To Make You Feel My Love (16 page)

BOOK: To Make You Feel My Love
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“Sweetie, you ever see a man with a pair of tits as nice as mine?” a southern accent oozed over the receiver.

“Shelby Lynn, what the hell? Why do you have Dusty’s phone?” Logan snapped.

“He’s in the shower with his girl, and I was missing you Logan. Don’t you miss me at all?”

Ignoring her comment, Logan snapped, “Just tell your brother to call me.”

“What? I’m not good enough to talk to this morning?”

“No, Shelby, I just need to know what their plan is. We’d like to go eat breakfast before we go to the beach.”

“Oh, sweetie, if you were mine, I would’ve already had you fed and watered and ready for seconds.”

“Shelby Lynn, is that really necessary?”

“Is what necessary?” she said in a seductive voice.

“Cut the crap Shelby Lynn. You and I both know there has never been anything between the two of us. This has got to stop before you upset Alana.”

“Sorry, Logan, but maybe she sees what you refuse to see.” All accent was gone, and nothing but anger remained in her voice.

“Just have your brother call me back.”

“Logan, I know you care for me. I’ve known it ever since we were kids at Ole Pete’s place when you defended my honor.”

“I hate to bust your bubble Shelby Lynn, but I wasn’t defending
anything. My best friend was getting the shit beat out of him, and I was just trying to prevent it. Whatever irrational recollections you have are of your own imagination. Now please have Dusty or Becky call me.” He hung up. “Lord, that woman,” he grumbled.

“What woman?” Alana asked, entering the room.

“Shelby Lynn.”

“Oh, I forgot she was here,” she knit her brow. “What kind of trouble is she stirring up today?”

“Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about, angel. Don’t let her under your skin, that’s what she lives for.”

“Oh, don’t you worry about me, babe. I may be small, but I can hold my own.” Alana responded with a wicked grin. “Are they going to breakfast with us?”

“They’re in the shower. I need to go grab my trunks anyway. Are you coming with me?”

“Of course, I’m not letting you out of my sight.” Kissing his check, they left her small apartment.

As they walked hand in hand to the elevators, Alana heard Uncle James call her name.

“Uh-oh, wonder what I did now?” she whispered. “You go on, I’ll catch up you to at the room, okay?” Quickly kissing Logan on the lips, she walked away. “Yes Uncle James?”

Once Logan made it to the room, he pulled his key from his pocket and entered. Shelby Lynn lay sprawled out over the bed wearing a white camisole and boy shorts with a pink satin bra showing underneath. There were no signs of Dusty or Becky. Rolling his eyes, he asked, “Where’s your brother?”

“Logan, I was just lying here thinking of you,” she raised up on her knees. “Were you thinking of me too?”

“No, Shelby Lynn, not even a little bit.”

Trying to make his way by the bed to the sliding glass doors, Shelby Lynn hurled herself at him pulling him down on top of her body on the bed.

“Damn it Shelby Lynn!” he roared. “I’ve had enough of this!”

“But I haven’t had near enough of you.” Tugging his head down to meet hers, she assaulted his mouth with her tongue.

The door to the room was cracked open as Alana approached the room. Stopping dead in her tracks as she heard Shelby Lynn moan, “Oh God, Logan, you feel so good. I’ve waited for this for so long.”

“What the hell?” Alana gasped, shoving her way into the room, seeing Logan lying on top of Shelby Lynn with her mouth covering his, and Logan struggling to get away. His arms shot up, grabbing her wrist and pinning them to the sides of her head.

“Enough!” he shouted.

“Oh, honey, I didn’t know you liked it rough.”

“He doesn’t, now let him up and stop with the bullshit Shell!” Dusty’s voice shot through the room as he entered from the balcony. Looking at Alana, Dusty apologized. “I’m sorry for my dumbass sister’s behavior. She’s not used to
getting what she wants.”

“Don’t apologize for me, big brother.” She snapped at Dusty while jerking loose from Logan’s grip and jumping up from the bed. “But I’ll tell you what,” she said looking at Logan, “you come on back when you decide you want more.” She winked as she slipped by him.

“Seriously?” Alana rolled her eyes. “You need to grow up,
,” she said, mocking Shelby Lynn’s exaggerated accent. Alana had had enough of this spoiled southern princess. Knowing for a certainty that Logan was hers, she wasn’t the least bit jealous or worried about Shelby Lynn. The poor girl was pathetic, throwing herself at a man that so obviously wasn’t interested. And he wasn’t interested because he only had eyes for Alana. The worry and trepidation in his eyes boring down on her right now tore at her heart.

“Alana, I’m sorry, it wasn’t what it looked like,” he began saying as Alana laid her fingertips over his lips to hush him.

“I know. It’s okay, Logan, I trust you,” she whispered.

Releasing the air from his lungs he had been holding, Logan pulled her into his arms and kissed her as a smile spread across his face.

“You amaze me,” he whispered against her lips.

“Ugh, get a room!” Shelby Lynn stalked to the bathroom, pushing past Dusty, “Buzz kill,” she murmured.

“Grow up!” he called after her.

“What did I miss?” Becky said, entering the room through the sliding glass door.

“Oh, nothing, just Logan getting sexually assaulted,” Alana snickered.


“Yeah, by Dusty’s sister,” they laughed.

“She’s a little spoiled I do believe,” Becky said.

“A little?” Dusty rolled his eyes. “She acts like she’s twelve.”

“Well, I hate to break this to you buddy, but you helped create that monster,” Logan said slapping Dusty on the back.

“Well, I for one am done with giving her any more attention for the moment. I’m starved. Are we going to eat or what?” Alana grabbed Logan’s hand and headed toward the door.

* * * * * * * *

After breakfast, the group split up to gather their beach supplies and then met back at the boardwalk leading down to the beach.

“I can’t wait to get my tan on,” Becky laughed.

“Toes in the water, ass in the sand, baby,” Dusty joked, smacking her booty.

“Watch it, bud!” she teased.

It was a beautiful beach day. A few scattered clouds speckled the sky. Hues of sapphire and turquoise sparkled as the sun shined on the water. Small waves splashed against the shoreline and seagulls cried out overhead. Soft white sand slid between their toes as they made their way close to the edge of the water.

“Does this suit you ladies just fine? Dusty asked, showing them a particular spot with the wave of his arm.

“It’s perfect, sexy, just like you,” Becky replied with a quick kiss to his cheek.

His smile widened, “Anything for you.”

After setting up the chairs, cooler and radio, they decided to take a dip in the water.

“Are you actually going to let me swim this time?’ Alana goaded Logan.

“Well, that depends.”

“Depends on what?”

“On what shade of blue you turn, Smurfette,” he teased, tweaking her nose.

“Smurfette,” she rolled her eyes. “I’ll have you know, I’ve swam in these cold waters since I was a toddler. Floridians have thick skin that way.”

“Just know, I will perform mouth to mouth on you if I think you need it,” he grinned, as she laughed.

Although, the water was cold, they enjoyed splashing around. Dusty tossed Becky into the water, despite her threats and protests. Looking like a mad wet cat as she came up from the water, everyone thought it was funny, except her.

“You just remember, it’s an eye for an eye. I’ll get my revenge. Be on the lookout,” she warned with the wag of her finger.

“Aw now darlin’, come here.” He reached for her, but with a few quick movements of her feet under the water, she flipped Dusty and he went under, sputtering as he reappeared.

“Damn woman,” he laughed, wiping the water from his eyes, “what kind of ninja move was that? Logan, you should take notes.”

“I see that! Becky needs to be on a special ops team,” he laughed.

“Well, I don’t know about you fellas, but I need a beer to wash the
salt water
out of my mouth.” He peered at Becky as he enunciated the words.

Laughing, they headed to the chairs and cooler for a beer.

Sitting in the hot sun sipping on Coronas and soaking up the sunshine, as the cool breeze from the ocean rushed over their faces had been wonderfully relaxing. They had beaten Dusty and Becky at chicken and touch football, but only because Dusty took “touch” football to a whole other level. It was a great time!

Knowing the day was coming to an end, and not ready to let it go, Alana stood and dropped the towel she had wrapped around her.

“You want to take a walk before we call it a day?” she asked, holding out her hand.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Smiling, he laced his fingers through hers as they strolled down the shoreline. “Is there anything you’d like to do tonight?”

“There’s an eighties rock tribute band playing tonight at the Mahalo Shack. They’re pretty good. I got to see them when they played the bike rally last year.”

“Okay, it’s a date,” he smiled, squeezing her hand. “I’ve had a good time today, have you?”

“I was with you wasn’t I?” she laid her head on his shoulder.

“Hey, that’s supposed to be my line,” he teasingly frowned.

“It’s hard to believe the week is half over, isn’t it?” she sighed.

“I’m trying not to think about it,” he feigned a smile. “For the first time in a long time, I’m not ready to move on to the next place. I never really thought that day would come.”

Alana was at a loss for words. Not wanting to make too much out of what he was saying, she just squeezed his hand.

“I know, this place is beautiful. I love calling it home.”

“Yeah, it’s a beautiful place. But not as beautiful as you.” He kissed the top of her hand.

Her cheeks turned red. “You’re so sweet.”

“I feel at home with you. Does that make me sound like a stalker?” he chuckled.

She laughed. “No, not at all. I feel the same way. I just really don’t know what to do about all of this. It wasn’t part of my plan.”

“Your plan huh? You mean meeting an old soldier with a gimp leg, who’s crazy about you wasn’t part of your plan? That’s surprising,” he mocked.

“Stop it!” she snorted, but her heart pounded. He was crazy about her? He didn’t want this to end any more than she did. Her mind raced at the possibilities of being part of his life past the end of this week.

“No, seriously Alana. I know it seems sudden, and I don’t want to jinx it, but I feel different with you. Like I said, I feel like I’m finally home.” Kissing her hand, he pulled her closer and squeezed her tight.
What came over him?
Sharing his feelings with a girl he just met? I’ve lost it, he thought. But he didn’t care. There was something different about Alana, and he wasn’t willing to let it go without exploring all the promises of a relationship full of love.

“I feel it too, Logan. But what do we do now? You leave in four days. You don’t even know when you’ll be back in the states. How do we make this work?” Tears threatened to flow over the rims of her eyes, as she stopped to look up at him.

“I don’t know yet, but we’ll figure something out. I promise.” Hugging her to his chest, he kissed the top of her head. “You ready to head back?”

Faintly smiling, she nodded her head as they made their way back to Dusty and Becky in surreal tranquility. How were they going to work this out? She knew the moment she set eyes on Logan Montgomery, he was going to rip her heart out, and as sure as she breathed, it was going to happen. She shuddered at the thought.

“Hey, do you guys mind if I go check on my aunt and uncle? I haven’t seen much of them the past few days. I can’t believe Uncle James isn’t hunting me down.” Feeling anything but happy on the inside, she gave her best attempt at a smile. Just a few minutes to get her bearings, that’s all she needed. A minute to herself to sort out all these emotions.

“Honey, are you okay?” Becky asked concerned.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I just need to make sure they don’t need anything. I’ve abandoned them this week. I’ll meet up with you guys in a bit, okay?”

“Alana?” Logan grabbed her hand as she starting walking away, questioning her with his eyes.

“It’s okay, I swear.” Crossing her heart, she blew him a kiss and walked away.

Dammit, he fucked up. He knew it was too soon to express his feelings. Now, she thought he was a damn stalker. He wasn’t even the forever kind of guy, and here she was scared and running.
. How would he fix this? Had he read her wrong? He thought she felt the same as he did. Him and his big mouth. Should he let her have alone time, or would that make matters worse? Maybe she just needed time to process the information? That’s what it was. He hadn’t read her wrong, he was sure of that.
Ah hell!
He had to find out.

“I’ll catch you guys later too, okay?” he tossed over his shoulder has he stalked off after the love of his life.

“What did you do to her?” Becky called.

“Told her I cared!” He threw back sarcastically.


How could she let this happen? She fell for a man who was unattainable. Sure, they could write letters, make some phone calls, but then what? She was already so addicted to his touch that she couldn’t see straight. How on earth was she going to last weeks, months,
, without his touch?

Not knowing how she got there, she ended up in her favorite place, the roof. The small table and chairs from their dinner date were still there. Running her fingers gently over the back of the chair, goose bumps raised on her skin. This is where it all started really. Right here, under the stars, with the wind blowing through her hair, as he made sweet love to her. She was never going to survive this. Feeling her heart breaking into a million pieces, she fell to her knees holding her face as the tears poured from her eyes.

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