To Seduce an Earl (13 page)

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Authors: Lori Brighton

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: To Seduce an Earl
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“Yes, Patience.” Grace stepped back, shaking her head. Disappointment hung heavily between them. “You know I’m right Alex. You can pretend all you want, but I know you don’t want to be here.”

He didn’t respond. She turned and walked slowly, deliberately toward her sister. Not pausing, she latched onto Patience’s hand and pulled her toward the door. Only Patience looked back, her young face showing her confusion. And Alex wanted to go after Grace. And he wanted to explain. But he couldn’t.

And then they were gone and he was left standing there… alone.



Chapter 7



Grace huddled under the warmth of her shawl attempting desperately to keep the spring chill from her bones and the memory of Alex’s desperate gaze from her mind. She swore she could still feel his touch, smell the scent of his warm body. She hated that she had left feeling angry and abused in some way. She liked Alex, truly she did and she had so few friends who accepted her the way she was. Blast it, why couldn’t she put the man from her mind?

She couldn’t get enough of his sinful touch. Thoughts of his lips on hers kept her up at night. Overwhelmed, she covered her face with her hands and sank into the wing backed chair occupying the parlor. John was out doing only the good Lord knew what. Patience and Mama were abed. The house was quiet, but her thoughts were loud, tumbling around her head, clamoring for attention.

How stupid she’d been to enter that shop knowing he could be there. And her mind, her traitorous mind new the truth, she had hoped he would. When she’d heard his voice, deep down she’d been thrilled. Deep down, she’d wanted to see him again. But he’d acted so odd. Angry, almost. Obviously he hadn’t wished to see her and that hurt more than she wanted to admit.

Grace drew in a deep, shuddering breath.

The man was a mystery. A beautiful, seductive mystery. A buried treasure she desperately wanted to uncover. One moment he seemed to like her, the next despise. It made it very confusing to know her own thoughts.

She frowned, playing with the fringe on her shawl. Was he with a woman even as she obsessed over him? Her stomach clenched at the thought. How many had he pleasured? He certainly seemed comfortable enough with dropping his trousers and touching someone he barely knew. He seemed comfortable enough touching her. But was his desire merely a ruse?

Memories flashed through her mind…his hands on her breasts…her bottom…

She closed her eyes as heat seeped low in her belly. His broad chest sprinkled with dark hair that led a path directly to his… She fanned herself, suddenly warm. Only in statues and paintings had she seen a man’s cock. Alex had been impressive indeed. A long shaft that thickened at the end, surely more impressive than any statue she’d seen. Part of her, the scientist, had been almost eager to study him. She released a wry laugh, her eyes opening. Yes, it would be just the thing to send to the Science Institute,
The Study of a Man’s Cock.
But the woman in her… that sinful woman wanted to study him for an entirely different reason.

A soft knock sounded immediately before the door was pushed wide. Patience peeked her golden head into the room. “Grace?”

Miss Kitty raced through the open door, her black coat shimmering under the lamp light. Grace stood, flushing as if Patience could read her thoughts, God forbid. “Yes, is Mama well?”

Patience swallowed hard, her face serious. Too serious for one so young. “I heard her coughing and I couldn’t get back to sleep.” She moved into the room, trousers hugging her long legs. Grace opened her mouth to reprimand, but thought better. Her sister was upset, what did clothing matter? The way they were headed she wouldn’t have a season nor need for ball gowns anyway.

Patience paused in the middle of the room and bit on her thumbnail, the way she did when she was thinking or worried. Miss Kitty purred, rubbing against Grace’s legs.

Grace reached down, smoothing her hand over the cat’s spine, attempting to glean some sort of comfort from the soft animal. “What is it, dearest?”

Patience made her way to the fireplace and held out her hands, warming her fingers. Their home was old and drafty and spring nights were still cold. “She isn’t eating. I didn’t want to tell you, but it’s been two days since she’s had anything other than water.”

Grace’s heart lurched, but she made quick work of smoothing her features into an unreadable mask. “Well, then, we’ll make her eat.” She stood and started toward the door.

Patience spun around. “No, not now. She’s finally sleeping.”

Against her better judgment, Grace stopped, but didn’t dare turn to look at her sister. She couldn’t, not knowing Patience would be able to read the despair in her eyes. She shouldn’t have left the feeding to her sister, but Patience had wanted to prove her worth. Grace was the adult; her sister shouldn’t have to deal with such things at her age. The helplessness she’d been desperately trying to keep at bay, rushed through her in a wave of agony. Oh God, what would they do without Mama?

“It’s not fair,” Patience whispered.

Grace took in a deep trembling breath, attempting to regain control of her emotions. She could imagine there were many things that weren’t fair, but wondered, what, in particular, her sister thought of this evening.

“We have to sit here and do nothing at all but worry while John gets to do whatever he pleases. Even when his Father was ill, it was you and Mama who took care of the old man.”

Grace couldn’t argue with her sister. Slowly she turned and made her way back to her chair. It was true. While men were able to leave when they wished, to gamble away the family savings, women had to wait and wonder. Still, it didn’t make the guilt she felt lessen. Patience should be with friends, at balls, learning to flirt. At least Grace had experienced one, brief season until John’s father had become ill. So long ago, that the balls and pretty dresses seemed more like a faded dream.

Murmured voices from the hall interrupted the dreary silence.

“Is John home already?” Patience stiffened, her face going pale. Grace knew exactly why her sister was worried. Although Patience’s heathen ways had always amused and exasperated Grace, John would ridicule her until she cried.

“Doesn’t sound like him. But do go on, dear. Through the study.”

“Thanks Grace.” Her sister gave her a fleeting smile and rushed into the next room, shutting the door behind her.

Grace hesitated a moment, just long enough to smooth down her skirts and pinch her cheeks. Who would come calling this late? Her heart skipped a beat, horror washing over her in a sickening churn. Gads, had someone uncovered her secret visits with Alex? She darted toward the hall, Miss Kitty following. As if she hadn’t enough to worry about!

Marks stood in the entryway, blocking the visitor from view. For once he was doing his job. “My lord, as its late and my lady is sleeping…”

My lord

“Yes, of course, please, don’t wake anyone. If I could merely borrow a few footmen—” The familiar voice was a welcome relief from the night’s depressing thoughts.

Grace hurried forward, relieved, yet embarrassed. “Lord Rodrick.”

Miss Kitty hissed and raced down the hall, toward the kitchens. She’d never cared for Rodrick for some odd reason.

“So sorry to bother you,” the earl said.

Footmen. He was here for footmen. They no longer had footmen, thanks to John’s spending and soon Rodrick would know of their dire straits.

Marks stepped to the side, looking relieved. The man could barely stand, wavering about on his feet. Obviously he’d been drinking again. She prayed Rodrick hadn’t noticed the inebriated servant. “Please, Marks, return to bed.”

Not one to argue, or care, the old man immediately shuffled away. Grace turned back toward Rodrick. His hair was mussed, his cravat loose. She’d never seen him in such a relaxed state and it felt odd to be here with him, only the two of them…almost intimate.

Yet, she wasn’t as excited as she should be. She ignored the uneasy feeling. “What is it?”

Rodrick raked his fingers through his hair and for one brief moment she was reminded of Alex. She shook the thought aside as he began to speak. “Grace, I’m so sorry. I hadn’t meant to disturb you…”

She raised her hand, stopping him. She had no time for such nonsense. If he had something important to say, he needed to say it. “No, please, what is it?” She’d never seen him like this, so unsure, so unkempt. Yet she kept her breath even, refusing to panic. She had enough to deal with at the moment, there was no reason to give into hysterics, although Rodrick watched closely as if he expected nothing less.

“Your brother.”

Dread sank like a boulder into her stomach. “Oh God, what now?”

He hesitated, shifting. “It’s not for a lady’s ears…”

Grace dampened down her annoyance. Really, was this the same man who liked his women experienced and bold in the bedroom? “Please. He’s my brother, my responsibility.”

Rodrick sighed dramatically, almost…as if he was enjoying the moment. She pushed aside the disloyal thought as he began to explain.

“Fine, but I warn you, tis not pleasant. He’s intoxicated, drinking himself into oblivion. Gambling, borrowing money from acquaintances only to lose it all.”

Grace blanched. It was worse than she’d expected.

He paced across the foyer, his boots tapping with each step. “I’ve tried to escort him home, but he refuses to leave. Your townhouse was closer, I thought I could gather a couple footmen to assist me…”

She nodded. When John was drunk, he was a brute. Was that why Rodrick’s state was so disheveled? Heated embarrassment rushed through her. What he must think of her family! There was no possible way he’d ever ask her to marry him now. John had made everything a million times worse, the bloody idiot. There was only one thing to do.

“I understand.” She swept across the foyer, deeper into the house. At the stairs she glanced back. “I’ll be just a moment. Did you take a hack?”

He frowned, confusion passing over his handsome face. “Yes, but—”

“Excellent, we’ll not be identified.” She rested her hand on the railing. For once she was glad of her sister’s odd choice in clothing. With trousers and her hair under a hat, no one would know she was a woman.

Rodrick started after her, his footsteps quick and heavy over the floor planks. “Grace? What are you doing? I don’t understand.”

She paused, turning. “Going to change, of course. Will only take a moment.”

He laughed, a forced sound that grated her nerves. “You can’t be serious.”

She fought her momentary irritation, telling herself he only cared about her welfare and reputation. “Of course I’m serious.”

He paused in front of her. “He’s in a brothel, for God’s sake!”

Anger had her parting her lips and for one brief, horrifying moment she almost blurted out that she’d been to a brothel before. Realizing her mistake, she clamped her mouth shut. How dare he tell her what she could and couldn’t do. Is this what her life become if she married him?

“It’s not fair,”
Patience’s words whispered through her mind.
“We have to sit here and do nothing at all but worry.”

“You’ll ruin your reputation,” he added feebly.

Grace sighed. It wasn’t Rodrick’s fault. The man had been raised to believe that a woman of privilege should always care about her reputation. “My brother’s life is at stake.” He certainly couldn’t argue with that.

His lips pressed into a firm line. He wasn’t going to agree, blast him.

“To hell with my reputation.” She’d try another tactic. “I made my debut years ago, I’m hardly an innocent.”

He lifted a brow, shocked by her blunt statement, yet there was something else there, a sparkling in his eyes…could it possibly be admiration? She took a step up so they were eye to eye and stared directly into his soft amber gaze.

“No one will recognize me. Besides, I’m the only person he’ll listen to.”

The corners of his lips quirked, as if he found her bluntness amusing. A delicious shiver raked her skin, her heart slamming erratically inside her chest. Anticipation? For one long moment they merely stared at each other. Rodrick, as if he were seeing her for the first time.

She felt odd, bold, daring. That bit of rebellion had given her the confidence she needed. In that moment, she realized it was the perfect time to practice Alex’s instructions. She took Rodrick’s gloved hand in hers, feigning innocence and sincerity by blinking her eyes wide as she’d seen many a woman do.

His shoulders tensed, his lips parting in surprise.

Grace refused to blush, refused to drop her gaze. “Thank you, Rodrick. I haven’t had the opportunity to thank you and you’ve done so much for my brother, for

Then she waited. Her heart hammering, she waited for his response.

“Of course,” he said softly, his gaze dropping to their clasped hands.

He didn’t pull away.

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