To Walk in the Sun (Wiggons' School for Elegant Young Ladies - Book 1) (3 page)

Read To Walk in the Sun (Wiggons' School for Elegant Young Ladies - Book 1) Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance historical gothic historical romance gothic romance georgian romance georgian

BOOK: To Walk in the Sun (Wiggons' School for Elegant Young Ladies - Book 1)
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“Lord Atwood!” Eliza gasped and stepped

He ignored her fear and searched his pockets.
He had already given his handkerchief to Miss Crawford earlier and
didn’t have another. He turned toward Eliza. “Go find bandages or
cloth for your teacher.”

The girl simply stood, staring at him. Her
eyes wide with shock, face ashen.

“Did you hear me?” he snapped. The girl came
out of her stupor and darted toward an older woman.

“You don’t look very well, Miss Crawford,”
the remaining student muttered, her eyes fixed on Miss Crawford’s

“I am fine, Sophia,” Miss Crawford answered,
though she swayed on her feet.

She was going to faint. Vincent stepped
forward and placed his arm around her waist at the same moment she
crumpled. Thankfully, he was close enough to keep her from falling
to the ground.

The elder woman came forward, bandages in her
hand. Vincent scooped Miss Crawford up in his arms. “Is there
somewhere I might place her?”

“The front parlor is undamaged.”

He followed the woman toward the house. The
students and teachers parted like the Red Sea. A girl behind him
stopped Sophia and whispered loudly, “Be sure to check her for


* * *


Tess opened her eyes to find Sophia very
close to her face. “What are you doing?”

Sophia glanced over her shoulder before she
whispered, “I am checking for bite marks.”

Bite marks?
Oh dear, Lord Atwood must
have followed her home. But, how had she gotten on the couch?

“I was going to tell her that I restrained
myself but I didn’t think she would have believed me.”

Tess turned her head toward the voice. Lord
Atwood stood at the end of the couch. A smiled pulled at her lips.
For some reason, she was grateful to see him there. She was sure it
was only because he saved her life. And for that, she would always
be grateful.

Why hadn’t I noticed how handsome he was
in the crypt?
Well, there were other concerns at the time and
it was rather dark. Such was not the case now. The gentleman before
her had dark as midnight eyes, black hair, chiseled, if not pale,
features; high cheek bones, strong nose, perfect lips.
where had that thought come from? How hard did I hit my

Mrs. Wiggons bustled into the room. “I just
spoke with the doctor. He returned to the village to treat
fractures and such. He said he’d be around to check on you as soon
as possible.”

“Miss Crawford’s injury should be stitched
immediately,” Lord Atwood insisted.

Tess’ stomach clenched at the idea and put
her hand against her forehead. “I am sure it will be fine. I no
longer feel any blood.”

His lips quirked. “It is bandaged.”

“Oh.” Tess let her hand drop.

“Was anyone injured?” Tess struggled to sit
up but a wave of dizziness rushed over her and she let her head
fall back onto the pillow.

“No, thank the heavens. Our more urgent
concern at the moment is what do we do now? The back of the house
is destroyed.” Mrs. Wiggons turned and studied the room. “I suppose
we could move the girls down to these floors and keep them at the
front of the house.”

“All three dozen?” Tess raised her eyebrows
at the absurd thought, but she quickly relaxed them due to the

“No, just a few.” Mrs. Wiggons waved a hand
in dismissal. She tapped her foot and looked around the room as if
trying to determine how she could make the temporary sleeping
arrangements work.

“If you don’t mind,” Lord Atwood interrupted,
causing both women to turn toward him. “Until the damage can be
thoroughly assessed, in the light of day, I don’t believe it is
safe for anyone to stay anywhere in the house. I am not at all
comfortable even being in this parlor.”

Mrs. Wiggons sighed and sank into a chair. “I
suppose you’re right. The neighbors have offered to take some of
the girls and teachers in for the night.”

“Then your problem is solved.” Tess was
thankful for the solution. She did not relish the idea of trying to
sleep in a room with three dozen young girls. Nobody would get any

Mrs. Wiggons turned her eyes on Tess. “Not
entirely. I still need to find a place for you and the last three
students. I’ve made sure there is a teacher with each group of
girls. They are in our care, after all, and I would hate to have to
answer to a parent as to why their daughter was not properly
chaperoned overnight.”

“Surely it would be safe for the four of us
to sleep in the parlor. Don’t worry yourself Mrs. Wiggons.”

“You can stay in my home,” Lord Atwood
offered from where he stood.

Tess glanced back over to him and in the
process witnessed Rosemary’s face drain of all color before she
looked at Lord Atwood. “You don’t even know if you own home stands,
my lord. But I thank you for the offer.”

“Oh goodness, I completely forgot.” Mrs.
Wiggons hit the top of her head with the palm of her hand, a habit
of hers when she was reminded of her forgetfulness. “Lord Atwood,
your valet is in the yard. I assured him you were here and
unharmed. He did not want to come inside though.”

“Thank you.” He bowed toward the ladies and
then exited the room.

“Miss Crawford, we can’t stay there,” Sophia

“Nonsense,” Mrs. Wiggons argued. “It is not
safe here and there is no place else.”

“The barn still stands,” the young lady
suggested with hope.

“I am
sleeping in a barn,” Tess
hissed, no longer in possession of patience where the girls and
their irrational fears were concerned.

Lord Atwood returned to the parlor a moment
later. “It appears my home suffered little damage, if any.
Therefore, I have enough room for as many of your charges as you
wish to send.”

Mrs. Wiggons stood. “Oh, thank you, Lord
Atwood. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your

He smiled. Straight white teeth. Tess’ toes
curled. Perhaps being in his home was an unwise decision, and the
barn did have warm hay. Before she offered an objection however, he
scooped her up off the couch.

“I can walk,” Tess protested.

“Only to faint during the walk and suffer
another injury. I don’t think so, Miss Crawford.”





Their sole apprehension was lest aught should

them from a delirium which they prayed might

for ever. Yet how vain is the wish that would
arrest the

decrees of destiny! as well might it seek to

the circling planets from their eternal


Wake Not the Dead

Johann Ludwig Tieck




Chapter 4


Vincent strode out of the house with Miss
Crawford in his arms. What had possessed him to invite her, and the
girls into his home? He was a man of quiet solitude. That would
cease to exist with these females under his roof.

He walked down the stairs and stopped.
Wesley, his valet approached.

“Where is the carriage?”

“I did not bring the carriage, Lord

“Why not?” He shifted Miss Crawford in his
arms, though she weighed very little.

“There was a tree in the lane.” Wesley took
off his cap and twisted it in his hands. “I only came out to search
for you. Someone said you were chasing a young lady toward the

Vincent groaned. “What else did they say?” He
could probably guess.

“They feared for her life. I tried to
reassure them. . .”

Vincent shook his head. “Never mind. I am
sure you did your best.”

“Lord Atwood?” Miss Crawford interrupted.

He glanced down at the bandaged woman in his
arms. “Yes?”

“You may put me down. I am sure I can walk on
my own.” Her authoritative tone made him want to straighten his
spine, much like the voice of his governess from years ago.

He was not so sure. The bleeding had stopped,
or at least slowed because the bandage remained white. But, she had
fainted earlier and head injuries were unpredictable.

“This is ridiculous, Lord Atwood. If I tire
or feel faint, I will tell you.”

The firm line of her lips and raised right
eyebrow were evidence of her stubbornness.

He looked around for a place to set her first
and located a sitting area on the porch. “Very well.” He marched
over and set her gingerly in a chair. “We will leave when your
charges are ready.”

She sighed and leaned back. “I don’t suppose
I could take anything from my room with me?”

Good, something he could do. He hated to
stand idle, waiting. “Which room is yours and I will gladly
retrieve what you wish.”

A blush crept across her cheeks. “What I
would require is a change of clothing, which I would prefer to
gather myself.”

Vincent cleared his throat. Of course, it
would be too personal for him to go to her private rooms, but he
needed something to do. “I’ll be happy to escort and assist. I’ll
wait in the hall if you wish.”

A smile creased her lips. “That is very kind
of you, but I fear it is impossible.”

His spine stiffened. “Are you too weak,
dizzy? Are you are going to faint?” He certainly hoped not. She
fainted once and that about ceased his heart, given the amount of
blood. How many soldiers had he seen in the same condition, never
to awaken? Then there was the addition of the girls.

“I am afraid it is not that simple. Did you
see where the tree landed, destroying the corner of the house?”

“Yes.” His stomach dropped.

“That was my room. I’ll be lucky if anything
survived in tact.” She bit her bottom lip.

Vincent recalled the devastation to the
corner of the house. He doubted there was anything recoverable from
that destruction. Had she not been out walking in the storm, it is
very likely she would now be dead.

Mrs. Wiggons walked up and settled beside
Miss Crawford. “It is all right, dear. We will replace your
belongings.” She sighed. “Well, those we can. I just hope your
personal and treasured items were not ruined.”

“What is most important I keep with me,” Miss
Crawford assured Mrs. Wiggons with a serious look.

“Of course you do, dear.” Mrs. Wiggons patted
Miss Crawford’s hand.

Vincent decided not to try and understand
this cryptic discussion. With women, one never knew what was
important and what was not. He cleared his throat. “Will the others
be ready soon?”

Mrs. Wiggons looked up. “Oh, yes. I had

She bustled off to what Vincent assumed was
to retrieve the young ladies who would accompany him and Miss
Crawford to his home.

Miss Crawford leaned her head back and closed
her eyes. Vincent was at a loss for what to do. He paced the length
of the porch, hands clasped behind his back, and took in the
surrounding area. The girls and teachers, who had not yet left,
watched him from a distance, and with suspicion. Did they
anticipate this would be the last night they would see Miss
Crawford and her students?

For the most part, the rumors did not bother
him. Then there were rare times, such as this, and other times when
he came into contact with his neighbors. Had one of them come to
call on him since his return home? Did they send condolences upon
his wife’s death?

He shook his head. Yes, they expressed their
sympathy, but as soon as he behaved oddly, at least in their
opinion, those same concerned neighbors stopped visiting him. A few
of the very same neighbors now stood in the yard, scattered among
the students and watched him with care. Would they leap in front of
the young maidens to protect them from him?

“Here we are,” Mrs. Wiggons’ voice intruded
on his thoughts.

He turned to find the headmistress with three
girls standing behind her. They were the very ones who had spied on
his house just yesterday. By their wide eyes and pale complexion,
he assumed they were scared to death. They must think Mrs. Wiggons
was serving them up as his next meal.

Mrs. Wiggons stepped aside and turned to the
first young lady. “My lord, may I present Lady Rosemary

The young woman with chestnut hair dipped
into a curtsey and kept her eyes downcast.

“Next is Miss Eliza Weston.” The redheaded
girl looked him in the eye. Her head tilted to the side as if to
study him while she curtseyed.

“Lastly is Lady Sophia Trent.”

The young, blond headed woman with blue eyes
glanced up. Her lips trembled but her chin jutted out in
determination and she looked him directly in the eyes. Only when
Mrs. Wiggons nudged her did she drop, incline her head, and rise

“It is a pleasure to make each of your
acquaintances.” He nodded to each of them.

They took a step back and practically cowered
behind Mrs. Wiggons. Their visit was going to be very long.

“Well girls,” Miss Crawford announced and
stood. “It is time you departed. Does everyone have what they

The girls nodded, but Eliza shrugged.

“Oh dear, your room is as destroyed as mine,
I suppose.” Miss Crawford came forward to hug the girl. “We will
get on, I promise.”

Vincent feared the girl would dissolve into
tears and stepped forward. “I dare say we should move on. It will
be dawn soon and I prefer to be in doors when the sun rises.”

The girls’ eyes popped open, and they took
another step back. Yes, a very long visit, even if it lasted but a

Vincent shook his head and stepped around
them to Miss Crawford. He held out his hand to assist her and then
linked her arm with his. He made a point of keeping a slow pace as
he escorted her off the porch and onto the walkway. Miss Crawford
paused and glanced back.

“Come along, girls. We don’t have all day.
Lord Atwood said he must be inside before the sun rises.”

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