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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

TogetherinCyn (5 page)

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“What did you have in mind, Sir?” I asked as his erection
bumped against my stomach.

“A whole hell of a lot that you’re too sore for tonight.”

“You’d be surprised how resilient I can be given the proper

“Oh, consider me incentive, baby.” He found my hand and
wrapped it around his dick. He kept his hand on top and squeezed before adding,
“And this, your goal.” He laid his lips against mine and smiled at his own

Jared deepened the kiss and his stubble sent a shiver racing
up my spine. I wondered what it would feel like on my tingly bits.

“I need to ask you a question.” The side of the bed dipped
as Chris sat beside me.

“Okay,” I sighed. Jared kissed my eyelids, my chin, the soft
spot underneath my ear. I thought I was prepared for his lips on my flesh until
he sucked my earlobe into his mouth.

“Why are pages missing in your diary?” Chris’ words sank in
and I froze. Getting dowsed with ice water wouldn’t have been more shocking.
Jared tried to kiss me again.

I jerked away.

“Way to kill the mood there, C,” he grumbled. He kissed me
on the cheek and flopped onto the mattress.

“There are pages missing, aren’t there?” Chris asked,
tilting my head so I couldn’t hide. I was the worst liar in the history of the
known world so there was no point in attempting it.

“It’s not any of your business.”

“Everything involving you is our business.”

I would have loved to hear those words a few kisses ago but
cold fear settled in the pit of my stomach. If C got something in his head, a
hurricane couldn’t shake him loose.

“Some things aren’t meant to see the light of day. What was
on those pages happened to fall into that category. It’s over and done with and
that’s where it’s going to stay.” I sat up and held the comforter against me
like a shield.

Chris hauled me closer until I could see the spark in his
eye. I gripped the soft leather of his pants as he said, “Someday you’ll trust
us and won’t feel the need to keep anything from us. Especially something
important enough to write in your journal. An event that scared you bad enough
to try to erase it afterward. Someone, maybe?”

He was so close to the truth I did nothing but remain

“One day soon there will be no secrets,” he added in a
whisper and laid his forehead against mine. He held my cheeks and I knew we
weren’t talking about me anymore. He stiffened when I stroked his spine. There
were ridges there I’d never noticed before. I’d also never been his lover.

“Chris, what—”

The ringtone
Baby Got Back
went off on the phone on
the dresser.

“Dammit, that’s mine.” Jared cursed, threw off the covers
and stalked, gloriously nude, to the dresser where they’d put their stuff.

He pushed a button and held it up to his ear. “Yeah?” he
barked. “Hey, Jenna, is everything okay?” After a short pause, “No, I was still
awake. Don’t worry about it.” He listened and shot Chris a look that spoke

I glanced at the clock and realized it was almost four in
the morning. Why would some chick named Jenna call Jared this early?

“No, he’s with me. We’ll be there in twenty.” He trapped the
phone against his ear and shoulder and stepped into his pants.

Christ nudged my chin until I glared at him. He smiled.
“I’ve never seen you jealous before. It’s cute.”

“I’m not feeling real cute. I was getting ready for round
two and you’re leaving me to go see this Jenna person. Is she a girl you’ve
?” I barely kept from making air quotes.

He stared at me. Anticipation filled me and I forgot to
eavesdrop on Jared’s conversation. Chris laid his lips against mine. For the
brother who tended to brood, his kiss was that much more distracting due to its
gentleness. I couldn’t help but think we were sharing more than a simple kiss.

He raised his head, adding, “You’ll meet Jenna tonight.
She’s been threatening us for weeks with bodily harm if we didn’t bring you to
the club.” The affection in his voice made me scowl again and he stood up to
get his things off the dresser. It was so domestic, it made my heart clench
with the possibilities.

Jared made his goodbyes and assured “little miss fabulous”
they would be on their way in less than five minutes. He flipped the phone
closed and shoved it in his pocket before walking to my side of the bed. “Damn,
but it will be easier if this stuff happens when we’re already on site, not across

“What’s happened? Everything okay?” I asked as he took
Chris’ place on the side of the bed and wrapped me in his tight embrace.

“One of the main breakers for the club was damaged last
night. A wire was loose and it could have been bad if one of our guys hadn’t
caught it. We couldn’t find evidence it was anything fishy but it stinks like
day-old tuna. Nick and Jackson keep curious people out and deal with member
issues but we’re interviewing a full-time security firm. ’Til we find the right
one, we need to be there. Some cocky loudmouth getting wind of the club is
exactly what we don’t need. Rumors are fine and great for increasing membership
but substantiated pictures of some of the play areas or the stage? That would
be difficult to explain to potential members who require complete anonymity.”

“You guys don’t need to babysit me. It’s making it harder on
you and your employees. Don’t you want to be there full-time?” I put a question
mark on the end but I knew the answer. The last thing I wanted them to think
was that I couldn’t take care of myself. I wanted an equal relationship. Well,
everywhere except the bedroom.

Jared stroked my hair and squeezed me one more time. “We
aren’t babysitting you. You’ve always been more important than any house or club
and that was before we claimed you. You’d be wise to remember that.” He kissed
me on the nose like he’d been doing for years then got up from the bed to
leave. “Later today, one of us will bring instructions for tonight. Sleep
well.” He winked at me and beat feet into the hall.

Chris hovered close, staring at me.

My mouth opened to ask a million questions about the club
and Jenna and what was going to happen later but he laid his finger across my
lips. He sat next to me and said, “You’ve got secrets you want to keep and I’ll
try to be patient until you tell us what happened. We want you at The Library
but we want you to experience it like any other first-time sub would. Do you
trust me with your pleasure?”

I nodded and he ran his thumb across the pulse point in my
neck. There were two questions that couldn’t wait. “What if I’m no good at
this, Chris? What if I’m the most horrible sub and I embarrass you both?”

“You were made for this, Cyn.”

“What? Made to obey?” I asked with uncertainty.

“That word…coming from you. You undo me. You were born to
take pleasure so all-consuming it threatens to steal your mind, and mine. You
were made strong enough to submit to not only one Dom but two. Two men who want
to push every sexual limit you’ve ever conceived of and fall with you over the
precipice into something you never knew existed.”

My throat clenched as I swallowed. “Why The Library? Why the

A corner of his mouth kicked up into a rare smirk. “Jared
thought it was funny. It’s not The Dungeon or The Torture Chamber. Members can
say, ‘I’m going to The Library’ and no one is going to find anything suspicious
about it. How many times have we said it and you never guessed where we were
actually going?”

My mouth opened again.

“Later. We’ll get to all that later but there is one subject
we need to cover now. I know you’re on birth control but I need you to tell me
if you want us to wear condoms. We’ve both been tested and have a clean bill of
health but if you’re more comfortable with more protection then that’s what we’ll
do tonight.”

It spoke volumes that he hadn’t mentioned this when he was
buried balls-deep inside me earlier. They knew I’d never slept with any guy
without a condom. I was a take-no-chances kind of girl since my mom had gotten
pregnant when she was seventeen. I had one too many beers one night and told
them a heck of a lot of things I wished they’d forget.

“After my last boyfriend, I got tested, you know,” I
shrugged, “to make sure, and I haven’t been with anyone else. Weren’t you the
one who told me not too long ago that having sex with a condom was like fucking
with your pants on?”

His mouth twitched as if he were about to smile but his lips
remained straight. “Yes, but for you we’ll do what you need us to, to feel
comfortable and trust us.”

Emotion clogged my throat and I had to clear it before I
could answer. “I want to feel you, C. Both of you. Bare. No condoms. But what

He waited silently for me to find the right question to ask.

“I want to be with both of you. You obviously get that but at
the club—am I going to be taken by strangers? I feel stupid asking but

Understatement of the damn year.

“We have an extremely strict no-STD policy at the club. New
members have to prove they are STD free before they can join. Everyone has to
be retested at least every three months to remain in good standing. If Jared
and I feel that bringing someone else in would benefit you then we’ll do that,
but it depends on you. Answer your question?

Not at all. “I guess.”

I had so much more to say but he laid his mouth on mine. I
sighed as he stroked his tongue inside. He scooted me lower until my head
rested on the pillow and Jared called from the front.

“Come on, C. Stop making out with Cyn and getcha ass out
here. Jenna’s already texted saying, and I quote, ‘Put your dick in your pants
and move it’. So let’s go.”

Chris kissed me one more time, ran his nose along my jaw
line and then stood. “In around twelve hours, you’re going to be in my
playground. I can’t wait to show you what you’ve been missing.”

He sauntered to the bathroom and hit the switch on the wall,
throwing light out the open door. His shoulders flexed in a way I’d never seen
before. Long-healed scars crisscrossed his back.


“Uh huh?” he asked, walking away.

My mouth stuttered along with my brain with what to ask.
“I’ll miss you,” was the first thing that came to mind and once it passed my
lips I knew how true those three simple words were.

“Miss you too. Sleep. We’ll lock up on the way out.”

He strode from the room much like his brother had and I
heard him walk across the hall and down the stairs. The third step groaned as
his weight hit it and I smiled, wondering how I’d missed them as they hit that
stair on their way up.

Chris closed and locked the front door and after a few minutes
they pulled out of the driveway. I sank into the pillows and snuggled deeper
under covers that still smelled like us.

“Guess I’m not the only one with secrets.”

Chapter Three


An odd noise, kind of like a drawer closing, woke me later
that day. I stretched in bed and gave myself a mental fist pump for the night

My hand crinkled on an envelope placed on the pillow beside
me. I grabbed it, flipped on the lamp and blinked to clear the lingering sleep
from my eyes. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept so well.

I extracted two pieces of paper. A map with printed
directions to the club was on top, along with a note written in Jared’s
haphazard penmanship.

Jackson will direct you to the garage, then go to the
door marked Private. Knock at seven o’clock. Don’t forget your card and an
overnight bag. Leave the extra stuff in the trunk of your car. Everything else
will be taken care of for you after you arrive. We’ll be waiting.

That was it.

Not much of a clue about what I was walking into. Who would
be there? What would they do with me…to me?

The possibilities were endless and all those questions I’d
thought of last night dug at my frontal cortex.

Nerves ate me but for once in my life I was
to run and hide. My inner goddess was already applying her slut-red lipstick
and tucking her feet into four-inch,

Gleefully, I kicked the covers off and practically skipped
over to window. If the guys were home, I was gonna jump in a quick shower and
then pop over to see them.

I peeked beyond the curtain and found Jared’s truck parked
in their driveway. Giddiness invaded my system. I had it so bad for those two.

I raced to the bathroom. My hand froze on the doorknob, my
heart pounding. The muffled noise of someone moving came from the other side of
the door. My heart stopped altogether when I caught sight of the note taped at
my eye level.

Knock twice. Face away from the door. Hands clasped
behind you. Eyes closed. Welcome to your shower fantasy. Master J.

Blood rushed to my head and my pussy creamed. That’s all it
took for me to be ready for him.

My Master.

Without taking time to analyze…anything, I rapped my
knuckles sharply on the door twice in quick succession and followed the rest of
his instructions.

The sound of the shower turning on erupted behind me. Jared
opened the door and I shivered.

“I couldn’t wait until tonight.” The dark cadence of his
voice heightened my arousal and his confession lightened my soul. He wrapped
something over my eyes and tied it behind my head.

“I’m glad.” Two simple words but they spoke volumes.

He latched on to my wrists and my throat and towed me into
the bathroom, kicking the door closed behind me. His hot cock throbbed against
me and he drove it into my tight fists. “Jack me off. Show me how much you
missed me.”

My mouth watered as I squeezed from root to tip. He pumped
into my fists. The awkward position of my hands, and the darkness, amped up the
awareness of my other senses. The steam clung to my skin as it filled the small
space. My nipples sucked into tight beads, aching for his attention.

Every swirl of my thumb over the crest of his dick increased
the pressure he put on my throat. After only a few passes, he wrenched his cock
free and lifted me into the shower.

The glass door rattled shut behind him. He shoved me
tits-first against the wall. My hot nipples slid along the cold tile, shooting
sensation straight to my clit.

Water cascaded along my right side, warming me as he kicked
my legs wide. The tip of his cock kissed the folds of my sex and lodged at the
opening. His scent surrounded me. He was my only anchor in the darkness.

He went still.

Tension filled the space around us…

He tunneled through the tight muscles of my cunt, thrusting
to the hilt in one stroke.

“Who does this pussy belong to?” He grabbed my wrists, held
them together high on the wall and circled my waist with his other arm.

“Yours, Master J. Always.” Saying it out loud ripped me wide

He nipped at the lobe of my ear until I jerked from the
pain. “I’m here to make up for some of the time we’ve lost dicking around,
walking on eggshells about our needs.”

His hand snaked up to squeeze my tits, yanking me faster
onto his thick pole. He hammered into my core until I stood on tiptoes.

He was everywhere, permeating each thought and sensation. He
invaded every part of me I’d kept locked away. Sex before had been about
getting off. This was…something else entirely. I couldn’t hide from him and it
scared me.

He shoved his cock in deep and picked me up, facing us
toward the showerhead. The water sluiced past my breasts, racing along my flesh
to the drain. “Grab on to the back of my neck for balance. You’re gonna need

Something in his voice made me nervous but I held on tight
as he placed my feet on the little shelves in the corners, about a foot off the
floor. When he had me positioned to his liking, he separated my pussy lips with
his free hand.

He powered into my cunt again and leaned back until the
cascade of water pounded onto my exposed clit.

“Fuck…” bounced off the walls. I used leverage to ride his
dick and the water at the same time. White lights flashed behind my eyelids. My
orgasm detonated through the nerves in my body.

It was too much. It wasn’t enough.

I clawed at his neck and shrieked as he rubbed my clit.

Steadily, he pumped inside, whispering in my ear, “Every
morning, I want you locked on me tight, coming until you can’t remember a time
before Chris and me. God, the things I want to do to you.”

He slowed his thrusts and hauled his stiff cock free from my
clenching sex. The loss devastated me. He propped me up against the shower wall
to face him.

He removed the blindfold and I blinked up at him.

“You didn’t come.” Without permission, I reached for his
hard-on but he stopped me.

“Not yet. But I’m not done with you either.” He grabbed my
sponge and added bodywash. He soaped my skin, paying particular attention to my
chest and between my legs. His attention fed my soul. What he did was sexy but
it wasn’t meant to be sexual and with him I knew the difference.

By the time he was done washing and drying me off, I wanted
to attack him. His cock made my mouth water. It still stood erect next to his
belly. I wanted to pleasure him like he did for me in the shower.

“Come in here,” he said, taking two things from a drawer.

He grabbed a pillow and set it at the edge of the bed. He
tried hiding the extra items—a butt plug and lube—underneath.

I made a break for the door, frightened since I wanted to
stay. He tossed me on the bed with a chuckle. My ass hit the pillow and Jared
rolled me until my knees were bent and my thighs open, exposing my tingly
parts. I couldn’t slither away. The desire in his eyes tore me apart. He wanted
this, which made me want it more.

“Not so fast, naughty girl.” He licked and sucked at my
pussy then rimmed my asshole. Some of the fight drained from my limbs. “Chris
and I are well-endowed. You’re gonna need some help here. Hold your legs open.”

“And if I say no?” My defiance didn’t faze him. So I
relaxed. This couldn’t have been easier to get out of—

He threw me over onto my stomach, my thighs together, ass in
the air, and plunged into my core, driving me into the mattress. “Don’t forget
who I am. I was going to be nice about this but if you want to get mouthy, we
can do it my way.”

He released my hair, slipped free from my soaked cunt and
dug under the pillow. I clutched at the sheets, trying not to panic. He flipped
open the cap on the little bottle, shocking me when he poured some on my ass.

“Fuck off,” skidded out of my mouth and Jared swatted my
butt. He stuffed two digits deep inside, past the ultrasensitive ring of
muscles. My pussy clenched and my ass milked him.

“Interesting words coming from someone who’s about to come

I didn’t want to like it. He made me like it, crave it. My
arousal simmered around him and Chris every day but manhandling me threw all
the rules away. He controlled me. All my reactions were his to command even
when I didn’t want to like it. The anticipation alone was better than any other
sexual experience I’d had prior to him and Chris. I teetered on the edge of
another orgasm. My cheeks flamed and I hid in my hair.

He replaced his invading touch with the tip of the plug. I
bit my lip and buried my nose in the comforter. I wanted this, ached for it,
but what would he think if I came?

He slapped my ass. “Don’t stifle your reaction to me. To
what I’m doing to you.” He pushed the plug farther in until I yelped. “You’re
not going to hide from me, blondie. I won’t stand for it.”

I moaned as he filled my ass with the toy, unable to stifle
my pleasure any longer. He gained depth on each thrust. “Master J, please… I’m
going to come. I can’t stop—”

“Not until I give you permission. This is my pussy. My ass.
You no longer have control over them.” To prove his point, he shoved the plug
in, forcing the muscles of my rear channel to separate. They collapsed around
the wider middle beneath the base.

He flipped me over, flung my legs wide and climbed on top.
He shifted me higher on the mattress. He kicked the pillow and lube off,
working his shaft into my tight sheath. His moan of pleasure sounded far away.
He clutched me to him, slamming his mouth down on mine. I clawed at his
shoulders and squeezed my thighs along his shuttling hips. He started to shake.

He arched, stiffened and shouted, burrowing into my tight
sex. “Fucking hell—”

He detonated, filling my pussy with his cum. Each twitch of
his shaft forced free a whimper. I almost begged for relief.

The plea died on my tongue. He slid free and yanked me to
the edge of the bed. He shoved my knees together, squishing my breasts, and
growled, “Hold them.”

I hugged them tight to my abdomen. He sank to his knees and
I squeezed my eyes shut.

“You’ve got thirty seconds to come or you’ll wait until
tonight.” He rotated the plug, throwing me one step closer to orgasm. He
trapped my clit between his teeth, tongued it and I flew into a million pieces.

“I’m coming, Sir! I’m coming—” My voice broke and a
high-pitched wail trapped inside me broke free.

He filled my drenched cunt and my ass sucked the plug in

I floated in the eye of the storm where nothing could hurt
me. He protected me, cherishing me so I could fly free of the bonds that had
always caged me. I wanted more. I wanted everything.

I rode his mouth to the very end, his lips and tongue coaxing
my release a step higher until it plateaued just shy of heaven’s pearly gates.
He slipped in and out of my pussy, playing me like the final notes of a
symphony. He licked my clit several times and I gasped when he removed his

He tugged my fists from his hair, allowing me to fall limp
across the bed. I don’t remember having grabbed his head to hold it in place.
Whatever punishment it earned would be well worth it.

He stood and jacked his still-stiff prick. “Lick your pussy
juice off and remember I own every drop of it.”

I struggled onto my side, still reeling at how loving him
was like food and water. I needed him and Chris to survive. He grabbed a
handful of my hair and hauled me closer to his shaft.

“Yes, Master J.” I devoured his cock. Tasting, sucking,
biting, kissing every inch of him. My ass clenched on the plug, triggering
another mini-explosion deep in my womb.

Sex wasn’t sex with them. They grounded me so I couldn’t
escape my desires. They wouldn’t let me shy away and for the first time I wanted
to be strong enough.

I bathed his cock in attention until he took it away,
replacing it with his tongue. He kissed me until I wanted to start all over
again. He finally let go and I collapsed onto the mattress. My ass clenched on
the plug. Shards of pleasure curled my toes.

“When I die… Yeah, that’s the way I want to go.”

“You do scream like a banshee. I knew you were holding back
with your battery-operated boyfriend.”

Jared walked into the bathroom, humming. I guess I didn’t
have to ask if he was pleased with himself.

I shivered at the scratch marks on his shoulders and neck.
Water ran for a minute then he came to bed carrying a washcloth. He wiped the
wetness from my thighs and licked my slit one last time. He savored my cunt and
it creamed for him again.

“Your pussy’s addictive.”

What do you say to something like that?
I let my
blush speak for itself.

I couldn’t help but stare as he pulled jeans up his powerful
legs. The way his abs flexed, pulling on his shirt, should have come with a
warning label.

“Who knew writing fantasies about the two of you would lead
to…this? Showers that make me feel deliciously dirty afterward.”

“Not exactly what you had written.” He grabbed his shoes by
the door, which I had totally missed when I first woke up, and sat next to me
to put them on.

I barked out a laugh, which jolted the plug and I groaned at
the reminder. “Better, Jared, it was better.”

He stood up then dropped down on top of me, straddling my
body in the process. Caging me in. His laughter worked its way into my soul as
he bounced us. I stroked his back as he continued to bounce. My giggle soon
joined his. He was so playful. Jovial, fun-loving, much more so than Chris, but
something struck me as odd and I’d noticed it last night too. Jared was the
harder lover. He pushed. Wouldn’t take no for an answer. I hadn’t seen that

It was only one night to base thing on but I’d be thinking
about it tonight.

“Think of me.” He kissed me, slipped his tongue inside and
explored my mouth. I cupped his cheek and held him to me.

BOOK: TogetherinCyn
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