To the scaffold (57 page)

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Authors: Carolly Erickson

BOOK: To the scaffold
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72-73,85,93, 117-118 thieves in, 116, 129 tradespeople delegations to, 155 visitors to, 115-118 wedding in, 56-59 Yolande's visits to, 165 Versailles, town of: marketplace in, 130 Mayor of, 130 riots in, 129-130 Versailles, Treaty of (1757), 19, 37 Victoire (daughter of Louis XV), 57,

66-71, 115, 120, 189,241 Antoinette's relationship with,

66-69, 71, 78, 229 emigration of, 276 father's death and, 92, 93, 94 father's relationship with, 55, 66, 69 Vienna: adultery in, 29-31 celebrations in, 16, 47-48 Chastity Commission in, 29-31 court dominance of, 24-25 description of, 24-25 polyglot population of, 24, 25, 45 Prussia's invasion of, 20 theater in, 37-38

unsanitary conditions in, 25 Vig6e-Lebrun, Elisabeth, 178 Villefort, Madame de, 230 Villequier, Due de, 262, 282 Villers, Cahouettede, 120-122 Villers, Monsieur de, 121, 122 Villette, Retaux de, 169 Villiers, John, 201-202 Violet, Eva Maria, 28 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel,

351;;-352w Visconti (papal nuncio), 47 Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet), 161,

199, 223 voting rights, 238 Vrillifere, Due de la, 65

Walburg-Frohberg, Countess of,

122-123, 352« "wall of captivity," 199 Walpole, Horace, 66, 114-115 Washington, George, 162 "water carousel," 26-27 weather, 202-204 White, Major, 224, 360» wigs, cost of, 119 women:

in French Revolution, 238,

239-240,242,257,318-319, 343

Louis XIV's views on, 97, 129

after thirty, 177

Yolande de Polastron, see Polignac,

Yolande, Comtesse de Young, Arthur, 192-193, 255-256

Zamor (Bengali page), 64 Zweibrucken, IVince of, 36

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