewarm and not freezing, he stepped under the spray. Putting his hands flat against the wall under the showerhead, he let the water soak his head and body.

He knew the Trident women were taking Nick shopping for furniture this morning, so he might manage to avoid the kid today. That would be day two out of thirty, and he was only batting five hundred so far.
. Maybe after the team got back on Monday, he’d ask Ian for some time off and take a trip up to the company safe-house in North Carolina, which the team also used for down-time. There was a lake he could fish in and plenty of acreage he could hike through. He couldn’t stay there the whole month, but maybe a week or two if the case-load was slow. He’d check with Boss-man after he dealt with the newbies.

Thirty minutes later, he strolled out of a deli with a toasted buttered bagel, a container of fresh fruit, and a black coffee. Hopping into his Chevy Suburban, he tossed the food bag on the passenger seat and placed his coffee in the cup holder next to his thigh before turning the ignition key. From its perch attached to one of the air-vents, his cell phone rang and he checked the screen.
It was Drew. Jake had too much going on in his head to talk to the guy, so he let it go to voicemail. Maybe if he didn’t return the call, Drew would get the hint.

Sighing, he put the truck in drive for the five-point-three-mile trip to Trident’s complex, where he waved at the daytime guard who opened the gate, allowing Jake to enter. Passing the first warehouse where The Covenant was located, he pulled up to the second gate and rolled down his window. A computerized scan of his palm print would open this one, letting him into the remaining compound consisting of three more warehouses. The first one on this side of the fence was for the offices of Trident Security, with bunk rooms on the second floor. The rear of the building was a garage for their extra vehicles. The middle structure housed the training facilities. The last building was home to four huge apartments—Ian and Angie’s, Devon and Kristen’s, Jenn’s, and then…Nick’s. At some point, the kid’s two older brothers expected him to join their business ventures and made sure he knew he was welcome. That’s why the women were taking Nick shopping today—to fill the empty apartment—and he was sure the SEAL was fucking thrilled to death.

Pulling into a spot at the entrance to the offices, Jake was greeted by an enthusiastic Beau, carrying a drool-covered rubber ball. He took the disgusting offering and threw it hard across the compound to the dog’s delight. After repeating the ritual two more times, he ambled into the building with his canine buddy on his heels. It was too early for their secretary, Colleen, to be in, so he checked his message slot at her desk and retrieved a few pink pieces of paper, while the dog laid down in the reception area.

Shuffling through the call-backs, he entered his office and flipped on the light before realizing someone was sitting in his chair. And not just anyone…but Nick.
Jake frowned and kicked the door shut with his foot. He wanted to cross his arms and stare down at the kid, but with his coffee, food, and messages in hand, he couldn’t pull it off. Sighing loudly, he placed everything on his desk and assumed the stance he wanted. “What’re you doing here?”

Nick didn’t seem affected by Jake’s dominant tone. Instead, he leaned further back in the leather chair and the corners of his mouth ticked up in apparent amusement. “I want to talk without you shoving me up against a wall or bitching at me. I figured this was the ideal place.”

Jake raised his eyebrows over narrowed eyes. “You seem sure of that. No one else is here yet, so there’s no reason for me not to haul your ass out of my chair and throw you out the door.”

“You’re right. There’s not.”

That wasn’t the answer Jake had expected. He was even more shocked when Nick got up and gestured for him to take the seat. Stalking around the desk, he tried to get a read on the kid. He was up to something, but Jake wasn’t sure what it was. He sat, but before he had a chance to pull himself closer to the desk, Nick lifted a leg and straddled his thighs.
A denim covered semi-hard-on was only inches from his face. He knew it wasn’t a full-fledged one because he’d seen exactly what Nick looked like at full attention—impressive would be an understatement. The thought caused his own dick to stir. “What are you doing?”

“Stating my intentions,” the kid replied smugly as he leaned his tight ass against the desk’s beveled edge.

The Dom forced his gaze upward to the other man’s handsome, chiseled face. “Your intentions?”

“Yup. My intentions. You rattled off a list of reasons why we won’t have a repeat of our one night together. Well, I have a few reasons of my own as to why we should have a repeat. In fact, I think we should have several repeats.”

Letting out a snort, Jake glared at him. “This should be enlightening.” He clenched his hands into fists to keep them from grabbing the guy’s hips and pulling him forward.

“I hope so.” Nick crossed his arms. “One—yes, it was a one-night-stand, but fuck, it was the best one of my entire life. You did things to me I never knew I wanted before. Two—you were right, I’ve never played in the lifestyle before. I never understood what drew people into it, and I think it’s because I was looking at it from a dominant standpoint and not a submissive one. I’d never been submissive when it came to sex before you. I still don’t know why I submitted that night. All I know is, I want to do it again, Jake. But only for you. Three—if we do this, I don’t want you holding back on me. I want to try and take everything you have to offer. You might be right and the lifestyle might not be for me, but I won’t know unless I give it a shot. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? Four—again, if we do this, it’s exclusive. I don’t share. I know you’re a Whip Master at the club, and while I’ve never seen you in action, I have watched China and Carl. I know there doesn’t have to be sex involved, and I’m fine with you scene-ing with submissives in that capacity only. But it has to be in public. If it’s not, then I have to be in the room with you. I guess you can call that a hard limit for me. That’s what it’s called, right?”

Jake didn’t answer him because his mind was racing as Nick threw every one of his reasons back at him, shredding each as he did. But the kid had only listed four, and that wasn’t enough for the Dom. “What about reason number five?”

This was the big one, and Nick swallowed hard. “I’m willing to come out to my family—I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately—but not yet. I have to take this one step at a time. It’ll be too much for me if I tackle everything at once.”

Rubbing his bottom lip with his fingers, Jake stared at the beautiful man in front of him. The urge to order him to strip was strong, and he almost did it just to see the sculpted body he’d spent a few hours exploring two months ago. Jake stayed in top physical shape and had always been attracted to men who also took care of their bodies. He preferred hard, muscular flesh over soft, but not too well-built, since steroid-pumping gym buffs did nothing for him. However, bodies that came from hard physical labor and training were a total turn-on. Just like Nick’s.

This wasn’t some short term fling he was looking at here. It was something much more, which thrilled and terrified him at the same time. He had to be crazy to think this might work out, but the temptation to try was getting harder to resist. He’d never dated anyone whose family he was close to, much less knew, and Nick may not have met Jake’s mother yet, but he’d met Mike on numerous occasions. “I’ll give you two weeks.”

Jake’s stomach sank when Nick’s face fell. They hadn’t even started and he was already fighting the Dom.
. He should’ve known it was too good to be true.

“Two weeks,” the kid whispered. He shook his head and brought his voice up to a normal level again. “No. No way.”

Pushing his chair back so he could stand, Jake raised his eyebrows as raw disappointment flowed through him. “No? I thought you just said you were willing to come out to your family. I’m giving you two weeks to do it and you’re saying ‘no’? Then we have nothing more to talk about.”

He skirted the desk, and was halfway to the door when Nick’s broken voice reached him. “Wait…wait a minute.” He stopped, but didn’t turn back around, afraid of caving and telling him to forget the demand—that it didn’t matter. But it did matter—it mattered a lot. “I misunderstood what you meant. I thought you were putting a time limit on us. Two weeks is…is okay. I’ll do it. I’ll talk to Ian, Dev, and my folks. Please, Jake. Don’t walk away.”

The sheer desperation in the other man’s voice had Jake’s gut and heart clenching. As he spun around, he heard the sounds of people arriving to start the workday out in the reception area. The new recruits were here as well as Colleen. He strode purposely toward Nick, his intent evident in his stare. Stopping inside the kid’s personal space, he grabbed him by the back of the neck, holding him tight. “There’s more to this than just tying you up and fucking you senseless. Do you understand that?”

“Yeah. I do.”

“Then go over to the club sometime today. Behind the front desk, you’ll find submissive protocols as well as a blank limit list. I want you to fill it out and bring it to me tonight.”

Nick’s eyes widened. “At the club?”

“No, my place. Before anything else happens between us, we’re going to sit down and negotiate both of our limits. And then…” He couldn’t resist his urges anymore. Drawing Nick closer, Jake kissed him. Hard. Demanding. Dominating.

Nick parted his lips for more, but Jake pulled back again, stopping only a few inches away. “Can’t get started here. I’ve got meetings and I’m not going into them with wood.” He smirked. “But be prepared, Junior, because I plan on continuing this…” A quick peck was placed on Nick’s mouth followed by a lick. “Later. My way.”

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