To Please A Lady (The Seduction Series) (2 page)

BOOK: To Please A Lady (The Seduction Series)
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A day? Despondent, James sank to the ground, leaning against the damp wall. No reasoning, no answers. Would he be stuck here forever? Rot and die? Trapped in this hell that smelled very much like death?

“I’m James,” he said softly.

“Will they hang us?” Alex whispered.

James didn’t respond, fear of the unknown keeping him silent.

“Most likely,” Gideon said.

James felt his entire body go still. He didn’t want to die. A cold knot of fear and sadness formed in the middle of his chest. “Blast it! I didn’t do anything!” His voice echoed around the small room. James stumbled to his feet. “Do you hear me?” he cried out. “I didn’t do anything!”

The soft fall of footsteps echoed down the hall, answering him. James stiffened, and the other two lads did the same. There was more than one… two? Three?

“Guards,” Alex whispered. “Damn you, why’d you have to say anything?”

The steps grew in volume, thick and heavy, but underneath the sound of thumping was something else… the light tap of a smaller shoe. The sudden sound of whistles and cheers from the other prisoners startled James. He stumbled back toward the other two boys, who had also stood.

“Why are they so excited?” James asked.

“Don’t know,” Alex whispered. “Maybe it’s something good. Someone important. Someone who can get us out of this mess.”

“We’re in the gaols,” Gideon growled. “How good can it be?”

“Anything is better than rotting in here,” Alex snapped back. “No matter what happens, I say we fight together.”

He didn’t trust these lads, but James nodded quickly, knowing it was always better in numbers.

The footsteps paused. James’s heart leapt into his throat. When the door screeched open they fell silent, still. A tense moment passed when suddenly a lantern burst to life, momentarily blinding them. James raised his arm, blocking the light.

“To yer feet,” the constable growled, having no idea they were already standing. The big bull stepped into the room, lantern held high. James glanced briefly at Alex and Gideon. He’d been right: they were all around the same age, at least within a year or two.
Alex was dressed in fine clothes, his dark hair combed neatly into place. Gideon wore rags much like James, his dark hair overly long, hanging in front of eyes that glared at the door.

“Look lively, you street brats,” the constable growled.

“Now, Constable,” a woman said softly from the shadows, “is that any way to speak to such fine gentlemen?”

James went cold. A bleedin’ woman? The constable snorted in disbelief. But the woman didn’t seem to mind. She moved into the cell, her skirts rustling over the stone floor, two large brutes following her. Over the scent of rot and refuse, James could smell something sweet and utterly feminine. Heaven.

It was too bloody good to be true. When she stepped into the light James went speechless. She was small, not much taller than he. Her pale face was pure perfection, and for a moment he wondered if they had died and were being greeted by an angel. He heard Alex and Gideon gasp and knew they were just as stunned. She wore a light lavender gown that shoved her breasts up toward her face, and a bonnet that covered her hair. He couldn’t see her eye color, and he so desperately wanted to know the shade.

“Oh dear,” she whispered in a voice that held the slightest accent. Her pretty little mouth formed a pout and she shook her head in despair. “Wavers, do give them the baskets.”

One of the beasts guarding her stepped forward and handed first Gideon, then Alex, and lastly James a basket. He could smell roast chicken wafting from the container and he had to force himself not to tear it open. All three boys merely stood there, waiting.

“Can you tell us why we’re here?” Alex finally asked.

“Well,” she sighed, clasping her hands together. She wasn’t as old as his mum, but she was much older than they were. “You were all unfortunately caught doing something criminal, according to the constable.”

James glanced at the two lads, wondering what they had done, but neither spoke. She paced the small cell, the erotic scent of
sweet flowers floating around them. James breathed deeply… lavender! He suddenly recognized the smell. His mum had grown the flowers in pots around the house.

“And unfortunately even young criminals are harshly punished here.”

James swallowed hard, his fear returning. “I didn’t,” he blurted out. “I didn’t do anything!”

She stepped toward him and rested her gloved hand on the side of his face. James froze, shocked. “I understand, but the constable is the law.” She released her hold and strolled toward the door. “Still, there might be a way to gain your release.”

They hesitated, looking at each other in wariness. Not one of them trusted the situation. His da had taught him to use his brain, but it was so very muddled at the moment.

“What?” Alex finally asked, a pleading note to his voice that they all felt. “What can we do?”

“You’ll come with me.” She stepped into the hall and glanced back. “Unless you’d rather stay here?”

She disappeared around the corner. The three of them merely stood there, staring at the empty door with mouths gaping wide in surprise. Finally, James managed to glance at Alex and Gideon. “What does she mean?”

“Come on,” a guard growled from the hall. “Ye got a chance out, I’d take it.”

That did it. Alex was the first to move toward the door, clasping his basket to his chest as he raced after the woman. James hesitated only a moment, then followed with his basket in hand. Gideon was the last in line. They trailed after her small, dark form, ignoring the growls, curse words, and whistles of the other prisoners. James didn’t know where they were headed, but surely this angelic being was offering them something much better than their prison cell. The guard unlocked the door and moved aside. Hesitantly, they stepped into the courtyard, the brilliant light of the rising sun startling.

But it wasn’t the dingy boys beside him who caught his attention. No, it was the woman leading them toward a purple carriage… a woman with hair that glowed like pale gold. A veritable angel she was, of such startling beauty that James found he could not speak. He’d thought her pretty, but he’d been wrong… she was perfect. The man named Wavers helped her across the cobbled courtyard and into her gaudy carriage. When the three boys continued to stand there, shocked speechless, she peeked outside.

“James,” she purred, fastening her gaze on him. “Do enter and sit, please.”

Lord almighty, she had lavender eyes a shade darker than her dress. He’d never seen eyes such a color. She had untied her bonnet and it was resting on the bench next to her. He swallowed hard, unnerved by her beauty, but more so by the fact that she knew his name. She waved a delicate gloved hand toward the bench seat opposite her. He glanced warily at the other lads. Gideon was glaring daggers at him as he ripped chunks of meat from a chicken leg. Alex merely looked confused, nervous.

“Please, James.”

And because she looked so bloody kind and beautiful, but mostly because he didn’t want to return to that prison, he climbed into the stunning carriage and settled his boney arse upon the velvet cushion, reveling in the softness. What was she thinking by having him here? His fear wavered, replaced by deep curiosity. Was she someone his da used to work for? He rubbed his aching brow, unsure, confused.

“Please.” She smiled. “Do eat.”

With trembling hands he lifted a chicken leg from the basket and sank his teeth into the soft meat. It slid silkily smooth down his throat. He felt bloody guilty eating such lovely fare while his family starved. Dare he slip some potatoes into his pockets in hopes of returning to them?

“I know you’re confused,” she said, glancing first at him, then the other two who waited outside.

She had a lovely, fine accent that sounded like birds singing. A voice that sent a thrill through his body and heated his blood in an embarrassing way. He wasn’t sure which was more appealing, the food or the woman.

“I only wish to help you.”

Her heavenly scent made him only too aware of his unwashed body. Aye, he knew he wasn’t bad to look upon. His mother had warned him more than once to stay away from the factory girls, who giggled whenever he came near. But he was also smart enough to know he paled in comparison to the woman across from him. Besides, she was at least ten years older. So what did she want from him? He set the chicken down, swiping his greasy fingers across his trouser legs, not hungry anymore. Something was wrong, so very wrong.

She was tiny, a fairy maiden who almost didn’t seem real. Almost as if she’d stepped from the Irish fairy tales his mum used to repeat when they were a happy family… when his da still lived. “What do you want with us?”

“Want?” He stiffened as she leaned toward him. He could see, from the corner of his eye, that the other lads were also watching her… waiting. There was something about the way she smiled that worried him, like she had won a game he hadn’t realized they were playing. She moved across the carriage, settling uncomfortably close and resting a gloved hand on his knee. Heat shot to his groin and cheeks. He almost groaned in embarrassment. Who the hell was she?

“I’ve an offer for you, James.” The words whispered warmly across his ear.

A sinful image popped to mind. An image of his lips touching hers. The world around him faded as she moved closer, her soft body pressing to his side. His gaze focused on the low neckline of her gown, slowly traveling up her pale, delicate neck to her red, red lips.

“I’d like for you to work for me.”

His gaze jerked to her beautiful lavender eyes. They were like a world unto themselves. He blinked in stunned surprise. “Work?” His voice squeaked.

Those beautiful eyes grew serious, almost desperate. “Indeed. I need you, James.”

In that moment he knew he would have done anything for her. He would have sold his soul. Given his right arm. Hell, given his life. He felt like a man for the first time in his life. “Yes, my lady.”

She rested back against the seat and he wondered how old she was. Not too old for him, he hoped. “I’m in desperate need of help.” Her beautiful lavender gaze went to the boys standing quietly outside. “Alex, Gideon, please join us.”

They glanced warily at each other.

She pressed her gloved hand to her chest. “Please, I do need your assistance.”

That settled it. A damsel in distress always won out. Alex squared his shoulders and marched around Wavers. Gideon reluctantly followed. The carriage bounced as they settled into the seat across from James and the woman. It suddenly felt too crowded in the small interior. It was obvious they were all confused, troubled, caught between wanting to agree to anything the woman asked and wanting to bolt for the door.

Although she had pulled him under with her beautiful face and words of need, life had taught him to be leery of anything too good to be true. “Doing what, exactly?”

She leaned forward, the bodice of her gown gaping again. Sweat broke out across James’s forehead and he wished desperately he was alone with her. “Have you ever known pleasure, James?” She rested her hand on his knee. His cock flared to life and he practically jumped out of his skin. “Have you known the pleasure of a woman?”

He swallowed hard, not daring to answer such a sinful question. Just last week Sarah Ellen had allowed him to slide his hands up her skirt, but that was as far as he’d ever gotten. But Sarah
Ellen didn’t compare to this woman. This woman who wanted him—
—to save her for some reason.

She slid Alex and Gideon a sly glance. “There are so very many women who wish to find pleasure from handsome young lads such as you.”

Her words struck him through the heart. Reality made him ill. Aghast, he jumped back, away from her touch and her evil offer. His attraction fled as quickly as it had arrived. “Whore myself?”

Alex had gone pale, while Gideon merely glared at her as if he’d expected nothing less. She leaned back in her chair looking highly amused. She behaved as if it was completely natural for a lad to whore himself, and completely natural for a women of such beauty to offer.

“I’ve seen you, James. I’ve seen the way the girls watch when you walk by. They like you. They want you. You could find great pleasure in the arms of a woman.”

He flushed, partly in pleasure, partly in embarrassment, but mostly in confusion. Where had she seen him? “But… but ’tis a sin,” he muttered.

The woman was daft if she thought he’d whore himself. He glanced at the door, wondering if he should excuse himself now and if she’d allow him to take the rest of his meal. Or would they toss him back in the gaols if he dared to decline?

“And stealing isn’t?”

He swallowed hard and glanced her way. She knew, did she? What else did she know?

“Money, James.” She whispered the words, but he heard them all the same. “I will make sure your mother and sister never starve again. They shall live in a warm, lovely cottage with all the food they could ever want. Think of it. Imagine it. They will never go hungry again.”

A picture of his mother and sister in all their boney gory flashed to mind. Plenty of food? They wouldn’t have to work in the
factories and lose a finger, or worse. But how would he ever face his mum again? He couldn’t, could he?

“How do you know so much about me?” He lifted his gaze, interested despite himself.

She pressed ever closer, her lips on his ear so the other two lads couldn’t hear. “Save your mother and sister from the factories… or worse. Be the man your father wanted you to be.”

What did she know about his father? Still, her comment hit him hard. Alex and Gideon watched him quietly, wariness and nervousness in their eyes because they knew they were next. She would offer them the same, but would they agree?

“My life would be over,” he said, his voice cracking. His mum would kill him if she found out. “I’d have no family.”

“I’ll be your family. I’m not taking your life. The very opposite. I’m offering you splendor. Passion. But most importantly, I’m offering you a way to save your mother and sister.”

“I don’t…” Heated embarrassment shot to his cheeks. “I don’t know how to pleasure a woman.”

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