Token (Token Chronicles) (22 page)

Read Token (Token Chronicles) Online

Authors: Ryan Gressett

Tags: #romance, #Science Fiction, #Young Adult, #dystopian

BOOK: Token (Token Chronicles)
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I close my eyes again trying to concentrate on the water. On how much I love Hadley and how much I hate what has happened to her. But each time I do, the fire only grows. We continue at it for hours, but the same result keeps happening.

“Come on Kincaid. I really need you to concentrate,” Magnus encourages.

We have been at this all day, and I have made zero improvement. I am growing frustrated with the whole thing. I will never able to control my abilities. I am never going to be the leader I need to be. Just as I feel my temper wash through me, I hear a loud explosion. The stone tub containing the burning fire has exploded, and Magnus has been thrown against the wall. He is unconscious with his head bleeding. I scoop him up in my arms and sprint out of the training room as fast as I can. I get to the main floor and call for the doctor and place Magnus on the same table I was worked on.

When the doctor comes running up, he frantically asks, “What happened?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know. There was an explosion. Is he going to be okay?”

I hear a scream behind me and turn to see Briel in shock. She runs to her father’s side. Just as she reaches him, Magnus opens his eyes.

“Don’t worry everyone. It just appears to be a minor concussion,” the doctor diagnoses as he is shining his flashlight into Magnus’s eyes.

I go to Magnus and repeatedly apologize.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen. It was an accident.”

“It’s alright, son. Just a mishap, that’s all. We will work more tomorrow, okay.”

“No!” Briel screams. “It’s too dangerous. What if you had been killed?”

“Briel, it’s important he learns how to control them. I am the only one who can help him.”

She looks up at me with fear and distress in her face. She was afraid of me as if I were a monster. She shakes her head and gets up and runs off towards the quarters. I want to chase after her to apologize, but Magnus stops me.

“Let her go, Kincaid. She will come around.”

“I didn’t mean for the explosion to happen Magnus. I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”

“It’s alright, I promise. We didn’t think it would all be smooth sailings did we? Just forget about it, and we will start fresh tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, sir.”

I head back to my room completely absorbed in my failure. So far, the only two times I have really used my abilities, I managed to almost kill Magnus and myself. Not a great start. It makes me want to give up. I cannot live with hurting someone innocent. It would destroy me. But I have to keep the greater goal in my mind. To save our country. To give freedom to an impoverished population.

I stay in my room the entire night and skip dinner. I am embarrassed to be seen by the community. I am not yet ready to face Briel again. I almost killed their leader, her father. I’m sure I am no longer the hero they thought I was a day ago. I toss and turn through my bed the entire night, but sleep continues to elude me once again.

I finally give up on the thought of getting any rest. I decide to leave my room and head back to the training area. Magnus has told me what I need to do. At least if I train by myself, no one will be at risk but me. There is no one around. The halls are eerily quiet and many of the lights have been extinguished for the night. I find my way well enough, however.

As I enter the room, I immediately feel guilt for what I did to Magnus. I see the fire tub shattered in pieces. I can still see his blood stains on the wall he was roughly thrown against. No. I won’t ever let that happen again. I must find a way to control my abilities. I walk over to the water tub and see there is still a fresh pool of liquid present. I sit down and cross my legs trying to emerge myself deep into the corners of my mind.

I try and do what Magnus instructed. I think about something that angers me, while thinking about someone I love. I just concentrate on Hadley. The way I felt when I found out she was sold. Ripped from my life without even a goodbye. Then, learning what could be happening to her in Silon. I am no longer thinking about the love I have for her, but the pure hatred I have for Cromus, Grodar, and the Elitists. I open my eyes to see the pool of water from the tub is now a wall of water extending to the top of the tall cavernous roof. As soon I see it and lose my concentration, the wall comes crashing down. The entire base floor of the room is now flooded almost a foot deep in water. I am soaked.

“Wow,” I hear a voice from behind me exclaim.

I whip around quickly and discover Briel standing in the entrance of the room, her feet covered by the water.

“You shouldn’t be here,” I say. “It’s not safe. You should know that.”

“Still, it was very impressive.”

“I wasn’t trying to do that. I failed.”

She begins to march her way through the water to get to me. I notice I am still sitting in the water. I didn’t even bother to stand up. When she reaches me, she too sits down in the water right in front of me.

“I came looking for you tonight. I wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier. I was just worried for my father’s safety. I know you didn’t mean to harm him. But you weren’t at dinner. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to check your room, and you weren’t there either. I guessed you would be here.”

“I don’t blame you for being mad at me. Your father is not safe around me. You are not safe around me. I have done nothing but demonstrate I cannot control any of this.”

“I don’t believe that. You should not believe it either. You are strong.”

I can only shake my head in disagreement.

“What did my father tell you? What did he say is the key to controlling your abilities?”

“Anger. He said I first need to initiate them with anger and then learn how to control them with my other emotions. I need to train my mind to be able to use my abilities and phase out the anger part.”

She just looks back at me deep in thought.

“Here. Take my hands,” she urges as she extends both of them out to me.

“Why?” I ask.

“Just take them. Trust me.”

I do as she says. “Now close your eyes. I want you to try to access your abilities, but we are going to try a different approach.”

I open my eyes shocked at her suggestion.

“No,” I reply. “You could get hurt. I cannot control them.”

“I believe in you. You won’t hurt me. You just need to concentrate.

“I cannot take the risk. You shouldn’t either. You father would kill me if he knew I was knowingly putting you in danger.”

“I am in charge of my life, not my father. I want to help you, and that is exactly what I am going to do.”

“I can’t let you.”

“If I feel in danger, I’ll let you know. Now take my hands.”

“You promise? You will let me know if you don’t feel safe.”


With her hands wrapped tightly around mine, her words are soft, but direct.

“I don’t want you to use your anger blindly. It needs to have a purpose. I want you to think about what you will be able to do for this world. All the innocent people you will save. All the lives you will change for the better. Let that passion and anger become the fuel for your abilities. I think what happened with my father is you lost control. I am right here with you the whole time. Stay grounded and calm. You can do this.”

I feel her hands squeeze mine tighter reminding me of her presence. I keep my eyes shut and try to envision a world liberated from Cromus. Tokens free from their bonds, free to live their lives however and with whomever they want. I am concentrated on the water. What I want to do with it. I am picturing in my mind creating the wall of water again. I can see it forming in my head. I try to move the water into the shape of the horse Briel and I rode in on the day she saved me. I can still picture the majestic beast’s strong hind legs and wild look in its eyes.

“You are doing it Kincaid. You are doing it!” she exclaims.

I still feel the warmth of her hands wrapped around mine. I can feel the pulse of her heart beginning to race. I stay concentrated. I try to move the horse. I envision it running around the training arena. I hear Briel gasp. I open my eyes and see it briefly. The exact picture in my mind of the water horse sprinting around the arena. Once I lay my eyes on it, the water dissipates and the horse is gone.

“Is that what you were trying to do?” Briel asks. “It was beautiful.”

“It worked. I was able to do it. I can’t believe it.”

Briel leaps from her sitting position and throws her arms around me. “I knew you could. You just need to believe in yourself. Know what you are fighting for.”

I hug her back feeling confident in my abilities and myself for the first time since I learned of them. We let go, and she is brimming with excitement.

“Do you want to try again?”

“Actually, I think it might be best for both of us if we try and get some sleep for tomorrow.”

“Alright,” she replies with a hint of disappointment.

She stands up to walk away, but I yell out to her before she goes.

“Briel. I’m going to need you here every day to help me train. I don’t think I could have done this tonight without you.”

She smiles widely at me and proceeds to walk out of the training room. I stand up and begin to follow her out. I find my way back to my room, and for the first time in a long time, I am able to sleep again.


Chapter 15


I hear the same light tapping at my door again early in the morning. Without wondering who would be there this time, I open the door to see it is Briel there again to wake me up. Her smile is intoxicating as always. I could get used to these wake up calls.

“Are you ready to train today?” she asks.

“Of course.”

“Breakfast in ten,” she says as she skips off down the hallway.

I don my training clothes and make my way to the dining area. I see Nilly cooking in the kitchen again and Briel sitting at the table, but I notice Magnus is missing.

I sit down, but before I am able to ask, Briel answers my question.

“The doc ordered my father to bed rest for a few days. He, of course, refused, but the doctor has given him some medicine to sedate him as a precaution. He is quite stubborn.”

I am only reminded that the reason he is hurt is because of me and my carelessness.

“But we will continue your training as planned. Me and you.”

I liked the sound of that plan. Briel seems to have a positive effect on me. She makes me believe I am capable of anything. I know she believes in me.

“Your father is okay with this?”

She just looks back at me and nods while she is eating.

We have a quick breakfast and both thank Nilly promptly after we finish. We head to the training room to start for the day.

“What did you have in mind for today?” I ask.

“Well, we saw you were able to control water last night. Let’s see about air.”

“Air? What do you mean?”

“It is one of your elements you are able to control. You can create wind, tornadoes, anything you could think of. I am still not quite sure how you managed to strike yourself with lightning, but let’s just hope it was a one-time thing,” she says laughing.

“Tornadoes,” I reply uncertain.

“Well, let’s not go that extreme today. Let’s just see if we make some heavy gusts. We will do exactly what we did last night.”

“Alright, I’ll give it a shot.”

We sit down facing each other again, our hands intertwined.

“Just remember what you are fighting for. Who you are fighting to save. Who you are going to defeat. Just picture it all in your mind, Kincaid.”

I can see it all. All the faces of those who have suffered because of Cromus, Grodar, the Elitists. Hadley, Benja, Yency, Nayze, Zeke. Moreover imagining the faces of all those lives I can prevent from the same suffering. I can still feel Briel’s hand touching mine keeping me from losing myself. I can feel the wind blowing hard at my back, gradually picking up speed the more I concentrate. I am sure to hold Briel’s hands even tighter now. I experiment with it in my mind. Letting the wind blow with more force and then slowing it down. Once I am satisfied, I open my eyes and let the winds subsist.

“Amazing,” she says. “You seemed so in tune. Like you were in complete control.”

I was in complete control. I didn’t let my anger rule me. I ruled it. Maybe Magnus and my father were wrong. As long as I have a clear mission in mind, to know what I am fighting and never lose sight of it, I can take charge of my anger. I can control my abilities as long as I never lose my concentration.

The next few days were all the same. Wake up. Breakfast. Training with Briel all day. Each day working on a new element. In just a few days, I had mastered all of them. Earth. Wind. Fire. Water. Briel had even insisted I stay later some nights by myself. I needed to learn how to use them without her anchoring me down. I needed to have the self-discipline to check my anger and stay focused.

Today is the first day the doc has cleared Magnus to be moving around. I am excited to show him how far I have managed to come. I sat down at the dining room table next to Magnus. He seems in high spirits.

“We have a lot of work to do today, son. We have lost a lot of time the past few days, but we will make up for it.”

Lost time? I thought Briel had told him she was training me. I look to her and her face is riddled with anxiety. She never told him. I know he didn’t want her around me while I was training so I cover for her.

“Actually, sir, I have been training on my own, using what you have taught me. I have progressed quite well.”

Briel shoots me a gracious look.

“Excellent. Let’s see what we are working with then, shall we?”

He gets up from the table and motions for me to follow.

“Good luck,” Briel wishes.

We enter the training room, and he follows the same procedure he did last time. He lights the petrol in one tub for the fire and fills the other tub with water. He cautiously steps away and gets behind me this time, however.

“Show me what you have been able to learn to do so far.”

I no longer have to keep my eyes shut to use my abilities. I can feel the water, the fire, the wind, the earth. I know what I want it to do, and it responds. I work with the fire first. I create a ball of fire and elevate to the top of the room and let it grow. I want to show Magnus what I am capable of. I begin to shoot the fireball directly at us. I can hear him gasp in surprise behind me, unsure whether or not I am actually in control. Before I let the ball get too close, I use the water from the tub and create a protective wall to quickly extinguish the fire. I send the water back into its tub.

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