To the End of June : The Intimate Life of American Foster Care (9780547999531) (49 page)

BOOK: To the End of June : The Intimate Life of American Foster Care (9780547999531)
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Chanel (Green foster daughter),

Charlap, Lo,

child abuse

class differences in policy and,

definition of abuse and,

ethnic differences and,

in foster homes,

in group homes,

history of legislation on,

reasons behind,

recognition of,

societal “discovery” of,

statistics on,

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (federal law),

child fatalities,

child protection specialists.
caseworkers; investigators

Child Protective Services (CPS),

Children of Incarcerated Parents program,

Children's Rights,

“child savers,”

Child Welfare Administration,
See also
ACS (Administration for Children's Services)

Child Welfare Organizing Project (CWOP),

child welfare system

costs of,

criteria for success of,

fee structure in,

“just staying” as goal in,

legal actions against,

length of stay in foster care,

negative outcomes and,

reform of,

social policy lines in,

training of staff in,

tricking the system and,

types of placements in,

working the system and,

Civil Rights Act (1964),

Clarence (Green foster son),

class disparities,
See also
race discrimination

Clinton, Bill (U.S. president),

crack cocaine


Casey group and,

Chafee programs and,

foster kids' hopes for,

“concurrency planning,”

Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth,


of foster care,

for institutionalized placements,

Cournos, Francine,

Child Protective Services (CPS)

crack cocaine

adoption of “addicted” newborns and,

drug testing of newborns and,

foster care roles and,

newborn removal and,

outcomes for babies and,

See also
incarcerated parents; juvenile justice and foster care, merging of

attachment disorders and,

link between child welfare and,

mixed population at RTCs and,

Cruz, Jonathan,

Cruz-Katz, Spencer,

Cuomo, Mario (New York governor),

Child Welfare Organizing Project (CWOP)


David (Green foster son),

Department of Child and Family Services,

Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS, Texas),

“diagnostic centers,”

Dominique (Green foster daughter).
Welcome, Dominique

Doyle, Joseph J.,


Education and Training Voucher (ETV) program,

Edwin Gould (agency),
See also
Smalls, Tolightha

emergency licensing,

emotional effects on foster kids.
See also
anger of foster kids; attachment

losses and,

from multiple placements,

emotional factors for foster parents,

Episcopal Social Services, in Manhattan,

Erikson, Erik,

Estrada, Rudy,


failed placements

foster parents' perspectives on,

impacts on foster kids and,

proportion of,

YGB program and,

family court

number of cases heard in,

substance abuse cases and,

termination hearings and,

family members

abandonment of foster kids by,

adoption of teens by,

reporting by,

family preservation, as goal

ASFA mandates and,

late-stage efforts and,

preventive social services and,

removal rate and,

“family team conferencing,”

Family-to-Family program,

Fannie (foster child),

Green, Fatimah

federal government

Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth,

frequent changes in requirements and,

“positive tox” babies and,

fifteen-month ASFA cutoff,


“forever families,”

foster care “drift,”

Foster Care Panic (late 1990s),

foster children.
See also
newborns; teenage foster kids;
entries for specific persons

author's own story and,

perceptions of parental fitness by,

reconnection with birth parents,

statistics on number of,

time in foster care and,

trauma of multiple placements and,

views of therapy and,

what they want from foster parents,

The Fostering Connection (TFC, NYC therapist group),

foster parents.
See also
Glenn; Green, Allyson; Green, Bruce; Keane, Mary; Mindy; support for foster parents; training of foster parents; Wilson, Steve

agency placement decisions and,

demographics of,

difficulties with teens and,

emotional health of,

as interchangeable,

lack of agency support for,

letting go process and,

licensure process for,

motivations of,

pay rates for,

psychological training for,

recruitment of,

rejection of kids by,

relationships with birth parents,

rights of biological parents and,

shortfall of,

what kids want from,

“foster-to-adopt” parents,
See also
Wilson, Shawn; Wilson, Steve; Wright, Bruce

Frankie (probation officer),

Freud, Anna,

Frisby, Noble,


gay foster parents,
See also
Wilson, Shawn

gay teenagers.
queer kids

Georgia, state of,

Gil, Eliana,

Giuliani, Rudy (New York mayor),

Glenn (foster parent),

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