Tommy (101 page)

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Authors: Richard Holmes

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Hussey, John 56

Hutchinson Committee (1905) 121

Hutchison, Lt. Col. Graham Seton 15–16, 340, 360–61, 383, 391, 392, 613

Hutton, Lt. Gen. Sir Thomas 192–3, 201

Ilkley Grammar School, Yorkshire 133

illegitimacy 101

Imperial War Graves Commission 628

Imperial War Museum, London 628

Department of Documents xxiii

income xxv, 99, 100

see also
British Army: pay

India 13, 76, 80, 104, 118, 143, 322, 467

Indian Army 13, 83, 122, 144

2nd Cavalry Division 440

Deccan Horse 440, 441

Indian Corps 457

Secunderabad Cavalry Brigade 440, 441, 442

indirect fire 395, 414, 422

infant mortality rate 101

Infantry Training 1914

influenza epidemic (1918–19) 625

Ingorville-Williams, Maj. Gen. Edward C. 177, 197, 213

Inland Water Transport 225

Instructions for the Training of Divisions in Offensive Action
(SS 135) 408

Inverness Copse 15, 271

Ireland 231, 357, 504, 628–9

Irish, and Ltjohn 147, 148

Irish Peace Park, Messines Ridge 156, 628

Irish Republican Army (IRA) 538

Irish Home Rule issue 102, 152, 155

Irwin, L/Cpl 393

Isle of Man Volunteers 103

Italian front 14

Italy 36, 605

Jack, Brig. Gen. James 161–2, 173, 268, 279, 281, 282, 285, 291, 330, 358, 538, 576, 580 604, 6l5. 6l7

Jackson, Maj. Charles Ward 86

Jackson, Sgt Harold 627

Jackson, Lt W. 356

Jacob, Lt Gen. Sir Claude 233

James II, King of England (as Duke of York) 21, 52

Jarvis, L/Cpl Charles 451

Jellicoe, Admiral Sir John 49

Jemappes 451

Jeudwine, Maj. Gen. Hugh 231

Joffre, Gen. Joseph x, 34, 38, 592

battle of Loos 36

battle of the Somme 43–4

French G-in-C 32

meeting with French 36

meeting with Haig 39

Nivelle succeeds 49
John Bull

John, Maj. 576

Johnson, Maj. Alexander 221

Johnson, Brig. Gen. Arthur 208

Johnson, Jack 343

Jones, Pte David xxiv, 251–2, 262, 267, 277–304> 327–8, 378, 410, 491, 535, 599

In Parenthesis

Jones, Lt F. L. C. 586

Jones, Rifleman Percy 41, 295, 326

Jones, Sgt 318

Jowett, Capt. 582

Julian Alps 14

Junger, Lt Ernst 42–3, 406, 548

Juniper Hill, North Oxfordshire 100

K-shells 423

Kavanagh, Lt Gen. Sir Charles 442–3

Kearsley, Maj. 374

Keeling, CSM Frederick (‘Siberian Joe') 145

Kelly-Kenny, Lt Col 113

Kemmel 321, 533

Kenmel Park 91

Kennedy, Admiral Sir William 139

Keppel, Maj. the Hon. George 563

Kerr, Meta 324

Kettle, LtTom, MP 361

Khayyam, Omar 610

Kiggell, Brig. Gen. Sir Launcelot 38, 39, 56, 189, 190, 191, 395–6

King, Tom 497

King's Regulations for the Army
xxvii, 119, 200, 365, 368, 555

Kipling, Rudyard 38, 105, 108, 117


Kirk, 2nd Lt James 72

Kirke, Col. Piercy 113

Kirkpatrick, Pte John Simpson 97

Kirkwood, Lt G. N. 470

Kitchener, Field Marshal Lord 160

appointed Secretary of State for War (1914) 135

and battle of Loos 36

and clay-kicking 457

on the German lines in France xix

increases army size 138, 139, 140

instructions to French (1914) 29, 31

meeting with French 32

personality 138

and requisition of horses 162

and territorials 135, 137

and the UVF 154

and a Welsh Army 150

Kleinstuber, Sgt Maj. 629

Knight, 2nd Lt R. E. 610

Kokoda Trail, New Guinea 14

Koorn Spruit 213

Kruger, Sgt Maj. 430

La Bassee-Aubers Ridge (see also Aubers Ridge) 33

La Boisselle 46, 413, 458

La Boutillerie 177

La Briqueterie camp 290

La Chapelle d'Armentieres 295

La Cordonnerie (Fromelles) 280

La Panne 598

La Quinque Rue 494

Lady Egerton's Coffee House, Rouen 600

lances 436, 440

Landon, Maj. Gen. H. J. S. 218–19, 220

Landrecies 366

Lane, Pte Hammer 464

Lang, Archbishop Cosmo 90rdon 505

Langemarck 58, 553, 578

battle of (1917) 57, 275

Langemarck Ridge 62, 360

Larkin, James 153

Lascelles, Lt Alan 164

Latham, Capt. Bryan 131, 132, 264, 617

Latham, Russell 131

Lawrence, Lt Gen. Sir Herbert 190–91, 194, 214, 222

Lawrence, Col. T, E. xx

Lawson, Maj. Algy 224

Le Bourget 22–3

Le Gateau 296, 593

battle of (1914) 31, 33–4, 86, 206, 215–371, 396–7

Le Havre 4, 30, 191, 336–9, 347

Le Marchant Barracks, Devizes 105

Le Transloy 290

Leach, Lt T. H. de B. 429

Leahy, Father 519

Leary, Corporal 472

Lee, GSM 538

Lee, Sgt G. 46

Lee, Corporal R. F. 46

Leeds 85, 149

Leese, Peter 485

Leeson, Father 514

Lehr Regiment 383

Leighton, Frederick, Lord 131

Leinster Farm 271

Leipzig redoubt 46

Lens coalfield 16

Leuze 615

Leuze Wood 145

Level Crossing Cemetery 456

Lewis, Col. Isaac Newton 392

Liberal government (1906–14) 104

Liddell, Capt. Aidan 247, 279, 375, 382

Liddell Hart, Capt. Sir Basil xx, xxi

Liddle Collection, Brotherton Library, University of Leeds xxiii

lightning bombardment 34

Lille 30

Lille University 465

Lilliers 193

Lindsay, Maj. Gen. George ‘Boss' 390

Lipsett, Maj. Gen. Louis 213

literature 604–10

Littlewood, Maj. Martin 424, 471, 475–6, 616

Livens, Maj. William 424

Livens projector 424, 425

Livermore, Pte Bernard 297, 303, 312–13, 324–5. 332–3, 341, 342–3, 350, 372, 421

Lloyd, Capt. M. K. 629

Lloyd George, David

favours a Welsh Army Corps 149–50

on generals 209, 211–12

and Haig 49

Minister of Munitions 35, 370

and Monash 198

meets Nivelle 50

‘Peoples' Budget' (1906) 102

his protege, Phillips 218

succeeds Asquith as prime minister 49

and third battle of Ypres 55

War Memoirs
xx, 212

Loch, Maj. Gen. Lord 78

Lochnagar Crater, Somme 71, 458

Locre 297, 519

Lomax, Maj. Gen. Samuel 212


bombed by Zeppelins and 90thas 372

Somme explosion heard in 458

armistice (1918) 616

Blitz 163

London Gazette, The
140, 199

London Mail

London Opinion

London Scottish Regimental Gazette, The

Longavesnes 207

Longford, Brig. Gen. the Earl of 128

Longueval 441

Longueval Ridge, Somme 41, 42, 44–5, 95. 15

Loos 502

Loos, battle of (1915) xx, 30, 36–8, 147, 148, 171, 176, 179, 193, 196, 198, 212, 215, 247, 274, 278, 280, 325, 349– 378, 388, 419 420, 468, 473, 543, 5B6, 579, 587, 603, 628

Loos front 323

Lords Lieutenant of counties 126, 130

Lorimer, Sgt Maj. 625

Lorraine 25, 27

‘Lost Generation' 625–30

Louden, Father Stephen 509–10, 519

Louis XV, King of France 17

Louvemont 24

Louvignes 551

Lowe, Brig. Gen. A. C. 208

Lucy, Col. Denis 109

Lucy, Sir Henry 621

Lucy, Lt. Col. John 31, 109, 116, 118, 119, 285, 337, 358, 366, 379, 580, 581

Ludendorff, Lieutenant General Erich von 53

on Allied tank superiority 434

assists Hindenburg 48

and German offensive (1918) 65, 68–9

on Germany's ‘black day' 70

Mons meeting 65

and operational level of war 68

supposed ‘Lions led by Donkeys'

conversation xxi

Lumbres 23

Lumsden, Brig. Gen. F.W. 205, 213

RMS 511

Lutyens, Lt Lionel 396–7

Lycett, Capt. T. 58

Lydd, Kent 401

Lyddite 395, 401

Lyndhurst, New Forest 132

Lyon, Sapper Jack 459–60

Lys River 195, 591

Mc Cormick, Revd Pat 343–4, 369, 517

McCrae, John:
In Flanders Fields

Macdonald, Lyn 440

Macdonald, Ramsay 607

McFadzean, Rifleman Billy 388

MacFarlane, Maj. 577

Macfie, CQMS Scott 42


Lewis 9, 265, 369, 392–3, 394, 398, 414, 462

Vickers 365, 369, 390, 392, 393

Machine-Gun School, Grantham 207

McKenzie, SgtJ. R. 431

Mackie, 2nd Lt Jim 143

Mackinnon, Gen. Sir Henry 196

MacKintosh, Ewart Alan:
In Memoriam, Private D. Sutherland

Maclaren, Capt. 283, 289, 290

Maclean, Joseph 291–2, 321, 344, 541, 584, 590

Macmillan, Harold, 1st Earl of Stockton xvii, 143–4, 617

Macready, Lt Gen. Sir Nevil 368

Mahon, Lt Gen. Sir Bryan 194–5

Major, Corporal Arthur 286

Malakoff Farm 59

Malay States Volunteer Rifles 208

Mametz Wood 628

battle of (1916) 41, 46, 151–2, 217–18, 241, 275, 382, 441
Manchester Guardian

Manning, Pte Frederic 559

Her Privates We

Manning, Brig. Gen. W. H. 201

Manual of Military Law, The
555, 558, 561, 563

Maple Lodge 271

Maple Redoubt 294

mapping 453–6

bingo system 454–5

grid-reference system 455–6

Marcoing 443

Maria Theresa, Queen of Hungary 20

Maricourt 39, 46

Marks, Pte Thomas Penrose 330–31, 547–8, 574– 6l3

Marlborough, first Duke of 20

Marne, first battle of the (1914) 32

Marne River 31, 254, 438

marriages, wartime 597

Marseilles 84

Marshall, L/Cpl 84–5

Marshall, Lt Col James 72

Marshall, Pte 560

Martin, 2nd Lt Bernard 16–17, 144, 172, 322–3, 426, 427–8, 454, 479, 508, 530, 543, 604

Martin-Leake, Lt Col. Arthur 470–71

Marwitz, Gen. von der 28

Masefield, John 18–19, 23, 24, 46, 50–51

Masnieres 443, 444

Mason, Capt. Cyril 347, 358, 359

Mason, Pte 575–6

Massingham, H.J. 100

Masterman, C. F. G. 626

The Condition of England

Masterson, ex-L/Cpl, later archbishop of Birmingham 506

Matania, Fortunino:
The Last Absolution of the Munsters

Matheson, Lt Col 370

Maubeuge 21, 615

Maudslay, Edith 163

Maxims of London xxvi

Maxse, Lt Gen. Sir Ivor 196–7, 393, 394

Maxwell, Brig. Gen. Frank 213

Maxwell, Gen. Sir John 620

Mayne, Private 586

medication 469, 470, 474, 511

melenite 395

Mellersh, 2nd Lt H. E. L. 173, 482, 530, 611, 616, 623

Melton, Sgt 19

Menin 21

Menin Gate (Ypres) 14

Menin Road xxi, 33, 55, 236, 458, 476, 551. 575

Mercer, Maj. Gen. Malcolm 213

merchant shipping 49

Mesopotamia 302

Messines Ridge 464, 465, 601

battle of (1917) 54–5, 136, 155, 233, 236. 439– 459– 492 571

Irish Peace Park 156, 628

Meuse River 18

Meuse-Argonne, battle of (1918) 71

M'Ewen, Maj. Revd Dr Bruce 507

Meynell Hunt 161

Middle East 214, 624

Middleton, Corporal 319

military doctrine 376

military prisons 558, 564

military revolution 375–6, 485

Military Service Acts 90

militia 123, 125–6, 128, 129

Millbank Hospital, London 616

Miller, CSMJim 357

Miller, Lt Roland Brice 86–7, 296

Milne, Maj. Gen. George 192

Milner, Lord 67

Minden Magazine, The

Minden regiments 601


militant 627

strike (1898) 108

volunteering by 149

mining, military 456–65

Miraumont, Somme 300

Mitchell, 2nd Lt Frank 430, 431

Moltke, Gen. Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von 28, 39

Monash, Lt Gen. Sir John 198

Moncel, battle of (1914) 197

Monchie, Gunner 417

Monchy Breton 494

Monchy-le-Preux 21, 52

Monck, Gen. George 77

Monmouth, Duke of 113

Monro, Gen. Sir Charles 36, 209

Monro, L/Sgt H. H. (Saki) 45

Mons 65

Battle of (1914) 20, 30–31, 139, 206, 365, 541, 625

Retreat from 31, 190, 289, 348, 579, 615

Mons Star 630

Mons-Brussels road 437

Mons-Conde Canal 30, 451

Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Capt. Lord Francis 78

Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Maj. Gen. the Hon. Edward 231

Montague, C. E. 277, 508, 529, 531–2, 533.535


Montauban Ridge 41, 628, 629

Montbrehain 447

Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard 55, 122, 170, 505

Montreuil-sur-Mer 21, 39, 194, 226

Moon, L/Cpl William 566

Moran, Lord 89, 425, 470, 476, 565, 581

Morlancourt 630

Morland, Lt Gen. Sir Thomas 226

Morning Post
145, 259, 510, 605

Moroccan crisis 26

mortarmen 370–71


2–inch spigol 369

3–inch 369

3.7–inch medium 369

4–inch medium 369, 422

9.45–inch heavy 369

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